Public Class TextureManager
Public Shared DefaultTexture As Texture2D
Public Shared Sub InitializeTextures()
DefaultTexture = LoadDirect("GUI\no_texture.png")
End Sub
Public Shared TextureList As New Dictionary(Of String, Texture2D)
Public Shared TextureRectList As New Dictionary(Of KeyValuePair(Of Int32, Rectangle), Texture2D)
Public Shared Function LoadDirect(textureFile As String) As Texture2D
Using stream As Stream = File.Open(GameController.GamePath & "\Content\" & textureFile, IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
Return Texture2D.FromStream(Core.GraphicsDevice, stream)
End Using
End Function
''' Returns a texture.
''' The name of the texture.
Public Shared Function GetTexture(ByVal Name As String) As Texture2D
Dim cContent As ContentManager = ContentPackManager.GetContentManager(Name, ".xnb,.png")
Dim tKey As String = cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & Name & ",FULL_IMAGE"
If TextureList.ContainsKey(tKey) = False Then
Dim t As Texture2D = Nothing
If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & Name & ".xnb") = False Then
If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & Name & ".png") = True Then
Using stream As System.IO.Stream = System.IO.File.Open(GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & Name & ".png", IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
t = Texture2D.FromStream(Core.GraphicsDevice, stream)
Catch ex As Exception
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, "Something went wrong while XNA tried to load a texture. Return default.")
Return DefaultTexture
End Try
End Using
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, "TextureManager.vb: Texture """ & GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & Name & """ was not found!")
Return DefaultTexture
End If
t = cContent.Load(Of Texture2D)(Name)
End If
TextureList.Add(tKey, ApplyEffect(TextureRectangle(t, New Rectangle(0, 0, t.Width, t.Height), 1)))
End If
Return TextureList(tKey)
End Function
Private Shared Function ApplyEffect(ByVal t As Texture2D) As Texture2D
If GameController.Hacker = True Then
Dim newT As New Texture2D(Core.GraphicsDevice, t.Width, t.Height)
Dim newC As New List(Of Color)
Dim oldC(t.Width * t.Height - 1) As Color
For Each c As Color In oldC
Return newT
Return t
End If
End Function
''' Returns a texture.
''' The name of the texture.
''' The rectangle to get the texture from.
''' The texturepath to load a texture from.
Public Shared Function GetTexture(ByVal Name As String, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal TexturePath As String) As Texture2D
Dim tSource As TextureSource = ContentPackManager.GetTextureReplacement(TexturePath & Name, r)
Dim cContent As ContentManager = ContentPackManager.GetContentManager(tSource.TexturePath, ".xnb,.png")
Dim resolution As Single = ContentPackManager.GetTextureResolution(TexturePath & Name)
Dim tKey As String = cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & tSource.TexturePath & "," & tSource.TextureRectangle.X & "," & tSource.TextureRectangle.Y & "," & tSource.TextureRectangle.Width & "," & tSource.TextureRectangle.Height & "," & resolution
If TextureList.ContainsKey(tKey) = False Then
Dim t As Texture2D = Nothing
Dim doApplyEffect As Boolean = True
If TextureList.ContainsKey(cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & tSource.TexturePath) = True Then
t = TextureList(cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & tSource.TexturePath)
doApplyEffect = False
If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & tSource.TexturePath & ".xnb") = False Then
If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & tSource.TexturePath & ".png") = True Then
Using stream As System.IO.Stream = System.IO.File.Open(GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & tSource.TexturePath & ".png", IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
t = Texture2D.FromStream(Core.GraphicsDevice, stream)
Catch ex As Exception
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, "Something went wrong while XNA tried to load a texture. Return default.")
Return DefaultTexture
End Try
End Using
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, "TextureManager.vb: Texture """ & GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & Name & """ was not found!")
Return DefaultTexture
End If
t = cContent.Load(Of Texture2D)(tSource.TexturePath)
End If
TextureList.Add(cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & tSource.TexturePath, ApplyEffect(t.Copy()))
End If
If doApplyEffect = True Then
If TextureList.ContainsKey(tKey) = False Then TextureList.Add(tKey, ApplyEffect(TextureRectangle(t, tSource.TextureRectangle, resolution)))
If TextureList.ContainsKey(tKey) = False Then TextureList.Add(tKey, TextureRectangle(t, tSource.TextureRectangle, resolution))
End If
End If
Return TextureList(tKey)
End Function
''' Returns the texture. The default texture path is "Textures\".
''' The name of the texture.
''' The rectangle to get from the texture.
Public Shared Function GetTexture(ByVal Name As String, ByVal r As Rectangle) As Texture2D
Return GetTexture(Name, r, "Textures\")
End Function
Public Shared Function GetTexture(ByVal Texture As Texture2D, ByVal Rectangle As Rectangle, Optional ByVal Factor As Single = 1) As Texture2D
Dim tex As Texture2D = Nothing
If TextureRectList.TryGetValue(New KeyValuePair(Of Int32, Rectangle)(Texture.GetHashCode(), Rectangle), tex) Then
Return tex
End If
tex = TextureRectangle(Texture, Rectangle, Factor)
TextureRectList.Add(New KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Rectangle)(Texture.GetHashCode(), Rectangle), tex)
Return tex
End Function
Private Shared Function TextureRectangle(ByVal Texture As Texture2D, ByVal Rectangle As Rectangle, Optional ByVal Factor As Single = 1) As Texture2D
If Rectangle = Rectangle.Empty Then
Return Texture
Rectangle = New Rectangle(CInt(Rectangle.X * Factor), CInt(Rectangle.Y * Factor), CInt(Rectangle.Width * Factor), CInt(Rectangle.Height * Factor))
Dim tRectangle As New Rectangle(0, 0, Texture.Width, Texture.Height)
If tRectangle.Contains(Rectangle) = False Then
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, "TextureManager.vb: The rectangle for a texture was out of bounds!")
Return DefaultTexture
End If
Dim Data(Rectangle.Width * Rectangle.Height - 1) As Color
Texture.GetData(0, Rectangle, Data, 0, Rectangle.Width * Rectangle.Height)
Dim newTex As New Texture2D(Core.GraphicsDevice, Rectangle.Width, Rectangle.Height)
Return newTex
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function TextureExist(ByVal Name As String) As Boolean
Dim cContent As ContentManager = ContentPackManager.GetContentManager(Name, ".xnb,.png")
If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & Name & ".xnb") = True Then
Return True
If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\" & Name & ".png") = True Then
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
End Class