Public Class RoamingPokemon Public RoamerID As String = "" Public WorldID As Integer = -1 Public LevelFile As String = "" Public MusicLoop As String = "" Public PokemonReference As Pokemon = Nothing Public ScriptPath As String = "" Public Sub New(ByVal DataLine As String) Dim data() As String = DataLine.Split(CChar("|")) Me.RoamerID = data(0) Me.PokemonReference = Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(data(8)) Me.WorldID = CInt(data(3)) Me.LevelFile = data(4) Me.MusicLoop = data(5) If data.Length = 10 Then ScriptPath = data(9) End If End Sub Public Function CompareData() As String Return Me.RoamerID & "|" & PokemonForms.GetPokemonDataFileName(Me.PokemonReference.Number, Me.PokemonReference.AdditionalData, True) & "|" & Me.PokemonReference.Level.ToString() & "|" & Me.WorldID.ToString() & "|" End Function Public Function GetPokemon() As Pokemon Return Me.PokemonReference End Function Public Shared Sub ShiftRoamingPokemon(ByVal worldID As Integer) Logger.Debug("Shift Roaming Pokémon for world ID: " & worldID.ToString()) Dim newData As String = "" For Each line As String In Core.Player.RoamingPokemonData.SplitAtNewline() If line <> "" AndAlso line.CountSeperators("|") >= 8 Then Dim data() As String = line.Split(CChar("|")) If newData <> "" Then newData &= Environment.NewLine End If If CInt(data(3)) = worldID Or worldID = -1 Then Dim regionsFile As String = GameModeManager.GetScriptPath("worldmap\roaming_regions.dat") Security.FileValidation.CheckFileValid(regionsFile, False, "RoamingPokemon.vb") Dim worldList As List(Of String) = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(regionsFile).ToList() Dim levelList As New List(Of String) For Each worldLine As String In worldList If worldLine.StartsWith(CInt(data(3)).ToString() & "|") = True Then levelList = worldLine.Remove(0, worldLine.IndexOf("|") + 1).Split(CChar(",")).ToList() End If Next Dim currentIndex As Integer = levelList.IndexOf(data(4)) Dim nextIndex As Integer = currentIndex + 1 If nextIndex > levelList.Count - 1 Then nextIndex = 0 End If 'RoamerID|PokémonID|Level|regionID|startLevelFile|MusicLoop|Shiny|PokemonData|ScriptPath If data.Length = 8 Then 'No Script newData &= data(0) & "|" & data(1) & "|" & data(2) & "|" & CInt(data(3)).ToString() & "|" & levelList(nextIndex) & "|" & data(5) & "|" & data(6) & "|" & data(7) & "|" Else 'With Script newData &= data(0) & "|" & data(1) & "|" & data(2) & "|" & CInt(data(3)).ToString() & "|" & levelList(nextIndex) & "|" & data(5) & "|" & data(6) & "|" & data(7) & "|" & data(8) End If Else newData &= line End If End If Next Core.Player.RoamingPokemonData = newData End Sub ''' ''' Removes the Pokemon from the list of roaming Pokemon. The Pokemon has to hold the data as Tag. ''' ''' The Pokemon containing the Tag. Public Shared Function RemoveRoamingPokemon(ByVal p As RoamingPokemon) As String Dim compareData As String = p.CompareData() Dim newData As String = "" For Each line As String In Core.Player.RoamingPokemonData.SplitAtNewline() If line.StartsWith(compareData) = False Then If newData <> "" Then newData &= Environment.NewLine End If newData &= line End If Next Return newData End Function Public Shared Function ReplaceRoamingPokemon(ByVal p As RoamingPokemon) As String Dim compareData As String = p.CompareData() Dim newData As String = "" For Each line As String In Core.Player.RoamingPokemonData.SplitAtNewline() If newData <> "" Then newData &= Environment.NewLine End If If line.StartsWith(compareData) = False Then newData &= line Else newData &= p.RoamerID & "|" & p.PokemonReference.Number & "|" & p.PokemonReference.Level & "|" & p.WorldID.ToString() & "|" & p.LevelFile & "|" & p.MusicLoop & "|" & p.PokemonReference.IsShiny & "|" & p.PokemonReference.GetSaveData() & "|" & p.ScriptPath End If Next Return newData End Function End Class