Imports GameDevCommon.Drawing Imports P3D.Screens.MainMenu ''' ''' This is the game screen that includes the shimmering Pokémon 3D logo, the "Press {BUTTON} to start" text, and the time-dependent animated background. ''' Public Class PressStartScreen Inherits Screen Private _fadeIn As Single = 1.0F Private _introDelay As Single = 4.0F Private _logoFade As Single = 1.0F Private _logoTexture As Texture2D = Nothing Private _shineTexture As Texture2D = Nothing Private _logoRenderer As SpriteBatch Private _shineRenderer As SpriteBatch Private _backgroundRenderer As SpriteBatch Private target As RenderTarget2D Private _shader As GameDevCommon.Rendering.Shader Private _entities As List(Of MainMenuEntity) = New List(Of MainMenuEntity)() Private _camera As Screens.MainMenu.Scene.MainMenuCamera Private _fromColor As Color Private _toColor As Color Private _textColor As Color Dim tempF As Single = 0F Dim tempG As Single = 0F Public Sub New() Identification = Identifications.PressStartScreen CanBePaused = False MouseVisible = True CanChat = False TextBox.Showing = False PokemonImageView.Showing = False ChooseBox.Showing = False GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer("Kolben") Core.Player.Skin = "Hilbert" If IO.Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\") = False Then IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\") End If GameJolt.Emblem.ClearOnlineSpriteCache() _logoTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Logos\Pokemon_Small") _shineTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Logos\logo_shine") _logoRenderer = New SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice) _shineRenderer = New SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice) _backgroundRenderer = New SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice) target = New RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, 1200, 680, False, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8) ' TODO: Replace bad workaround. Screens.MainMenu.NewNewGameScreen.CharacterSelectionScreen.SelectedSkin = "" Core.Player.Unload() _shader = New GameDevCommon.Rendering.BasicShader() CType(_shader.Effect, BasicEffect).LightingEnabled = False _camera = New Scene.MainMenuCamera() Dim dayTime = World.GetTime Select Case dayTime Case World.DayTime.Morning _fromColor = New Color(246, 170, 109) _toColor = New Color(248, 248, 248) _textColor = Color.Black Case World.DayTime.Day _fromColor = New Color(120, 160, 248) _toColor = New Color(248, 248, 248) _textColor = Color.Black Case World.DayTime.Evening _fromColor = New Color(32, 64, 168) _toColor = New Color(40, 80, 88) _textColor = Color.White Case World.DayTime.Night _fromColor = New Color(32, 64, 168) _toColor = New Color(0, 0, 0) _textColor = Color.White End Select If dayTime = World.DayTime.Day OrElse dayTime = World.DayTime.Morning Then Dim clouds = New Scene.Clouds() clouds.LoadContent() _entities.Add(clouds) Dim hooh = New Scene.HoOh(_entities) hooh.LoadContent() _entities.Add(hooh) Else Dim ground = New Scene.Ground() ground.LoadContent() _entities.Add(ground) Dim lugia = New Scene.Lugia(_entities) lugia.LoadContent() _entities.Add(lugia) End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() For i = 0 To _entities.Count - 1 If i < _entities.Count Then _entities(i).Update() If _entities(i).ToBeRemoved Then _entities(i).Dispose() _entities.RemoveAt(i) i -= 1 End If End If Next _camera.Update() If _introDelay > 0F Then _introDelay -= 0.1F If _introDelay <= 0F Then _introDelay = 0F End If Else If IsCurrentScreen() Then If _fadeIn > 0.0F Then _fadeIn = MathHelper.Lerp(0.0F, _fadeIn, 0.93F) If _fadeIn - 0.01F <= 0.0F Then _fadeIn = 0.0F End If End If Else If _logoFade > 0.0F Then _logoFade = MathHelper.Lerp(0.0F, _logoFade, 0.2F) If _logoFade - 0.01F <= 0.0F Then _logoFade = 0.0F End If End If End If tempF += 0.01F tempG += 0.04F If IsCurrentScreen() Then If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.EnterKey1) Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.EnterKey2) Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.A) Or MouseHandler.ButtonPressed(MouseHandler.MouseButtons.LeftButton) Then SetScreen(New NewMainMenuScreen(Me)) End If End If End If End Sub Private _blurHandler As Resources.Blur.BlurHandler Public Overrides Sub Draw() If _blurHandler Is Nothing Then _blurHandler = New Resources.Blur.BlurHandler(target.Width, target.Height) End If GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(target) GraphicsDevice.ResetFull() GraphicsDevice.Clear(_fromColor) ' DRAW HERE _backgroundRenderer.Begin() _backgroundRenderer.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(0, CType(target.Height / 2, Integer), target.Width, CType(target.Height / 4, Integer)), _fromColor, _toColor, False, 1, 10) _backgroundRenderer.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(0, CType(target.Height / 4 * 3, Integer), target.Width, CType(target.Height / 4, Integer)), _toColor) _backgroundRenderer.End() GraphicsDevice.ResetFull() _shader.Prepare(_camera) For Each entity In _entities _shader.Render(entity) Next GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(Nothing) _backgroundRenderer.Begin() Dim blurred = _blurHandler.Perform(target) _backgroundRenderer.Draw(blurred, New Rectangle(0, 0, windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height), Color.White) '_backgroundRenderer.Draw(target, New Rectangle(0, 0, windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height), Color.White) _backgroundRenderer.End() If IsCurrentScreen() Then _logoRenderer.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Texture, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.AnisotropicClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone) Else _logoRenderer.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Texture, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.AnisotropicClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone) End If _shineRenderer.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Texture, BlendState.Additive) _logoRenderer.Draw(_logoTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(ScreenSize.Width / 2) - 350, CInt(160 * _fadeIn), 700, 300), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _logoFade))) _shineRenderer.Draw(_shineTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(ScreenSize.Width / 2 - 250 + Math.Sin(tempF) * 240.0F), CInt(-100 + Math.Sin(tempG) * 10.0F + CInt(160 * _fadeIn)), 512, 512), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _logoFade))) If _fadeIn = 0F Then If IsCurrentScreen() And Core.GameOptions.ShowGUI Then ' Want to implement fading of text, but core doesn't seem to support this. Dim text As String = String.Empty If ControllerHandler.IsConnected() Then text = "Press to start." Else text = "Press " & KeyBindings.EnterKey1.ToString().ToUpper & " to start." 'text = "Press " & KeyBindings.EnterKey1.ToString() & ", " & KeyBindings.EnterKey2.ToString() & ", or primary mouse button to start." End If Dim textSize As Vector2 = FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString(text) GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, text, New Vector2(windowSize.Width / 2.0F - textSize.X / 2.0F, windowSize.Height - textSize.Y - 50), _textColor) If ControllerHandler.IsConnected() Then SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\GamePad\xboxControllerButtonA"), New Rectangle(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2 - textSize.X / 2 + FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString("Press ").X), CInt(windowSize.Height - textSize.Y - 50), 40, 40), Color.White) End If End If End If _logoRenderer.End() _shineRenderer.End() Canvas.DrawRectangle(windowSize, New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * _fadeIn))) End Sub Public Overrides Sub ChangeTo() Core.Player.Unload() Core.Player.Skin = "Hilbert" TextBox.Hide() TextBox.CanProceed = True OverworldScreen.FadeValue = 0 MusicManager.Play("title", True, 0.0F) End Sub End Class Public Class NewMainMenuScreen ' TODO: Replace old MainMenuScreen. Inherits Screen Private _screenOffset As Vector2 = New Vector2(20, 180) Private _screenOffsetTarget As Vector2 = New Vector2(20, 180) Private _loading As Boolean = True Private _fadeIn As Single = 0F Private _expandDisplay As Single = 0F Private _closingDisplay As Boolean = False Private _displayTextFade As Single = 0F Private _sliderPosition As Single = 0F Private _sliderTarget As Integer = 0 Private _menuTexture As Texture2D = Nothing Private _oldMenuTexture As Texture2D Private _profiles As New List(Of GameProfile) Private _selectedProfile As Integer = 0 Private _yIndex As Integer = 0 Private _menuIndex As Integer = 1 '0 = New Game, 1 = Profiles Private _messageBox As UI.MessageBox Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen) Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen PreScreen = currentScreen CanBePaused = False MouseVisible = True CanChat = False _menuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\MainMenu") _oldMenuTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\Menu") _screenOffset.X = CSng(windowSize.Width / 2 - 80) _screenOffsetTarget.X = _screenOffset.X _sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile) _sliderPosition = _sliderTarget _messageBox = New UI.MessageBox(Me) End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() PreScreen.Update() If _loading = False Then If _fadeIn < 1.0F Then _fadeIn = MathHelper.Lerp(1.0F, _fadeIn, 0.93F) If _fadeIn + 0.01F >= 1.0F Then _fadeIn = 1.0F _sliderPosition = _sliderTarget End If Else If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) Then ' Click on profiles. For x = 0 To _profiles.Count - 1 Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeIn)) If New Rectangle(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOffset.Y), 160, 160).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then If _selectedProfile = x Then ClickedProfile() Else Dim diff As Integer = x - _selectedProfile _screenOffsetTarget.X -= diff * 180 _selectedProfile = x End If Exit For End If Next If _profiles(_selectedProfile).IsGameJolt AndAlso _profiles(_selectedProfile).Loaded Then ' Click on gamejolt buttons Dim _xOffset As Single = _screenOffset.X + (100 * (1 - _fadeIn)) Dim r As New Vector2(_xOffset + 400, _screenOffset.Y + 200) If New Rectangle(CInt(r.X), CInt(r.Y), 32, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then ButtonChangeMale() ElseIf New Rectangle(CInt(r.X), CInt(r.Y) + 48, 32, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then ButtonChangeFemale() ElseIf New Rectangle(CInt(r.X), CInt(r.Y) + 48 + 48, 32, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then ButtonResetSave() End If End If End If If Controls.Dismiss(True, False, False) Then ' Click on profiles. For x = 0 To _profiles.Count - 1 Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeIn)) If New Rectangle(CInt(xOffset), CInt(_screenOffset.Y), 160, 160).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then If _selectedProfile = x Then DismissProfile() End If Exit For End If Next End If If Controls.Right(True) And _selectedProfile < _profiles.Count - 1 Then _selectedProfile += 1 _screenOffsetTarget.X -= 180 _yIndex = 0 End If If Controls.Left(True) And _selectedProfile > 0 Then _selectedProfile -= 1 _screenOffsetTarget.X += 180 _yIndex = 0 End If If _profiles(_selectedProfile).IsGameJolt AndAlso _profiles(_selectedProfile).Loaded Then If Controls.Down(True, True, False) Then _yIndex += 1 End If If Controls.Up(True, True, False) Then _yIndex -= 1 End If _yIndex = Clamp(_yIndex, 0, 3) End If _selectedProfile = _selectedProfile.Clamp(0, _profiles.Count - 1) If _fadeIn = 1.0F Then If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) Then Select Case _yIndex Case 0 ClickedProfile() Case 1 ButtonChangeMale() Case 2 ButtonChangeFemale() Case 3 ButtonResetSave() End Select End If If Controls.Dismiss(False, True, True) Then DismissProfile() _yIndex = 0 End If ' Try to load the GameJolt profile once the player has logged in. _profiles(0).LoadGameJolt() End If If _profiles(_selectedProfile).Loaded = False Then _closingDisplay = True Else _closingDisplay = False End If _sliderTarget = GetSliderTarget(_selectedProfile) If _sliderPosition < _sliderTarget Then _sliderPosition = MathHelper.Lerp(_sliderTarget, _sliderPosition, 0.8F) ElseIf _sliderPosition > _sliderTarget Then _sliderPosition = MathHelper.Lerp(_sliderTarget, _sliderPosition, 0.8F) End If If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.EscapeKey) Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.BackKey1) Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.BackKey2) Or MouseHandler.ButtonPressed(MouseHandler.MouseButtons.RightButton) Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.B) Then 'SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(CurrentScreen, Me.PreScreen, Color.White, False)) SetScreen(New PressStartScreen()) End If If _fadeIn = 1.0F Then If _closingDisplay Then If _expandDisplay > 0.0F Then _expandDisplay = MathHelper.Lerp(0.0F, _expandDisplay, 0.9F) If _expandDisplay - 0.01F <= 0.0F Then _expandDisplay = 0.0F End If End If Else If _expandDisplay < 1.0F Then _expandDisplay = MathHelper.Lerp(1.0F, _expandDisplay, 0.9F) If _expandDisplay + 0.01F >= 1.0F Then _expandDisplay = 1.0F End If End If End If End If End If UpdateScreenOffset() End If End Sub Private Sub ButtonChangeMale() If GameJoltSave.Gender = "0" Then Exit Sub End If GameJoltSave.Gender = "0" Core.Player.Skin = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSpriteFile(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) _profiles(_selectedProfile).Sprite = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSprite(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) End Sub Private Sub ButtonChangeFemale() If GameJoltSave.Gender = "1" Then Exit Sub End If GameJoltSave.Gender = "1" Core.Player.Skin = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSpriteFile(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) _profiles(_selectedProfile).Sprite = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSprite(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) End Sub Private Sub ButtonResetSave() GameJoltSave.ResetSave() _profiles(_selectedProfile).Sprite = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSprite(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) _profiles(_selectedProfile).SetToDefault() End Sub Private Sub ClickedProfile() If _selectedProfile = 0 And Security.FileValidation.IsValid(False) = False Then _messageBox.Show("File validation failed!" & Environment.NewLine & "Redownload the game's files to solve this problem.") Else _profiles(_selectedProfile).SelectProfile() End If End Sub Private Sub DismissProfile() _profiles(_selectedProfile).UnSelectProfile() End Sub Private Sub UpdateScreenOffset() If _screenOffset.X > _screenOffsetTarget.X Then _screenOffset.X = MathHelper.Lerp(_screenOffsetTarget.X, _screenOffset.X, 0.93F) If _screenOffset.X - 0.01F <= _screenOffsetTarget.X Then _screenOffset.X = _screenOffsetTarget.X End If End If If _screenOffset.X < _screenOffsetTarget.X Then _screenOffset.X = MathHelper.Lerp(_screenOffsetTarget.X, _screenOffset.X, 0.93F) If _screenOffset.X + 0.01F >= _screenOffsetTarget.X Then _screenOffset.X = _screenOffsetTarget.X End If End If If _screenOffset.Y > _screenOffsetTarget.Y Then _screenOffset.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(_screenOffsetTarget.Y, _screenOffset.Y, 0.93F) If _screenOffset.Y - 0.01F <= _screenOffsetTarget.Y Then _screenOffset.Y = _screenOffsetTarget.Y End If End If If _screenOffset.Y < _screenOffsetTarget.Y Then _screenOffset.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(_screenOffsetTarget.Y, _screenOffset.Y, 0.93F) If _screenOffset.Y + 0.01F >= _screenOffsetTarget.Y Then _screenOffset.Y = _screenOffsetTarget.Y End If End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub Draw() PreScreen.Draw() If _loading = False Then If _selectedProfile = 0 Then DrawGradients(CInt(255 * _fadeIn), True) Else DrawGradients(CInt(255 * _fadeIn), False) End If End If If IsCurrentScreen() Then If _loading Then Dim textSize As Vector2 = FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString("Please wait..") GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, "Please wait" & LoadingDots.Dots, New Vector2(windowSize.Width / 2.0F - textSize.X / 2.0F, windowSize.Height / 2.0F - textSize.Y / 2.0F + 100), Color.White) Else DrawProfiles() End If End If End Sub Public Sub DrawGameJoltButtons(ByVal offset As Vector2) Dim r As New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X + 400), CInt(offset.Y + 200), 512, 128) Dim y As Integer = 0 Dim fontColor As Color = Color.White Dim dayTime = World.GetTime If dayTime = World.DayTime.Day OrElse dayTime = World.DayTime.Morning Then fontColor = Color.Black End If If ScaleScreenRec(New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y, 32, 32)).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True And GameInstance.IsMouseVisible OrElse Not GameInstance.IsMouseVisible And _yIndex = 1 Then y = 16 SpriteBatch.DrawInterfaceString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Change to male", New Vector2(r.X + 64 + 4, r.Y + 4), fontColor) End If SpriteBatch.DrawInterface(_oldMenuTexture, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y, 32, 32), New Rectangle(144, 32 + y, 16, 16), Color.White) y = 0 If ScaleScreenRec(New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + 48, 32, 32)).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True And GameInstance.IsMouseVisible OrElse Not GameInstance.IsMouseVisible And _yIndex = 2 Then y = 16 SpriteBatch.DrawInterfaceString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Change to female", New Vector2(r.X + 64 + 4, r.Y + 4 + 48), fontColor) End If SpriteBatch.DrawInterface(_oldMenuTexture, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + 48, 32, 32), New Rectangle(160, 32 + y, 16, 16), Color.White) y = 0 If ScaleScreenRec(New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + 48 + 48, 32, 32)).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True And GameInstance.IsMouseVisible OrElse Not GameInstance.IsMouseVisible And _yIndex = 3 Then y = 16 SpriteBatch.DrawInterfaceString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Reset save", New Vector2(r.X + 64 + 4, r.Y + 4 + 48 + 48), fontColor) End If SpriteBatch.DrawInterface(_oldMenuTexture, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + 48 + 48, 32, 32), New Rectangle(176, 32 + y, 16, 16), Color.White) End Sub Private Sub DrawProfiles() ' Draw profiles. For x = 0 To _profiles.Count - 1 Dim xOffset As Single = _screenOffset.X + x * 180 + ((x + 1) * 100 * (1 - _fadeIn)) _profiles(x).Draw(New Vector2(xOffset, _screenOffset.Y), CInt(_fadeIn * 255), (x = _selectedProfile), _menuTexture) If _profiles(x).IsGameJolt AndAlso _profiles(x).Loaded AndAlso (x = _selectedProfile) Then DrawGameJoltButtons(New Vector2(xOffset, _screenOffset.Y)) End If Next If _fadeIn = 1.0F Then ' Draw arrow. SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_sliderPosition - 16), CInt(_screenOffset.Y + 170), 32, 16), New Rectangle(0, 16, 32, 16), Color.White) Dim displayRect = New Rectangle(CInt((_sliderPosition - 300).Clamp(20, windowSize.Width - 620)), CInt(_screenOffset.Y + 170 + 16), 600, CInt(240 * _expandDisplay)) ' Draw display. If _expandDisplay > 0F Then Canvas.DrawRectangle(displayRect, Screens.UI.ColorProvider.MainColor(False)) Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(displayRect.X, displayRect.Y + displayRect.Height - 3, displayRect.Width, 3), Screens.UI.ColorProvider.AccentColor(False, CInt(255 * _expandDisplay))) End If ' Dark theme. If (_selectedProfile = 0 Or _selectedProfile = 1) And _sliderPosition <= GetSliderTarget(1) Then Dim maxDistance As Integer = 180 Dim distance As Integer = CInt(Math.Abs(_sliderTarget - _sliderPosition)) Dim dist As Double = distance / maxDistance If _selectedProfile = 0 Then dist = 1 - dist End If SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_sliderPosition - 16), CInt(_screenOffset.Y + 170), 32, 16), New Rectangle(32, 16, 32, 16), New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * dist))) If _expandDisplay > 0F Then Canvas.DrawRectangle(displayRect, Screens.UI.ColorProvider.MainColor(True, CInt(255 * dist))) Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(displayRect.X, displayRect.Y + displayRect.Height - 3, displayRect.Width, 3), Screens.UI.ColorProvider.AccentColor(True, CInt(255 * dist * _expandDisplay))) End If End If ' Draw profile info. Dim tmpProfile = _profiles(_selectedProfile) If _expandDisplay = 1.0F Then If tmpProfile.GameModeExists Then For i = 0 To tmpProfile.PokemonTextures.Count - 1 SpriteBatch.Draw(tmpProfile.PokemonTextures(i), New Rectangle(displayRect.X + 30 + i * 70, displayRect.Y + 70, 64, 64), Color.White) Next GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, "Player Name: " & tmpProfile.Name & Environment.NewLine & "GameMode: " & tmpProfile.GameMode, New Vector2(displayRect.X + 30, displayRect.Y + 20), Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 0.5F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F) GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, "Badges: " & tmpProfile.Badges.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & "Play time: " & tmpProfile.TimePlayed & Environment.NewLine & "Location: " & tmpProfile.Location, New Vector2(displayRect.X + 30, displayRect.Y + 150), Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 0.5F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F) Else GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, "Player Name: " & tmpProfile.Name & Environment.NewLine & "GameMode: " & tmpProfile.GameMode, New Vector2(displayRect.X + 30, displayRect.Y + 20), Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 0.5F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F) SpriteBatch.Draw(_menuTexture, New Rectangle(displayRect.X + 30, displayRect.Y + 70, 32, 32), New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), Color.White) Dim errorText As String = "" If tmpProfile.IsGameJolt() Then errorText = "Download failed. Press Accept to try again." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "If the problem persists, please try again later" & Environment.NewLine & "or contact us in our Discord server:" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "" Else errorText = "The required GameMode does not exist!" End If GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, errorText, New Vector2(displayRect.X + 70, displayRect.Y + 78), Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 0.5F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F) End If End If End If End Sub Private Function GetSliderTarget(ByVal index As Integer) As Integer Return CInt(_screenOffset.X + index * 180 + 80) End Function Public Overrides Sub ChangeTo() If _profiles.Count = 0 Then 'Dim t As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf LoadProfiles) 't.IsBackground = True 't.Start() LoadProfiles() End If End Sub Private Sub LoadProfiles() _profiles.Add(New GameProfile("", False)) Dim files As String() = {"Apricorns.dat", "Berries.dat", "Box.dat", "Daycare.dat", "HallOfFame.dat", "ItemData.dat", "Items.dat", "NPC.dat", "Options.dat", "Party.dat", "Player.dat", "Pokedex.dat", "Register.dat", "RoamingPokemon.dat", "SecretBase.dat", "Statistics.dat"} For Each path As String In IO.Directory.GetDirectories(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\") Dim exists As Boolean = True For Each file As String In files If IO.File.Exists(path & "\" & file) = False Then exists = False Exit For End If Next If exists = True Then _profiles.Add(New GameProfile(path, False)) End If Next GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer("Kolben") _profiles.Add(New GameProfile("", True)) _loading = False End Sub Private Class GameProfile Private _isGameJolt As Boolean = False Private _loaded As Boolean = False Private _isLoading As Boolean = False Private _failedGameJoltLoading As Boolean = False Private _path As String = "" Private _isNewGameButton As Boolean = False Private _name As String = "" Private _gameMode As String Private _pokedexSeen As Integer Private _pokedexCaught As Integer Private _badges As Integer Private _timePlayed As String Private _location As String Private _pokemonTextures As New List(Of Texture2D) Private _sprite As Texture2D Private _gameModeExists As Boolean Private _skin As String = "" Private _fontSize As Single = 0.75F Private _spriteIndex As Integer = 0 Private _spriteDelay As Single = 1.5F Private _logoBounce As Single = 0F Private ReadOnly _spriteOrder As Integer() = {0, 1, 0, 2} Public Property Sprite As Texture2D Get Return _sprite End Get Set(value As Texture2D) _sprite = value End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property IsGameJolt As Boolean Get Return _isGameJolt End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Path() As String Get Return _path End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String Get Return _name End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property GameMode() As String Get Return _gameMode End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property PokedexSeen() As Integer Get Return _pokedexSeen End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property PokedexCaught() As Integer Get Return _pokedexCaught End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Badges() As Integer Get Return _badges End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property TimePlayed() As String Get Return _timePlayed End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Location() As String Get Return _location End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property PokemonTextures() As List(Of Texture2D) Get Return _pokemonTextures End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Loaded() As Boolean Get Return _loaded End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property IsLoading() As Boolean Get Return _isLoading End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property GameModeExists() As Boolean Get Return _gameModeExists End Get End Property Public Sub SetToDefault() _timePlayed = "00:00:00" _location = "Your Room" _pokemonTextures.Clear() _badges = 0 End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal path As String, ByVal isNewGameButton As Boolean) If isNewGameButton Then _isNewGameButton = True _fontSize = 1.0F Else If path = "" Then _isGameJolt = True _loaded = False _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\UI\GameJolt\gameJoltIcon") LoadGameJolt() Else _path = path LoadFromPlayerData(IO.File.ReadAllText(path & "\Player.dat")) LoadContent(IO.File.ReadAllText(path & "\Party.dat")) _loaded = True End If End If End Sub Private Sub LoadContent(ByVal pokedata As String) If GameModeManager.GameModeExists(_gameMode) Then _gameModeExists = True GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_gameMode) Dim pokemonData As String() = pokedata.SplitAtNewline() For Each line As String In pokemonData If line.StartsWith("{") Then _pokemonTextures.Add(Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(line).GetMenuTexture(True)) End If Next If _isGameJolt = False Then _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\NPC\" & _skin) End If Else _gameModeExists = False _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\unknownSprite") End If End Sub Private Sub LoadFromPlayerData(ByVal data As String) Dim playerData As String() = data.SplitAtNewline() For Each line As String In playerData If line.Contains("|") Then Dim id As String = line.Split("|"c)(0) Dim content As String = line.Split("|"c)(1) Select Case id.ToLower() Case "name" _name = content While FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString(_name).X * _fontSize > 140 _fontSize -= 0.01F End While Case "badges" If content.Length > 0 AndAlso content <> "0" Then _badges = content.Split(","c).Length Else _badges = 0 End If Case "playtime" Dim timedata As String() = content.Split(","c) Dim hours As Integer = CInt(timedata(0)) + CInt(timedata(3)) * 24 Dim minutes As Integer = CInt(timedata(1)) Dim seconds As Integer = CInt(timedata(2)) _timePlayed = hours.ToString("D2") & ":" & minutes.ToString("D2") & ":" & seconds.ToString("D2") Case "location" _location = content Case "gamemode" _gameMode = content Case "skin" _skin = content End Select End If Next End Sub Public Sub Draw(ByVal offset As Vector2, ByVal alpha As Integer, ByVal isSelected As Boolean, ByVal t As Texture2D) If _isGameJolt Then For x = 0 To 9 For y = 0 To 9 SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(x * 16 + offset.X), CInt(y * 16 + offset.Y), 16, 16), New Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) Next Next Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X), CInt(offset.Y), 160, 3), Screens.UI.ColorProvider.AccentColor(True, alpha)) If _isLoading And GameJoltSave.DownloadProgress > 0 Then Dim width As Integer = CInt((GameJoltSave.DownloadProgress / (GameJolt.GamejoltSave.SAVEFILECOUNT + GameJolt.GamejoltSave.EXTRADATADOWNLOADCOUNT)) * 160) Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X), CInt(offset.Y + 3), width, 157), New Color(100, 100, 100, 128)) End If Else For x = 0 To 9 For y = 0 To 9 SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(x * 16 + offset.X), CInt(y * 16 + offset.Y), 16, 16), New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) Next Next Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X), CInt(offset.Y), 160, 3), Screens.UI.ColorProvider.AccentColor(False, alpha)) End If If _isNewGameButton Then Dim text As String = "New" & Environment.NewLine & "Game" If alpha >= 250 And CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, text, New Vector2(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString(text).X) / 2, offset.Y + 80 - (FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString(text).Y) / 2), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) Else SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, text, New Vector2(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString(text).X) / 2, offset.Y + 80 - (FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString(text).Y) / 2), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) End If Else If _loaded Then Dim frameSize As Size = New Size(CInt(_sprite.Width / 3), CInt(_sprite.Height / 4)) If isSelected Then _spriteDelay -= 0.1F If _spriteDelay <= 0F Then _spriteDelay = 1.5F _spriteIndex += 1 If _spriteIndex = _spriteOrder.Length Then _spriteIndex = 0 End If End If Else _spriteIndex = 0 End If SpriteBatch.Draw(_sprite, New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X + 17), CInt(offset.Y - 10), 128, 128), New Rectangle(frameSize.Width * _spriteOrder(_spriteIndex), frameSize.Height * 2, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) If alpha >= 250 And CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, _name, New Vector2(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString(_name).X * _fontSize) / 2, offset.Y + 120), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha), 0F, Vector2.Zero, New Vector2(_fontSize), SpriteEffects.None, 0F) Else SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, _name, New Vector2(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString(_name).X * _fontSize) / 2, offset.Y + 120), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha), 0F, Vector2.Zero, New Vector2(_fontSize), SpriteEffects.None, 0F) End If Else If isSelected Then _logoBounce += 0.2F Else _logoBounce = 0F End If Dim text As String = "Log in" If _isLoading Then text = "Loading..." End If SpriteBatch.Draw(_sprite, New Rectangle(CInt(offset.X + 46), CInt(offset.Y + 36 + Math.Sin(_logoBounce) * 8.0F), 68, 72), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha)) If alpha >= 250 And CurrentScreen.Identification = Identifications.MainMenuScreen Then FontRenderer.DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, text, New Vector2(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString(text).X * _fontSize) / 2, offset.Y + 120), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha), 0F, Vector2.Zero, New Vector2(_fontSize), SpriteEffects.None, 0F) Else SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, text, New Vector2(offset.X + 80 - (FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString(text).X * _fontSize) / 2, offset.Y + 120), New Color(255, 255, 255, alpha), 0F, Vector2.Zero, New Vector2(_fontSize), SpriteEffects.None, 0F) End If End If End If End Sub Public Sub LoadGameJolt() If GameJolt.API.LoggedIn Then If _isGameJolt And _loaded = False And _isLoading = False Then _isLoading = True GameJoltSave.DownloadSave(GameJolt.LogInScreen.LoadedGameJoltID, True) ElseIf _isGameJolt And _loaded = False And _isLoading Then If GameJoltSave.DownloadFinished Then _loaded = True _isLoading = False _sprite = GameJoltSave.DownloadedSprite If _sprite Is Nothing Then _sprite = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSprite(GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(GameJoltSave.Points), GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, GameJoltSave.Gender) End If LoadFromPlayerData(GameJoltSave.Player) LoadContent(GameJoltSave.Party) Else If GameJoltSave.DownloadFailed Then _loaded = True _isLoading = False _failedGameJoltLoading = True _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\unknownSprite") End If End If End If End If End Sub Public Sub UnSelectProfile() If IsGameJolt AndAlso _loaded Then _loaded = False _isLoading = False _pokemonTextures.Clear() _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\UI\GameJolt\gameJoltIcon") _fontSize = 0.75F GameJolt.API.LoggedIn = False End If End Sub Public Sub SelectProfile() If _isNewGameButton Then World.IsMainMenu = False If GameModeManager.GameModeCount = 1 Then ' There's only the default GameMode available, so just load that one. GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer("Kolben") SetScreen(New Screens.MainMenu.NewNewGameScreen(CurrentScreen)) Else ' There is more than one GameMode, prompt a selection screen: SetScreen(New GameModeSelectionScreen(CurrentScreen)) End If Else If _isGameJolt And _loaded = False And GameJolt.API.LoggedIn = False Then SetScreen(New GameJolt.LogInScreen(CurrentScreen)) Else If _gameModeExists Then GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_gameMode) World.IsMainMenu = False If _isGameJolt Then Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Core.Player.LoadGame("GAMEJOLTSAVE") GameJolt.Emblem.GetAchievedEmblems() SetScreen(New JoinServerScreen(CurrentScreen)) Else Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = False Core.Player.LoadGame(IO.Path.GetFileName(_path)) SetScreen(New JoinServerScreen(CurrentScreen)) End If Else If Me.IsGameJolt Then _loaded = False _sprite = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\UI\GameJolt\gameJoltIcon") LoadGameJolt() Else Dim messageBox As New UI.MessageBox(CurrentScreen) messageBox.Show("The required GameMode does not exist." & Environment.NewLine & "Reaquire the GameMode to play on this profile.") End If End If End If End If End Sub End Class End Class Public Class GameModeSelectionScreen Inherits Screen Private _gameModes As GameMode() Private _index As Integer = 0 Private _offset As Single = 0F Private Const WIDTH = 400 Private Const HEIGHT = 64 Private Const GAP = 32 Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen) Me.Identification = Identifications.GameModeSelectionScreen CanBePaused = True CanChat = False CanDrawDebug = True CanGoFullscreen = True CanMuteMusic = True CanTakeScreenshot = True PreScreen = currentScreen _gameModes = GameModeManager.GetAllGameModes End Sub Public Overrides Sub Draw() PreScreen.Draw() Dim text = "Select a GameMode" + Environment.NewLine + "to start the new game with." GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, text, New Vector2(30, 30), Color.White) Dim center = windowSize.Width - 250 For i = 0 To _gameModes.Length - 1 Dim y = CType(i * (HEIGHT + GAP) + _offset + windowSize.Height / 2 - HEIGHT / 2, Integer) Dim color = Screens.UI.ColorProvider.LightColor Dim alphaColor = New Color(color.R, color.G, color.B, 0) Dim halfWidth = CType(WIDTH / 2, Integer) Canvas.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(center - halfWidth, y, 50, HEIGHT), alphaColor, color, True, -1) Canvas.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(center + halfWidth - 50, y, 50, HEIGHT), color, alphaColor, True, -1) Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(center - halfWidth + 50, y, WIDTH - 100, HEIGHT), color) Dim displayText = _gameModes(i).Name Dim textSize = FontManager.GameJoltFont.MeasureString(displayText) GetFontRenderer().DrawString(FontManager.GameJoltFont, displayText, New Vector2(center - halfWidth + 50, CType(y + HEIGHT / 2 - ((textSize.Y * 0.75F) / 2), Integer)), Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 0.75F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F) Next End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() ' PreScreen is the MainMenuScreen, so update the previous screen of that to achieve the background world. PreScreen.PreScreen.Update() If _index > 0 AndAlso Controls.Up(True, True, True, True, True, True) Then _index -= 1 End If If _index < _gameModes.Length - 1 AndAlso Controls.Down(True, True, True, True, True, True) Then _index += 1 End If If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) Then SetScreen(PreScreen) End If If Controls.Accept(True, True, True) Then GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer(_gameModes(_index).DirectoryName) SetScreen(New Screens.MainMenu.NewNewGameScreen(PreScreen)) End If Dim targetOffset = GetTargetOffset() If _offset <> targetOffset Then _offset = MathHelper.Lerp(_offset, targetOffset, 0.25F) If Math.Abs(_offset - targetOffset) <= 0.01F Then _offset = targetOffset End If End If End Sub Private Function GetTargetOffset() As Integer Return -_index * (HEIGHT + GAP) End Function End Class