Public Class ChatScreen
Inherits Screen
Dim scrollIndex As Integer = 0
Dim currentText As String = ""
Public Shared ChatInputHeight As Integer = 24
Dim selectIndex As Integer = -1
Dim enterDelay As Single = 0.2F
Dim CursorDelay As Integer = 20
Dim CursorOn As Integer = 1
Dim Selection As Integer = 0 'Carret position
Dim SelectionStart As Integer = 0
Dim SelectionLength As Integer = 0
Public Enum ChatStates
End Enum
Public Shared ChatState As ChatStates = ChatStates.Global
Private Shared HasCommandChat As Boolean = False
Private Shared PMChats As New Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
Private Shared HasNewGlobalMessages As Boolean = False
Private Shared CurrentPMChat As String = ""
Public Shared Sub ResetChatState()
ChatState = ChatStates.Global
HasCommandChat = False
CurrentPMChat = ""
HasNewGlobalMessages = False
End Sub
Public Shared newMessages As New List(Of Chat.ChatMessage)
Public Shared newMessagesDelays As New List(Of Single)
Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen)
Me.PreScreen = currentScreen
Me.Identification = Identifications.ChatScreen
Me.CanBePaused = True
Me.CanMuteAudio = False
Me.CanChat = False
Me.MouseVisible = True
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub EscapePressed()
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.EscapeKey) = True Or ControllerHandler.ButtonDown(Buttons.Start) = True Then
End If
End Sub
Shared RightButtonDownDelay As Single = 3.0F
Shared LeftButtonDownDelay As Single = 3.0F
Public Overrides Sub Update()
'Updates the level screen so online player entities get drawn.
If PreScreen.Identification = Identifications.OverworldScreen And JoinServerScreen.Online = True Then
End If
If CursorDelay > 0 Then
CursorDelay -= 1
If CursorOn = 1 Then
CursorOn = 0
CursorDelay = 20
CursorOn = 1
CursorDelay = 20
End If
End If
If Controls.Dismiss(True, False) = True Or (JoinServerScreen.Online = False And Core.Player.SandBoxMode = False And GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = False) = True Then
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Input.Keys.Enter) = True Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.A) = True Then
End If
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.Tab) = True Then
End If
If ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.X) = True Then
Me.currentText = ""
End If
If ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.Y) = True Then
Dim t As String = Me.currentText
While t.Length > 38
t = t.Remove(t.Length - 1, 1)
End While
Core.SetScreen(New InputScreen(Me, t, InputScreen.InputModes.Text, t, 38, New List(Of Texture2D), AddressOf Me.GetControllerInput))
End If
End If
While FontManager.ChatFont.MeasureString(Me.currentText).X * 1.0F > Core.windowSize.Width - 216
If Me.currentText.Length = 0 Then
Exit While
End If
Me.currentText = Me.currentText.Remove(Me.currentText.Length - 1, 1)
End While
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateTextInput()
Dim inputText As String = " "
If Controls.CtrlPressed() = True Then
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.A) = True Then
End If
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.C) = True Then
End If
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.X) = True Then
End If
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.V) = True Then
If System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.ContainsText() = True Then
Dim t As String = System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText().Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ")
inputText &= t
End If
End If
End If
If inputText = "" Then
If Me.SelectionLength > 0 Then
Me.currentText = Me.currentText.Remove(Me.SelectionStart, Me.SelectionLength)
Me.Selection = Me.SelectionStart
Me.SelectionLength = 0
Me.SelectionStart = 0
If Me.currentText.Length > 0 And Me.Selection > 0 Then
Me.currentText = Me.currentText.Remove(Me.Selection - 1, 1)
Me.Selection -= 1
End If
End If
ElseIf inputText.Length > 1 Then
If Me.SelectionLength > 0 Then
Me.currentText = Me.currentText.Remove(Me.SelectionStart, Me.SelectionLength)
Me.SelectionLength = 0
Me.Selection = Me.SelectionStart
End If
inputText = inputText.Remove(0, 1)
Me.currentText = Me.currentText.Substring(0, Me.Selection) & inputText & Me.currentText.Substring(Me.Selection)
Me.Selection += inputText.Length
For i = 0 To currentText.Length - 1
If i <= Me.currentText.Length - 1 Then
If FontManager.ChatFont.Characters.Contains(currentText(i)) = False Then
currentText = currentText.Remove(i, 1)
i -= 1
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Copy()
If Me.SelectionLength > 0 Then
System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(Me.currentText.Substring(Me.SelectionStart, Me.SelectionLength))
Catch ex As Exception
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "ChatScreen.vb: An error occurred while copying text to the clipboard (""" & Me.currentText.Substring(Me.SelectionStart, Me.SelectionLength) & """).")
End Try
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Cut()
If Me.SelectionLength > 0 Then
Dim DefaultSelection As Integer = Selection
System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(Me.currentText.Substring(Me.SelectionStart, Me.SelectionLength))
currentText = currentText.Remove(SelectionStart, SelectionLength)
If Selection = SelectionStart + SelectionLength Then
Selection -= SelectionLength
End If
SelectionStart = 0
SelectionLength = 0
Catch ex As Exception
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "ChatScreen.vb: An error occurred while cutting text to the clipboard (""" & Me.currentText.Substring(Me.SelectionStart, Me.SelectionLength) & """).")
End Try
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SelectAll()
Me.Selection = Me.currentText.Length
Me.SelectionStart = 0
Me.SelectionLength = Me.currentText.Length
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateSendMessage()
If Me.selectIndex > -1 Then
If Me.currentText = "" Then
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
Me.currentText = Chat.TransferedLines(ChatState, CurrentPMChat)(Me.selectIndex).ToString()
Me.currentText = Chat.TransferedLines(ChatState, CurrentPMChat)(Me.selectIndex).Message
End If
Me.SelectionLength = 0
Me.SelectionStart = 0
Me.Selection = Me.currentText.Length
End If
Me.selectIndex = -1
If Me.currentText <> "" Then
While currentText.EndsWith(" ") = True
currentText = currentText.Remove(currentText.Length - 1, 1)
End While
If currentText.StartsWith("/pm ") = True Then
Dim playerName As String = currentText.Remove(0, 4)
While Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection.HasPlayer(playerName) = False And playerName.Contains(" ") = True
playerName = playerName.Remove(playerName.LastIndexOf(" "))
End While
If playerName <> "" And (Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection.HasPlayer(playerName) = True Or PMChats.ContainsKey(playerName) = True) And playerName.ToLower() <> Core.Player.Name.ToLower() Then
Core.GameMessage.ShowMessage("Player " & playerName & " not found!", 20, FontManager.MainFont, Color.White)
End If
ElseIf currentText.StartsWith("/global") = True Then
CurrentPMChat = ""
ElseIf currentText.StartsWith("/command") = True Then
CurrentPMChat = ""
HasCommandChat = True
ElseIf currentText.StartsWith("/close") = True Then
Chat.ClearChatMessages(ChatState, CurrentPMChat)
Select Case ChatState
Case ChatStates.Command
HasCommandChat = False
Case ChatStates.PM
End Select
CurrentPMChat = ""
ElseIf currentText.StartsWith("/clear") = True Then
Chat.ClearChatMessages(ChatState, CurrentPMChat)
Dim GJID As String = ""
If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Then
GJID = Core.GameJoltSave.GameJoltID
End If
Dim chatMessage As New Chat.ChatMessage(Core.Player.Name, Me.currentText, GJID, Chat.ChatMessage.MessageTypes.GlobalMessage)
If Chat.IsCommandMessage(chatMessage.Message) = True Then
HasCommandChat = True
If ChatState = ChatStates.Command Then
ElseIf ChatState = ChatStates.PM Then
chatMessage.MessageType = Chat.ChatMessage.MessageTypes.PMMessage
chatMessage.Message = "/pm " & CurrentPMChat & " " & chatMessage.Message
End If
End If
End If
currentText = ""
Selection = 0
SelectionLength = 0
SelectionStart = 0
selectIndex = -1
scrollIndex = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateTabCompletion()
Dim completionCommands() = {"pm", "kick",
"list add whitelist", "list remove whitelist", "list toggle whitelist",
"list add blacklist", "list remove blacklist", "list toggle blacklist",
"list add operators", "list remove operators", "list toggle operators",
"list add mutelist", "list remove mutelist", "list toggle mutelist"}
For Each tabCommand As String In completionCommands
Dim commandLength As Integer = tabCommand.Length + 2
If Me.currentText.ToLower().StartsWith("/" & tabCommand & " ") = True And Me.currentText.Length > commandLength Then
Dim playerName As String = currentText.Remove(0, commandLength)
Dim currentTextLength As Integer = Me.currentText.Length
Dim currentCursorPosition As Integer = Me.Selection
Me.currentText = Me.currentText.Remove(commandLength) & Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection.GetMatchingPlayerName(playerName)
If Me.currentText.Length > currentTextLength Then
Me.Selection += Me.currentText.Length - currentTextLength
Me.SelectionStart = 0
Me.SelectionLength = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateSelection()
If Controls.Right(False, True, False, False, True, True) = True Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyDown(Keys.End) = True Then
If RightButtonDownDelay <= 0.0F Or RightButtonDownDelay = 4.0F Then
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
If Me.SelectionLength = 0 Then
If Selection < Me.currentText.Length Then
Me.SelectionStart = Me.Selection
End If
End If
If Me.Selection >= Me.SelectionStart + Me.SelectionLength Then
If Selection < Me.currentText.Length Then
Dim selectionJump As Integer = Me.GetSelectionJump(False)
Me.SelectionLength += selectionJump
Me.Selection += selectionJump
End If
ElseIf Me.Selection = Me.SelectionStart Then
Dim selectionJump As Integer = Me.GetSelectionJump(False)
Me.Selection += selectionJump
Me.SelectionStart += selectionJump
Me.SelectionLength -= selectionJump
End If
If Me.SelectionLength > 0 Then
Me.Selection = Me.SelectionStart + Me.SelectionLength
Me.SelectionStart = 0
Me.SelectionLength = 0
Dim selectionJump As Integer = Me.GetSelectionJump(False)
Me.Selection += selectionJump
End If
End If
If RightButtonDownDelay = 4.0F Then
RightButtonDownDelay -= 0.2F
End If
RightButtonDownDelay += 0.1F
RightButtonDownDelay -= 0.2F
End If
RightButtonDownDelay = 4.0F
End If
If Controls.Left(False, True, False, False, True, True) = True Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyDown(Keys.Home) = True Then
If LeftButtonDownDelay <= 0.0F Or LeftButtonDownDelay = 4.0F Then
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
If Me.SelectionLength = 0 Then
If Me.Selection > 0 Then
Me.SelectionStart = Me.Selection
End If
End If
If Me.Selection <= Me.SelectionStart Then
If Me.Selection > 0 Then
Dim selectionJump As Integer = Me.GetSelectionJump(True)
Me.SelectionLength += selectionJump
Me.SelectionStart -= selectionJump
Me.Selection -= selectionJump
End If
ElseIf Me.Selection = Me.SelectionStart + Me.SelectionLength Then
Dim selectionJump As Integer = Me.GetSelectionJump(True)
Me.Selection -= selectionJump
Me.SelectionLength -= selectionJump
End If
If Me.SelectionLength > 0 Then
Me.Selection = Me.SelectionStart
Me.SelectionStart = 0
Me.SelectionLength = 0
Dim selectionJump As Integer = Me.GetSelectionJump(True)
Me.Selection -= selectionJump
End If
End If
If LeftButtonDownDelay = 4.0F Then
LeftButtonDownDelay -= 0.2F
End If
LeftButtonDownDelay += 0.1F
LeftButtonDownDelay -= 0.2F
End If
LeftButtonDownDelay = 4.0F
End If
Me.Selection = Me.Selection.Clamp(0, Me.currentText.Length)
Me.SelectionStart = Me.SelectionStart.Clamp(0, Me.currentText.Length - 1)
Me.SelectionLength = Me.SelectionLength.Clamp(0, Me.currentText.Length - Me.SelectionStart)
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateChatScroll()
Dim lineCount As Integer = Chat.TransferedLines(ChatState, CurrentPMChat).Count
Dim drawCount As Integer = Me.GetDrawLinesCount() 'default=14
If Controls.Up(True, False, True, False) = True Then
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
Me.scrollIndex += 5
Me.scrollIndex += 1
End If
End If
If Controls.Down(True, False, True, False) = True Then
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
Me.scrollIndex -= 5
Me.scrollIndex -= 1
End If
End If
If Controls.Up(True, True, False, False, True) = True Then
If Me.selectIndex < 0 Then
Me.selectIndex = lineCount - 1
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
Me.selectIndex -= 5
Me.selectIndex -= 1
End If
If selectIndex < 0 Then
selectIndex = 0
End If
If Me.selectIndex < lineCount - drawCount - scrollIndex Then
scrollIndex -= Me.selectIndex - (lineCount - drawCount - scrollIndex)
End If
End If
End If
If Controls.Down(True, True, False, False, True) = True Then
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
Me.selectIndex += 5
Me.selectIndex += 1
End If
If Me.selectIndex >= lineCount And scrollIndex = 0 Then
Me.selectIndex = -1
If selectIndex >= lineCount - scrollIndex Then
scrollIndex = lineCount - 1 - selectIndex
End If
End If
End If
Me.scrollIndex = CInt(MathHelper.Clamp(scrollIndex, 0, lineCount - drawCount))
If Me.selectIndex > -1 Then
Me.selectIndex = CInt(MathHelper.Clamp(MathHelper.Clamp(Me.selectIndex, lineCount - drawCount - scrollIndex, lineCount - 1 - scrollIndex), -1, lineCount - 1))
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetSelectionJump(ByVal left As Boolean) As Integer
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyDown(Keys.End) = True Then
Return Me.currentText.Length - Selection
End If
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyDown(Keys.Home) = True Then
Return Selection
End If
Dim jumpStops As String() = {" ", "*", "²", "³", "+", "#", "°", "'", ".", ";", "-", ":", ">", "<", "|", "!", """", "§", "%", "&", "/", "(", ")", "=", "?", "{", "[", "]", "}", "\", "@"}
If Controls.CtrlPressed() = True Then
Dim jumpIndex As Integer = 1
If left = True Then
While Me.Selection - jumpIndex >= 0 AndAlso jumpStops.Contains(Me.currentText(Me.Selection - jumpIndex).ToString()) = False Or jumpIndex = 1
jumpIndex += 1
End While
Return jumpIndex - 1
While Me.Selection + jumpIndex <= Me.currentText.Length - 1 AndAlso jumpStops.Contains(Me.currentText(Me.Selection + jumpIndex).ToString()) = False Or jumpIndex = 1
jumpIndex += 1
End While
Return jumpIndex
End If
Return 1
End If
End Function
Private Function IsUpper() As Boolean
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyDown(Input.Keys.LeftShift) = True Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyDown(Input.Keys.RightShift) = True Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
Private Function GetDrawLinesCount() As Integer
Dim items As Integer = 0
Dim lines As Integer = 0
Dim transferedLines = Chat.TransferedLines(ChatState, CurrentPMChat)
If transferedLines.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To transferedLines.Count - 1
If i <= 13 And items <= 13 Then
Dim takeIndex As Integer = (transferedLines.Count - 1) - (i + scrollIndex)
If takeIndex >= 0 And takeIndex < transferedLines.Count Then
Dim line As String = transferedLines(takeIndex).ToString()
Dim dispLine As String = ""
Dim SplitIndicies As List(Of Integer) = GetSplitIndicies(line)
Dim preIndex As Integer = 0
For Each index As Integer In SplitIndicies
If dispLine <> "" Then
dispLine &= Environment.NewLine
End If
If index - preIndex > line.Length - preIndex Then
dispLine &= line.Substring(preIndex)
dispLine &= line.Substring(preIndex, index - preIndex)
End If
preIndex = index
Dim lineArr() As String = dispLine.SplitAtNewline()
items += lineArr.Count
lines += 1
End If
End If
End If
Return lines
End Function
Public Overrides Sub Draw()
Dim transferedLines = Chat.TransferedLines(ChatState, CurrentPMChat)
Dim offset As Integer = 0
Dim items As Integer = 0
Dim lines As Integer = 0
If transferedLines.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To transferedLines.Count - 1
If i <= 13 And items <= 13 Then
Dim takeIndex As Integer = (transferedLines.Count - 1) - (i + scrollIndex)
If takeIndex >= 0 And takeIndex < transferedLines.Count Then
Dim line As String = transferedLines((transferedLines.Count - 1) - (i + scrollIndex)).ToString()
Dim chatMessage As Chat.ChatMessage = transferedLines((transferedLines.Count - 1) - (i + scrollIndex))
Dim c As Color = chatMessage.MessageColor()
Dim backC = New Color(0, 0, 0, 150)
If selectIndex = transferedLines.Count - 1 - (i + scrollIndex) Then
backC = New Color(100, 100, 100, 150)
End If
Dim dispLine As String = ""
Dim SplitIndicies As List(Of Integer) = GetSplitIndicies(line)
Dim preIndex As Integer = 0
For Each index As Integer In SplitIndicies
If dispLine <> "" Then
dispLine &= Environment.NewLine
End If
If index - preIndex > line.Length - preIndex Then
dispLine &= line.Substring(preIndex)
dispLine &= line.Substring(preIndex, index - preIndex)
End If
preIndex = index
Dim lineArr() As String = dispLine.SplitAtNewline()
For Each l As String In lineArr
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(100, (Core.windowSize.Height - 82) - offset - 64, Core.windowSize.Width - 200, 32), backC)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.ChatFont, l, New Vector2(100 + 8, (Core.windowSize.Height - 50 - 32) - offset - 64), c, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
offset += 32
items += 1
lines += 1
End If
End If
Canvas.DrawScrollBar(New Vector2(Core.windowSize.Width - 100 - 6, (Core.windowSize.Height - 50 - 32) - offset - 34), transferedLines.Count - (lines - 1), 1, transferedLines.Count - lines - (scrollIndex), New Size(6, items * 32), False, New Color(0, 0, 0, 0), New Color(255, 255, 255, 200))
End If
ChatInputHeight = MathHelper.Max(24, CInt(FontManager.ChatFont.MeasureString(Me.currentText).Y))
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(100, Core.windowSize.Height - 50 - ChatInputHeight - 16, Core.windowSize.Width - 200, 16 + ChatInputHeight), New Color(0, 0, 0, 150))
If Me.SelectionLength > 0 Then
Dim startX As Integer = CInt(FontManager.ChatFont.MeasureString(Me.currentText.Substring(0, SelectionStart)).X * 1.0F)
Dim length As Integer = CInt(FontManager.ChatFont.MeasureString(Me.currentText.Substring(Me.SelectionStart, Me.SelectionLength)).X * 1.0F)
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(100 + startX, Core.windowSize.Height - 50 - ChatInputHeight - 16, length + 16, 16 + ChatInputHeight), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.ChatFont, Me.currentText.Substring(Me.SelectionStart, Me.SelectionLength), New Vector2(100 + 8 + startX, Core.windowSize.Height - 50 - 32), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
End If
Dim s As String = Me.currentText
If Me.Selection <> -1 And Me.Selection <> currentText.Length Then
s = Me.currentText.Substring(0, Me.Selection) & Me.currentText.Substring(Me.Selection)
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.ChatFont, s, New Vector2(100 + 8, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height - 50 - ChatInputHeight - 8)), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
Dim startXSelection As Integer = CInt(FontManager.ChatFont.MeasureString(Me.currentText.Substring(0, Selection)).X * 1.0F)
If Me.Selection = Me.SelectionStart And Me.SelectionLength > 0 Then
startXSelection -= 2
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.ChatFont, "|", New Vector2(100 + 8 + startXSelection, Core.windowSize.Height - 50 - ChatInputHeight - 8), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * CursorOn)), 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, New Vector2(1.0F, 1.0F), SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
If Me.SelectionLength > 0 Then
Dim startX As Integer = CInt(FontManager.ChatFont.MeasureString(Me.currentText.Substring(0, SelectionStart)).X * 1.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.ChatFont, Me.currentText.Substring(Me.SelectionStart, Me.SelectionLength), New Vector2(100 + 8 + startX, Core.windowSize.Height - 50 - ChatInputHeight - 8), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
End If
Dim d As New Dictionary(Of Buttons, String)
d.Add(Input.Buttons.A, "Enter")
d.Add(Input.Buttons.B, "Back")
d.Add(Input.Buttons.Y, "Edit")
d.Add(Input.Buttons.X, "Clear")
End Sub
#Region "ChatTabSystem"
Private Sub ClickOnTabs()
If canClickOnTab = True Then
If MouseHandler.ButtonPressed(MouseHandler.MouseButtons.LeftButton) = True Or MouseHandler.ButtonPressed(MouseHandler.MouseButtons.MiddleButton) = True Then
If canClickOnTabType = ChatStates.PM Then
CurrentPMChat = ""
End If
End If
If MouseHandler.ButtonPressed(MouseHandler.MouseButtons.MiddleButton) = True Then
Select Case ChatState
Case ChatStates.Command
HasCommandChat = False
Chat.ClearChatMessages(ChatState, CurrentPMChat)
Case ChatStates.PM
Chat.ClearChatMessages(ChatState, CurrentPMChat)
End Select
CurrentPMChat = ""
End If
End If
End Sub
Private canClickOnTabType As ChatStates = ChatStates.Global
Private canClickOnTabText As String = ""
Private canClickOnTab As Boolean = False
Private Sub DrawChatTabs()
Dim p = MouseHandler.MousePosition
Dim globalText As String = "Global"
Dim globalTextWidth As Integer = CInt(FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(globalText).X)
Dim commandsText As String = "Commands"
Dim commandsTextWidth As Integer = CInt(FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(commandsText).X)
'First, draw global:
DrawChatTab(100, "global", HasNewGlobalMessages, globalText, ChatState = ChatStates.Global)
If p.X >= 100 And p.X < 100 + 48 + globalTextWidth Then
canClickOnTab = True
canClickOnTabType = ChatStates.Global
canClickOnTabText = "Global"
End If
'Then, if active, draw the Commands tab:
Dim x As Integer = CInt(48 + globalTextWidth)
If HasCommandChat = True Then
DrawChatTab(x + 100, "command", False, commandsText, ChatState = ChatStates.Command)
x += CInt(48 + commandsTextWidth)
If p.X >= CInt(100 + 48 + globalTextWidth) And p.X < CInt(100 + 48 + globalTextWidth + 48 + commandsTextWidth) Then
canClickOnTab = True
canClickOnTabType = ChatStates.Command
canClickOnTabText = "Commands"
End If
End If
Dim tabWidth As Integer = 0
'Then draw all PM tabs
For i = 0 To PMChats.Count - 1
If Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection.HasPlayer(PMChats.Keys(i)) = True Then
tabWidth = DrawChatTab(x + 100, "pm", PMChats.Values(i), PMChats.Keys(i), ChatState = ChatStates.PM And PMChats.Keys(i) = CurrentPMChat)
If p.X >= 100 + x And p.X < 100 + x + tabWidth Then
canClickOnTab = True
canClickOnTabType = ChatStates.PM
canClickOnTabText = PMChats.Keys(i)
End If
x += tabWidth
tabWidth = DrawChatTab(x + 100, "pmoff", PMChats.Values(i), PMChats.Keys(i), ChatState = ChatStates.PM And PMChats.Keys(i) = CurrentPMChat)
If p.X >= 100 + x And p.X < 100 + x + tabWidth Then
canClickOnTab = True
canClickOnTabType = ChatStates.PM
canClickOnTabText = PMChats.Keys(i)
End If
x += tabWidth
End If
If p.Y < Core.windowSize.Height - 114 Or p.Y >= Core.windowSize.Height - 82 Then
canClickOnTab = False
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DrawNewMessagesTab()
Dim texType As String = "global"
Dim text As String = "Global"
Select Case ChatState
Case ChatStates.Command
text = "Commands"
texType = "command"
Case ChatStates.PM
text = CurrentPMChat
If Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection.HasPlayer(CurrentPMChat) = True Then
texType = "pm"
texType = "pmoff"
End If
End Select
DrawChatTab(100, texType, False, text, False)
End Sub
''' Draws a chat tab and returns its drawn width.
Private Shared Function DrawChatTab(ByVal xPosition As Integer, ByVal textureType As String, ByVal HasNewMessages As Boolean, ByVal Text As String, ByVal IsActive As Boolean) As Integer
Dim drawHeight As Integer = 32
Dim drawWidth As Integer = CInt(48 + FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(Text).X)
If IsActive = False Then
drawHeight = 24
End If
If textureType = "pm" Or textureType = "pmoff" Then
drawWidth = CInt(MathHelper.Clamp(40 + FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(Text).X * 0.75F, 120, 200))
End If
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(xPosition, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height - 50), drawWidth, drawHeight), New Color(0, 0, 0, 150))
Dim texture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Chat\Icons")
Select Case textureType.ToLower()
Case "global"
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(texture, New Rectangle(xPosition + 6, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height - 50 + drawHeight / 2 - 12), 24, 24), New Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24), Color.White)
Case "command"
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(texture, New Rectangle(xPosition + 6, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height - 50 + drawHeight / 2 - 12), 24, 24), New Rectangle(72, 0, 24, 24), Color.White)
Case "pm"
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(texture, New Rectangle(xPosition + 6, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height - 50 + drawHeight / 2 - 12), 24, 24), New Rectangle(24, 0, 24, 24), Color.White)
Case "pmoff"
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(texture, New Rectangle(xPosition + 6, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height - 50 + drawHeight / 2 - 12), 24, 24), New Rectangle(96, 0, 24, 24), Color.White)
End Select
If HasNewMessages = True Then
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(texture, New Rectangle(xPosition, Core.windowSize.Height - 50 - drawHeight - 12, 24, 24), New Rectangle(48, 0, 24, 24), Color.White)
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, Text, New Vector2(xPosition + 24 + 12, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height - 50 + drawHeight / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(Text).Y / 2)), Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
Return drawWidth
End Function
#End Region
Private Shared Function GetSplitIndicies(ByVal line As String) As List(Of Integer)
Dim lineLength As Integer = CInt(FontManager.ChatFont.MeasureString(line).X * 1.0F)
Dim BoxLength As Integer = CInt(Core.windowSize.Width - 220)
Dim Parts As Double = lineLength / BoxLength
Dim CharCount As Integer = line.Length
Dim CharSplit As Integer = CInt(Math.Floor(CharCount / Parts))
Dim iList As New List(Of Integer)
For i = 1 To CInt(Math.Ceiling(Parts))
iList.Add(CharSplit * i)
Return iList
End Function
Public Shared Sub DrawNewMessages()
If Core.GameOptions.ShowGUI = True Then
Dim offset As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To newMessages.Count - 1
If newMessages.Count - 1 >= i And (newMessages.Count - 1) - i <= 10 Then
Dim delay As Single = newMessagesDelays(i)
Dim line As String = newMessages(i).ToString()
Dim chatMessage As Chat.ChatMessage = newMessages(i)
Dim opacity As Integer = 150
delay -= 0.1F
If delay < 1.5F And delay > 1.4F Then
opacity = 150
ElseIf delay <= 1.4F And delay > 1.3F Then
opacity = 140
ElseIf delay <= 1.3F And delay > 1.2F Then
opacity = 130
ElseIf delay <= 1.2F And delay > 1.1F Then
opacity = 120
ElseIf delay <= 1.1F And delay > 1.0F Then
opacity = 110
ElseIf delay <= 1.0F And delay > 0.9F Then
opacity = 100
ElseIf delay <= 0.9F And delay > 0.8F Then
opacity = 90
ElseIf delay <= 0.8F And delay > 0.7F Then
opacity = 80
ElseIf delay <= 0.7F And delay > 0.6F Then
opacity = 70
ElseIf delay <= 0.6F And delay > 0.5F Then
opacity = 60
ElseIf delay <= 0.5F And delay > 0.4F Then
opacity = 50
ElseIf delay <= 0.4F And delay > 0.3F Then
opacity = 40
ElseIf delay <= 0.3F And delay > 0.2F Then
opacity = 30
ElseIf delay <= 0.2F And delay > 0.1F Then
opacity = 20
ElseIf delay <= 0.1F And delay > 0.0F Then
opacity = 10
ElseIf delay <= 0.0F Then
opacity = 0
End If
If i = 0 Then
'draw tab:
End If
If delay <= 0.0F Then
newMessagesDelays(i) = delay
End If
Dim c As Color = chatMessage.MessageColor()
Dim dispLine As String = ""
Dim SplitIndicies As List(Of Integer) = GetSplitIndicies(line)
Dim preIndex As Integer = 0
For Each index As Integer In SplitIndicies
If dispLine <> "" Then
dispLine &= Environment.NewLine
End If
If index - preIndex > line.Length - preIndex Then
dispLine &= line.Substring(preIndex)
dispLine &= line.Substring(preIndex, index - preIndex)
End If
preIndex = index
Dim lineArr() As String = dispLine.SplitAtNewline()
For Each l As String In lineArr
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(100, (Core.windowSize.Height - 82) - offset - 64, Core.windowSize.Width - 200, 32), New Color(0, 0, 0, opacity))
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.ChatFont, l, New Vector2(100 + 8, (Core.windowSize.Height - 50 - 32) - offset - 64), New Color(c.R, c.G, c.B, CInt(opacity * 1.7)), 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
offset += 32
End If
Dim hasNewMessages As Boolean = HasNewGlobalMessages
For i = 0 To PMChats.Count - 1
If PMChats.Values(i) = True Then
hasNewMessages = True
Exit For
End If
If hasNewMessages = True Then
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(0, Core.windowSize.Height - 64, 64, 64), New Color(0, 0, 0, 150))
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Chat\Icons"), New Rectangle(22, Core.windowSize.Height - 40, 24, 24), New Rectangle(10, 0, 12, 12), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Chat\Icons"), New Rectangle(8, Core.windowSize.Height - 52, 24, 24), New Rectangle(22, 0, 12, 12), Color.White)
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub UpdateNewMessages()
For i As Integer = 0 To newMessages.Count - 1
If newMessages.Count - 1 >= i And (newMessages.Count - 1) - i <= 10 Then
Dim delay As Single = newMessagesDelays(i)
delay -= 0.1F
If delay <= 0.0F Then
newMessagesDelays(i) = delay
End If
End If
End Sub
Dim ControllerShown As Boolean = False
Public Overrides Sub ChangeTo()
If ControllerHandler.IsConnected() = True And Core.GameOptions.GamePadEnabled = True And ControllerShown = False Then
Core.SetScreen(New InputScreen(Me, "", InputScreen.InputModes.Text, "", 38, New List(Of Texture2D), AddressOf Me.GetControllerInput))
ControllerShown = True
End If
End Sub
''' Return sub for the Delegate controller input request screen.
Public Sub GetControllerInput(ByVal input As String)
Me.currentText = input
End Sub
''' Inserts a new message to the NewMessages query.
Public Shared Sub InsertNewMessage(ByVal chatMessage As Chat.ChatMessage)
Select Case chatMessage.MessageType
Case Chat.ChatMessage.MessageTypes.CommandMessage
If ChatState = ChatStates.Command Then
newMessages.Insert(0, chatMessage)
newMessagesDelays.Insert(0, Chat.NEWMESSAGEDELAY)
End If
Case Chat.ChatMessage.MessageTypes.GlobalMessage
If ChatState = ChatStates.Global Then
newMessages.Insert(0, chatMessage)
newMessagesDelays.Insert(0, Chat.NEWMESSAGEDELAY)
End If
Case Chat.ChatMessage.MessageTypes.PMMessage
If ChatState = ChatStates.PM Then
If CurrentPMChat = chatMessage.Sender Or CurrentPMChat = chatMessage.PMChatInclude Then
newMessages.Insert(0, chatMessage)
newMessagesDelays.Insert(0, Chat.NEWMESSAGEDELAY)
End If
End If
End Select
End Sub
''' Enters a new PM chat.
Private Sub EnterPMChat(ByVal newPMChatName As String)
If PMChats.Keys.Contains(newPMChatName) = False Then
PMChats.Add(newPMChatName, False)
End If
CurrentPMChat = newPMChatName
End Sub
''' Called when the client receives a PM message from the server.
Public Shared Sub ReceivedPMMessage(ByVal chatMessage As Chat.ChatMessage)
If PMChats.Keys.Contains(chatMessage.Sender) = False Then
PMChats.Add(chatMessage.Sender, True)
If CurrentPMChat <> chatMessage.Sender Or ChatState <> ChatStates.PM Then
PMChats(chatMessage.Sender) = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ReceivedGlobalMessage()
If ChatState <> ChatStates.Global Then
HasNewGlobalMessages = True
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ChangeChatState(ByVal newChatState As ChatStates)
If ChatState <> newChatState Then
ChatState = newChatState
Select Case ChatState
Case ChatStates.Global
HasNewGlobalMessages = False
Case ChatStates.PM
If PMChats.Keys.Contains(CurrentPMChat) = True Then
PMChats(CurrentPMChat) = False
End If
End Select
End If
scrollIndex = 0
selectIndex = -1
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ClosePMChat(ByVal PMChatName As String)
If PMChats.ContainsKey(PMChatName) = True Then
If CurrentPMChat <> PMChatName Or ChatState <> ChatStates.PM Then
PMChats(PMChatName) = True
End If
Chat.AddLine(New Chat.ChatMessage("[SERVER]", PMChatName & " quit the game!", "", Chat.ChatMessage.MessageTypes.PMMessage) With {.PMChatInclude = PMChatName})
End If
End Sub
End Class