Namespace BattleSystem.Moves.Normal Public Class TechnoBlast Inherits Attack Public Sub New() '#Definitions Me.Type = New Element(Element.Types.Normal) Me.ID = 546 Me.OriginalPP = 5 Me.CurrentPP = 5 Me.MaxPP = 5 Me.Power = 120 Me.Accuracy = 100 Me.Category = Categories.Special Me.ContestCategory = ContestCategories.Cool Me.Name = Localization.GetString("move_name_" & Me.ID,"Techno Blast") Me.Description = "The user fires a beam of light at its target. The move's type changes depending on the Drive the user holds." Me.CriticalChance = 1 Me.IsHMMove = False Me.Target = Targets.OneAdjacentTarget Me.Priority = 0 Me.TimesToAttack = 1 '#End '#SpecialDefinitions Me.MakesContact = False Me.ProtectAffected = True Me.MagicCoatAffected = False Me.SnatchAffected = False Me.MirrorMoveAffected = True Me.KingsrockAffected = True Me.CounterAffected = False Me.DisabledWhileGravity = False Me.UseEffectiveness = True Me.ImmunityAffected = True Me.HasSecondaryEffect = False Me.RemovesOwnFrozen = False Me.IsHealingMove = False Me.IsRecoilMove = False Me.IsDamagingMove = True Me.IsProtectMove = False Me.IsAffectedBySubstitute = True Me.IsOneHitKOMove = False Me.IsWonderGuardAffected = True '#End End Sub Public Overrides Function GetAttackType(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen) As Element Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon End If Dim itemID As Integer = 0 If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then itemID = p.Item.ID End If Select Case p.Item.ID Case 1996 Return New Element(Element.Types.Fire) Case 1997 Return New Element(Element.Types.Ice) Case 1998 Return New Element(Element.Types.Water) Case 1999 Return New Element(Element.Types.Electric) Case Else Return New Element(Element.Types.Normal) End Select Return Me.Type End Function End Class End Namespace