version=2 :if:=479 :if:=, ~appears as if it wants to~revert to its original form.*Would you like to recall~it from the motor?),Cancel) :when:Recall @script.start(saffron\rotom\recall) :end :when:Cancel :end :endwhen :else is a .*It has an odd-shaped~motor on it.*Oh?* appears~as if it wants to go~into the motor.*Allow it to enter the motor?) :if:=,No) :when:Yes @script.start(saffron\rotom\entermotor) :end :when:No reluctantly~gave up on entering~the 's motor...) :end :endwhen :else,Recall,No) :when:Yes @script.start(saffron\rotom\entermotor) :end :when:Recall @script.start(saffron\rotom\recall) :end :when:No reluctantly~gave up on entering~the 's motor...) :end :endwhen :endif :endif :else is a .*It has an odd-shaped~motor on it.) :endif :end