Public Class SkyDome Private SkydomeModel As Model Public TextureUp As Texture2D Public TextureDown As Texture2D Dim TextureSun As Texture2D Dim TextureMoon As Texture2D Public Yaw As Single = 0 Const FASTTIMECYCLE As Boolean = False Public Sub New() SkydomeModel = Core.Content.Load(Of Model)("SkyDomeResource\SkyDome") TextureUp = TextureManager.GetTexture("SkyDomeResource\Clouds") TextureDown = TextureManager.GetTexture("SkyDomeResource\Clouds") TextureSun = TextureManager.GetTexture("SkyDomeResource\sun") TextureMoon = TextureManager.GetTexture("SkyDomeResource\moon") SetLastColor() End Sub Public Sub Update() Yaw += 0.0002F While Yaw > MathHelper.TwoPi Yaw -= MathHelper.TwoPi End While SetLastColor() If FASTTIMECYCLE = True Then Second += 60 If Second = 60 Then Second = 0 Minute += 1 If Minute = 60 Then Minute = 0 Hour += 1 If Hour = 24 Then Hour = 0 End If End If End If End If End Sub Dim Hour As Integer = 0 Dim Minute As Integer = 0 Dim Second As Integer = 0 Private Function GetUniversePitch() As Single If FASTTIMECYCLE = True Then Dim progress As Integer = Hour * 3600 + Minute * 60 + Second Return CSng((MathHelper.TwoPi / 100) * (progress / 86400 * 100)) Else Dim progress As Integer = World.SecondsOfDay Return CSng((MathHelper.TwoPi / 100) * (progress / 86400 * 100)) End If End Function Public Sub Draw(ByVal FOV As Single) If Core.GameOptions.GraphicStyle = 1 Then If Screen.Level.World.EnvironmentType = World.EnvironmentTypes.Outside Then If World.GetWeatherFromWeatherType(Screen.Level.WeatherType) <> World.Weathers.Fog Then ' Don't render the sky if the weather is set to Fog. RenderHalf(FOV, MathHelper.PiOver2, CSng(GetUniversePitch() + Math.PI), True, TextureSun, 100, Me.GetSunAlpha()) ' Draw the Sun. RenderHalf(FOV, MathHelper.PiOver2, CSng(GetUniversePitch()), True, TextureMoon, 100, GetStarsAlpha()) ' Draw the Moon. RenderHalf(FOV, MathHelper.PiOver2, CSng(GetUniversePitch()), True, TextureDown, 50, GetStarsAlpha()) ' Draw the first half of the stars. RenderHalf(FOV, MathHelper.PiOver2, CSng(GetUniversePitch()), False, TextureDown, 50, GetStarsAlpha()) ' Draw the second half of the stars. RenderHalf(FOV, MathHelper.TwoPi - Yaw, 0.0F, True, GetCloudsTexture(), 15, GetCloudAlpha()) ' Draw the back layer of the clouds. RenderHalf(FOV, Yaw, 0.0F, True, TextureUp, 10, GetCloudAlpha()) ' Draw the front layer of the clouds. End If Else RenderHalf(FOV, Yaw, 0.0F, True, TextureUp, 8.0F, 1.0F) If Not TextureDown Is Nothing Then RenderHalf(FOV, Yaw, 0.0F, False, TextureDown, 8.0F, 1.0F) End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub RenderHalf(ByVal FOV As Single, ByVal useYaw As Single, ByVal usePitch As Single, ByVal up As Boolean, ByVal texture As Texture2D, ByVal scale As Single, ByVal alpha As Single) Dim Roll As Single = 0.0F If up = False Then Roll = Math.PI End If Core.GraphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.NonPremultiplied For Each ModelMesh As ModelMesh In SkydomeModel.Meshes For Each BasicEffect As BasicEffect In ModelMesh.Effects BasicEffect.World = Matrix.CreateScale(scale) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(New Vector3(Screen.Camera.Position.X, -5, Screen.Camera.Position.Z)) * Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(useYaw, usePitch, Roll) BasicEffect.View = Screen.Camera.View BasicEffect.Projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.ToRadians(FOV), Core.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, 0.01, 10000) BasicEffect.TextureEnabled = True BasicEffect.Texture = texture BasicEffect.Alpha = alpha Select Case Screen.Level.World.CurrentMapWeather Case World.Weathers.Clear, World.Weathers.Sunny BasicEffect.DiffuseColor = New Vector3(1) Case World.Weathers.Rain BasicEffect.DiffuseColor = New Vector3(0.4, 0.4, 0.7) Case World.Weathers.Snow BasicEffect.DiffuseColor = New Vector3(0.8) Case World.Weathers.Underwater BasicEffect.DiffuseColor = New Vector3(0.1, 0.3, 0.9) Case World.Weathers.Fog BasicEffect.DiffuseColor = New Vector3(0.7, 0.7, 0.8) Case World.Weathers.Sandstorm BasicEffect.DiffuseColor = New Vector3(0.8, 0.5, 0.2) Case World.Weathers.Ash BasicEffect.DiffuseColor = New Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) Case World.Weathers.Blizzard BasicEffect.DiffuseColor = New Vector3(0.6, 0.6, 0.6) End Select If BasicEffect.DiffuseColor <> New Vector3(1) Then BasicEffect.DiffuseColor = GetWeatherColorMultiplier(BasicEffect.DiffuseColor) End If Next ModelMesh.Draw() Next End Sub Shared DaycycleTextureData() As Color = Nothing Shared DaycycleTexture As Texture2D = Nothing Shared LastSkyColor As Color = New Color(0, 0, 0, 0) Shared LastEntityColor As Color = New Color(0, 0, 0, 0) Public Shared Function GetDaytimeColor(ByVal shader As Boolean) As Color If shader = True Then Return LastEntityColor Else Return LastSkyColor End If End Function Private Sub SetLastColor() If DaycycleTextureData Is Nothing Then Dim DaycycleTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("SkyDomeResource\daycycle") DaycycleTextureData = New Color(DaycycleTexture.Width * DaycycleTexture.Height - 1) {} DaycycleTexture.GetData(DaycycleTextureData) SkyDome.DaycycleTexture = DaycycleTexture End If Dim pixel As Integer = GetTimeValue() Dim pixelColor As Color = DaycycleTextureData(pixel) If pixelColor <> LastSkyColor Then LastSkyColor = pixelColor LastEntityColor = DaycycleTextureData((pixel + DaycycleTexture.Width).Clamp(0, DaycycleTexture.Width * DaycycleTexture.Height - 1)) End If End Sub Private Function GetCloudAlpha() As Single Select Case Screen.Level.World.CurrentMapWeather Case World.Weathers.Rain, World.Weathers.Blizzard, World.Weathers.Thunderstorm Return 0.6F Case World.Weathers.Snow, World.Weathers.Ash Return 0.4F Case World.Weathers.Clear Return 0.1F End Select Return 0.0F End Function Private Function GetStarsAlpha() As Single Dim progress As Integer = GetTimeValue() If progress < 360 Or progress > 1080 Then Dim dP As Integer = progress If dP < 360 Then dP = 720 - dP * 2 ElseIf dP > 1080 Then dP = 720 - (1440 - dP) * 2 End If Dim alpha As Single = CDec(dP / 720) * 0.7F Return alpha Else Return 0.0F End If End Function Private Function GetSunAlpha() As Single Dim progress As Integer = GetTimeValue() If progress >= 1080 And progress < 1140 Then ' Between 6:00:00 PM and 7:00:00 PM, the Sun will fade away with 60 stages: Dim i As Single = progress - 1080 Dim percent As Single = i / 60 * 100 Return 1.0F - percent / 100.0F ElseIf progress >= 300 And progress < 360 Then ' Between 5:00:00 AM and 6:00:00 Am, the Sun will fade in with 60 stages: Dim i As Single = progress - 300 Dim percent As Single = i / 60 * 100 Return percent / 100.0F ElseIf progress >= 1140 Or progress < 300 Then ' Between 7:00:00 PM and 5:00:00 AM, the Sun will be invisible: Return 0.0F Else ' Between 6:00:00 AM and 6:00:00 PM, the Sun will be fully visible: Return 1.0F End If End Function Private Function GetCloudsTexture() As Texture2D Select Case Screen.Level.World.CurrentMapWeather Case World.Weathers.Rain, World.Weathers.Blizzard, World.Weathers.Thunderstorm, World.Weathers.Snow Return TextureManager.GetTexture("SkyDomeResource\CloudsWeather") End Select Return TextureUp End Function Public Function GetWeatherColorMultiplier(ByVal v As Vector3) As Vector3 Dim progress As Integer = GetTimeValue() Dim p As Single = 0.0F If progress < 720 Then p = CSng((720 - progress) / 720) Else p = CSng((progress - 720) / 720) End If Return New Vector3(v.X + ((1 - v.X) * p), v.Y + ((1 - v.Y) * p), v.Z + ((1 - v.Z) * p)) End Function Private Function GetTimeValue() As Integer If FASTTIMECYCLE = True Then Return Hour * 60 + Minute Else If World.IsMainMenu Then Return 720 End If Return World.MinutesOfDay End If End Function End Class