version=2 :if:=true :if:=true watch.*I'm going to get a real~Clefairy as my friend.) :end :endif love Clefairy, but I~could never catch one.*So I'm making do with a~Poké Doll that I found.*Oh I see now.*The girl who lost this~Poké Doll is sad...*Ok.~Could you take this~Poké Doll back to that~poor little girl?*I'll befriend a real~Clefairy on my own one day.*No worries!) @npc.remove(4) @npc.register(vermilion\fan.dat|4|remove|0) @item.give(130,1) @item.messagegive(130,1) @register.register(copycat2) :end :endif love the way Clefairy~waggles its finger when~it's trying to use Metronome.*It's so adorable!) :end