version=2 :if:=35 :then Name ist also~.*That's a cool name, indeed.~You've proven your skills~in the last 35 battles, so~I will award you with*the Silver Ability Emblem.) @player.achieveemblem(silver ability) @register.register(tower_silver) received~the Silver Ability Emblem!) hope that we~will meet again!*Until then,~goodbye.) :else Team ist großartig!~I didn't expect you to~win again, but you truly*showed your strength and dedication.~Now, I usually don't do~this, but here, have the~Golden Ability Emblem.) @player.achieveemblem(gold ability) @register.register(tower_gold) received~the Golden Ability Emblem!) wish you luck~on your journey,~.) :endif @screen.fadeout @Player.warp(frontier\battletower\main.dat,10,0.1,4,0) @camera.reset @level.update @screen.fadein @player.turnto(0) :if:=true :then @camera.activatethirdperson :endif @player.addbp(15) got 15 BP!*You now have BP.) :if:>_previous_streak)> :then @register.change(battletower_challenge__best,)!~You beat your high score.*Your new high score is~ win(s).) :endif @pokemon.changelevel(0,) @pokemon.changelevel(1,) @pokemon.changelevel(2,) @pokemon.calcstats(0) @pokemon.calcstats(1) @pokemon.calcstats(2) @pokemon.heal*All done! Please come~see us again!) @storage.clear :end