version=2 @npc.turn(0,3) @npc.turn(1,1) it seems those~guards have Saffron City~locked down tight.*I don't think we could~get in without alerting them.*It was a stupid idea~to sabotage the Power Plant~before getting into~Saffron City!*We should go tell the~Boss that we will need~to find a different~way to get a Mast-) @npc.turn(0,2) @npc.turn(1,2) @player.setmovement(0,0,1) @player.move(1) @entity.showmessagebulb(1|2|1|2) @entity.showmessagebulb(1|3|1|2) @player.move(1) what do you~think you're doing?*Don't you know its~rude to listen to other~people's conversations?*We will make you~pay for that!) :if:=3,0,3 @battle.trainer(kantounderground\gruntF) did you beat me?!~I am one of the best~grunts in Team Rocket!) @npc.move(0,1) @npc.turn(0,3) @player.turnto(1) may have beaten her~but you won't beat me!) @battle.trainer(kantounderground\gruntM) :else @battle.trainer(kantounderground\gruntM) did you beat me?!~I am one of the best~grunts in Team Rocket!) @npc.move(1,1) @npc.turn(1,1) @player.turnto(3) may have beaten him~but you won't beat me!) @battle.trainer(kantounderground\gruntF) :endif, aren't you the~brat who defeated the~Admins in Johto?!*No wonder you beat us!*We better let the Boss~know you are in Kanto!) @screen.fadeout @npc.remove(0) @npc.remove(1) @level.update @screen.fadein @npc.register(saffron\underground0.dat|0|remove|0) @npc.register(saffron\underground0.dat|1|remove|0) @register.register(Rocketundergroundkanto) :end