version=2 :if:=False @register.register(dungeonrobotsdefeated,int,0) :endif :if:=False @player.move(0) @level.wait(50) @npc.warp(0,2,0,5) @level.update @entity.showmessagebulb(1|2|1|5) @npc.turn(0,3) @npc.setspeed(0,2) @npc.move(0,3) @npc.turn(0,2) @npc.setspeed(0,2) @npc.move(0,3) my, this is so exciting!*The room beyond here~seemed to contain~an automaton of sorts!*Its purpose seems to be~to battle intruders.*I couldn't hold my own~in battle,but I expect your~Pokémon can defeat it.*Also, the gem in the~front room has a symbol~glowing on it!*When I touched it I~was warped back here!*Isn't the technology~here amazing?!) @npc.register(dungeon\checkpoint1.dat|0|position|7,0,2) @register.register(Mindchallengefinish) :endif :end