Namespace GameJolt Public Class GTSInboxScreen Inherits Screen Dim InboxList As New List(Of GTSDataItem) Dim Loaded As Boolean = False Dim Selected As Integer = -1 Dim ScrollIndex As Integer = 0 Dim Emblem As Emblem = Nothing Dim ResultsFound As Integer = 0 Dim ResultsLoaded As Integer = 0 Dim Searching As Boolean = False Dim Loading As Boolean = False Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen) Me.PreScreen = currentScreen Me.Identification = Identifications.GTSInboxScreen Me.CanBePaused = False Me.CanChat = False Me.CanDrawDebug = True Me.CanMuteAudio = True Me.CanTakeScreenshot = True Me.MouseVisible = True Me.Loading = True End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() For i = 0 To GTSMainScreen.Furrs.Count - 1 If i < GTSMainScreen.Furrs.Count Then Dim f As Furr = GTSMainScreen.Furrs(i) If f.IsOutOfBorder() = True Then GTSMainScreen.Furrs.Remove(f) i -= 1 Else f.Update() End If End If Next If Searching = True And Loading = False Then If ResultsFound = ResultsLoaded Then Searching = False End If End If If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) = 0 Then GTSMainScreen.Furrs.Add(New Furr()) End If InboxList = (From d As GTSDataItem In InboxList Order By CInt(d.TradeID) Ascending).ToList() If Loaded = False Then Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf GotKeys) APICall.GetKeys(False, "GTSTradeV" & GTSMainScreen.GTSVersion & "|Got|*|" & Core.GameJoltSave.GameJoltID & "|*|*|Pokemon 3D|*|*") Loaded = True Loading = True Else If Me.InboxList.Count > 0 Then For i = 0 To 5 If i < Me.InboxList.Count Then If New Rectangle(116, 148 + i * 64, 64, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then If Controls.Accept(True, True) = True Then If Selected = i + ScrollIndex Then Selected = -1 Else Selected = i + ScrollIndex SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Emblem = New Emblem(InboxList(Selected).FromUserID, 0) End If End If End If End If Next If InboxList.Count > 6 Then If Controls.Up(True, True, True, True) = True Then If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.ScrollIndex -= 5 Else Me.ScrollIndex -= 1 End If End If If Controls.Down(True, True, True, True) = True Then If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.ScrollIndex += 5 Else Me.ScrollIndex += 1 End If End If Me.ScrollIndex = ScrollIndex.Clamp(0, Me.InboxList.Count - 6) End If If Selected > -1 Then If New Rectangle(600, 440, 32 * 3 + 64, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then If Controls.Accept(True, False) = True Then If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count < 6 Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") WithdrawCurrent() End If End If End If End If End If End If If Controls.Dismiss(True, True) = True Then If Selected > -1 Then Selected = -1 Else Core.SetScreen(Me.PreScreen) End If SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End If End Sub Private Sub WithdrawCurrent() Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf WithdrawCompleted) APICall.RemoveKey(Me.InboxList(Selected).Key, False) End Sub Private Sub WithdrawCompleted(ByVal result As String) Dim l As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result) If CBool(l(0).Value) = True Then Core.Player.Pokemons.Add(Me.InboxList(Selected).Pokemon) Dim pokedexType As Integer = 2 If InboxList(Selected).Pokemon.IsShiny = True Then pokedexType = 3 End If If InboxList(Selected).Pokemon.IsEgg() = False Then Core.Player.PokedexData = Pokedex.ChangeEntry(Core.Player.PokedexData, InboxList(Selected).Pokemon.Number, pokedexType) End If Core.Player.SaveGame(False) If Me.PreScreen.Identification = Identifications.GTSMainScreen Then CType(Me.PreScreen, GTSMainScreen).PokemonGTSCount -= 1 CType(Me.PreScreen, GTSMainScreen).InboxPokemon -= 1 End If Me.InboxList.RemoveAt(Selected) Selected = -1 End If End Sub Private Sub GotKeys(ByVal result As String) Dim l As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result) If l(1).Value <> "" Then ResultsLoaded = 0 ResultsFound = l.Count - 1 Searching = True Loading = False For Each Item As API.JoltValue In l If Item.Name.ToLower() = "key" Then Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf GotData) APICall.GetStorageData(Item.Value, False) End If Next Else Searching = False Loading = False ResultsLoaded = 0 ResultsFound = 0 End If End Sub Private Sub GotData(ByVal result As String) Dim l As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result) Dim data As String = l(1).Value Me.InboxList.Add(New GTSDataItem(data)) ResultsLoaded += 1 End Sub Private Sub DrawStringC(ByVal t As String, ByVal p As Vector2) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, t, New Vector2(p.X + 2, p.Y + 2), Color.Black) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, t, p, Color.White) End Sub Public Overrides Sub Draw() Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\GTS"), Core.windowSize, New Rectangle(320, 176, 192, 160), Color.White) For Each F As Furr In GTSMainScreen.Furrs F.Draw() Next Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\GTS"), New Rectangle(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2 - 104), CInt(32), 208, 96), New Rectangle(304, 0, 208, 96), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, "Inbox", New Vector2(132, 100), Color.White) If InboxList.Count > 0 Then For i = ScrollIndex To ScrollIndex + 5 If i < InboxList.Count Then Dim Y As Integer = 132 + (i - ScrollIndex) * 64 Dim D As GTSDataItem = InboxList(i) Dim Touching As Boolean = New Rectangle(116, Y + 16, 64, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Dim C As Color = New Color(255, 255, 255, 150) If i = Me.Selected Then C = New Color(0, 217, 237) End If If Touching = True Then C = Color.White End If If i = Me.Selected Then Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(142, Y + 32, 358, 32), C) Else Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(142, Y + 32, 320, 32), C) End If Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\GTS"), New Rectangle(100, Y, 96, 96), New Rectangle(320, 96, 48, 48), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(D.Pokemon.GetMenuTexture(), New Rectangle(116, Y + 16, 64, 64), C) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, D.Pokemon.GetDisplayName(), New Vector2(198, Y + 37), Color.Black) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Lv. " & D.Pokemon.Level, New Vector2(360, Y + 37), Color.Black) End If Next Else If Searching = True Or Loading = True Then DrawStringC("Please wait" & LoadingDots.Dots, New Vector2(132, 160)) Else DrawStringC("There are no Pokémon in your inbox.", New Vector2(132, 160)) End If End If If Selected > -1 Then Dim D As GTSDataItem = Me.InboxList(Selected) Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(500, 164, 600, 352), New Color(255, 255, 255, 150)) If D.TradeID <> "" Then Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Transaction ID: " & D.TradeID, New Vector2(510, 166), Color.Black) End If 'Pokemon image/data: Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(D.Pokemon.GetTexture(True), New Rectangle(500, 164, MathHelper.Min(CInt(D.Pokemon.GetTexture(True).Width * 2), 256), MathHelper.Min(CInt(D.Pokemon.GetTexture(True).Height * 2), 256)), Color.White) If D.Pokemon.GetDisplayName() <> D.Pokemon.OriginalName Then Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, D.Pokemon.GetDisplayName(), New Vector2(630, 190), Color.Black) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "/" & D.Pokemon.OriginalName, New Vector2(640, 220), Color.Black) Else Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, D.Pokemon.GetDisplayName(), New Vector2(630, 205), Color.Black) End If Dim ItemString As String = "None" If Not D.Pokemon.Item Is Nothing Then ItemString = " " & D.Pokemon.Item.Name Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(D.Pokemon.Item.Texture, New Rectangle(882, 314, 24, 24), Color.White) End If Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Level: " & D.Pokemon.Level & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Gender: " & D.Pokemon.Gender.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "OT: " & D.Pokemon.CatchTrainerName & "/" & D.Pokemon.OT & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Item: " & ItemString & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Message: " & Environment.NewLine & D.Message, New Vector2(830, 200), Color.Black) 'Stars: GTSMainScreen.DrawStars(D.Pokemon.TradeValue, New Vector2(630, 256)) 'From: Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "From:", New Vector2(516, 320), Color.Black) If Not Emblem Is Nothing Then If Emblem.DoneLoading = True Then Dim SpriteSize As New Size(CInt(Emblem.SpriteTexture.Width / 3), CInt(Emblem.SpriteTexture.Height / 4)) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Emblem.SpriteTexture, New Rectangle(564, 310, 32, 32), New Rectangle(0, SpriteSize.Height * 2, SpriteSize.Width, SpriteSize.Height), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, Emblem.Username & " (" & Emblem.GameJoltID & ")", New Vector2(600, 320), Color.Black) Else Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Loading" & LoadingDots.Dots, New Vector2(564, 320), Color.Black) End If Else Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Loading" & LoadingDots.Dots, New Vector2(564, 320), Color.Black) End If 'To: If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Then Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "To:", New Vector2(516, 360), Color.Black) Dim ownEmblem As Emblem = New Emblem(API.username, Core.GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, Core.GameJoltSave.Points, Core.GameJoltSave.Gender, Core.GameJoltSave.Emblem) Dim SpriteSize As New Size(CInt(ownEmblem.SpriteTexture.Width / 3), CInt(ownEmblem.SpriteTexture.Height / 4)) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(ownEmblem.SpriteTexture, New Rectangle(564, 350, 32, 32), New Rectangle(0, SpriteSize.Height * 2, SpriteSize.Width, SpriteSize.Height), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, ownEmblem.Username & " (" & ownEmblem.GameJoltID & ")", New Vector2(600, 360), Color.Black) End If 'Buttons: If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count < 6 Then DrawButton(New Vector2(600, 440), "Withdraw", 3) End If End If If Me.InboxList.Count > 6 Then Canvas.DrawScrollBar(New Vector2(90, 96 + 54), Me.InboxList.Count, 6, ScrollIndex, New Size(6, 380), False, New Color(4, 84, 157), New Color(125, 214, 234)) End If Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Version " & GTSMainScreen.GTSVersion, New Vector2(4, Core.windowSize.Height - 1 - FontManager.MiniFont.MeasureString("Version " & GTSMainScreen.GTSVersion).Y), Color.DarkGray) End Sub Private Sub DrawButton(ByVal Position As Vector2, ByVal Text As String, ByVal Size As Integer) Dim t As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\GTS") Dim touching As Boolean = New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X), CInt(Position.Y), 64 + Size * 32, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Dim Y As Integer = 0 If touching = True Then Y = 16 End If Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X), CInt(Position.Y), 32, 32), New Rectangle(0, Y, 16, 16), Color.White) For i = 1 To Size Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X + i * 32), CInt(Position.Y), 32, 32), New Rectangle(16, Y, 16, 16), Color.White) Next Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X + Size * 32 + 32), CInt(Position.Y), 32, 32), New Rectangle(32, Y, 16, 16), Color.White) Dim sizeX As Integer = Size * 32 + 64 Dim TextSizeX As Integer = CInt(FontManager.MiniFont.MeasureString(Text).X) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, Text, New Vector2(CSng(Position.X + sizeX / 2 - TextSizeX / 2 - 2), Position.Y + 4), Color.Black) End Sub End Class Public Class GTSDataItem Public Enum SecurityCode [Global] [Private] End Enum Public Enum ActionSwitches [Got] [Set] End Enum Public Key As String Public Data As String Public FromUserID As String = "" Public ToUserID As String = "" Public RequestID As String = "" Public RequestLevel As String = "" Public RequestItemID As String = "" Public RequestGender As String = "" Public PokemonData As String = "" Public GameMode As String = "" Public Message As String = "" Public SecurityArea As SecurityCode = SecurityCode.Global Public ActionSwitch As ActionSwitches = ActionSwitches.Set Public TradeID As String = "" Public Pokemon As Pokemon = Nothing Public Sub New(ByVal FromUserID As String, ByVal ToUserID As String, ByVal RequestID As String, ByVal RequestLevel As String, ByVal RequestItemID As String, ByVal RequestGender As String, ByVal PokemonData As String, ByVal GameMode As String, ByVal Message As String, ByVal SecurityArea As SecurityCode, ByVal ActionSwitch As ActionSwitches, ByVal TradeID As String) Me.New(FromUserID & "|" & ToUserID & "|" & RequestID & "|" & RequestLevel & "|" & RequestItemID & "|" & RequestGender & "|" & PokemonData & "|" & GameMode & "|" & Message & "|" & SecurityArea.ToString() & "|" & ActionSwitch.ToString() & "|" & TradeID) End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal Data As String) Me.Data = Data Dim arr() As String = Data.Split(CChar("|")) FromUserID = arr(0) ToUserID = arr(1) RequestID = arr(2) RequestLevel = arr(3) RequestItemID = arr(4) RequestGender = arr(5) PokemonData = arr(6).Replace("\""", """") GameMode = arr(7).Replace("[ANDAND]", "&") Message = arr(8).Replace("\""", """").Replace("[ANDAND]", "&") Dim sec As String = arr(9) If sec.ToLower() = "global" Then SecurityArea = SecurityCode.Global ElseIf sec.ToLower() = "private" Then SecurityArea = SecurityCode.Private End If Dim ac As String = arr(10) If ac.ToLower() = "got" Then ActionSwitch = ActionSwitches.Got ElseIf ac = "set" Then ActionSwitch = ActionSwitches.Set End If If PokemonData <> "" Then PokemonData = PokemonData.Replace("[ANDAND]", "&") If PokemonData.StartsWith("{") = True And PokemonData.EndsWith("}") = True Then Me.Pokemon = P3D.Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(PokemonData) End If End If TradeID = arr(11) Dim PokemonNumber As Integer = 0 If Not Me.Pokemon Is Nothing Then PokemonNumber = Me.Pokemon.Number End If Me.Key = "GTSTradeV" & GTSMainScreen.GTSVersion & "|" & arr(10) & "|" & arr(0) & "|" & arr(1) & "|" & PokemonNumber.ToString() & "|" & arr(2) & "|Pokemon 3D|" & arr(9) & "|" & TradeID End Sub End Class End Namespace