version=2 :if:>1's *Today was day -1~of this cycle.) :else's Daily Login Reward~was a Shiny Candy!*Today was Day 30~of this cycle.) :endif :select: :when:1 starts the~cycle over from Day 1~with the reward being either~Cash, BP, or items to sell.) :when:8;15;22 is Day ~with the reward being either~Cash, BP, or items to sell.) :when:2;9;16;23 is Day ~with the reward being~a number of PokéBalls.) :when:3;10;17;24 is Day ~with the reward being~a number of Medecine Items.) :when:4;11;18;25 is Day ~with the reward being~a number of Held Items.) :when:5;12;19;26 is Day ~with the reward being~a number of Evolution Items.) :when:6;13;20;27 is Day ~with the reward being~a number of Evolution Stones.) :when:7;14;21;28 is Day ~with the reward being~a number of rare items.) :when:29 is Day ~with the reward being~a rare Pokémon.) :when:30 is Day ,~the last day of this cycle.*The reward will be~a Shiny Candy.*WARNING!~If you have a Shiny Candy~in your bag when you login~tomorrow you will miss~this reward!) :endwhen You for continuing~to play Pokémon 3D!) :end