version=2 :if:=True Wait! Where~are you going?) @player.turn(2) @player.move(1) :endscript :endif :if:=False @register.register(elm0) @register.register(elm1) @player.move(4) @player.turn(3) @player.move(1) @player.turn(1) !~There you are!*I needed to ask you~a favor.*I have an acquaintance~called Mr. Pokémon.*He keeps finding weird~things and raving about~his discoveries.*Anyway, I just got an~e-mail from him~saying that this~time it's real.*It is intriguing, but~we're busy with our~Pokémon research.*Could you look into~it for us?*I'll give you a~Pokémon for a partner.) @player.turn(3)'re all rare~Pokémon that we~just found.~Go on. Pick one!) :endscript :endif :if:=True @register.unregister(elm2) @npc.turn(4,3) @npc.move(4,1) @npc.turn(4,0) @npc.move(4,1), I want~you to have this~for your errand.) @item.give(18,1) @item.messagegive(18,1) are only two~of us, so we're~always busy.) @npc.turn(4,2) @npc.move(4,1) @npc.turn(4,1) @npc.move(4,1) @register.register(elm3) @register.register(mom_adventure1) @register.unregister(mom_wait) @npc.register(barktown.dat|2|remove|1) :endscript :endif :if:=True @register.unregister(elm5) @npc.turn(4,3) @npc.move(4,1) @npc.turn(4,0) @npc.move(4,1)!*Use these on your~Pokédex quest!) @item.give(5,5) @item.messagegive(5,5) add to your~Pokédex, you have~to catch Pokémon.*Throw Pokéballs~at wild Pokémon~to get them.) @npc.turn(4,2) @npc.move(4,1) @npc.turn(4,1) @npc.move(4,1) :endscript :endif :if:=True =False @Camera.setposition(1,1,2.5) @player.turnto(0) @player.move(4) @npc.turn(5,1) @player.turn(3) heard a Pokémon was~stolen here...*I was just getting some~information from Prof. Elm.*Apparently, it was~a young male with~long, red hair...*What?*You battled a~trainer like that?*Did you happen to~get his name?) @player.RenameRival! So ~was his name.*Thanks for helping~my investigation!) @npc.turn(5,2) @npc.move(5,8) @npc.remove(5) @Camera.reset @npc.unregister(elmlab.dat|5|position|5,0,2) @register.register(elm4) @register.unregister(elm3) :endscript :endif :end