version=2!*Welcome to the~Safari Zone.*For the price of $500,~we will guide you on~a safari adventure!*Your adventure only stops~when you run out of~Safari Balls or~leave the Safari Zone.*We have a total of 20~unique areas for you~to explore and many rare~Pokémon for you to find!) your regular Pokémon~is strictly forbidden in~the Safari Zone.*We will provide you~with 30 Safari Balls.*Would you like to~go on the safari adventure?),No) :when:No :end :endwhen!~That will be $500.) :if:>500 :then :else am sorry,~you don't have enough~money to go on a Safari.*Please come again.) :end :endif,~here are your Safari Balls.) @item.give(181,30) @item.messagegive(181,30) follow me!) @npc.turn(0,0) @npc.move(0,2) @npc.remove(0) @player.move(3) @register.register(safarizonestart) @script.start(safarizone\nextarea) :end