version=2 :if:=true :if:=true =644 have the dragon...~Splendid!*Now is the time to summon~the frozen beast...) @npc.remove(1) @npc.turn(0,1) @npc.move(0,2) @npc.turn(0,0) @npc.remove(0) @npc.unregister(routes\route47\3.dat|0|position|13,-4,36) @npc.unregister(routes\route47\3.dat|1|position|12,-4,36) @register.register(nkyuready) :end :endif :if:=true =643 have the dragon...~Splendid!*Now is the time to summon~the frozen beast...) @npc.remove(2) @npc.turn(0,1) @npc.move(0,2) @npc.turn(0,0) @npc.remove(0) @npc.unregister(routes\route47\3.dat|0|position|13,-4,36) @npc.unregister(routes\route47\3.dat|2|position|12,-4,36) @register.register(nkyuready) :end :endif have succeeded, just as I~expected.~I have one more thing to ask~from you.*Show me the legendary Pokémon~when you feel ready!) :end :endif :if:=true awaken and capture Reshiram~is your fate.*Are you ready to put your~ideals to test?) :end :endif :if:=true awaken and capture Zekrom~is your fate.*Are you ready to pursue~truth decisively?) :end :endif now have one of the legendary~Pokémon I sought for so long~under my power.*Since you have obtained one of~the ancient stones yourself,~you get a chance to awaken and~capture one as well.*Place your stone at the center~of the tower and catch the~awoken Pokémon.~I'll be waiting here for your~triumphant return, but make~sure to catch it.) :if:=false @npc.turn(0,1) @npc.move(0,2) @npc.turn(0,3) @npc.unregister(routes\route47\3.dat|0|position|11,-4,36) @npc.register(routes\route47\3.dat|0|position|13,-4,36) @register.register(ngobattlespeech) :endif :end