Public Class StorageSystemScreen Inherits Screen Public Shared TileOffset As Integer = 0 Private renderTarget As RenderTarget2D Public Enum FeatureTypes Deposit Withdraw Organize End Enum Public Enum SelectionModes SingleMove EasyMove ItemMove Withdraw Deposit End Enum Private Enum CursorModes Selection Box End Enum Public Enum FilterTypes Pokémon Type1 Type2 Move Ability Nature Gender HeldItem End Enum Public FeatureType As FeatureTypes = FeatureTypes.Organize Public SelectionMode As SelectionModes = SelectionModes.SingleMove Public Structure Filter Public FilterType As FilterTypes Public FilterValue As String End Structure Public Filters As New List(Of Filter) Dim CursorMode As CursorModes = CursorModes.Selection Dim CursorPosition As Vector2 Dim CursorMovePosition As Vector2 = New Vector2(0) Dim CursorAimPosition As Vector2 = New Vector2(0) Dim CursorMoving As Boolean = False Dim CursorSpeed As Integer = 0 Dim MovingPokemon As Pokemon = Nothing Dim PickupPlace As Vector2 = New Vector2(1) Dim PickupBox As Integer = 0 Dim texture As Texture2D Dim menuTexture As Texture2D Dim MenuEntries As New List(Of MenuEntry) Dim MenuVisible As Boolean = False Dim MenuCursor As Integer = 0 Dim MenuHeader As String = "" Dim BoxChooseMode As Boolean = False Dim Boxes As New List(Of Box) Dim CurrentBox As Integer = 0 Dim modelRoll As Single = 0.0F Dim modelPan As Single = 0.0F Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen) Me.renderTarget = New RenderTarget2D(Core.GraphicsDevice, 1200, 680, False, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8) Me.PreScreen = currentScreen Me.Identification = Identifications.StorageSystemScreen Me.MouseVisible = True Me.CanBePaused = True Me.CanChat = True Me.CanMuteMusic = True Me.texture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Box\storage") Me.menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General") LoadScreen() End Sub Private Shared Function LoadBoxes() As List(Of Box) Dim boxes As New List(Of Box) For i = 0 To Core.Player.BoxAmount - 1 boxes.Add(New Box(i)) Next For Each line As String In Core.Player.BoxData.SplitAtNewline() If line.StartsWith("BOX") = False And line <> "" Then Dim Data() As String = line.Split(CChar(",")) Dim boxIndex As String = Data(0) Dim pokemonIndex As String = Data(1) Dim pokemonData As String = line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf("{")) If GetBox(CInt(boxIndex), boxes) Is Nothing Then boxes.Add(New Box(CInt(boxIndex))) End If If GetBox(CInt(boxIndex), boxes).Pokemon.ContainsKey(CInt(pokemonIndex)) = False Then GetBox(CInt(boxIndex), boxes).Pokemon.Add(CInt(pokemonIndex), New PokemonWrapper(pokemonData)) ' Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(pokemonData)) End If ElseIf line.StartsWith("BOX") = True Then Dim boxData() As String = line.Split(CChar("|")) Dim boxIndex As Integer = CInt(boxData(1)) Dim boxName As String = boxData(2) Dim boxBackground As Integer = CInt(boxData(3)) If GetBox(boxIndex, boxes) Is Nothing Then boxes.Add(New Box(boxIndex)) End If GetBox(boxIndex, boxes).Background = boxBackground GetBox(boxIndex, boxes).Name = boxName End If Next Dim minBox As Integer = -1 Dim maxBox As Integer = -1 For Each b As Box In boxes If b.index < minBox Or minBox = -1 Then minBox = b.index End If If b.index > maxBox Or maxBox = -1 Then maxBox = b.index End If Next For i = minBox To maxBox If GetBox(i, boxes) Is Nothing Then boxes.Add(New Box(i)) End If Next Dim lastBox As Box = boxes(0) For Each b As Box In boxes If b.index > lastBox.index Then lastBox = b End If Next lastBox.IsBattleBox = True Return boxes End Function Private Sub LoadScreen() SelectionMode = Player.Temp.PCSelectionType CursorMode = CursorModes.Selection CursorPosition = Player.Temp.StorageSystemCursorPosition Me.Boxes = LoadBoxes() Me.CurrentBox = Player.Temp.PCBoxIndex Me.BoxChooseMode = Player.Temp.PCBoxChooseMode End Sub #Region "Update" Public Overrides Sub Update() If ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.Y) = True Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.SpecialKey) = True Then Core.SetScreen(New StorageSystemFilterScreen(Me)) End If If MenuVisible = True Then For i = 0 To Me.MenuEntries.Count - 1 If i <= Me.MenuEntries.Count - 1 Then Dim m As MenuEntry = Me.MenuEntries(i) m.Update(Me) End If Next If Controls.Up(True, True) = True Then Me.MenuCursor -= 1 End If If Controls.Down(True, True) = True Then Me.MenuCursor += 1 End If Dim maxIndex As Integer = 0 Dim minIndex As Integer = 100 For Each e As MenuEntry In Me.MenuEntries If e.Index < minIndex Then minIndex = e.Index End If If e.Index > maxIndex Then maxIndex = e.Index End If Next If Me.MenuCursor > maxIndex Then Me.MenuCursor = minIndex ElseIf Me.MenuCursor < minIndex Then Me.MenuCursor = maxIndex End If Else TurnModel() If CursorMoving = True Then MoveCursor() Else If ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.RightShoulder) = True Or Controls.Right(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True Then Me.CurrentBox += 1 If CurrentBox > Me.Boxes.Count - 1 Then CurrentBox = 0 End If End If If ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.LeftShoulder) = True Or Controls.Left(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True Then Me.CurrentBox -= 1 If CurrentBox < 0 Then CurrentBox = Me.Boxes.Count - 1 End If End If PressNumberButtons() If GetRelativeMousePosition() <> New Vector2(-1) AndAlso GetRelativeMousePosition() = CursorPosition AndAlso Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") ChooseObject() End If ControlCursor() If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") ChooseObject() End If If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") CloseScreen() End If End If End If StorageSystemScreen.TileOffset += 1 If StorageSystemScreen.TileOffset >= 64 Then StorageSystemScreen.TileOffset = 0 End If End Sub Private Sub TurnModel() If Controls.ShiftDown("L", False) = True Then modelRoll -= 0.1F End If If ControllerHandler.ButtonDown(Buttons.RightThumbstickLeft) = True Then Dim gPadState As GamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One) modelRoll -= gPadState.ThumbSticks.Right.X * 0.1F End If If ControllerHandler.ButtonDown(Buttons.RightThumbstickRight) = True Then Dim gPadState As GamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One) modelRoll -= gPadState.ThumbSticks.Right.X * 0.1F End If If Controls.ShiftDown("R", False) = True Then modelRoll += 0.1F End If End Sub Private Sub PressNumberButtons() Dim switchTo As Integer = -1 If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.D1) = True Then switchTo = 0 End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.D2) = True Then switchTo = 1 End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.D3) = True Then switchTo = 2 End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.D4) = True Then switchTo = 3 End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.D5) = True Then switchTo = 4 End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.D6) = True Then switchTo = 5 End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.D7) = True Then switchTo = 6 End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.D8) = True Then switchTo = 7 End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.D9) = True Then switchTo = 8 End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.D0) = True Then switchTo = 9 End If If switchTo > -1 Then If Me.Boxes.Count - 1 >= switchTo Then CurrentBox = switchTo End If End If End Sub Private Sub ChooseObject() Select Case CursorPosition.Y Case 0 Select Case CursorPosition.X Case 0 Me.CurrentBox -= 1 If CurrentBox < 0 Then CurrentBox = Me.Boxes.Count - 1 End If Case 1, 2, 3, 4 If Me.BoxChooseMode = True Then Me.BoxChooseMode = False Else Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "Choose Box", False, AddressOf Me.ChooseBox) Dim e1 As New MenuEntry(4, "Change Mode", False, AddressOf Me.ChangemodeMenu) If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True Then Dim e4 As New MenuEntry(5, "Cancel", True, Nothing) Me.SetupMenu({e, e1, e4}, "What do you want to do?") Else Dim e2 As New MenuEntry(5, "Wallpaper", False, AddressOf WallpaperMain) Dim e3 As New MenuEntry(6, "Name", False, AddressOf SelectNameBox) Dim e4 As New MenuEntry(7, "Cancel", True, Nothing) Me.SetupMenu({e, e1, e2, e3, e4}, "What do you want to do?") End If End If Case 5 Me.CurrentBox += 1 If CurrentBox > Me.Boxes.Count - 1 Then CurrentBox = 0 End If Case 6 SelectPokemon() End Select Case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 If BoxChooseMode = True And CursorPosition.X < 6 And CursorPosition.Y > 0 Then Dim id As Integer = CInt(CursorPosition.X) + CInt((CursorPosition.Y - 1) * 6) If Not GetBox(id) Is Nothing Then Me.CurrentBox = id Me.BoxChooseMode = False End If Else SelectPokemon() End If End Select End Sub #Region "ChangeMode" Private Sub ChangemodeMenu() Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "Withdraw", False, AddressOf SelectWithdraw) Dim e1 As New MenuEntry(4, "Deposit", False, AddressOf SelectDeposit) Dim e2 As New MenuEntry(5, "Single Move", False, AddressOf Me.SelectSingleMove) Dim e3 As New MenuEntry(6, "Easy Move", False, AddressOf Me.SelectEasyMove) Dim e4 As New MenuEntry(7, "Cancel", True, AddressOf Me.ChooseObject) Me.SetupMenu({e, e1, e2, e3, e4}, "Choose a mode to use.") End Sub Private Sub SelectWithdraw() Me.SelectionMode = SelectionModes.Withdraw End Sub Private Sub SelectDeposit() Me.SelectionMode = SelectionModes.Deposit End Sub Private Sub SelectSingleMove() Me.SelectionMode = SelectionModes.SingleMove End Sub Private Sub SelectEasyMove() Me.SelectionMode = SelectionModes.EasyMove End Sub #End Region Private Shadows Sub ChooseBox() Me.BoxChooseMode = Not Me.BoxChooseMode End Sub Private Sub SelectNameBox() Core.SetScreen(New InputScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, "BOX " & CStr(GetBox(CurrentBox).index + 1), InputScreen.InputModes.Text, GetBox(CurrentBox).Name, 11, New List(Of Texture2D), AddressOf Me.NameBox)) End Sub Private Sub NameBox(ByVal name As String) GetBox(CurrentBox).Name = name End Sub #Region "Backgrounds" Private Sub WallpaperMain() Dim badges As Integer = Core.Player.Badges.Count If Core.Player.SandBoxMode = True Or GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Then badges = 16 End If Select Case badges Case 0, 1 Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "Package 1", False, AddressOf WallpaperPackage1) Dim e4 As New MenuEntry(4, "Cancel", True, AddressOf ChooseObject) SetupMenu({e, e4}, "Please pick a theme.") Case 2, 3, 4 Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "Package 1", False, AddressOf WallpaperPackage1) Dim e1 As New MenuEntry(4, "Package 2", False, AddressOf WallpaperPackage2) Dim e4 As New MenuEntry(5, "Cancel", True, AddressOf ChooseObject) SetupMenu({e, e1, e4}, "Please pick a theme.") Case 5, 6, 7 Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "Package 1", False, AddressOf WallpaperPackage1) Dim e1 As New MenuEntry(4, "Package 2", False, AddressOf WallpaperPackage2) Dim e2 As New MenuEntry(5, "Package 3", False, AddressOf WallpaperPackage3) Dim e4 As New MenuEntry(6, "Cancel", True, AddressOf ChooseObject) SetupMenu({e, e1, e2, e4}, "Please pick a theme.") Case Else Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "Package 1", False, AddressOf WallpaperPackage1) Dim e1 As New MenuEntry(4, "Package 2", False, AddressOf WallpaperPackage2) Dim e2 As New MenuEntry(5, "Package 3", False, AddressOf WallpaperPackage3) Dim e3 As New MenuEntry(6, "Package 4", False, AddressOf WallpaperPackage4) Dim e4 As New MenuEntry(7, "Cancel", True, AddressOf ChooseObject) SetupMenu({e, e1, e2, e3, e4}, "Please pick a theme.") End Select End Sub Private Sub WallpaperPackage1() Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "Forest", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 0) Dim e1 As New MenuEntry(4, "City", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 1) Dim e2 As New MenuEntry(5, "Desert", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 2) Dim e3 As New MenuEntry(6, "Savanna", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 3) Dim e4 As New MenuEntry(7, "Cave", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 8) Dim e5 As New MenuEntry(8, "River", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 11) Dim e6 As New MenuEntry(9, "Cancel", True, AddressOf WallpaperMain) SetupMenu({e, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6}, "Pick the wallpaper.") End Sub Private Sub WallpaperPackage2() Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "Volcano", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 5) Dim e1 As New MenuEntry(4, "Snow", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 6) Dim e2 As New MenuEntry(5, "Beach", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 9) Dim e3 As New MenuEntry(6, "Seafloor", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 10) Dim e4 As New MenuEntry(7, "Crag", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 4) Dim e5 As New MenuEntry(8, "Steel", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 7) Dim e6 As New MenuEntry(9, "Cancel", True, AddressOf WallpaperMain) SetupMenu({e, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6}, "Pick the wallpaper.") End Sub Private Sub WallpaperPackage3() Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "Volcano 2", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 14) Dim e1 As New MenuEntry(4, "City 2", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 15) Dim e2 As New MenuEntry(5, "Snow 2", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 16) Dim e3 As New MenuEntry(6, "Desert 2", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 17) Dim e4 As New MenuEntry(7, "Savanna 2", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 18) Dim e5 As New MenuEntry(8, "Steel 2", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 19) Dim e6 As New MenuEntry(9, "Cancel", True, AddressOf WallpaperMain) SetupMenu({e, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6}, "Pick the wallpaper.") End Sub Private Sub WallpaperPackage4() Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "System", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 22) Dim e1 As New MenuEntry(4, "Simple", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 13) Dim e2 As New MenuEntry(5, "Checks", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 12) Dim e3 As New MenuEntry(6, "Seasons", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 23) Dim e4 As New MenuEntry(7, "Retro 1", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 20) Dim e5 As New MenuEntry(8, "Retro 2", False, AddressOf PickWallpaper, 21) Dim e6 As New MenuEntry(9, "Cancel", True, AddressOf WallpaperMain) SetupMenu({e, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6}, "Pick the wallpaper.") End Sub Private Sub PickWallpaper(ByVal e As MenuEntry) GetBox(CurrentBox).Background = CInt(e.TAG) End Sub #End Region Private Sub GetYOffset(ByVal p As Pokemon) Dim t As Texture2D = p.GetTexture(True) Me.yOffset = -1 Dim cArr(t.Width * t.Height - 1) As Color t.GetData(cArr) For y = 0 To t.Height - 1 For x = 0 To t.Width - 1 If cArr(x + y * t.Height) <> Color.Transparent Then Me.yOffset = y Exit For End If Next If Me.yOffset <> -1 Then Exit For End If Next End Sub Private Sub MoveCursor() Dim changedPosition As Boolean = False If CursorMovePosition <> CursorAimPosition Then changedPosition = True End If If CursorMovePosition.X < CursorAimPosition.X Then CursorMovePosition.X += Me.CursorSpeed If CursorMovePosition.X >= CursorAimPosition.X Then CursorMovePosition.X = CursorAimPosition.X End If End If If CursorMovePosition.X > CursorAimPosition.X Then CursorMovePosition.X -= Me.CursorSpeed If CursorMovePosition.X <= CursorAimPosition.X Then CursorMovePosition.X = CursorAimPosition.X End If End If If CursorMovePosition.Y < CursorAimPosition.Y Then CursorMovePosition.Y += Me.CursorSpeed If CursorMovePosition.Y >= CursorAimPosition.Y Then CursorMovePosition.Y = CursorAimPosition.Y End If End If If CursorMovePosition.Y > CursorAimPosition.Y Then CursorMovePosition.Y -= Me.CursorSpeed If CursorMovePosition.Y <= CursorAimPosition.Y Then CursorMovePosition.Y = CursorAimPosition.Y End If End If If CursorAimPosition = CursorMovePosition Then Me.CursorMoving = False If Me.SelectionMode = SelectionModes.EasyMove And changedPosition = True And Me.ClickedObject = True Then ChooseObject() End If End If End Sub Dim ClickedObject As Boolean = False Private Sub ControlCursor() Dim PreCursor As Vector2 = CursorPosition If Controls.Right(True, True, False) = True Then Me.CursorMovePosition = GetAbsoluteCursorPosition(Me.CursorPosition) Me.CursorPosition.X += 1 If Me.CursorPosition.Y = 0 And Me.CursorPosition.X > 1 And Me.CursorPosition.X < 5 Then Me.CursorPosition.X = 5 End If Me.CursorMoving = True Me.ClickedObject = False End If If Controls.Left(True, True, False) = True Then Me.CursorMovePosition = GetAbsoluteCursorPosition(Me.CursorPosition) Me.CursorPosition.X -= 1 If Me.CursorPosition.Y = 0 And Me.CursorPosition.X > 0 And Me.CursorPosition.X < 4 Then Me.CursorPosition.X = 0 End If Me.CursorMoving = True Me.ClickedObject = False End If If Controls.Up(True, True, False) Then Me.CursorMovePosition = GetAbsoluteCursorPosition(Me.CursorPosition) Me.CursorPosition.Y -= 1 Me.CursorMoving = True Me.ClickedObject = False End If If Controls.Down(True, True, False) Then Me.CursorMovePosition = GetAbsoluteCursorPosition(Me.CursorPosition) Me.CursorPosition.Y += 1 Me.CursorMoving = True Me.ClickedObject = False If Me.CursorPosition.Y = 1 And GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True And Me.CursorPosition.X < 6 And BoxChooseMode = False Then Me.CursorPosition.X = 2 End If End If If ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.X) = True Then Me.CursorMovePosition = GetAbsoluteCursorPosition(Me.CursorPosition) Me.CursorPosition = New Vector2(1, 0) Me.CursorMoving = True Me.ClickedObject = False End If If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True AndAlso GetRelativeMousePosition() <> New Vector2(-1) Then Me.CursorMovePosition = GetAbsoluteCursorPosition(Me.CursorPosition) Me.CursorPosition = GetRelativeMousePosition() Me.CursorMoving = True Me.ClickedObject = True End If Dim XRange() As Integer = {0, 6} If Me.BoxChooseMode = False Then If Me.SelectionMode = SelectionModes.Withdraw And CursorPosition.Y > 0 Then If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True Then XRange = {2, 3} Else XRange = {0, 5} End If ElseIf Me.SelectionMode = SelectionModes.Deposit And CursorPosition.Y > 0 Then XRange = {6, 6} Else If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True Then If CursorPosition.Y = 0 Then XRange = {0, 6} Else XRange = {2, 6} End If End If End If End If If CursorPosition.X < XRange(0) Then CursorPosition.X = XRange(1) End If If CursorPosition.X > XRange(1) Then CursorPosition.X = XRange(0) End If If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True And Me.BoxChooseMode = False Then If Me.CursorPosition.Y > 0 And Me.CursorPosition.X > 3 And Me.CursorPosition.X < 6 Then If PreCursor.X > Me.CursorPosition.X Then Me.CursorPosition.X = 3 Else Me.CursorPosition.X = 6 End If End If End If Dim YRange() As Integer = {0, 5} If Me.BoxChooseMode = False Then If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True And Me.CursorPosition.X < 6 Then YRange = {0, 3} End If End If If CursorPosition.Y < YRange(0) Then CursorPosition.Y = YRange(1) End If If CursorPosition.Y > YRange(1) Then CursorPosition.Y = YRange(0) End If CursorAimPosition = GetAbsoluteCursorPosition(Me.CursorPosition) Me.CursorSpeed = CInt(Vector2.Distance(CursorMovePosition, CursorAimPosition) * (30 / 100)) End Sub Private Sub CloseScreen() If Me.BoxChooseMode = True Then Me.BoxChooseMode = False Else If Not MovingPokemon Is Nothing Then If PickupPlace.X = 6 Then Core.Player.Pokemons.Add(Me.MovingPokemon) Else Dim id As Integer = CInt(PickupPlace.X) + CInt((PickupPlace.Y - 1) * 6) If GetBox(PickupBox).IsBattleBox = True Then GetBox(PickupBox).Pokemon.Add(GetBox(PickupBox).Pokemon.Count, New PokemonWrapper(Me.MovingPokemon)) ' Me.MovingPokemon)) Else GetBox(PickupBox).Pokemon.Add(id, New PokemonWrapper(Me.MovingPokemon)) ' Me.MovingPokemon) End If CurrentBox = PickupBox End If Me.MovingPokemon = Nothing Else Player.Temp.StorageSystemCursorPosition = Me.CursorPosition Player.Temp.PCBoxIndex = Me.CurrentBox Player.Temp.PCBoxChooseMode = Me.BoxChooseMode Player.Temp.PCSelectionType = Me.SelectionMode Core.Player.BoxData = GetBoxSaveData(Me.Boxes) Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Me, Me.PreScreen, Color.Black, False)) End If End If End Sub Private Shared Function GetBoxSaveData(ByVal boxes As List(Of Box)) As String Dim BoxesFull As Boolean = True Dim newData As New List(Of String) For Each b As Box In boxes If b.IsBattleBox = False Then newData.Add("BOX|" & b.index & "|" & b.Name & "|" & b.Background) Dim hasPokemon As Boolean = False For i = 0 To 29 If b.Pokemon.Keys.Contains(i) = True Then hasPokemon = True newData.Add(b.index.ToString() & "," & i.ToString() & "," & b.Pokemon(i).PokemonData) End If Next If hasPokemon = False Then BoxesFull = False End If End If Next Dim addedBoxes As Integer = 0 If BoxesFull = True And boxes.Count < 30 Then Dim newBoxes As Integer = (5).Clamp(1, 30 - boxes.Count) addedBoxes = newBoxes For i = 0 To newBoxes - 1 Dim newBoxID As Integer = boxes.Count - 1 + i newData.Add("BOX|" & newBoxID.ToString() & "|BOX " & (newBoxID + 1).ToString() & "|" & Core.Random.Next(0, 19).ToString()) Next End If Dim battleBox As Box = boxes.Last newData.Add("BOX|" & CStr(boxes.Count - 1 + addedBoxes) & "|" & battleBox.Name & "|" & battleBox.Background) For i = 0 To 29 If battleBox.Pokemon.Keys.Contains(i) = True Then newData.Add(CStr(boxes.Count - 1 + addedBoxes) & "," & i.ToString() & "," & battleBox.Pokemon(i).PokemonData) End If Next Dim returnData As String = "" For Each l As String In newData If returnData <> "" Then returnData &= Environment.NewLine End If returnData &= l Next Return returnData End Function Private Function GetRelativeMousePosition() As Vector2 For x = 0 To 5 For y = 0 To 4 If New Rectangle(50 + x * 100, 200 + y * 84, 64, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Return New Vector2(x, y + 1) End If Next Next For y = 0 To 5 If New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 260, y * 100 + 50, 128, 80).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Return New Vector2(6, y) End If Next If New Rectangle(10, 52, 96, 96).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Return New Vector2(0, 0) End If If New Rectangle(655, 52, 96, 96).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Return New Vector2(5, 0) End If If New Rectangle(80, 50, 600, 100).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Return New Vector2(1, 0) End If Return New Vector2(-1) End Function Private Function GetAbsoluteCursorPosition(ByVal relPos As Vector2) As Vector2 Select Case relPos.Y Case 0 Select Case relPos.X Case 0 Return New Vector2(60, 20) Case 1, 2, 3, 4 Return New Vector2(380, 30) Case 5 Return New Vector2(705, 20) Case 6 Return New Vector2(Core.windowSize.Width - 200, 20) End Select Case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Select Case relPos.X Case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Return New Vector2(50 + relPos.X * 100 + 42, 200 + (relPos.Y - 1) * 84 - 42) Case 6 Return New Vector2(Core.windowSize.Width - 200, 20 + 100 * relPos.Y) End Select End Select End Function Private Function GetBattleBoxID() As Integer Dim id As Integer = -1 If CursorPosition.X = 2 Then Select Case CursorPosition.Y Case 1 Return 0 Case 2 Return 2 Case 3 Return 4 End Select ElseIf CursorPosition.X = 3 Then Select Case CursorPosition.Y Case 1 Return 1 Case 2 Return 3 Case 3 Return 5 End Select End If Return -1 End Function Private Sub SelectPokemon() Select Case Me.SelectionMode Case SelectionModes.SingleMove, SelectionModes.Withdraw, SelectionModes.Deposit If Me.MovingPokemon Is Nothing Then Dim id As Integer = CInt(CursorPosition.X) + CInt((CursorPosition.Y - 1) * 6) If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True Then id = GetBattleBoxID() End If If GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Keys.Contains(id) = True And CursorPosition.X < 6 Or CursorPosition.X = 6 And Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 >= CInt(CursorPosition.Y) Then Dim p As Pokemon = Nothing If CursorPosition.X = 6 Then p = Core.Player.Pokemons(CInt(CursorPosition.Y)) Else p = GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon(id).GetPokemon() End If Dim e As MenuEntry Select Case Me.SelectionMode Case SelectionModes.Withdraw e = New MenuEntry(3, "Withdraw", False, AddressOf WithdrawPokemon) Case SelectionModes.Deposit e = New MenuEntry(3, "Deposit", False, AddressOf DepositPokemon) Case Else e = New MenuEntry(3, "Move", False, AddressOf PickupPokemon) End Select Dim e1 As New MenuEntry(4, "Summary", False, AddressOf SummaryPokemon) Dim e2 As New MenuEntry(5, "Release", False, AddressOf ReleasePokemon) Dim e3 As New MenuEntry(6, "Cancel", True, Nothing) SetupMenu({e, e1, e2, e3}, p.GetDisplayName() & " is selected.") End If Else PickupPokemon() End If Case SelectionModes.EasyMove PickupPokemon() End Select End Sub Private Sub PickupPokemon() If CursorPosition.X = 6 Then If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 >= CursorPosition.Y Then If Not Me.MovingPokemon Is Nothing Then Dim l As New List(Of Pokemon) l.AddRange(Core.Player.Pokemons.ToArray()) l.RemoveAt(CInt(CursorPosition.Y)) l.Add(Me.MovingPokemon) Dim hasPokemon As Boolean = False For Each p As Pokemon In l If p.IsEgg() = False And p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted And p.HP > 0 Then hasPokemon = True Exit For End If Next If hasPokemon = True Then Dim sPokemon As Pokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(CInt(CursorPosition.Y)) Me.MovingPokemon.FullRestore() Core.Player.Pokemons.Insert(CInt(CursorPosition.Y), Me.MovingPokemon) MovingPokemon = sPokemon Core.Player.Pokemons.RemoveAt(CInt(CursorPosition.Y) + 1) Else Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "OK", True, Nothing) SetupMenu({e}, "Can't remove last Pokémon from party.") End If Else Dim l As New List(Of Pokemon) l.AddRange(Core.Player.Pokemons.ToArray()) l.RemoveAt(CInt(CursorPosition.Y)) Dim hasPokemon As Boolean = False For Each p As Pokemon In l If p.IsEgg() = False And p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted And p.HP > 0 Then hasPokemon = True Exit For End If Next If hasPokemon = True Then Me.MovingPokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(CInt(CursorPosition.Y)) Core.Player.Pokemons.RemoveAt(CInt(CursorPosition.Y)) PickupBox = 0 PickupPlace = New Vector2(6, 0) Else Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "OK", True, Nothing) SetupMenu({e}, "Can't remove last Pokémon from party.") End If End If Else If Not Me.MovingPokemon Is Nothing Then Me.MovingPokemon.FullRestore() Core.Player.Pokemons.Add(Me.MovingPokemon) Me.MovingPokemon = Nothing End If End If Else Dim pokemonExists As Boolean = False Dim id As Integer = CInt(CursorPosition.X) + CInt((CursorPosition.Y - 1) * 6) If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True Then id = GetBattleBoxID() End If pokemonExists = GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Keys.Contains(id) If pokemonExists = True Then If Me.MovingPokemon Is Nothing Then Me.MovingPokemon = GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon(id).GetPokemon() GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Remove(id) PickupBox = CurrentBox PickupPlace = CursorPosition RearrangeBattleBox(GetBox(CurrentBox)) Else Me.MovingPokemon.FullRestore() Dim sPokemon As Pokemon = GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon(id).GetPokemon() GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon(id) = New PokemonWrapper(Me.MovingPokemon) ' Me.MovingPokemon Me.MovingPokemon = sPokemon End If Else If Not Me.MovingPokemon Is Nothing Then Me.MovingPokemon.FullRestore() If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True Then GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Add(GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Count, New PokemonWrapper(Me.MovingPokemon)) ' Me.MovingPokemon) Else GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Add(id, New PokemonWrapper(Me.MovingPokemon)) ' Me.MovingPokemon) End If Me.MovingPokemon = Nothing End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub WithdrawPokemon() If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count < 6 Then Dim id As Integer = CInt(CursorPosition.X) + CInt((CursorPosition.Y - 1) * 6) If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True Then id = GetBattleBoxID() End If Dim pokemonExists As Boolean = GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Keys.Contains(id) If pokemonExists = True Then Core.Player.Pokemons.Add(GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon(id).GetPokemon()) GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Remove(id) End If Else Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "OK", True, Nothing) SetupMenu({e}, "Party is full!") End If RearrangeBattleBox(GetBox(CurrentBox)) End Sub Private Sub DepositPokemon() If GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Count < 30 Then If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 >= CInt(Me.CursorPosition.Y) Then Dim l As New List(Of Pokemon) l.AddRange(Core.Player.Pokemons.ToArray()) l.RemoveAt(CInt(CursorPosition.Y)) Dim hasPokemon As Boolean = False For Each p As Pokemon In l If p.IsEgg() = False And p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted And p.HP > 0 Then hasPokemon = True Exit For End If Next If hasPokemon = True Then Dim nextIndex As Integer = 0 While GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Keys.Contains(nextIndex) = True nextIndex += 1 End While Core.Player.Pokemons(CInt(Me.CursorPosition.Y)).FullRestore() GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Add(nextIndex, New PokemonWrapper(Core.Player.Pokemons(CInt(Me.CursorPosition.Y)))) ' Core.Player.Pokemons(CInt(Me.CursorPosition.Y))) Core.Player.Pokemons.RemoveAt(CInt(Me.CursorPosition.Y)) Else Dim e As New MenuEntry(3, "OK", True, Nothing) SetupMenu({e}, "Can't remove last Pokémon from party.") End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub SummaryPokemon() If CursorPosition.X = 6 Then Core.SetScreen(New SummaryScreen(Me, Core.Player.Pokemons.ToArray(), CInt(CursorPosition.Y))) Else Dim id As Integer = CInt(CursorPosition.X) + CInt((CursorPosition.Y - 1) * 6) If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True Then id = GetBattleBoxID() End If Core.SetScreen(New SummaryScreen(Me, GetBox(CurrentBox).GetPokemonList().ToArray(), GetBox(CurrentBox).GetPokemonList().IndexOf(GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon(id).GetPokemon()))) End If End Sub Private Sub ReleasePokemon() Dim hasPokemon As Boolean = False If Me.CursorPosition.X = 6 Then Dim l As New List(Of Pokemon) l.AddRange(Core.Player.Pokemons.ToArray()) l.RemoveAt(CInt(CursorPosition.Y)) For Each p As Pokemon In l If p.IsEgg() = False And p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted And p.HP > 0 Then hasPokemon = True Exit For End If Next Else hasPokemon = True End If If hasPokemon = True Then Dim id As Integer = CInt(CursorPosition.X) + CInt((CursorPosition.Y - 1) * 6) If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True Then id = GetBattleBoxID() End If Dim p As Pokemon = Nothing If CursorPosition.X = 6 Then p = Core.Player.Pokemons(CInt(CursorPosition.Y)) Else p = GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon(id).GetPokemon() End If If p.IsEgg() = False Then Dim e1 As New MenuEntry(3, "No", True, AddressOf SelectPokemon) Dim e As New MenuEntry(4, "Yes", False, AddressOf ConfirmRelease) Me.SetupMenu({e1, e}, "Release " & p.GetDisplayName() & "?") Else Me.SetupMenu({New MenuEntry(3, "OK", True, Nothing)}, "Cannot release an Egg.") End If Else Me.SetupMenu({New MenuEntry(3, "OK", True, Nothing)}, "Cannot release the last Pokémon.") End If End Sub Private Sub ConfirmRelease() Dim id As Integer = CInt(CursorPosition.X) + CInt((CursorPosition.Y - 1) * 6) If CursorPosition.X = 6 Then Core.Player.Pokemons.RemoveAt(CInt(CursorPosition.Y)) Else GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Remove(id) End If End Sub Private Sub RearrangeBattleBox(ByVal b As Box) If b.IsBattleBox = True Then Dim p As List(Of Pokemon) = b.GetPokemonList() b.Pokemon.Clear() For i = 0 To p.Count - 1 b.Pokemon.Add(i, New PokemonWrapper(p(i))) ' p(i)) Next End If End Sub #End Region #Region "Draw" Public Overrides Sub Draw() ' Draw3DModel() DrawMainWindow() DrawPokemonStatus() DrawTopBar() DrawTeamWindow() If Me.MenuVisible = False Then DrawCursor() Else DrawMenuEntries() End If End Sub Private Sub DrawTopBar() Dim b As Box = Nothing Dim boxIndex As Integer = 0 If BoxChooseMode = True Then If CursorPosition.X < 6 And CursorPosition.Y > 0 Then boxIndex = CInt(CursorPosition.X) + CInt((CursorPosition.Y - 1) * 6) Else boxIndex = CurrentBox End If Else boxIndex = Me.CurrentBox End If b = GetBox(boxIndex) If Not b Is Nothing Then If b.IsBattleBox = True Then Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Box\BattleBox"), New Rectangle(80, 50, 600, 100), Color.White) Dim cArr(0) As Color TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Box\BattleBox", New Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), "").GetData(cArr) Canvas.DrawScrollBar(New Vector2(80, 36), Me.Boxes.Count, 1, boxIndex, New Size(600, 14), True, New Color(0, 0, 0, 0), cArr(0)) Else Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Box\" & b.Background.ToString()), New Rectangle(80, 50, 600, 100), Color.White) Dim cArr(0) As Color TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Box\" & b.Background, New Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), "").GetData(cArr) Canvas.DrawScrollBar(New Vector2(80, 36), Me.Boxes.Count, 1, boxIndex, New Size(600, 14), True, New Color(0, 0, 0, 0), cArr(0)) End If Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, b.Name, New Vector2(384 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(b.Name).X, 80), Color.Black, 0.0F, New Vector2(0), 2, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, b.Name, New Vector2(380 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(b.Name).X, 76), Color.White, 0.0F, New Vector2(0), 2, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.menuTexture, New Rectangle(10, 52, 96, 96), New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.menuTexture, New Rectangle(655, 52, 96, 96), New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, New Vector2(0), SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0.0F) End If End Sub Private Sub DrawMainWindow() If BoxChooseMode = True Then Canvas.DrawRectangle(Core.windowSize, New Color(220, 220, 220)) For x = 0 To 5 For y = 0 To 4 Dim id As Integer = y * 6 + x If Me.Boxes.Count - 1 >= id Then Dim pCount As Integer = BoxPokemonCount(id, True) Dim tCoord As New Vector2(64, 0) If pCount = 0 Then tCoord = New Vector2(64, 32) ElseIf pCount = 30 Then tCoord = New Vector2(32, 32) End If Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(50 + x * 100, 200 + y * 84, 64, 64), New Rectangle(CInt(tCoord.X), CInt(tCoord.Y), 32, 32), Color.White) End If Next Next Else If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True Then Canvas.DrawGradient(Core.windowSize, New Color(203, 40, 41), New Color(238, 128, 128), False, -1) Dim cArr(0) As Color TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Box\BattleBox", New Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), "").GetData(cArr) For i = 0 To 5 Dim id As Integer = i Dim x As Integer = i + 2 Dim y As Integer = 0 While x > 3 x -= 2 y += 1 End While Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(50 + x * 100, 200 + y * 84, 64, 64), New Color(cArr(0).R, cArr(0).G, cArr(0).B, 150)) Dim box As Box = GetBox(CurrentBox) If box.Pokemon.Keys.Contains(id) = True Then Dim c As Color = Color.White If IsLit(box.Pokemon(id).GetPokemon()) = False Then c = New Color(65, 65, 65, 255) End If Dim pokeTexture = box.Pokemon(id).GetPokemon().GetMenuTexture() Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(pokeTexture, New Rectangle(50 + x * 100 - CInt(pokeTexture.Width - 32), 200 + y * 84, pokeTexture.Width * 2, 64), c) End If Next Else Dim xt As Integer = GetBox(CurrentBox).Background Dim yt As Integer = 0 While xt > 7 xt -= 8 yt += 1 End While For x = 0 To Core.windowSize.Width Step 64 For y = 0 To Core.windowSize.Height Step 64 Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(x, y, 64, 64), New Rectangle(xt * 16, yt * 16 + 64, 16, 16), Color.White) Next Next Dim cArr(0) As Color TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Box\" & GetBox(CurrentBox).Background, New Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), "").GetData(cArr) For x = 0 To 5 For y = 0 To 4 Dim id As Integer = y * 6 + x Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(50 + x * 100, 200 + y * 84, 64, 64), New Color(cArr(0).R, cArr(0).G, cArr(0).B, 150)) Dim box As Box = GetBox(CurrentBox) If box.Pokemon.Keys.Contains(id) = True Then Dim c As Color = Color.White If IsLit(box.Pokemon(id).GetPokemon()) = False Then c = New Color(65, 65, 65, 255) End If Dim pokeTexture = box.Pokemon(id).GetPokemon().GetMenuTexture() Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(pokeTexture, New Rectangle(50 + x * 100 - CInt(pokeTexture.Width - 32), 200 + y * 84, pokeTexture.Width * 2, 64), c) End If Next Next End If End If End Sub Dim yOffset As Integer = 0 Private Sub DrawPokemonStatus() If Me.BoxChooseMode = True And CursorPosition.X < 6 And CursorPosition.Y > 0 Then Dim box As Box = GetBox(CInt(CursorPosition.X) + CInt((CursorPosition.Y - 1) * 6)) If Not box Is Nothing Then Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(660, 200, 200, 200), New Color(84, 198, 216, 150)) Dim minLevel As Integer = -1 Dim maxLevel As Integer = -1 For x = 0 To 5 For y = 0 To 4 Dim id As Integer = y * 6 + x If box.Pokemon.Keys.Contains(id) = True Then Dim c As Color = Color.White If IsLit(box.Pokemon(id).GetPokemon()) = False Then c = New Color(65, 65, 65, 255) End If Dim pokeTexture = box.Pokemon(id).GetPokemon().GetMenuTexture() Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(pokeTexture, New Rectangle(664 + x * 32 - CInt((pokeTexture.Width - 32) / 2), 215 + y * 32, pokeTexture.Width, 32), c) If box.Pokemon(id).GetPokemon().Level < minLevel Or minLevel = -1 Then minLevel = box.Pokemon(id).GetPokemon().Level End If If box.Pokemon(id).GetPokemon().Level > maxLevel Or maxLevel = -1 Then maxLevel = box.Pokemon(id).GetPokemon().Level End If End If Next Next Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(660, 410, 200, 210), New Color(84, 198, 216, 150)) Dim levelString As String = minLevel & " - " & maxLevel If minLevel = -1 Or maxLevel = -1 Then levelString = "None" End If Dim maxPokemon As Integer = 30 If box.IsBattleBox = True Then maxPokemon = 6 End If Dim t As String = "Box: " & box.Name & Environment.NewLine & "Pokémon: " & box.Pokemon.Count & " / " & maxPokemon & Environment.NewLine & "Level: " & levelString Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, t, New Vector2(667, 417), Color.Black) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, t, New Vector2(665, 415), Color.White) End If Else Dim p As Pokemon = Nothing If Not Me.MovingPokemon Is Nothing Then p = Me.MovingPokemon Else If CursorPosition.X = 6 Then If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 >= CursorPosition.Y Then p = Core.Player.Pokemons(CInt(CursorPosition.Y)) End If Else Dim id As Integer = CInt(Me.CursorPosition.X) + CInt((Me.CursorPosition.Y - 1) * 6) If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True Then id = GetBattleBoxID() End If If GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon.Keys.Contains(id) = True Then p = GetBox(CurrentBox).Pokemon(id).GetPokemon() End If End If End If If Not p Is Nothing Then Dim cArr(0) As Color If GetBox(CurrentBox).IsBattleBox = True Then TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Box\BattleBox", New Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), "").GetData(cArr) Else TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Box\" & GetBox(CurrentBox).Background, New Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), "").GetData(cArr) End If Dim c As Color = New Color(cArr(0).R, cArr(0).G, cArr(0).B, 150) If BoxChooseMode = True Then c = New Color(84, 198, 216, 150) End If Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(660, 200, 200, 200), c) Dim modelName As String = p.AnimationName Dim shinyString As String = "Normal" If p.IsShiny = True Then shinyString = "Shiny" End If If Core.Player.ShowModelsInBattle = True AndAlso ModelManager.ModelExist("Models\" & modelName & "\" & shinyString) = True And p.IsEgg() = False Then Draw3DModel(p, "Models\" & modelName & "\" & shinyString) Else GetYOffset(p) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(p.GetTexture(True), New Rectangle(634, 180 - yOffset, 256, 256), Color.White) End If Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(660, 410, 200, 210), c) If p.IsEgg() = True Then Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Egg", New Vector2(667, 417), Color.Black) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Egg", New Vector2(665, 415), Color.White) Else Dim itemString As String = "None" If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then itemString = p.Item.Name End If Dim nameString As String = p.GetDisplayName() & "/" & p.OriginalName If p.NickName = "" Then nameString = p.GetDisplayName() End If Dim t As String = nameString & Environment.NewLine & "DEX NO. " & p.Number & Environment.NewLine & "LEVEL " & p.Level & Environment.NewLine & "HP " & p.HP & " / " & p.MaxHP & Environment.NewLine & "ATTACK " & p.Attack & Environment.NewLine & "DEFENSE " & p.Defense & Environment.NewLine & "SP. ATK " & p.SpAttack & Environment.NewLine & "SP. DEF " & p.SpDefense & Environment.NewLine & "SPEED " & p.Speed & Environment.NewLine & "ITEM " & itemString Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, t, New Vector2(667, 417), Color.Black) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, t, New Vector2(665, 415), Color.White) End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub Draw3DModel(ByVal p As Pokemon, ByVal modelName As String) Dim propList = p.GetModelProperties() Dim scale As Single = propList.Item1 Dim x As Single = propList.Item2 Dim y As Single = propList.Item3 Dim z As Single = propList.Item4 Dim roll As Single = propList.Item5 Dim t As Texture2D = ModelManager.DrawModelToTexture(modelName, renderTarget, New Vector3(x, y, z), New Vector3(0.0F, 50.0F, 10.0F), New Vector3(0.0F, 0.2F, roll + modelRoll), scale, True) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(160, 50, 1200, 680), Color.White) End Sub Private Sub DrawTeamWindow() Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 310, 0, 400, Core.windowSize.Height), New Color(84, 198, 216)) For y = -64 To Core.windowSize.Height Step 64 Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.menuTexture, New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 128, y + StorageSystemScreen.TileOffset, 128, 64), New Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), Color.White) Next Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 430, 0, 128, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2)), New Rectangle(96, 0, 32, 64), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 430, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2), 128, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2)), New Rectangle(96, 0, 32, 64), Color.White, 0.0F, New Vector2(0), SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.0F) For i = 0 To 5 Canvas.DrawBorder(2, New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 260, i * 100 + 50, 128, 80), New Color(42, 167, 198)) If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 >= i Then Dim c As Color = Color.White If IsLit(Core.Player.Pokemons(i)) = False Then c = New Color(65, 65, 65, 255) End If Dim pokeTexture = Core.Player.Pokemons(i).GetMenuTexture() Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(pokeTexture, New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 228 - CInt(pokeTexture.Width - 32), i * 100 + 60, pokeTexture.Width * 2, 64), c) If Not Core.Player.Pokemons(i).Item Is Nothing And Core.Player.Pokemons(i).IsEgg() = False Then Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Core.Player.Pokemons(i).Item.Texture, New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 196, i * 100 + 92, 24, 24), Color.White) End If End If Next End Sub Private Sub DrawCursor() Dim cPosition As Vector2 = GetAbsoluteCursorPosition(Me.CursorPosition) If CursorMoving = True Then cPosition = CursorMovePosition End If If Not Me.MovingPokemon Is Nothing Then Dim pokeTexture = Me.MovingPokemon.GetMenuTexture() Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(pokeTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(cPosition.X - 10) - CInt(pokeTexture.Width - 32), CInt(cPosition.Y + 44), pokeTexture.Width * 2, 64), New Color(0, 0, 0, 150)) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(pokeTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(cPosition.X - 20) - CInt(pokeTexture.Width - 32), CInt(cPosition.Y + 34), pokeTexture.Width * 2, 64), Color.White) If Not Me.MovingPokemon.Item Is Nothing And Me.MovingPokemon.IsEgg() = False Then Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.MovingPokemon.Item.Texture, New Rectangle(CInt(cPosition.X - 20) + 32, CInt(cPosition.Y + 34) + 32, 24, 24), Color.White) End If End If Dim t As Texture2D = GetCursorTexture() Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(cPosition.X), CInt(cPosition.Y), 64, 64), Color.White) End Sub Private Sub DrawMenuEntries() If Me.MenuHeader <> "" Then Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 370, 100, 356, 64), New Color(0, 0, 0, 180)) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, MenuHeader, New Vector2(Core.windowSize.Width - 192 - FontManager.MiniFont.MeasureString(MenuHeader).X / 2, 120), Color.White) End If For Each e As MenuEntry In Me.MenuEntries e.Draw(Me.MenuCursor, GetCursorTexture()) Next End Sub Private Function GetCursorTexture() As Texture2D Select Case Me.SelectionMode Case SelectionModes.SingleMove Return TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), "") Case SelectionModes.EasyMove Return TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(16, 0, 16, 16), "") Case SelectionModes.Deposit Return TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), "") Case SelectionModes.Withdraw Return TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), "") End Select Return Nothing End Function #End Region Private Function IsLit(ByVal p As Pokemon) As Boolean If Me.Filters.Count > 0 Then If p.IsEgg() = True Then Return False End If For Each f As Filter In Filters Select Case f.FilterType Case FilterTypes.Ability If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> f.FilterValue.ToLower() Then Return False End If Case FilterTypes.Gender If p.Gender.ToString().ToLower() <> f.FilterValue.ToLower() Then Return False End If Case FilterTypes.HeldItem If f.FilterValue = "Has no Held Item" And Not p.Item Is Nothing Then Return False ElseIf f.FilterValue = "Has a Held Item" And p.Item Is Nothing Then Return False End If Case FilterTypes.Move Dim hasAttack As Boolean = False For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In p.Attacks If a.Name.ToLower() = f.FilterValue.ToLower() Then hasAttack = True Exit For End If Next If hasAttack = False Then Return False End If Case FilterTypes.Nature If p.Nature.ToString().ToLower() <> f.FilterValue.ToLower() Then Return False End If Case FilterTypes.Pokémon If p.GetName() <> f.FilterValue Then Return False End If Case FilterTypes.Type1 Dim t As Element = New Element(f.FilterValue) If p.Type1.Type <> t.Type Then Return False End If Case FilterTypes.Type2 Dim t As Element = New Element(f.FilterValue) If p.Type2.Type <> t.Type Then Return False End If End Select Next End If Return True End Function ''' ''' Adds a Pokémon to the next free spot and returns the index of that box. ''' Public Shared Function DepositPokemon(ByVal p As Pokemon, Optional ByVal BoxIndex As Integer = -1) As Integer p.FullRestore() Dim Boxes As List(Of Box) = LoadBoxes() Dim startIndex As Integer = 0 If BoxIndex > -1 Then startIndex = BoxIndex End If For i = startIndex To Boxes.Count - 1 If GetBox(i, Boxes).Pokemon.Count < 30 Then For l = 0 To 29 If GetBox(i, Boxes).Pokemon.Keys.Contains(l) = False Then GetBox(i, Boxes).Pokemon.Add(l, New PokemonWrapper(p)) ' p) Exit For End If Next Core.Player.BoxData = GetBoxSaveData(Boxes) Return i End If Next If startIndex <> 0 Then For i = 0 To startIndex - 1 If GetBox(i, Boxes).Pokemon.Count < 30 Then For l = 0 To 29 If GetBox(i, Boxes).Pokemon.Keys.Contains(l) = False Then GetBox(i, Boxes).Pokemon.Add(l, New PokemonWrapper(p)) ' p) Exit For End If Next Core.Player.BoxData = GetBoxSaveData(Boxes) Return i End If Next End If Return -1 End Function Public Shared Function GetBoxName(ByVal boxIndex As Integer) As String Return GetBox(boxIndex, LoadBoxes()).Name End Function Private Shared Function GetBox(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal boxes As List(Of Box)) As Box For Each b As Box In boxes If b.index = index Then Return b End If Next Return Nothing End Function Private Function GetBox(ByVal index As Integer) As Box For Each b As Box In Me.Boxes If b.index = index Then Return b End If Next Return Nothing End Function Private Function BoxPokemonCount(ByVal selBox As Integer, ByVal lit As Boolean) As Integer Dim c As Integer = 0 Dim box As Box = GetBox(selBox) If Not box Is Nothing Then For Each p As PokemonWrapper In box.Pokemon.Values If lit = True Then If IsLit(p.GetPokemon()) = True Then c += 1 End If Else c += 1 End If Next End If Return c End Function Private Sub SetupMenu(ByVal entries() As MenuEntry, ByVal header As String) Me.MenuEntries.Clear() Me.MenuEntries.AddRange(entries) Me.MenuVisible = True Me.MenuCursor = MenuEntries(0).Index Me.MenuHeader = header End Sub Public Class PokemonWrapper Private _pokemon As Pokemon = Nothing Private _pokemonData As String Private _loaded As Boolean = False Public Sub New(ByVal PokemonData As String) Me._pokemonData = PokemonData End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal p As Pokemon) Me._loaded = True Me._pokemon = p Me._pokemonData = p.GetSaveData() End Sub Public Function GetPokemon() As Pokemon If _loaded = False Then _loaded = True _pokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(Me._pokemonData) End If Return Me._pokemon End Function Public ReadOnly Property PokemonData() As String Get If _loaded = True Then Return Me._pokemon.GetSaveData() Else Return Me._pokemonData End If End Get End Property End Class Class Box Public index As Integer = 0 Public Name As String = "BOX 0" Public Pokemon As New Dictionary(Of Integer, PokemonWrapper) Public Background As Integer = 0 Public isSelected As Boolean = False Private _isBattleBox As Boolean = False Public Sub New(ByVal index As Integer) Me.index = index Me.Name = "BOX " & (index + 1).ToString() Me.Background = index End Sub Public ReadOnly Property HasPokemon() As Boolean Get Return (Pokemon.Count > 0) End Get End Property Public Function GetPokemonList() As List(Of Pokemon) Dim l As New List(Of Pokemon) For i = 0 To Pokemon.Count - 1 l.Add(Pokemon.Values(i).GetPokemon()) Next Return l End Function Public Property IsBattleBox() As Boolean Get Return Me._isBattleBox End Get Set(value As Boolean) Me._isBattleBox = value If Me._isBattleBox = True Then Me.Name = "BATTLE BOX" End If End Set End Property End Class Class MenuEntry Public Index As Integer = 0 Public TAG As Object = Nothing Public Text As String = "Menu" Public IsBack As Boolean = False Public Delegate Sub ClickEvent(ByVal m As MenuEntry) Public ClickHandler As ClickEvent = Nothing Dim t1 As Texture2D Dim t2 As Texture2D Public Sub New(ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal text As String, ByVal isBack As Boolean, ByVal ClickHandler As ClickEvent) Me.New(Index, text, isBack, ClickHandler, Nothing) End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal text As String, ByVal isBack As Boolean, ByVal ClickHandler As ClickEvent, ByVal TAG As Object) Me.Index = Index Me.TAG = TAG Me.Text = text Me.IsBack = isBack Me.ClickHandler = ClickHandler t1 = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(16, 16, 16, 16), "") t2 = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), "") End Sub Public Sub Update(ByVal s As StorageSystemScreen) If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True And s.MenuCursor = Me.Index And New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 270, 66 * Index, 256, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Or Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True And s.MenuCursor = Me.Index Or Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True And Me.IsBack = True Then s.MenuVisible = False If Not ClickHandler Is Nothing Then ClickHandler(Me) End If End If If New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 270, 66 * Index, 256, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True And Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then s.MenuCursor = Me.Index End If End Sub Public Sub Draw(ByVal CursorIndex As Integer, ByVal CursorTexture As Texture2D) Dim startPos As New Vector2(Core.windowSize.Width - 270, 66 * Index) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t1, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X), CInt(startPos.Y), 64, 64), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t2, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 64), CInt(startPos.Y), 64, 64), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t2, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 128), CInt(startPos.Y), 64, 64), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t1, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 192), CInt(startPos.Y), 64, 64), Nothing, Color.White, 0.0F, New Vector2(0), SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0.0F) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, Me.Text, New Vector2(startPos.X + 128 - (FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(Me.Text).X * 1.4F) / 2, startPos.Y + 15), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.4F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) If Me.Index = CursorIndex Then Dim cPosition As Vector2 = New Vector2(startPos.X + 128, startPos.Y - 40) Dim t As Texture2D = CursorTexture Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(cPosition.X), CInt(cPosition.Y), 64, 64), Color.White) End If End Sub End Class Public Shared Function GetAllBoxPokemon() As List(Of Pokemon) Dim Pokemons As New List(Of Pokemon) Dim Data() As String = Core.Player.BoxData.SplitAtNewline() For Each line As String In Data If line.StartsWith("BOX|") = False And line <> "" Then Dim pokeData As String = line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf("{")) Pokemons.Add(Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(pokeData)) End If Next Return Pokemons End Function Public Function GetPokemonList(ByVal includeTeam As Boolean, ByVal lit As Boolean) As List(Of Pokemon) Dim L As New List(Of Pokemon) For Each Box As Box In Me.Boxes If Box.HasPokemon = True Then For i = 0 To Box.Pokemon.Count - 1 If (lit = True AndAlso IsLit(Box.Pokemon.Values(i).GetPokemon()) = True) = True Or lit = False Then L.Add(Box.Pokemon.Values(i).GetPokemon()) End If Next End If Next If includeTeam = True Then For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons If (lit = True AndAlso IsLit(p) = True) = True Or lit = False Then L.Add(p) End If Next End If Return L End Function Public Shared Function GetBattleBoxPokemon() As List(Of Pokemon) Dim BattleBoxID As Integer = 0 Dim Data() As String = Core.Player.BoxData.SplitAtNewline() Dim PokemonList As New List(Of Pokemon) For Each line As String In Data If line.StartsWith("BOX|") = True Then Dim boxData() As String = line.Split(CChar("|")) If CInt(boxData(1)) > BattleBoxID Then BattleBoxID = CInt(boxData(1)) End If End If Next For Each line As String In Data If line.StartsWith(BattleBoxID.ToString() & ",") = True And line.EndsWith("}") = True Then Dim pokemonData As String = line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf("{")) PokemonList.Add(Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(pokemonData)) End If Next ' Prevent more than six Pokémon: While PokemonList.Count > 6 PokemonList.RemoveAt(PokemonList.Count - 1) End While Return PokemonList End Function End Class Public Class StorageSystemFilterScreen Inherits Screen Private Class SelectMenu Dim Items As New List(Of String) Dim Index As Integer = 0 Public Delegate Sub ClickEvent(ByVal s As SelectMenu) Dim ClickHandler As ClickEvent = Nothing Dim BackIndex As Integer = 0 Public Visible As Boolean = True Public Scroll As Integer = 0 Dim t1 As Texture2D Dim t2 As Texture2D Public Sub New(ByVal Items As List(Of String), ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal ClickHandle As ClickEvent, ByVal BackIndex As Integer) Me.Items = Items Me.Index = Index Me.ClickHandler = ClickHandle Me.BackIndex = BackIndex If Me.BackIndex < 0 Then Me.BackIndex = Me.Items.Count + Me.BackIndex End If Me.Visible = True t1 = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(16, 16, 16, 16), "") t2 = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), "") End Sub Public Sub Update() If Visible = True Then If Controls.Up(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Index -= 1 End If If Controls.Down(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Index += 1 End If Me.Index = Me.Index.Clamp(0, Me.Items.Count - 1) For i = Scroll To Me.Scroll + 8 If i <= Me.Items.Count - 1 Then If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True And i = Me.Index And New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 270, 66 * ((i + 1) - Scroll), 256, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Or Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True And i = Me.Index Or Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True And Me.BackIndex = Me.Index Then If Not ClickHandler Is Nothing Then ClickHandler(Me) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End If Me.Visible = False End If If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then Me.Index = Me.BackIndex If Not ClickHandler Is Nothing Then ClickHandler(Me) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End If Me.Visible = False End If If New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 270, 66 * ((i + 1) - Scroll), 256, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True And Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then Me.Index = i End If End If Next If Index - Scroll > 8 Then Scroll = Index - 8 End If If Index - Scroll < 0 Then Scroll = Index End If End If End Sub Public Sub Draw() If Visible = True Then For i = Scroll To Me.Scroll + 8 If i <= Me.Items.Count - 1 Then Dim Text As String = Items(i) Dim startPos As New Vector2(Core.windowSize.Width - 270, 66 * ((i + 1) - Scroll)) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t1, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X), CInt(startPos.Y), 64, 64), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t2, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 64), CInt(startPos.Y), 64, 64), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t2, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 128), CInt(startPos.Y), 64, 64), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t1, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 192), CInt(startPos.Y), 64, 64), Nothing, Color.White, 0.0F, New Vector2(0), SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0.0F) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, Text, New Vector2(startPos.X + 128 - (FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(Text).X * 1.4F) / 2, startPos.Y + 15), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.4F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) If Me.Index = i Then Dim cPosition As Vector2 = New Vector2(startPos.X + 128, startPos.Y - 40) Dim t As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), "") Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(cPosition.X), CInt(cPosition.Y), 64, 64), Color.White) End If End If Next End If End Sub Public ReadOnly Property SelectedItem() As String Get Return Items(Me.Index) End Get End Property End Class Private _storageSystemScreen As StorageSystemScreen Dim texture As Texture2D Dim Filters As New List(Of StorageSystemScreen.Filter) Dim Menu As SelectMenu Dim mainMenuItems As New List(Of String) Dim Cursor As Integer = 0 Dim Scroll As Integer = 0 Dim Results As Integer = 0 Dim CalculatedFilters As New List(Of StorageSystemScreen.Filter) Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As StorageSystemScreen) Me.Identification = Identifications.StorageSystemFilterScreen Me._storageSystemScreen = currentScreen Me.texture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General") For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In currentScreen.Filters Me.Filters.Add(Filter) Next Me.MouseVisible = True Me.CanMuteMusic = True Me.CanBePaused = True Me.mainMenuItems = {"Pokémon", "Type1", "Type2", "Move", "Ability", "Nature", "Gender", "HeldItem"}.ToList() Me.Menu = New SelectMenu({""}.ToList(), 0, Nothing, 0) Me.Menu.Visible = False End Sub Public Overrides Sub Draw() Canvas.DrawRectangle(Core.windowSize, New Color(84, 198, 216)) For y = -64 To Core.windowSize.Height Step 64 Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 128, y + StorageSystemScreen.TileOffset, 128, 64), New Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), Color.White) Next Canvas.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(0, 0, CInt(Core.windowSize.Width), 200), New Color(42, 167, 198), New Color(42, 167, 198, 0), False, -1) Canvas.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(0, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height - 200), CInt(Core.windowSize.Width), 200), New Color(42, 167, 198, 0), New Color(42, 167, 198), False, -1) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Configure the filters:", New Vector2(100, 24), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 2.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) For i = Scroll To Scroll + 5 If i <= Me.mainMenuItems.Count - 1 Then Dim p As Integer = i - Scroll Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(100, 100 + p * 96, 64, 64), New Rectangle(16, 16, 16, 16), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(100 + 64, 100 + p * 96, 64 * 8, 64), New Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(100 + 64 * 9, 100 + p * 96, 64, 64), New Rectangle(16, 16, 16, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0.0F) Dim s As String = mainMenuItems(i) If GetFilterText(mainMenuItems(i)) <> "" Then s &= " (" & GetFilterText(mainMenuItems(i)) & ")" Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(120, 116 + p * 96, 32, 32), New Rectangle(16, 48, 16, 16), Color.White) Else Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(120, 116 + p * 96, 32, 32), New Rectangle(16, 32, 16, 16), Color.White) End If Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, s, New Vector2(160, 116 + p * 96), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.25F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) End If Next If Filters.Count > 0 Then Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Results: " & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Filters: ", New Vector2(90 + 64 * 11, 119), Color.Black) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, Me.Results & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & Me.Filters.Count, New Vector2(190 + 64 * 11, 119), Color.White) End If If Menu.Visible = True Then Menu.Draw() Else DrawCursor() End If End Sub Private Function GetFilterText(ByVal filterTypeString As String) As String For Each f As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If f.FilterType.ToString().ToLower() = filterTypeString.ToLower() Then Return f.FilterValue End If Next Return "" End Function Private Sub DrawCursor() Dim cPosition As Vector2 = New Vector2(520, 100 + Me.Cursor * 96 - 42) Dim t As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), "") Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(cPosition.X), CInt(cPosition.Y), 64, 64), Color.White) End Sub Private Sub ApplyFilters() Me._storageSystemScreen.Filters.Clear() For Each f As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters Me._storageSystemScreen.Filters.Add(f) Next End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() If Menu.Visible = True Then Menu.Update() Else If Controls.Down(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Cursor += 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.Cursor += 4 End If End If If Controls.Up(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Cursor -= 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.Cursor -= 4 End If End If While Me.Cursor > 5 Me.Cursor -= 1 Me.Scroll += 1 End While While Me.Cursor < 0 Me.Cursor += 1 Me.Scroll -= 1 End While If Me.mainMenuItems.Count < 7 Then Me.Scroll = 0 Else Me.Scroll = Me.Scroll.Clamp(0, Me.mainMenuItems.Count - 6) End If If Me.mainMenuItems.Count < 6 Then Me.Cursor = Me.Cursor.Clamp(0, Me.mainMenuItems.Count - 1) Else Me.Cursor = Me.Cursor.Clamp(0, 5) End If If Me.mainMenuItems.Count > 0 Then If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then For i = Scroll To Scroll + 5 If i <= Me.mainMenuItems.Count - 1 Then If New Rectangle(100, 100 + (i - Scroll) * 96, 640, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then If i = Cursor + Scroll Then SelectFilter() SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Else Cursor = i - Scroll End If End If End If Next End If If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then SelectFilter() SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End If End If If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then ApplyFilters() Core.SetScreen(Me._storageSystemScreen) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End If End If CalculateResults() StorageSystemScreen.TileOffset += 1 If StorageSystemScreen.TileOffset >= 64 Then StorageSystemScreen.TileOffset = 0 End If End Sub Private Sub CalculateResults() Dim s As String = "" Dim s1 As String = "" For Each f As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.CalculatedFilters s &= f.FilterType.ToString() & "|" & f.FilterValue Next For Each f As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters s1 &= f.FilterType.ToString() & "|" & f.FilterValue Next If s1 <> s Then Me.CalculatedFilters.Clear() For Each f As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters Me.CalculatedFilters.Add(f) Next ApplyFilters() Me.Results = Me._storageSystemScreen.GetPokemonList(True, True).Count End If End Sub Private Sub SelectFilter() Dim filterType As String = Me.mainMenuItems(Me.Scroll + Me.Cursor) Select Case filterType.ToLower() Case "pokémon" Me.OpenPokemonMenu() Case "type1" Me.OpenType1Menu() Case "type2" Me.OpenType2Menu() Case "move" Me.OpenMoveMenu() Case "ability" Me.OpenAbilityMenu() Case "nature" Me.OpenNatureMenu() Case "gender" Me.OpenGenderMenu() Case "helditem" Me.OpenHeldItemMenu() End Select End Sub #Region "PokémonFilter" Private Sub OpenPokemonMenu() Dim l As List(Of Pokemon) = Me._storageSystemScreen.GetPokemonList(True, False) Dim letters As New List(Of String) For Each p As Pokemon In l If letters.Contains(p.GetName()(0).ToString().ToUpper()) = False Then letters.Add(p.GetName()(0).ToString().ToUpper()) End If Next letters = (From letter As String In letters Order By letter Ascending).ToList() letters.Add("Back") If GetFilterText("Pokémon") <> "" Then letters.Insert(0, "Clear") End If Me.Menu = New SelectMenu(letters, 0, AddressOf SelectPokemonLetter, -1) End Sub Private Sub SelectPokemonLetter(ByVal s As SelectMenu) Select Case s.SelectedItem Case "Back" ' Go back. Case "Clear" For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Pokémon Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Case Else Dim chosenLetter As String = s.SelectedItem Dim pokemonList As New List(Of String) Dim l As List(Of Pokemon) = Me._storageSystemScreen.GetPokemonList(True, False) For Each p As Pokemon In l If p.GetName(0).ToString().ToUpper() = chosenLetter And pokemonList.Contains(p.GetName()) = False Then pokemonList.Add(p.GetName) End If Next pokemonList = (From name As String In pokemonList Order By name Ascending).ToList() pokemonList.Add("Back") Me.Menu = New SelectMenu(pokemonList, 0, AddressOf SelectPokemon, -1) End Select End Sub Private Sub SelectPokemon(ByVal s As SelectMenu) If s.SelectedItem <> "Back" Then For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Pokémon Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Me.Filters.Add(New StorageSystemScreen.Filter() With {.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Pokémon, .FilterValue = s.SelectedItem}) Else OpenPokemonMenu() End If End Sub #End Region #Region "Type1Filter" Private Sub OpenType1Menu() Dim l As List(Of Pokemon) = Me._storageSystemScreen.GetPokemonList(True, False) Dim types As New List(Of String) For Each p As Pokemon In l If types.Contains(p.Type1.Type.ToString()) = False Then types.Add(p.Type1.Type.ToString()) End If Next types = (From type As String In types Order By type Ascending).ToList() types.Add("Back") If GetFilterText("Type1") <> "" Then types.Insert(0, "Clear") End If Me.Menu = New SelectMenu(types, 0, AddressOf SelectType1Type, -1) End Sub Private Sub SelectType1Type(ByVal s As SelectMenu) Select Case s.SelectedItem Case "Back" ' Go back. Case "Clear" For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Type1 Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Case Else For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Type1 Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Me.Filters.Add(New StorageSystemScreen.Filter() With {.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Type1, .FilterValue = s.SelectedItem}) End Select End Sub #End Region #Region "Type2Filter" Private Sub OpenType2Menu() Dim l As List(Of Pokemon) = Me._storageSystemScreen.GetPokemonList(True, False) Dim types As New List(Of String) For Each p As Pokemon In l If types.Contains(p.Type2.Type.ToString()) = False Then types.Add(p.Type2.Type.ToString()) End If Next types = (From type As String In types Order By type Ascending).ToList() types.Add("Back") If GetFilterText("Type2") <> "" Then types.Insert(0, "Clear") End If Me.Menu = New SelectMenu(types, 0, AddressOf SelectType2Type, -1) End Sub Private Sub SelectType2Type(ByVal s As SelectMenu) Select Case s.SelectedItem Case "Back" ' Go back. Case "Clear" For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Type2 Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Case Else For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Type2 Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Me.Filters.Add(New StorageSystemScreen.Filter() With {.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Type2, .FilterValue = s.SelectedItem}) End Select End Sub #End Region #Region "MoveFilter" Private Sub OpenMoveMenu() Dim l As List(Of Pokemon) = Me._storageSystemScreen.GetPokemonList(True, False) Dim letters As New List(Of String) For Each p As Pokemon In l For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In p.Attacks If letters.Contains(a.Name(0).ToString().ToUpper()) = False Then letters.Add(a.Name(0).ToString().ToUpper()) End If Next Next letters = (From letter As String In letters Order By letter Ascending).ToList() letters.Add("Back") If GetFilterText("Move") <> "" Then letters.Insert(0, "Clear") End If Me.Menu = New SelectMenu(letters, 0, AddressOf SelectMoveLetter, -1) End Sub Private Sub SelectMoveLetter(ByVal s As SelectMenu) Select Case s.SelectedItem Case "Back" ' Go back. Case "Clear" For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Move Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Case Else Dim chosenLetter As String = s.SelectedItem Dim attackList As New List(Of String) Dim l As List(Of Pokemon) = Me._storageSystemScreen.GetPokemonList(True, False) For Each p As Pokemon In l For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In p.Attacks If a.Name(0).ToString().ToUpper() = chosenLetter And attackList.Contains(a.Name) = False Then attackList.Add(a.Name) End If Next Next attackList = (From name As String In attackList Order By name Ascending).ToList() attackList.Add("Back") Me.Menu = New SelectMenu(attackList, 0, AddressOf SelectMove, -1) End Select End Sub Private Sub SelectMove(ByVal s As SelectMenu) If s.SelectedItem <> "Back" Then For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Move Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Me.Filters.Add(New StorageSystemScreen.Filter() With {.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Move, .FilterValue = s.SelectedItem}) Else OpenMoveMenu() End If End Sub #End Region #Region "AbilityFilter" Private Sub OpenAbilityMenu() Dim l As List(Of Pokemon) = Me._storageSystemScreen.GetPokemonList(True, False) Dim letters As New List(Of String) For Each p As Pokemon In l If letters.Contains(p.Ability.Name(0).ToString().ToUpper()) = False Then letters.Add(p.Ability.Name(0).ToString().ToUpper()) End If Next letters = (From letter As String In letters Order By letter Ascending).ToList() letters.Add("Back") If GetFilterText("Ability") <> "" Then letters.Insert(0, "Clear") End If Me.Menu = New SelectMenu(letters, 0, AddressOf SelectAbilityLetter, -1) End Sub Private Sub SelectAbilityLetter(ByVal s As SelectMenu) Select Case s.SelectedItem Case "Back" ' Go back. Case "Clear" For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Ability Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Case Else Dim chosenLetter As String = s.SelectedItem Dim abilityList As New List(Of String) Dim l As List(Of Pokemon) = Me._storageSystemScreen.GetPokemonList(True, False) For Each p As Pokemon In l If p.Ability.Name(0).ToString().ToUpper() = chosenLetter And abilityList.Contains(p.Ability.Name) = False Then abilityList.Add(p.Ability.Name) End If Next abilityList = (From name As String In abilityList Order By name Ascending).ToList() abilityList.Add("Back") Me.Menu = New SelectMenu(abilityList, 0, AddressOf SelectAbility, -1) End Select End Sub Private Sub SelectAbility(ByVal s As SelectMenu) If s.SelectedItem <> "Back" Then For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Ability Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Me.Filters.Add(New StorageSystemScreen.Filter() With {.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Ability, .FilterValue = s.SelectedItem}) Else OpenAbilityMenu() End If End Sub #End Region #Region "NatureFilter" Private Sub OpenNatureMenu() Dim l As List(Of Pokemon) = Me._storageSystemScreen.GetPokemonList(True, False) Dim natures As New List(Of String) For Each p As Pokemon In l If natures.Contains(p.Nature.ToString()) = False Then natures.Add(p.Nature.ToString()) End If Next natures = (From nature As String In natures Order By nature Ascending).ToList() natures.Add("Back") If GetFilterText("Nature") <> "" Then natures.Insert(0, "Clear") End If Me.Menu = New SelectMenu(natures, 0, AddressOf SelectNatureType, -1) End Sub Private Sub SelectNatureType(ByVal s As SelectMenu) Select Case s.SelectedItem Case "Back" ' Go back. Case "Clear" For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Nature Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Case Else For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Nature Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Me.Filters.Add(New StorageSystemScreen.Filter() With {.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Nature, .FilterValue = s.SelectedItem}) End Select End Sub #End Region #Region "GenderFilter" Private Sub OpenGenderMenu() Dim l As List(Of Pokemon) = Me._storageSystemScreen.GetPokemonList(True, False) Dim genders As New List(Of String) For Each p As Pokemon In l If genders.Contains(p.Gender.ToString()) = False Then genders.Add(p.Gender.ToString()) End If Next genders = (From gender As String In genders Order By gender Ascending).ToList() genders.Add("Back") If GetFilterText("Gender") <> "" Then genders.Insert(0, "Clear") End If Me.Menu = New SelectMenu(genders, 0, AddressOf SelectGenderType, -1) End Sub Private Sub SelectGenderType(ByVal s As SelectMenu) Select Case s.SelectedItem Case "Back" ' Go back. Case "Clear" For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Gender Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Case Else For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Gender Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Me.Filters.Add(New StorageSystemScreen.Filter() With {.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.Gender, .FilterValue = s.SelectedItem}) End Select End Sub #End Region #Region "HeldItemFilter" Private Sub OpenHeldItemMenu() Dim l As List(Of Pokemon) = Me._storageSystemScreen.GetPokemonList(True, False) Dim helditems As List(Of String) = {"Has a Held Item", "Has no Held Item", "Back"}.ToList() If GetFilterText("HeldItem") <> "" Then helditems.Insert(0, "Clear") End If Me.Menu = New SelectMenu(helditems, 0, AddressOf SelectHeldItemType, -1) End Sub Private Sub SelectHeldItemType(ByVal s As SelectMenu) Select Case s.SelectedItem Case "Back" ' Go back. Case "Clear" For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.HeldItem Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Case Else For Each Filter As StorageSystemScreen.Filter In Me.Filters If Filter.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.HeldItem Then Filters.Remove(Filter) Exit For End If Next Me.Filters.Add(New StorageSystemScreen.Filter() With {.FilterType = StorageSystemScreen.FilterTypes.HeldItem, .FilterValue = s.SelectedItem}) End Select End Sub #End Region End Class