version=2 :if:=true =false*Hello, .*I would like to thank you~again for helping me back~then at the lighthouse.*Ampharos has been completely~healthy, all thanks to you...*Um...*a battle bar?*I don't usually leave the city~too much but I could start~showing up there.*How do a few afternoons sound?*Um...*I'll see you there then, ok?) @register.register(JasmineRematchTalk) @register.change(clubregisters,+1) :end :endif @battle.starttrainer(olivine_gym\leader) @player.AchieveEmblem(mineral) :if:=False @register.register(mineralbadge_obtain) @player.GetBadge(14) Pokémon's~Defense.*...Um... Please take~this too...) @item.give(213,1) @item.messagegive(213,1) could use~that TM to teach~Iron Tail.) :endif :end