version=2 is an info board~about the Battle Tower.*What do you want~to know about?),Modes,Requirements,Canceling,Close) :when:Battles face off against~single trainers with 3~Pokémon that are the~same level as yours.*Your Pokémon get healed~after each battle.) :when:Modes are two modes~in the Battle Tower:*Challenge Mode and~Endless Mode.*In Challenge Mode, you are~going to face off against~7 trainers in a row.*In Endless Mode,~you fight until you~get defeated.*The Challenge Mode is on~the right counter and~the Endless Mode on~the left one.) :when:Requirements need to bring~3 Pokémon with you that~are ready to battle.*Eggs don't count~as Pokémon.*They get raised to level~50 or 100 temporary.) :when:Canceling you cancel a~challenge, it interrupts~your current streak.*It doesn't clear streaks~you accomplished before~and it doesn't count as~loss.) :when:Close :endwhen :end