version=2 :if:=false :then @battle.starttrainer(mtmortar\Kungfu) training is~still not enough...*But a loss is a~loss. I admit it.*As proof that you~defeated me, I'll*give you a rare~fighting Pokémon.) :if:=True :then @pokemon.add(236,10,A Gift at,5) @pokemon.rename(last) @register.register(mtmortar_tyrogue_get) is a~fighting-type.*It evolves into a~tougher Pokémon.*Keep up the hard~work. I'll keep~training too.*Farewell!) :end :else have no room~in your party!) :end :endif :endif :if:=false =true :then club in Goldenrod?*Where the best of~the best meet up~to battle?*That does sound~interesting.*I might go check~it out!) @register.register(KiyoRematchTalk) :else is a~fighting-type.*It evolves into a~tougher Pokémon.*Keep up the hard~work. I'll keep~training too.*Farewell!) :endif :end