version=2 :if:=true =false ,~it's been a while.*To be honest not many really~strong trainers have passed~through here after you,~but that doesn't mean I~haven't been training!*What's that?*The new battle bar?*My ghosts prefer battling in~a quieter place but this~sounds like the ideal place~to improve my skills.*If we were to have another~battle we'd need to do~it when I'm free.*Usually around midnight~will work out.) @register.register(MortyRematchTalk) @register.change(clubregisters,+1) :end :endif @battle.starttrainer(ecruteak_gym\leader) @player.AchieveEmblem(fog) :if:=False @register.register(fogbadge_obtain) @register.register(trainer_ecruteak_gym\001) @register.register(trainer_ecruteak_gym\002) @register.register(trainer_ecruteak_gym\003) @register.register(trainer_ecruteak_gym\004) @player.GetBadge(12) having Fog-~Badge, Pokémon up*to Level 50 will obey~you.*Also, Pokémon that~know Surf will be*able to use that~move anytime.*I want you to have~this too) @item.give(220,1) @item.messagegive(220,1)'s Shadow Ball.~It causes damage*and may reduce~Special Defense.*Use it if it~appeals to you.) :endif :end