Imports GameDevCommon.Drawing Imports P3D.Screens.MainMenu ''' ''' This is the game screen that includes the shimmering Pokémon 3D logo, the "Press {BUTTON} to start" text, and the time-dependent animated background. ''' Public Class PressStartScreen Inherits Screen Public _fadeInMain As Single = 1.0F Private _introDelay As Single = 4.0F Private _logoFade As Single = 1.0F Private _logoTexture As Texture2D = Nothing Private _shineTexture As Texture2D = Nothing Private _logoRenderer As SpriteBatch Private _shineRenderer As SpriteBatch Private _backgroundRenderer As SpriteBatch Private target As RenderTarget2D Private _shader As GameDevCommon.Rendering.Shader Private _entities As List(Of MainMenuEntity) = New List(Of MainMenuEntity)() Private _camera As Screens.MainMenu.Scene.MainMenuCamera Private _fromColor As Color Private _toColor As Color Private _textColor As Color Dim tempF As Single = 0F Dim tempG As Single = 0F Public Sub New() Identification = Identifications.PressStartScreen CanBePaused = False MouseVisible = True CanChat = False TextBox.Showing = False PokemonImageView.Showing = False ImageView.Showing = False ChooseBox.Showing = False GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer("Kolben") Core.Player.Skin = "Hilbert" If IO.Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\") = False Then IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\") End If GameJolt.Emblem.ClearOnlineSpriteCache() _logoTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Logos\Pokemon_Small") _shineTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Logos\logo_shine") _logoRenderer = New SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice) _shineRenderer = New SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice) _backgroundRenderer = New SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice) target = New RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, 1200, 680, False, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8) ' TODO: Replace bad workaround. Screens.MainMenu.NewNewGameScreen.CharacterSelectionScreen.SelectedSkin = "" Core.Player.Unload() _shader = New GameDevCommon.Rendering.BasicShader() CType(_shader.Effect, BasicEffect).LightingEnabled = False _camera = New Scene.MainMenuCamera() World.setDaytime = -1 Dim dayTime = World.GetTime Select Case dayTime Case World.DayTimes.Morning _fromColor = New Color(246, 170, 109) _toColor = New Color(248, 248, 248) _textColor = Color.Black Case World.DayTimes.Day _fromColor = New Color(120, 160, 248) _toColor = New Color(248, 248, 248) _textColor = Color.Black Case World.DayTimes.Evening _fromColor = New Color(32, 64, 168) _toColor = New Color(40, 80, 88) _textColor = Color.White Case World.DayTimes.Night _fromColor = New Color(32, 64, 168) _toColor = New Color(0, 0, 0) _textColor = Color.White End Select If dayTime = World.DayTimes.Day OrElse dayTime = World.DayTimes.Morning Then Dim clouds = New Scene.Clouds() clouds.LoadContent() _entities.Add(clouds) Dim hooh = New Scene.HoOh(_entities) hooh.LoadContent() _entities.Add(hooh) Else Dim ground = New Scene.Ground() ground.LoadContent() _entities.Add(ground) Dim lugia = New Scene.Lugia(_entities) lugia.LoadContent() _entities.Add(lugia) End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() For i = 0 To _entities.Count - 1 If i < _entities.Count Then _entities(i).Update() If _entities(i).ToBeRemoved Then _entities(i).Dispose() _entities.RemoveAt(i) i -= 1 End If End If Next _camera.Update() If _introDelay > 0F Then _introDelay -= 0.1F If _introDelay <= 0F Then _introDelay = 0F End If Else If IsCurrentScreen() Then If _fadeInMain > 0.0F Then _fadeInMain = MathHelper.Lerp(0.0F, _fadeInMain, 0.93F) If _fadeInMain - 0.01F <= 0.0F Then _fadeInMain = 0.0F End If End If Else If _logoFade > 0.0F Then _logoFade = MathHelper.Lerp(0.0F, _logoFade, 0.2F) If _logoFade - 0.01F <= 0.0F Then _logoFade = 0.0F End If End If End If tempF += 0.01F tempG += 0.04F If IsCurrentScreen() Then If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.EnterKey1) Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.EnterKey2) Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.A) Or MouseHandler.ButtonPressed(MouseHandler.MouseButtons.LeftButton) Then _fadeInMain = 0.0F SetScreen(New NewMainMenuScreen(Me)) End If End If End If End Sub Private _blurHandler As Resources.Blur.BlurHandler Public Overrides Sub Draw() If _blurHandler Is Nothing Then _blurHandler = New Resources.Blur.BlurHandler(target.Width, target.Height) End If GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(target) GraphicsDevice.ResetFull() GraphicsDevice.Clear(_fromColor) ' DRAW HERE _backgroundRenderer.Begin() _backgroundRenderer.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(0, CType(target.Height / 2, Integer), target.Width, CType(target.Height / 4, Integer)), _fromColor, _toColor, False, 1, 10) _backgroundRenderer.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(0, CType(target.Height / 4 * 3, Integer), target.Width, CType(target.Height / 4, Integer)), _toColor) _backgroundRenderer.End() GraphicsDevice.ResetFull() _shader.Prepare(_camera) For Each entity In _entities _shader.Render(entity) Next GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(Nothing) _backgroundRenderer.Begin() Dim blurred = _blurHandler.Perform(target) _backgroundRenderer.Draw(blurred, New Rectangle(0, 0, windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height), Color.White) '_backgroundRenderer.Draw(target, New Rectangle(0, 0, ScreenSize.Width, ScreenSize.Height), Color.White) _backgroundRenderer.End() If IsCurrentScreen() Then _logoRenderer.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Texture, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.AnisotropicClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone) Else _logoRenderer.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Texture, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.AnisotropicClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone) End If _shineRenderer.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Texture, BlendState.Additive) _logoRenderer.Draw(_logoTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2 - 350 * SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale), CInt(160 * _fadeInMain + 64), CInt(700 * SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale), CInt(300 * SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _logoFade))) _shineRenderer.Draw(_shineTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2 - 250 * SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale + Math.Sin(tempF) * 240.0F), CInt(-100 + Math.Sin(tempG) * 10.0F + CInt(160 * _fadeInMain + 64)), CInt(512 * SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale), CInt(512 * SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _logoFade))) If _fadeInMain = 0F Then If IsCurrentScreen() And Core.GameOptions.ShowGUI Then ' Want to implement fading of text, but core doesn't seem to support this. Dim text As String = String.Empty If ControllerHandler.IsConnected() Then text = Localization.GetString("start_screen_press", "Press") & " " & Localization.GetString("start_screen_tostart", "to start.") Else text = Localization.GetString("start_screen_press", "Press") & " " & KeyBindings.EnterKey1.ToString().ToUpper & " " & Localization.GetString("start_screen_tostart", "to start.") 'text = "Press " & KeyBindings.EnterKey1.ToString() & ", " & KeyBindings.EnterKey2.ToString() & ", or primary mouse button to start." End If Dim textSize As Vector2 = FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(text) GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, text, New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2.0F - textSize.X / 2.0F), CInt(windowSize.Height - textSize.Y - 50)), _textColor) If ControllerHandler.IsConnected() Then SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\GamePad\xboxControllerButtonA"), New Rectangle(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2 - textSize.X / 2 + FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString("Press" & " ").X + 2), CInt(windowSize.Height - textSize.Y - 58), 40, 40), Color.White) End If End If End If _logoRenderer.End() _shineRenderer.End() Canvas.DrawRectangle(windowSize, New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * _fadeInMain))) End Sub Public Overrides Sub ChangeTo() Core.Player.Unload() Core.Player.Skin = "Hilbert" TextBox.Hide() TextBox.CanProceed = True OverworldScreen.FadeValue = 0 MusicManager.Play("title", True, 0.0F) End Sub End Class Public Class NewMainMenuScreen Inherits Screen Public _screenOffset As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Position of the top row relative to the _screenOrigin Public _screenOffsetTarget As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Target where the top needs to move to Public _screenOrigin As Vector2 = New Vector2(CSng(windowSize.Width / 2 - 80 - 180), CInt(windowSize.Height / 4)) 'Center of the game window. It's adjusted when resizing the window. Private _mainOffset As Vector2 = _screenOffset Public _optionsOffset As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Position of the options row relative to the _screenOrigin Public _optionsOffsetTarget As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Target where the options row needs to move to Private _gameJoltOffset As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Position of the gamejolt row relative to the _screenOrigin Private _gameJoltOffsetTarget As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0) 'Target where the gamejolt needs to move to Private _loading As Boolean = True Public _fadeInMain As Single = 0F Public _fadeInOptions As Single = 0F Private _fadeInGameJolt As Single = 0F Private _GameJoltOpacity As Single = 0F Private _expandDisplay As Single = 0F Private _closingDisplay As Boolean = False Private _displayTextFade As Single = 0F Private _sliderPosition As Single = 0F 'Horizontal position of the main menu arrow Private _sliderTarget As Integer = 0 'Target where the arrow needs to move to Private _menuTexture As Texture2D Private _oldMenuTexture As Texture2D Private _MainProfiles As New List(Of GameProfile) Private _GameJoltProfiles As New List(Of GameProfile) Private _OptionsProfiles As New List(Of GameProfile) Public Shared _selectedProfile As Integer = 1 Public Shared _selectedProfileTemp As Integer = _selectedProfile Private _GameJoltButtonIndex As Integer = 0 'This is to tell which button on a GameJolt profile is selected: the profile itself or the gender & reset buttons Public Shared _menuIndex As Integer = 0 '0 = Game Profiles, 1 = GameJolt Submenu, 2 = Options Submenu, 3 = GameJolt Options Submenu Public GameModeSplash As Texture2D Private _messageBox As UI.MessageBox Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen) Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen PreScreen = currentScreen CanBePaused = False MouseVisible = True CanChat = False _menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\MainMenu") _oldMenuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\Menu") _screenOffset = New Vector2(0, 0) _screenOffsetTarget = _screenOffset _mainOffset = _screenOffset _optionsOffset = New Vector2(0, 0) _optionsOffsetTarget = _optionsOffset _gameJoltOffset = New Vector2(0, 0) _gameJoltOffsetTarget = _gameJoltOffset _selectedProfile = 1 _sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile) _sliderPosition = _sliderTarget _messageBox = New UI.MessageBox(Me) End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() PreScreen.Update() If _loading = False Then 'Shift the Top row horizontally _mainOffset.X = _screenOffset.X 'Shift the main menu vertically Select Case _menuIndex Case 0 _screenOffsetTarget.Y = 0 _optionsOffsetTarget.X = _screenOffsetTarget.X Case 1 _screenOffsetTarget.Y = -180 - 32 _optionsOffsetTarget.X = _gameJoltOffsetTarget.X Case 2 _screenOffsetTarget.Y = -180 - 32 Case 3 _screenOffsetTarget.Y = -320 - 32 End Select 'Fade in Options row If _menuIndex = 2 Or _menuIndex = 3 Then If _fadeInOptions < 1.0F Then _fadeInOptions = MathHelper.Lerp(1.0F, _fadeInOptions, 0.93F) If _fadeInOptions + 0.01F >= 1.0F Then _fadeInOptions = 1.0F End If End If Else If _fadeInOptions > 0.0F Then _fadeInOptions = MathHelper.Lerp(0.0F, _fadeInOptions, 0.93F) If _fadeInOptions - 0.01F <= 0.0F Then _fadeInOptions = 0.0F End If End If End If 'Fade in the Top row If _fadeInMain < 1.0F Then _fadeInMain = MathHelper.Lerp(1.0F, _fadeInMain, 0.93F) If _fadeInMain + 0.01F >= 1.0F Then _fadeInMain = 1.0F _sliderPosition = _sliderTarget End If Else If CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) Then ' Click on profiles. Select Case _menuIndex Case 0 For x = 0 To _MainProfiles.Count - 1 Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _screenOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain)) If New Rectangle(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + _screenOffset.Y), 160, 160).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then If _selectedProfile = x Then If CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then ClickedProfile() SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End If Else GameModeSplash = Nothing If CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then Dim diff As Integer = x - _selectedProfile _screenOffsetTarget.X -= diff * 180 _selectedProfile = x If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile)._gameModeExists Then GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_MainProfiles(_selectedProfile)._gameMode) Else GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer("Kolben") End If _menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\MainMenu") _oldMenuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\Menu") End If Exit For End If End If Next If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).IsGameJolt AndAlso _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).Loaded Then For x = 0 To _MainProfiles.Count - 1 ' Click on gamejolt buttons Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _screenOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain)) Dim r As New Vector2(xOffset + 400, _screenOrigin.Y + _screenOffset.Y + 200) If New Rectangle(CInt(r.X), CInt(r.Y), 32, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then ButtonChangeMale() ElseIf New Rectangle(CInt(r.X), CInt(r.Y) + 48, 32, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then ButtonChangeFemale() ElseIf New Rectangle(CInt(r.X), CInt(r.Y) + 48 + 48, 32, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then ButtonChangeGenderless() ElseIf New Rectangle(CInt(r.X), CInt(r.Y) + 48 + 48 + 48, 32, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then ButtonResetSave() End If Next End If If Controls.Dismiss(True, False, False) Then ' Click on profiles. For x = 0 To _MainProfiles.Count - 1 Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _screenOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain)) If New Rectangle(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + _screenOffset.Y), 160, 160).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then If _selectedProfile = x Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") DismissProfile() End If Exit For End If Next End If Case 2 GameModeSplash = Nothing For x = 0 To _MainProfiles.Count - 1 Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _mainOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain)) If New Rectangle(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + _screenOffsetTarget.Y), 160, 160).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then _menuIndex = 0 Dim diff As Integer = CInt(_screenOffset.X + x * 180) - CInt(_optionsOffset.X + _selectedProfile * 180) _screenOffsetTarget.X -= diff _selectedProfile = x _sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(x) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End If Next For x = 0 To _OptionsProfiles.Count - 1 Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _optionsOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain)) If New Rectangle(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + _optionsOffset.Y), 160, 160).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then If _selectedProfile = x Then If CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then ClickedProfile() SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End If Else If CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then Dim diff As Integer = x - _selectedProfile _optionsOffsetTarget.X -= diff * 180 _selectedProfile = x End If Exit For End If End If Next Case 3 For x = 0 To _GameJoltProfiles.Count - 1 Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _gameJoltOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain)) If New Rectangle(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + _screenOffsetTarget.Y + -180 + 32), 160, 160).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then Dim diff As Integer = x - _selectedProfile _gameJoltOffsetTarget.X -= diff * 180 _menuIndex = 1 _selectedProfile = x _sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(x) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End If Next For x = 0 To _OptionsProfiles.Count - 1 Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _optionsOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain)) If New Rectangle(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + _optionsOffset.Y), 160, 160).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then If _selectedProfile = x Then If CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then ClickedProfile() SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End If Else GameModeSplash = Nothing If CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then Dim diff As Integer = x - _selectedProfile _optionsOffsetTarget.X -= diff * 180 _selectedProfile = x End If Exit For End If End If Next End Select End If If CurrentScreen.Identification = Screen.Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then Select Case _menuIndex Case 0 If Controls.Right(True) And _selectedProfile < _MainProfiles.Count - 1 Then _selectedProfile += 1 _screenOffsetTarget.X -= 180 _GameJoltButtonIndex = 0 GameModeSplash = Nothing If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile)._gameModeExists Then GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_MainProfiles(_selectedProfile)._gameMode) End If _menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\MainMenu") _oldMenuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\Menu") End If If Controls.Left(True) And _selectedProfile > 0 Then _selectedProfile -= 1 _screenOffsetTarget.X += 180 _GameJoltButtonIndex = 0 GameModeSplash = Nothing If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile)._gameModeExists Then GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_MainProfiles(_selectedProfile)._gameMode) End If _menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\MainMenu") _oldMenuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\Menu") End If Case 1 If Controls.Right(True) And _selectedProfile < _GameJoltProfiles.Count - 1 Then _selectedProfile += 1 _gameJoltOffsetTarget.X -= 180 _GameJoltButtonIndex = 0 GameModeSplash = Nothing If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile)._gameModeExists Then GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_MainProfiles(_selectedProfile)._gameMode) End If _menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\MainMenu") _oldMenuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\Menu") End If If Controls.Left(True) And _selectedProfile > 0 Then _selectedProfile -= 1 _gameJoltOffsetTarget.X += 180 _GameJoltButtonIndex = 0 GameModeSplash = Nothing If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile)._gameModeExists Then GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_MainProfiles(_selectedProfile)._gameMode) End If _menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\MainMenu") _oldMenuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\Menu") End If Case 2, 3 If Controls.Right(True) And _selectedProfile < _OptionsProfiles.Count - 1 Then _selectedProfile += 1 _optionsOffsetTarget.X -= 180 End If If Controls.Left(True) And _selectedProfile > 0 Then _selectedProfile -= 1 _optionsOffsetTarget.X += 180 End If End Select End If If _menuIndex = 0 Then If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).IsGameJolt AndAlso _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).Loaded Then If Controls.Down(True, True, False) Then _GameJoltButtonIndex += 1 End If If Controls.Up(True, True, False) Then _GameJoltButtonIndex -= 1 End If _GameJoltButtonIndex = Clamp(_GameJoltButtonIndex, 0, 4) End If End If Select Case _menuIndex Case 0 _selectedProfile = _selectedProfile.Clamp(0, _MainProfiles.Count - 1) Case 1 _selectedProfile = _selectedProfile.Clamp(0, _GameJoltProfiles.Count - 1) Case 2, 3 _selectedProfile = _selectedProfile.Clamp(0, _OptionsProfiles.Count - 1) End Select If _fadeInMain = 1.0F Then If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) Then Select Case _GameJoltButtonIndex Case 0 SoundManager.PlaySound("select") ClickedProfile() Case 1 SoundManager.PlaySound("select") ButtonChangeMale() Case 2 SoundManager.PlaySound("select") ButtonChangeFemale() Case 3 SoundManager.PlaySound("select") ButtonChangeGenderless() Case 4 SoundManager.PlaySound("select") ButtonResetSave() End Select End If If Controls.Dismiss(False, True, True) Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") DismissProfile() _GameJoltButtonIndex = 0 End If ' Try to load the GameJolt profile once the player has logged in. _MainProfiles(1).LoadGameJolt() End If If _menuIndex = 0 Then If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).Loaded = False Then _closingDisplay = True Else _closingDisplay = False End If End If _sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile) If _sliderPosition < _sliderTarget Then _sliderPosition = MathHelper.Lerp(_sliderTarget, _sliderPosition, 0.8F) ElseIf _sliderPosition > _sliderTarget Then _sliderPosition = MathHelper.Lerp(_sliderTarget, _sliderPosition, 0.8F) End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.EscapeKey) Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.BackKey1) Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.BackKey2) Or MouseHandler.ButtonPressed(MouseHandler.MouseButtons.RightButton) Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.B) Then Select Case _menuIndex Case 0 'SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(CurrentScreen, Me.PreScreen, Color.White, False)) If CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then SetScreen(New PressStartScreen()) End If SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Case 1, 2 _menuIndex = 0 _selectedProfile = _selectedProfileTemp _sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Case 3 _menuIndex = 1 _selectedProfile = _selectedProfileTemp _sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End Select End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.ForwardMoveKey) Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.UpKey) Then Select Case _menuIndex Case 1, 2 _menuIndex = 0 _selectedProfile = _selectedProfileTemp _sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Case 3 _menuIndex = 1 _selectedProfile = _selectedProfileTemp _sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End Select End If If _fadeInMain = 1.0F Then If _closingDisplay Then If _expandDisplay > 0.0F Then _expandDisplay = MathHelper.Lerp(0.0F, _expandDisplay, 0.9F) If _expandDisplay - 0.01F <= 0.0F Then _expandDisplay = 0.0F End If End If Else If _expandDisplay < 1.0F Then _expandDisplay = MathHelper.Lerp(1.0F, _expandDisplay, 0.9F) If _expandDisplay + 0.01F >= 1.0F Then _expandDisplay = 1.0F End If End If End If End If End If UpdateScreenOffset() UpdateOptionsOffset() If (_menuIndex = 0 OrElse _menuIndex = 1) AndAlso _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).GameMode <> "Kolben" Then If GameModeSplash Is Nothing Then Try Dim fileName As String = GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes\" & _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).GameMode & "\MainMenu.png" If IO.File.Exists(fileName) = True Then Using stream As IO.Stream = IO.File.Open(fileName, IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate) GameModeSplash = Texture2D.FromStream(GraphicsDevice, stream) End Using End If Catch ex As Exception Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, "MainMenuScreen.vb/UpdateNewGameMenu: An error occurred trying to load the splash image at """ & GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes\" & _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).GameMode & "\MainMenu.png"". This could have been caused by an invalid file header. (Exception: " & ex.Message & ")") End Try End If End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub ButtonChangeMale() If GameJoltSave.Gender = "Male" Then Exit Sub End If GameJoltSave.Gender = "Male" Core.Player.Skin = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSpriteFile(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).Sprite = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSprite(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) End Sub Private Sub ButtonChangeFemale() If GameJoltSave.Gender = "Female" Then Exit Sub End If GameJoltSave.Gender = "Female" Core.Player.Skin = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSpriteFile(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).Sprite = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSprite(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) End Sub Private Sub ButtonChangeGenderless() If GameJoltSave.Gender = "Other" Then Exit Sub End If GameJoltSave.Gender = "Other" Core.Player.Skin = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSpriteFile(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).Sprite = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSprite(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) End Sub Private Sub ButtonResetSave() GameJoltSave.ResetSave() _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).Sprite = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSprite(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).SetToDefault() End Sub Private Sub ClickedProfile() Select Case _menuIndex Case 0 If _selectedProfile = 1 And Security.FileValidation.IsValid(False) = False Then _messageBox.Show(Localization.GetString("main_menu_error_filevalidation", "File validation failed!~Redownload the game's files to solve this problem.").Replace(CChar("~"), Environment.NewLine).Replace(CChar("*"), Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine)) Else _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).SelectProfile() End If Case 2, 3 _OptionsProfiles(_selectedProfile).SelectProfile() End Select End Sub Private Sub DismissProfile() _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).UnSelectProfile() End Sub Private Sub UpdateScreenOffset() _screenOrigin = New Vector2(CInt((windowSize.Width / 2 - 80 - 180)), CInt(windowSize.Height / 4)) If _screenOffset.X > _screenOffsetTarget.X Then _screenOffset.X = MathHelper.Lerp(_screenOffsetTarget.X, _screenOffset.X, 0.93F) If _screenOffset.X - 0.01F <= _screenOffsetTarget.X Then _screenOffset.X = _screenOffsetTarget.X End If End If If _screenOffset.X < _screenOffsetTarget.X Then _screenOffset.X = MathHelper.Lerp(_screenOffsetTarget.X, _screenOffset.X, 0.93F) If _screenOffset.X + 0.01F >= _screenOffsetTarget.X Then _screenOffset.X = _screenOffsetTarget.X End If End If If _screenOffset.Y > _screenOffsetTarget.Y Then _screenOffset.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(_screenOffsetTarget.Y, _screenOffset.Y, 0.93F) If _screenOffset.Y - 0.01F <= _screenOffsetTarget.Y Then _screenOffset.Y = _screenOffsetTarget.Y End If End If If _screenOffset.Y < _screenOffsetTarget.Y Then _screenOffset.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(_screenOffsetTarget.Y, _screenOffset.Y, 0.93F) If _screenOffset.Y + 0.01F >= _screenOffsetTarget.Y Then _screenOffset.Y = _screenOffsetTarget.Y End If End If End Sub Private Sub UpdateOptionsOffset() If _optionsOffset.X > _optionsOffsetTarget.X Then _optionsOffset.X = MathHelper.Lerp(_optionsOffsetTarget.X, _optionsOffset.X, 0.93F) If _optionsOffset.X - 0.01F <= _optionsOffsetTarget.X Then _optionsOffset.X = _optionsOffsetTarget.X End If End If If _optionsOffset.X < _optionsOffsetTarget.X Then _optionsOffset.X = MathHelper.Lerp(_optionsOffsetTarget.X, _optionsOffset.X, 0.93F) If _optionsOffset.X + 0.01F >= _optionsOffsetTarget.X Then _optionsOffset.X = _optionsOffsetTarget.X End If End If If _optionsOffset.Y > _optionsOffsetTarget.Y Then _optionsOffset.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(_optionsOffsetTarget.Y, _optionsOffset.Y, 0.93F) If _optionsOffset.Y - 0.01F <= _optionsOffsetTarget.Y Then _optionsOffset.Y = _optionsOffsetTarget.Y End If End If If _optionsOffset.Y < _optionsOffsetTarget.Y Then _optionsOffset.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(_optionsOffsetTarget.Y, _optionsOffset.Y, 0.93F) If _optionsOffset.Y + 0.01F >= _optionsOffsetTarget.Y Then _optionsOffset.Y = _optionsOffsetTarget.Y End If End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub Draw() PreScreen.Draw() If _loading = False Then Select Case _menuIndex Case 0 If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).IsGameJolt = True Then DrawGradients(CInt(255 * _fadeInMain), True) Else DrawGradients(CInt(255 * _fadeInMain), False) End If Case 1 If Not _GameJoltProfiles(_selectedProfile).IsOptionsMenuButton Then DrawGradients(CInt(255 * _fadeInMain), True) Else DrawGradients(CInt(255 * _fadeInMain), False) End If Case Else DrawGradients(CInt(255 * _fadeInMain), False) End Select End If If IsCurrentScreen() Then If _loading Then Dim textSize As Vector2 = FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString("Please wait..") GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, "Please wait" & LoadingDots.Dots, New Vector2(windowSize.Width / 2.0F - textSize.X / 2.0F, windowSize.Height / 2.0F - textSize.Y / 2.0F + 100), Color.White) Else If GameModeSplash IsNot Nothing Then DrawGameModeSplash() End If Select Case _menuIndex Case 1, 3 DrawOptionsProfiles(True) Case Else DrawOptionsProfiles(False) End Select DrawMainProfiles() End If End If End Sub Public Sub DrawGameModeSplash() Dim backSize As New Size(windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height) Dim origSize As New Size(GameModeSplash.Width, GameModeSplash.Height) Dim aspectRatio As Single = CSng(origSize.Width / origSize.Height) backSize.Width = CInt(windowSize.Width * aspectRatio) backSize.Height = CInt(backSize.Width / aspectRatio) If backSize.Width > backSize.Height Then backSize.Width = windowSize.Width backSize.Height = CInt(windowSize.Width / aspectRatio) Else backSize.Height = windowSize.Height backSize.Width = CInt(windowSize.Height / aspectRatio) End If If backSize.Height < windowSize.Height Then backSize.Height = windowSize.Height backSize.Width = CInt(windowSize.Height / origSize.Height * origSize.Width) End If Dim xOffset As Integer = 0 If windowSize.Width < backSize.Width Then Dim xAspectRatio As Single = CSng(origSize.Width / backSize.Width) xOffset = CInt(Math.Floor((backSize.Width - windowSize.Width) * xAspectRatio) / 2) End If Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(GameModeSplash, New Rectangle(0, 0, backSize.Width, backSize.Height), New Rectangle(xOffset, 0, origSize.Width, origSize.Height), Color.White) End Sub Public Sub DrawGameJoltButtons(ByVal offset As Vector2) Dim r As New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X + 400), CInt(offset.Y + 200), 512, 128) Dim y As Integer = 0 Dim fontColor As Color = Color.White Dim dayTime = World.GetTime If dayTime = World.DayTimes.Day OrElse dayTime = World.DayTimes.Morning Then fontColor = Color.Black End If If ScaleScreenRec(New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y, 32, 32)).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True And GameInstance.IsMouseVisible OrElse Not GameInstance.IsMouseVisible And _GameJoltButtonIndex = 1 Then y = 16 SpriteBatch.DrawInterfaceString(FontManager.InGameFont, "Change to male", New Vector2(r.X + 64 + 4, r.Y + 4), fontColor) End If SpriteBatch.DrawInterface(_oldMenuTexture, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y, 32, 32), New Rectangle(144, 32 + y, 16, 16), Color.White) y = 0 If ScaleScreenRec(New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + 48, 32, 32)).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True And GameInstance.IsMouseVisible OrElse Not GameInstance.IsMouseVisible And _GameJoltButtonIndex = 2 Then y = 16 SpriteBatch.DrawInterfaceString(FontManager.InGameFont, "Change to female", New Vector2(r.X + 64 + 4, r.Y + 4 + 48), fontColor) End If SpriteBatch.DrawInterface(_oldMenuTexture, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + 48, 32, 32), New Rectangle(160, 32 + y, 16, 16), Color.White) y = 0 If ScaleScreenRec(New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + 48 + 48, 32, 32)).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True And GameInstance.IsMouseVisible OrElse Not GameInstance.IsMouseVisible And _GameJoltButtonIndex = 3 Then y = 16 SpriteBatch.DrawInterfaceString(FontManager.InGameFont, "Change to genderless", New Vector2(r.X + 64 + 4, r.Y + 4 + 48 + 48), fontColor) End If SpriteBatch.DrawInterface(_oldMenuTexture, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + 48 + 48, 32, 32), New Rectangle(208, 32 + y, 16, 16), Color.White) y = 0 If ScaleScreenRec(New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + 48 + 48 + 48, 32, 32)).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True And GameInstance.IsMouseVisible OrElse Not GameInstance.IsMouseVisible And _GameJoltButtonIndex = 4 Then y = 16 SpriteBatch.DrawInterfaceString(FontManager.InGameFont, "Reset save", New Vector2(r.X + 64 + 4, r.Y + 4 + 48 + 48 + 48), fontColor) End If SpriteBatch.DrawInterface(_oldMenuTexture, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + 48 + 48 + 48, 32, 32), New Rectangle(176, 32 + y, 16, 16), Color.White) End Sub Private Sub DrawMainProfiles() For x = 0 To _MainProfiles.Count - 1 ' Draw main profiles. Dim xmain As Boolean = x = _selectedProfile If _menuIndex <> 0 Then xmain = False End If Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _mainOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeInMain)) _MainProfiles(x).Draw(New Vector2(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + _screenOffset.Y)), CInt(_fadeInMain * 255), (xmain), _menuTexture) If _MainProfiles(x).IsGameJolt AndAlso _MainProfiles(x).Loaded AndAlso (xmain) Then DrawGameJoltButtons(New Vector2(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + _screenOffset.Y))) End If Next If _fadeInMain = 1.0F And _menuIndex = 0 Then ' Draw arrow. If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).IsGameJolt = False Then SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_screenOrigin.X + _sliderPosition - 16), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + 170), 32, 16), New Rectangle(0, 16, 32, 16), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(_fadeInMain * 255))) Else SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_screenOrigin.X + _sliderPosition - 16), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + 170), 32, 16), New Rectangle(32, 16, 32, 16), Color.White) End If Dim displayRect = New Rectangle(CInt((_screenOrigin.X + _sliderPosition - 300).Clamp(20, windowSize.Width - 620)), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + 170 + 16), 600, CInt(240 * _expandDisplay)) ' Draw display. If _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile).IsGameJolt Then If _expandDisplay > 0F Then Canvas.DrawRectangle(displayRect, Screens.UI.ColorProvider.MainColor(True)) Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(displayRect.X, displayRect.Y + displayRect.Height - 3, displayRect.Width, 3), Screens.UI.ColorProvider.AccentColor(True, CInt(255 * _expandDisplay))) End If Else If _expandDisplay > 0F Then Canvas.DrawRectangle(displayRect, Screens.UI.ColorProvider.MainColor(False)) Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(displayRect.X, displayRect.Y + displayRect.Height - 3, displayRect.Width, 3), Screens.UI.ColorProvider.AccentColor(False, CInt(255 * _expandDisplay))) End If End If ' Draw profile info. Dim tmpProfile = _MainProfiles(_selectedProfile) If _expandDisplay = 1.0F Then If tmpProfile.GameModeExists Then For i = 0 To tmpProfile.PokemonTextures.Count - 1 SpriteBatch.Draw(tmpProfile.PokemonTextures(i), New Rectangle(displayRect.X + 30 + i * 70, displayRect.Y + 70, 64, 64), Color.White) Next GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Localization.GetString("main_menu_savefile_name", "Player Name") & ": " & tmpProfile.Name & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("main_menu_savefile_gamemode", "GameMode") & ": " & GameModeManager.GetGameMode(tmpProfile.GameMode).Name, New Vector2(displayRect.X + 30, displayRect.Y + 20), Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F) GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Localization.GetString("main_menu_savefile_badges", "Badges") & ": " & tmpProfile.Badges.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("main_menu_savefile_playtime", "Play time") & ": " & tmpProfile.TimePlayed & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("main_menu_savefile_location", "Location") & ": " & tmpProfile.Location, New Vector2(displayRect.X + 30, displayRect.Y + 150), Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F) Else GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, Localization.GetString("main_menu_savefile_name", "Player Name") & ": " & tmpProfile.Name & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("main_menu_savefile_gamemode", "GameMode") & ": " & tmpProfile.GameMode, New Vector2(displayRect.X + 30, displayRect.Y + 20), Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F) SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(displayRect.X + 30, displayRect.Y + 70, 32, 32), New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), Color.White) Dim errorText As String If tmpProfile.IsGameJolt() Then errorText = Localization.GetString("main_menu_error_gamejolt_1", "Download failed. Press Accept to try again.") & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("main_menu_error_gamejolt_2", "If the problem persists, please try again later") & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("main_menu_error_gamejolt_3", "or contact us in our Discord server:") & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("main_menu_error_gamejolt_4", "") Else errorText = Localization.GetString("main_menu_error_gamemode_profile", "The required GameMode does not exist!") End If GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, errorText, New Vector2(displayRect.X + 70, displayRect.Y + 78), Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F) End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub DrawOptionsProfiles(IsGameJoltOptions As Boolean) ' Draw profiles. For x = 0 To _OptionsProfiles.Count - 1 Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOrigin.X + _optionsOffset.X + x * 180 _OptionsProfiles(x).Draw(New Vector2(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y)), CInt(_fadeInOptions * 255), (x = _selectedProfile), _menuTexture) Next ' Draw arrow. Select Case _menuIndex Case 2 SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_screenOrigin.X + _sliderPosition - 16), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + 170), 32, 16), New Rectangle(0, 16, 32, 16), Color.White) Case 3 SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_screenOrigin.X + _sliderPosition - 16), CInt(_screenOrigin.Y + 170), 32, 16), New Rectangle(32, 16, 32, 16), Color.White) End Select End Sub Private Function GetSliderTarget(ByVal index As Integer) As Integer Select Case _menuIndex Case 2, 3 Return CInt(_optionsOffset.X + index * 180 + 80) Case 1 Return CInt(_gameJoltOffset.X + index * 180 + 80) Case Else Return CInt(_screenOffset.X + index * 180 + 80) End Select End Function Public Overrides Sub ChangeTo() If _MainProfiles.Count = 0 Then 'Dim t As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf LoadMainProfiles) 't.IsBackground = True 't.Start() LoadMainProfiles() End If If _OptionsProfiles.Count = 0 Then LoadOptionProfiles() End If End Sub Private Sub LoadMainProfiles() _MainProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, True)) _MainProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False)) Dim files As String() = {"Apricorns.dat", "Berries.dat", "Box.dat", "Daycare.dat", "HallOfFame.dat", "ItemData.dat", "Items.dat", "NPC.dat", "Options.dat", "Party.dat", "Player.dat", "Pokedex.dat", "Register.dat", "RoamingPokemon.dat", "SecretBase.dat", "Statistics.dat"} For Each path As String In IO.Directory.GetDirectories(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\") Dim exists As Boolean = True For Each file As String In files If IO.File.Exists(path & "\" & file) = False Then exists = False Exit For End If Next If exists = True Then _MainProfiles.Add(New GameProfile(path, False, False)) End If Next GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer("Kolben") _menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\MainMenu") _oldMenuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\Menu") _MainProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", True, False)) _loading = False End Sub Private Sub LoadOptionProfiles() _OptionsProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False, 0)) _OptionsProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False, 1)) _OptionsProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False, 2)) _OptionsProfiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False, False, 3)) End Sub Private Class GameProfile Private _isGameJolt As Boolean = False Private _loaded As Boolean = False Private _isLoading As Boolean = False Private _failedGameJoltLoading As Boolean = False Public _OptionsMenuIndex As Integer = -1 Private _path As String = "" Private _isNewGameButton As Boolean = False Private _IsOptionsMenuButton As Boolean = False Private _name As String = "" Public _gameMode As String Private _pokedexSeen As Integer Private _pokedexCaught As Integer Private _badges As Integer Private _timePlayed As String Private _location As String Private _pokemonTextures As New List(Of Texture2D) Private _sprite As Texture2D Public _gameModeExists As Boolean Private _skin As String = "" Private _surfing As Boolean = False Private _tempSurfSkin As String = "" Private _fontSize As Single = 1.0F Private _spriteIndex As Integer = 0 Private _spriteDelay As Single = 1.5F Private _logoBounce As Single = 0F Private ReadOnly _spriteOrder As Integer() = {0, 1, 0, 2} Public Property Sprite As Texture2D Get Return _sprite End Get Set(value As Texture2D) _sprite = value End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property IsGameJolt As Boolean Get Return _isGameJolt End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property IsNewGameButton As Boolean Get Return _isNewGameButton End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property IsOptionsMenuButton As Boolean Get Return _IsOptionsMenuButton End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Path() As String Get Return _path End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String Get Return _name End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property GameMode() As String Get Return _gameMode End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property PokedexSeen() As Integer Get Return _pokedexSeen End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property PokedexCaught() As Integer Get Return _pokedexCaught End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Badges() As Integer Get Return _badges End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property TimePlayed() As String Get Return _timePlayed End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Location() As String Get Return _location End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property PokemonTextures() As List(Of Texture2D) Get Return _pokemonTextures End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Loaded() As Boolean Get Return _loaded End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property IsLoading() As Boolean Get Return _isLoading End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property GameModeExists() As Boolean Get Return _gameModeExists End Get End Property Public Sub SetToDefault() _timePlayed = "00:00:00" _location = "Your Room" _pokemonTextures.Clear() _badges = 0 End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal path As String, ByVal isNewGameButton As Boolean, ByVal IsOptionsMenuButton As Boolean, Optional ByVal OptionsMenuIndex As Integer = -1) If isNewGameButton Then _isNewGameButton = True _fontSize = 1.0F ElseIf IsOptionsMenuButton Then _IsOptionsMenuButton = True _fontSize = 1.0F _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\UI\OptionsMenu") Else If OptionsMenuIndex <> -1 Then _OptionsMenuIndex = OptionsMenuIndex Select Case _OptionsMenuIndex Case 0 _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\UI\Options\Language") Case 1 _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\UI\Options\Audio") Case 2 _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\UI\Options\Controls") Case 3 _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\UI\Options\ContentPacks") End Select Else If path = "" Then _isGameJolt = True _loaded = False _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\UI\GameJolt\gameJoltIcon") LoadGameJolt() Else _path = path LoadFromPlayerData(IO.File.ReadAllText(path & "\Player.dat")) LoadContent(IO.File.ReadAllText(path & "\Party.dat")) _loaded = True End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub LoadContent(ByVal pokedata As String) If GameModeManager.GameModeExists(_gameMode) Then _gameModeExists = True GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_gameMode) PokemonForms.Initialize() Dim pokemonData As String() = pokedata.SplitAtNewline() For Each line As String In pokemonData If line.StartsWith("{") Then _pokemonTextures.Add(Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(line).GetMenuTexture(True)) End If Next If _isGameJolt = False Then If _surfing Then _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\NPC\" & _tempSurfSkin) Else _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\NPC\" & _skin) End If End If Else _gameModeExists = False _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\unknownSprite") End If End Sub Private Sub LoadFromPlayerData(ByVal data As String) Dim playerData As String() = data.SplitAtNewline() For Each line As String In playerData If line.Contains("|") Then Dim id As String = line.Split("|"c)(0) Dim content As String = line.Split("|"c)(1) Select Case id.ToLower() Case "name" _name = content While FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(_name).X * _fontSize > 140 _fontSize -= 0.01F End While Case "badges" If content.Length > 0 AndAlso content <> "0" Then _badges = content.Split(","c).Length Else _badges = 0 End If Case "playtime" Dim timedata As String() = content.Split(","c) Dim hours As Integer = CInt(timedata(0)) + CInt(timedata(3)) * 24 Dim minutes As Integer = CInt(timedata(1)) Dim seconds As Integer = CInt(timedata(2)) _timePlayed = hours.ToString("D2") & ":" & minutes.ToString("D2") & ":" & seconds.ToString("D2") Case "location" _location = content Case "gamemode" _gameMode = content Case "skin" _skin = content Case "surfing" If content = "1" Then _surfing = True End If Case "tempsurfskin" _tempSurfSkin = content End Select End If Next End Sub Public Sub Draw(ByVal offset As Vector2, ByVal alpha As Integer, ByVal isSelected As Boolean, ByVal t As Texture2D) If _isGameJolt Then For x = 0 To 9 For y = 0 To 9 SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(x * 16 + offset.X), CInt(y * 16 + offset.Y), 16, 16), New Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) Next Next Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X), CInt(offset.Y), 160, 3), Screens.UI.ColorProvider.AccentColor(True, alpha)) If _isLoading And GameJoltSave.DownloadProgress > 0 Then Dim width As Integer = CInt((GameJoltSave.DownloadProgress / (GameJolt.GamejoltSave.SAVEFILECOUNT + GameJolt.GamejoltSave.EXTRADATADOWNLOADCOUNT)) * 160) Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X), CInt(offset.Y + 3), width, 157), New Color(100, 100, 100, 128)) End If ElseIf _menuIndex = 3 Then For x = 0 To 9 For y = 0 To 9 SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(x * 16 + offset.X), CInt(y * 16 + offset.Y), 16, 16), New Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) Next Next Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X), CInt(offset.Y), 160, 3), Screens.UI.ColorProvider.AccentColor(True, alpha)) Else For x = 0 To 9 For y = 0 To 9 SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(x * 16 + offset.X), CInt(y * 16 + offset.Y), 16, 16), New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) Next Next Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X), CInt(offset.Y), 160, 3), Screens.UI.ColorProvider.AccentColor(False, alpha)) End If If _isNewGameButton Then Dim textA As String = Localization.GetString("main_menu_newgame_line1", "New") Dim textB As String = Localization.GetString("main_menu_newgame_line2", "Game") If alpha >= 250 And CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textA, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).X) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 72 - FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).Y / 2 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha)) FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textA, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).X) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 72 - FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).Y / 2)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textB, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).X) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 72 + FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).Y / 2 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha)) FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textB, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).X) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 72 + FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).Y / 2)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) Else SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textA, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).X) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 72 - FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).Y / 2 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha)) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textA, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).X) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 72 - FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).Y / 2)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textB, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).X) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 72 + FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).Y / 2 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha)) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textB, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).X) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 72 + FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).Y / 2)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) End If ElseIf _IsOptionsMenuButton Then Dim text As String = Localization.GetString("main_menu_options", "Options") If alpha >= 250 And CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, text, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(text).X) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 132 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(text).Y) / 2 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha)) FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, text, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(text).X) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 132 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(text).Y) / 2)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) Else SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, text, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(text).X) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 132 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(text).Y) / 2 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha)) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, text, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(text).X) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 132 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(text).Y) / 2)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) End If If _menuIndex = 0 Then If isSelected Then _logoBounce += 0.2F Else _logoBounce = 0F End If End If SpriteBatch.Draw(_sprite, New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X + 40), CInt(offset.Y + 36 + Math.Sin(_logoBounce) * 8.0F), 80, 80), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) ElseIf _OptionsMenuIndex <> -1 Then Dim textA As String = "" Dim textB As String = "" Select Case _OptionsMenuIndex Case 0 textA = Localization.GetString("main_menu_options_language", "Language") Case 1 textA = Localization.GetString("main_menu_options_audio", "Audio") Case 2 textA = Localization.GetString("main_menu_options_controls", "Controls") Case 3 textA = Localization.GetString("main_menu_options_contentpacks_line1", "Content") textB = Localization.GetString("main_menu_options_contentpacks_line2", "Packs") End Select If _OptionsMenuIndex <> 3 Then If alpha >= 250 And CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textA, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).X) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 132 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).Y) / 2 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha)) FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textA, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).X) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 132 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).Y) / 2)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) Else SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textA, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).X) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 132 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).Y) / 2 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha)) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textA, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).X) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 132 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).Y) / 2)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) End If Else If alpha >= 250 And CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textA, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).X) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 116 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).Y) / 2 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha)) FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textA, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).X) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 116 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).Y) / 2)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textB, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).X) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 116 + FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).Y / 2 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha)) FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textB, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).X) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 116 + FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).Y / 2)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) Else SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textA, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).X) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 116 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).Y) / 2 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha)) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textA, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).X) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 116 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textA).Y) / 2)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textB, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).X) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 116 + FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).Y / 2 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha)) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, textB, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).X) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 116 + FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(textB).Y / 2)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) End If End If If _menuIndex = 2 Or _menuIndex = 3 Then If isSelected Then _logoBounce += 0.2F Else _logoBounce = 0F End If End If SpriteBatch.Draw(_sprite, New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X + 40), CInt(offset.Y + 24 + Math.Sin(_logoBounce) * 8.0F), 80, 80), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) Else If _loaded Then Dim frameSize As Size If _sprite.Width = _sprite.Height / 2 Then frameSize = New Size(CInt(_sprite.Width / 2), CInt(_sprite.Height / 4)) ElseIf _sprite.Width = _sprite.Height Then frameSize = New Size(CInt(_sprite.Width / 4), CInt(_sprite.Height / 4)) Else frameSize = New Size(CInt(_sprite.Width / 3), CInt(_sprite.Height / 4)) End If If isSelected Then _spriteDelay -= 0.1F If _spriteDelay <= 0F Then _spriteDelay = 1.5F _spriteIndex += 1 If _spriteIndex = _spriteOrder.Length Then _spriteIndex = 0 End If End If Else _spriteIndex = 0 End If SpriteBatch.Draw(_sprite, New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X + 17), CInt(offset.Y - 10), 128, 128), New Rectangle(frameSize.Width * _spriteOrder(_spriteIndex), frameSize.Height * 2, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) If alpha >= 250 And CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, _name, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(_name).X * _fontSize) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 120 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha), 0F, Vector2.Zero, New Vector2(_fontSize), SpriteEffects.None, 0F) FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, _name, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(_name).X * _fontSize) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 120)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha), 0F, Vector2.Zero, New Vector2(_fontSize), SpriteEffects.None, 0F) Else SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, _name, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(_name).X * _fontSize) / 2 + 2), CInt(offset.Y + 120 + 2)), New Color(0, 0, 0, alpha), 0F, Vector2.Zero, New Vector2(_fontSize), SpriteEffects.None, 0F) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, _name, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(_name).X * _fontSize) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 120)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha), 0F, Vector2.Zero, New Vector2(_fontSize), SpriteEffects.None, 0F) End If Else If _menuIndex = 0 Then If isSelected Then _logoBounce += 0.2F Else _logoBounce = 0F End If End If Dim text As String = Localization.GetString("global_login", "Log in") If _isLoading Then text = Localization.GetString("global_loading", "Loading") & "..." End If SpriteBatch.Draw(_sprite, New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X + 46), CInt(offset.Y + 36 + Math.Sin(_logoBounce) * 8.0F), 68, 72), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) If alpha >= 250 And CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, text, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(text).X * _fontSize) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 120)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha), 0F, Vector2.Zero, New Vector2(_fontSize), SpriteEffects.None, 0F) Else SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, text, New Vector2(CInt(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(text).X * _fontSize) / 2), CInt(offset.Y + 120)), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha), 0F, Vector2.Zero, New Vector2(_fontSize), SpriteEffects.None, 0F) End If End If End If End Sub Public Sub LoadGameJolt() If GameJolt.API.LoggedIn Then If _isGameJolt And _loaded = False And _isLoading = False Then _isLoading = True GameJoltSave.DownloadSave(GameJolt.LogInScreen.LoadedGameJoltID, True) ElseIf _isGameJolt And _loaded = False And _isLoading Then If GameJoltSave.DownloadFinished Then _loaded = True _isLoading = False _sprite = GameJoltSave.DownloadedSprite If _sprite Is Nothing Then _sprite = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSprite(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) End If LoadFromPlayerData(GameJoltSave.Player) LoadContent(GameJoltSave.Party) Else If GameJoltSave.DownloadFailed Then _loaded = True _isLoading = False _failedGameJoltLoading = True _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\unknownSprite") End If End If End If End If End Sub Public Sub UnSelectProfile() If IsGameJolt AndAlso _loaded Then _loaded = False _isLoading = False _pokemonTextures.Clear() _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\UI\GameJolt\gameJoltIcon") _fontSize = 1.0F GameJolt.API.LoggedIn = False End If End Sub Public Sub SelectProfile() Select Case _menuIndex Case 0 If _isGameJolt And _loaded = False And GameJolt.API.LoggedIn = False Then SetScreen(New GameJolt.LogInScreen(CurrentScreen)) ElseIf _isNewGameButton Then World.IsMainMenu = False ' Prompt GameMode selection screen: SetScreen(New GameModeSelectionScreen(CurrentScreen)) Else If _gameModeExists Then GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_gameMode) Localization.ReloadGameModeTokens() Water.ClearAnimationResources() Waterfall.ClearAnimationResources() Water.AddDefaultWaterAnimationResources() Waterfall.AddDefaultWaterAnimationResources() AnimatedBlock.ClearAnimationResources() World.IsMainMenu = False If _isGameJolt Then Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Core.Player.LoadGame("GAMEJOLTSAVE") SetScreen(New JoinServerScreen(CurrentScreen)) Else Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = False Core.Player.LoadGame(IO.Path.GetFileName(_path)) SetScreen(New JoinServerScreen(CurrentScreen)) End If Else If Me.IsGameJolt Then _loaded = False _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\UI\GameJolt\gameJoltIcon") LoadGameJolt() ElseIf IsOptionsMenuButton = False Then Dim messageBox As New UI.MessageBox(CurrentScreen) messageBox.Show(Localization.GetString("main_menu_error_gamemode_message", "The required GameMode does not exist.~Reaquire the GameMode to play on this profile.").Replace("~", Environment.NewLine)) Else _menuIndex = 2 _selectedProfileTemp = _selectedProfile _selectedProfile = 0 'SetScreen(New NewOptionScreen(CurrentScreen)) End If End If End If Case 2, 3 SetScreen(New NewOptionScreen(CurrentScreen, _OptionsMenuIndex + 1)) End Select End Sub End Class End Class Public Class GameModeSelectionScreen Inherits Screen Private _gameModes As GameMode() Private _index As Integer = 0 Private _offset As Single = 0F Private tempGameModesDisplay As String = "" Private GameModeSplash As Texture2D = Nothing Private _menuTexture As Texture2D Private Const WIDTH = 320 Private Const HEIGHT = 64 Private Const GAP = 32 Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen) Me.Identification = Identifications.GameModeSelectionScreen CanBePaused = False CanChat = False CanDrawDebug = True CanGoFullscreen = True CanMuteAudio = True CanTakeScreenshot = True PreScreen = currentScreen _gameModes = GameModeManager.GetAllGameModes GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_gameModes(_index).DirectoryName) _menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\MainMenu") End Sub Public Overrides Sub Draw() PreScreen.Draw() If GameModeSplash IsNot Nothing Then DrawGameModeSplash() End If Dim text = Localization.GetString("gamemode_menu_select1", "Select a GameMode") + Environment.NewLine + Localization.GetString("gamemode_menu_select2", "to start the new game with.") GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, text, New Vector2(30, 30), Color.White) 'Draw buttons Dim center = CInt(windowSize.Width / 2 + 320) For i = 0 To _gameModes.Length - 1 Dim ButtonY = CInt(i * (HEIGHT + GAP) + _offset + windowSize.Height / 2 - HEIGHT / 2) Dim halfWidth = CInt(WIDTH / 2) Dim ButtonColor = New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16) Dim ButtonAccent = Screens.UI.ColorProvider.AccentColor(False, CInt(255)) If i <> _index Then ButtonColor = New Rectangle(40, 48, 16, 16) ButtonAccent = Screens.UI.ColorProvider.MainColor(False, CInt(255)) End If Dim displayText = _gameModes(i).Name.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.InGameFont, WIDTH - 32) If displayText = "Kolben" Then displayText = "Pokémon 3D" End If For x = 0 To CInt(WIDTH / 16) For y = 0 To CInt(HEIGHT / 16) SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(x * 16 + (center - halfWidth)), CInt(y * 16 + ButtonY - 8), 16, 16), ButtonColor, Color.White) Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(center - halfWidth), CInt(ButtonY - 8), WIDTH + 16, 3), ButtonAccent) Next Next Dim textSize = FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(displayText) GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, displayText, New Vector2(center - halfWidth + 32 + 2, CType(ButtonY + HEIGHT / 2 - (textSize.Y / 2) + 2, Integer)), Color.Black, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F) GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, displayText, New Vector2(center - halfWidth + 32, CType(ButtonY + HEIGHT / 2 - (textSize.Y / 2), Integer)), Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F) Next 'Draw GameMode description box If tempGameModesDisplay = "" Then Dim GameMode As GameMode = GameModeManager.GetGameMode(_gameModes(_index).DirectoryName) Dim dispName As String = GameMode.Name If dispName = "Kolben" Then dispName = "Pokémon 3D" End If Dim dispDescription As String = GameMode.Description.Replace("~", Environment.NewLine).Replace("*", Environment.NewLine) Dim dispVersion As String = GameMode.Version Dim dispAuthor As String = GameMode.Author tempGameModesDisplay = Localization.GetString("gamemode_menu_name") & ": " & dispName & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("gamemode_menu_version") & ": " & dispVersion & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("gamemode_menu_author") & ": " & dispAuthor & Environment.NewLine & Localization.GetString("gamemode_menu_description") & ": " & dispDescription End If tempGameModesDisplay = tempGameModesDisplay.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.InGameFont, 400) Dim displayRect = New Rectangle(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2 - 400 - 32), CInt(windowSize.Height / 2 - FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(tempGameModesDisplay).Y / 2 - 32), 480 + 32, CInt(FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(tempGameModesDisplay).Y + 64)) Dim displayWidth = CInt(displayRect.Width / 16) Dim displayHeight = CInt(displayRect.Height / 16) For x = 0 To displayWidth For y = 0 To displayHeight SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(x * 16 + displayRect.X), CInt(y * 16) + displayRect.Y - 8, 16, 16), New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), Color.White) Next Next Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(displayRect.X, displayRect.Y - 8, displayWidth * 16 + 16, 3), Screens.UI.ColorProvider.AccentColor(False, CInt(255))) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, tempGameModesDisplay, New Vector2(displayRect.X + 32 + 2, displayRect.Y + 32 + 2), Color.Black) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, tempGameModesDisplay, New Vector2(displayRect.X + 32, displayRect.Y + 32), Color.White) 'Draw Arrow SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(displayRect.X + displayRect.Width + 16), CInt(displayRect.Y + (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(tempGameModesDisplay).Y + 64) / 2 - 16), 16, 32), New Rectangle(64, 0, 16, 32), Color.White) End Sub Public Sub DrawGameModeSplash() Dim backSize As New Size(windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height) Dim origSize As New Size(GameModeSplash.Width, GameModeSplash.Height) Dim aspectRatio As Single = CSng(origSize.Width / origSize.Height) backSize.Width = CInt(windowSize.Width * aspectRatio) backSize.Height = CInt(backSize.Width / aspectRatio) If backSize.Width > backSize.Height Then backSize.Width = windowSize.Width backSize.Height = CInt(windowSize.Width / aspectRatio) Else backSize.Height = windowSize.Height backSize.Width = CInt(windowSize.Height / aspectRatio) End If If backSize.Height < windowSize.Height Then backSize.Height = windowSize.Height backSize.Width = CInt(windowSize.Height / origSize.Height * origSize.Width) End If Dim xOffset As Integer = 0 If windowSize.Width < backSize.Width Then Dim xAspectRatio As Single = CSng(origSize.Width / backSize.Width) xOffset = CInt(Math.Floor((backSize.Width - windowSize.Width) * xAspectRatio) / 2) End If Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(GameModeSplash, New Rectangle(0, 0, backSize.Width, backSize.Height), New Rectangle(xOffset, 0, origSize.Width, origSize.Height), Color.White) End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() ' PreScreen is the MainMenuScreen, so update the previous screen of that to achieve the background world. PreScreen.PreScreen.Update() If _index > 0 AndAlso Controls.Up(True, True, True, True, True, True) Then _index -= 1 GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_gameModes(_index).DirectoryName) tempGameModesDisplay = "" GameModeSplash = Nothing _menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\MainMenu") End If If _index < _gameModes.Length - 1 AndAlso Controls.Down(True, True, True, True, True, True) Then _index += 1 GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_gameModes(_index).DirectoryName) tempGameModesDisplay = "" GameModeSplash = Nothing _menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\MainMenu") End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.EscapeKey) Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.BackKey1) Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.BackKey2) Or MouseHandler.ButtonPressed(MouseHandler.MouseButtons.RightButton) Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.B) Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") SetScreen(PreScreen) End If If Controls.Accept(True, True, True) Then GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_gameModes(_index).DirectoryName) Localization.ReloadGameModeTokens() SoundManager.PlaySound("select") If GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.IntroType = "0" Then SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Me.PreScreen, New NewGameScreen(), Color.Black, False)) Else SetScreen(New Screens.MainMenu.NewNewGameScreen(PreScreen)) End If End If Dim targetOffset = GetTargetOffset() If _offset <> targetOffset Then _offset = MathHelper.Lerp(_offset, targetOffset, 0.25F) If Math.Abs(_offset - targetOffset) <= 0.01F Then _offset = targetOffset End If End If If GameModeSplash Is Nothing Then Try Dim fileName As String = GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes\" & _gameModes(_index).DirectoryName & "\GameMode.png" If IO.File.Exists(fileName) = True Then Using stream As IO.Stream = IO.File.Open(fileName, IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate) GameModeSplash = Texture2D.FromStream(GraphicsDevice, stream) End Using End If Catch ex As Exception Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, "MainMenuScreen.vb/UpdateNewGameMenu: An error occurred trying to load the splash image at """ & GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes\" & _gameModes(_index).DirectoryName & "\GameMode.png"". This could have been caused by an invalid file header. (Exception: " & ex.Message & ")") End Try End If End Sub Private Function GetTargetOffset() As Integer Return -_index * (HEIGHT + GAP) End Function End Class