version=2 You'll be returning~to the lobby now.) @screen.fadeout @Player.warp(frontier\battletower\main.dat,6,0.1,4,0) @camera.reset @level.update @screen.fadein @player.turnto(0) :if:=true :then @camera.activatethirdperson :endif :if:>6 :then @storage.set(integer,get_bp,)>)'ve done well to~defeat at least 7 trainers.*Your record will be recorded,~and you may add to it by~challenging the tower again.*Allow me to present you with~BP for defeating trainers.) @player.addbp() got BP!*You now have BP.) :endif :if:>_best)> :then @register.change(battletower_endless__best,)!~You beat your high score.*Your new high score is~ win(s).) :endif @pokemon.changelevel(0,) @pokemon.changelevel(1,) @pokemon.changelevel(2,) @pokemon.calcstats(0) @pokemon.calcstats(1) @pokemon.calcstats(2) @pokemon.heal*All done! Please come~see us again!) @storage.clear :endscript