version=2 :if:=False to Team Rocket~activities we aren't~accepting trainers'~Pokémon right now.*Come back later.) :end :endif :if:=false!~I'm the Day-Care Man.*Oh, do you want my~phone number, so I can call*you if anything happens~with your Pokémon.),No) :when:Yes, here you go!) @register.register(daycare_callid_2,str,035) @register.register(phone_contact_035) registered~the Day-Care Man's number.),1) :when:No well.~Please come again.) :end :endwhen :endif :if:=true @script.start(floe\daycare\take_egg) :else :select: :when:0 take care of the~precious Pokémon of~other trainers.*If you'd like us to~raise your Pokémon,~have a word with my wife.) :when:1 is~doing just fine!) :when:2 :select: :when:91 @storage.set(string,breed_text,The two seem to get~along very well.) :when:70 @storage.set(string,breed_text,The two seem to get~along very well.) :when:65 @storage.set(string,breed_text,The two seem to~get along.) :when:50 @storage.set(string,breed_text,The two seem to~get along.) :when:26 @storage.set(string,breed_text,The two don't seem~to like each other.) :when:20 @storage.set(string,breed_text,The two don't seem~to like each other.) :when:0 @storage.set(string,breed_text,The two prefer to play~with other Pokémon than~each other.) :endwhen you called!*Your and~your are~doing just fine.*) @storage.clear :endwhen :endif :end