version=2 :if:=9,2,43 and rocks~are neatly piled up~as a cairn.*"Here lies Tectonix" is~engraved on a boulder.) :if:=false is a Lemonade~placed as an offering~in front of the grave.) :if:>0 you like to~leave another Lemonade~as an offering?),No) :when:Yes placed~a can of Lemonade in~front of the grave.) @item.clearitem(48,1) @npc.turn(8,3) @player.turnto(1) you...*That was my Tectonix's~favorite drink...*I don't even know~you, but your act~of kindness...*It's uplifted me a little.*Can you please take~this as my thanks?) @item.give(404,1) @item.messagegive(404,1) be good to~your Pokémon, too.) @npc.turn(8,0) @register.register(lemonadeoffering) :when:No :end :endwhen :endif :endif :endif :end