:if:not register(bill_encounter) :then @Text:Sorry, but this area~is not available~at the moment.*Please wait for~BILL to fix it.*He went to the ECRUTEAK~Pokémon center. :end :endif @Text:This is the Friend Hub.*You can trade Pokémon~with your friends~here.*Do you need further~information? @Options:Trade,Request,No thanks. :when:Trade @Text:To trade a Pokémon,~you have to store one~of your Pokémon in the~system. You are also setting~up a request.*Then you are going~to insert your friends~name.~He can find your trade~then and you can trade.*Only your friend can~see your trade request. :when:Request @Text:A request is what~defines what Pokémon you~want to have for yours when~you are about to trade.*You can define Level,~ID and Item. :when:No thanks. @Text:Enjoy your stay. :endwhen :end