Public Class MapPreviewScreen Inherits Screen Public Shared MapViewMode As Boolean = False Public Shared MapViewModeMapPath As String = "" Public Shared MapViewModePosition As Vector3 = Nothing Dim ParticlesTexture As Texture2D Structure MapDisplay Public Position As Vector3 Public Text As String Public Color As Color End Structure Dim TextDisplays As New List(Of MapDisplay) Public Sub New() Me.Identification = Identifications.MapPreviewScreen Me.CanChat = False Me.MouseVisible = False Me.CanBePaused = False Me.CanDrawDebug = True Me.CanGoFullscreen = True Me.CanMuteAudio = False Me.CanTakeScreenshot = True Effect = New BasicEffectWithAlphaTest(Core.GraphicsDevice) Effect.FogEnabled = True Camera = New MapPreviewCamera() SkyDome = New SkyDome() Level = New Level() Level.Load(MapViewModeMapPath) Screen.Level.World.Initialize(Screen.Level.EnvironmentType, Screen.Level.WeatherType) Me.ParticlesTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Overworld\Particles") End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() Me.ControlMap() Lighting.UpdateLighting(Screen.Effect) Camera.Update() Me.PickWarp() Me.UpdateHiddenItems() Level.Update() SkyDome.Update() Screen.Level.World.Initialize(Screen.Level.EnvironmentType, Screen.Level.WeatherType) End Sub Private Sub UpdateHiddenItems() For Each e As Entity In Screen.Level.Entities If e.EntityID.ToLower() = "itemobject" Then If e.Opacity <= 0.0F Then Dim i As ItemObject = CType(e, ItemObject) If i.IsHiddenItem() = True Then i.Opacity = 1.0F End If End If End If Next End Sub Private Sub PickWarp() Me.TextDisplays.Clear() Dim Ray As Ray = Screen.Camera.Ray Dim entities As New List(Of Entity) entities.AddRange(Level.Entities.ToArray()) If Core.GameOptions.LoadOffsetMaps > 0 Then entities.AddRange(Level.OffsetmapEntities.ToArray()) End If For Each e As Entity In entities Select Case e.EntityID Case "WarpBlock" If e.Shaders.Count > 0 Then If e.Shaders.Last().X = 1.51337135F Then e.Shaders.RemoveAt(e.Shaders.Count - 1) End If End If Dim result As Single? = Ray.Intersects(e.ViewBox) If result.HasValue = True Then If result.Value < 12.0F And result.Value > 0.1F Then e.Visible = True e.Shaders.Add(New Vector3(1.51337135F)) Me.TextDisplays.Add(New MapDisplay() With {.Text = "To: " & e.AdditionalValue.GetSplit(0), .Position = e.Position, .Color = New Color(0, 232, 255, 200)}) If MouseHandler.ButtonPressed(MouseHandler.MouseButtons.LeftButton) = True Then CType(e, WarpBlock).Warp(True) End If End If End If Case "NPC" Dim result As Single? = Ray.Intersects(e.ViewBox) If result.HasValue = True Then If result.Value < 4.0F And result.Value > 0.1F Then Dim t As String = "" Select Case e.ActionValue Case 0 t = CType(e, NPC).Name & ": """ & GetDisplayText(e.AdditionalValue) & """" Case 1 t = CType(e, NPC).Name & ": Script start (" & e.AdditionalValue & ")" Case 3 t = CType(e, NPC).Name & ": Direct script input" Case Else t = CType(e, NPC).Name & ": Script start (" & e.AdditionalValue & ")" End Select Me.TextDisplays.Add(New MapDisplay() With {.Text = t, .Position = e.Position, .Color = Color.LightCoral}) End If End If Case "ScriptBlock" Dim result As Single? = Ray.Intersects(e.ViewBox) If result.HasValue = True Then If result.Value < 4.0F And result.Value > 0.1F Then Dim s As ScriptBlock = CType(e, ScriptBlock) Dim t As String = "" Select Case s.GetActivationID() Case 0 t = "ScriptBlock: Script start (" & s.ScriptID & ")" Case 1 t = "ScriptBlock: """ & GetDisplayText(s.ScriptID) & """" Case 2 t = "ScriptBlock: Direct script input" End Select If t <> "" Then Me.TextDisplays.Add(New MapDisplay() With {.Text = t, .Position = e.Position, .Color = Color.LightGreen}) End If End If End If Case "SignBlock" Dim result As Single? = Ray.Intersects(e.ViewBox) If result.HasValue = True Then If result.Value < 4.0F And result.Value > 0.1F Then Dim t As String = "" Select Case e.ActionValue Case 0, 3 t = "Sign: """ & GetDisplayText(e.AdditionalValue) & """" Case 1 t = "Sign: Script start (" & e.AdditionalValue & ")" Case 2 t = "Sign: Direct script input" End Select If t <> "" Then Me.TextDisplays.Add(New MapDisplay() With {.Text = t, .Position = e.Position, .Color = Color.LightYellow}) End If End If End If End Select Next End Sub Private Function GetDisplayText(ByVal source As String) As String Dim text As String = source.Replace("~", " ").Replace("*", " ") If text.Length > 16 Then text = text.Remove(16) text &= "..." End If Return text End Function Private Sub ControlMap() If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.EscapeKey) = True Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.Start) = True Then Core.GameInstance.Exit() End If If Controls.Up(True, True, False, False, False, True) = True Then Core.GameOptions.RenderDistance += 1 End If If Controls.Down(True, True, False, False, False, True) = True Then Core.GameOptions.RenderDistance -= 1 End If Core.GameOptions.RenderDistance = Core.GameOptions.RenderDistance.Clamp(0, 5) If Controls.Left(False, True, False, False, False, True) = True Then Core.GameOptions.LoadOffsetMaps -= 1 End If If Controls.Right(False, True, False, False, False, True) = True Then Core.GameOptions.LoadOffsetMaps += 1 End If Core.GameOptions.LoadOffsetMaps = Core.GameOptions.LoadOffsetMaps.Clamp(0, 100) If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.R) = True Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.Y) = True Then Core.OffsetMaps.Clear() Level.Load(Level.LevelFile) End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.Q) = True Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.X) = True Then Camera.Position = MapViewModePosition End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub Draw() SkyDome.Draw(Camera.FOV) Level.Draw() World.DrawWeather(Screen.Level.World.CurrentMapWeather) If Core.GameOptions.ShowGUI = True Then Dim P As Vector2 = Core.GetMiddlePosition(New Size(16, 16)) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(ParticlesTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(P.X), CInt(P.Y), 16, 16), New Rectangle(0, 0, 9, 9), Color.White) Dim offsetString As String = "OFF" If Core.GameOptions.LoadOffsetMaps > 0 Then offsetString = "ON (QUALITY: " & (100 - Core.GameOptions.LoadOffsetMaps).ToString() & ")" End If Dim t As String = "MAP: " & Level.LevelFile & Environment.NewLine & "LEVEL: " & Level.MapName & Environment.NewLine & "RENDERDISTANCE: " & Core.GameOptions.RenderDistance.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & "OFFSETMAPS: " & offsetString Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, t, New Vector2(2, Core.windowSize.Height - FontManager.MiniFont.MeasureString(t).Y - 2), Color.White) Dim t2 As String = "WASD: Move around" & Environment.NewLine & "MOUSE SCROLL: Change camera speed" & Environment.NewLine & "LEFT MOUSE CLICK: Interact" & Environment.NewLine & "ARROW KEYS UP/DOWN: Change RenderDistance" & Environment.NewLine & "ARROW KEYS LEFT/RIGHT: Change Offset Map Quality" & Environment.NewLine & "R: Reload map" & Environment.NewLine & "Q: Replace player" & Environment.NewLine & "ESC: Close Map Preview" Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, t2, New Vector2(Core.windowSize.Width - FontManager.MiniFont.MeasureString(t2).X - 2, Core.windowSize.Height - FontManager.MiniFont.MeasureString(t2).Y - 2), Color.White) Dim t3 As String = "MAP PREVIEW MODE" Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, t3, New Vector2(Core.windowSize.Width - FontManager.MiniFont.MeasureString(t3).X - 2, 2), Color.White) Me.DrawMapDisplays() End If End Sub Private Sub DrawMapDisplays() For Each des As MapDisplay In Me.TextDisplays Dim p As Vector2 = des.Position.ProjectPoint(Screen.Camera.View, Screen.Camera.Projection) p.X -= FontManager.ChatFont.MeasureString(des.Text).X / 2.0F SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.ChatFont, des.Text, New Vector2(p.X + 2, p.Y + 2), New Color(0, 0, 0, 128), 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.ChatFont, des.Text, p, des.Color, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) Next End Sub Public Shared Sub DetectMapPath(ByVal arg As String) Dim data() As String = arg.Split(CChar("|")) If data.Length = 1 Then MapViewMode = True MapViewModeMapPath = data(0) MapViewModePosition = Vector3.Zero ElseIf data.Length = 4 Then MapViewMode = True MapViewModeMapPath = data(0) MapViewModePosition = New Vector3(CSng(data(1).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), CSng(data(2).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), CSng(data(3).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator))) End If End Sub End Class