Namespace Items.KeyItems Public Class OldRod Inherits KeyItem Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description As String = "An old and beat-up fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokémon." Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanBeUsed As Boolean = True Public Sub New() _textureRectangle = New Rectangle(240, 48, 24, 24) End Sub Public Overrides Sub Use() If IsInfrontOfWater() = True Then Dim s As String = "version=2" While Core.CurrentScreen.Identification <> Screen.Identifications.OverworldScreen Core.CurrentScreen = Core.CurrentScreen.PreScreen End While Dim p As Pokemon = Nothing Dim pokeFile As String = "poke\" & Screen.Level.LevelFile.Remove(Screen.Level.LevelFile.Length - 4, 4) & ".poke" If GameModeManager.MapFileExists(pokeFile) = True Then p = Spawner.GetPokemon(Screen.Level.LevelFile, Spawner.EncounterMethods.OldRod, False) End If If p Is Nothing Then p = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(129) p.Generate(10, True) End If Dim PokemonID As Integer = p.Number Dim PokemonShiny As String = "N" If p.IsShiny = True Then PokemonShiny = "S" End If If Core.Random.Next(0, 3) <> 0 Or Core.Player.Pokemons(0).Ability.Name.ToLower() = "suction cups" Or Core.Player.Pokemons(0).Ability.Name.ToLower() = "sticky hold" Then Dim LookingOffset As New Vector3(0) Select Case Screen.Camera.GetPlayerFacingDirection() Case 0 LookingOffset.Z = -1 Case 1 LookingOffset.X = -1 Case 2 LookingOffset.Z = 1 Case 3 LookingOffset.X = 1 End Select Dim spawnPosition As Vector3 = New Vector3(Screen.Camera.Position.X + LookingOffset.X, Screen.Camera.Position.Y, Screen.Camera.Position.Z + LookingOffset.Z) Dim endRotation As Integer = Screen.Camera.GetPlayerFacingDirection() + 2 If endRotation > 3 Then endRotation = endRotation - 4 End If s &= Environment.NewLine & "@player.showrod(0)" & Environment.NewLine & " . . . . . . . . .)" & Environment.NewLine & "!~A bite!)" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.hiderod" & Environment.NewLine & "@npc.spawn(" & spawnPosition.X.ToString().Replace(GameController.DecSeparator, ".") & "," & spawnPosition.Y.ToString().Replace(GameController.DecSeparator, ".") & "," & spawnPosition.Z.ToString().Replace(GameController.DecSeparator, ".") & ",0,...,[POKEMON|" & PokemonShiny & "]" & PokemonID & PokemonForms.GetOverworldAddition(p) & ",0," & endRotation & ",POKEMON,1337,Still)" & Environment.NewLine & "@Level.Update" & Environment.NewLine & "@pokemon.cry(" & PokemonID & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@level.wait(50)" & Environment.NewLine & " wild " & p.GetName & "~attacked!)" & Environment.NewLine & "@npc.remove(1337)" & Environment.NewLine & "@battle.setvar(divebattle,true)" & Environment.NewLine & "@battle.wild(" & p.GetSaveData() & ")" & Environment.NewLine & ":end" Else s &= Environment.NewLine & "@player.showrod(0)" & Environment.NewLine & " . . . . . . . . .)" & Environment.NewLine & ", there's nothing here...)" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.hiderod" & Environment.NewLine & ":end" End If CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript(s, 2) Else Screen.TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("item_cannot_use", "Now is not the time~to use that."), {}, True, True) End If End Sub Public Shared Function IsInfrontOfWater() As Boolean Dim lookingAtEntities As New List(Of Entity) Dim LookingOffset As New Vector3(0) Select Case Screen.Camera.GetPlayerFacingDirection() Case 0 LookingOffset.Z = -1 Case 1 LookingOffset.X = -1 Case 2 LookingOffset.Z = 1 Case 3 LookingOffset.X = 1 End Select For Each e As Entity In Screen.Level.Entities If e.Position.X = Screen.Camera.Position.X + LookingOffset.X And CInt(e.Position.Y) = CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.Y) And e.Position.Z = Screen.Camera.Position.Z + LookingOffset.Z Then lookingAtEntities.Add(e) End If Next If lookingAtEntities.Count > 0 Then For Each e As Entity In lookingAtEntities If e.EntityID = "Water" And e.ActionValue = 0 Then Return True End If Next End If Return False End Function End Class End Namespace