Public Class GameModeManager Private Shared GameModeList As New List(Of GameMode) Private Shared GameModePointer As Integer = 0 Public Shared Initialized As Boolean = False Public Shared ForceWaterSpeed As Integer = -1 Public Shared PokeModelScale As Single = 1 Public Shared PokeModelRotation As New Vector3(0, 0, 0) ''' ''' Loads (or reloads) the list of GameModes. The pointer also gets reset. ''' Public Shared Sub LoadGameModes() GameModeList.Clear() GameModePointer = 0 CreateKolbenMode() For Each GameModeFolder As String In System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes\") If System.IO.File.Exists(GameModeFolder & "\GameMode.dat") = True Then AddGameMode(GameModeFolder) End If Next SetGameModePointer("Kolben") Initialized = True End Sub Public Shared Function GetGameMode(ByVal GameModeDirectory As String) As GameMode For Each GameMode As GameMode In GameModeList If GameMode.DirectoryName = GameModeDirectory Then Return GameMode End If Next Return Nothing End Function ''' ''' Creates the GameModes directory. ''' Public Shared Sub CreateGameModesFolder() If System.IO.Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes") = False Then System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes") End If End Sub ''' ''' Sets the GameModePointer to a new item. ''' ''' The directory resembeling the new GameMode. Public Shared Sub SetGameModePointer(ByVal GameModeDirectoryName As String) For i = 0 To GameModeList.Count - 1 Dim GameMode As GameMode = GameModeList(i) If GameMode.DirectoryName = GameModeDirectoryName Then GameModePointer = i Logger.Debug("---Set pointer to """ & GameModeDirectoryName & """!---") Exit Sub End If Next Logger.Debug("Couldn't find the GameMode """ & GameModeDirectoryName & """!") End Sub ''' ''' Returns the amount of loaded GameModes. ''' Public Shared ReadOnly Property GameModeCount() As Integer Get Return GameModeList.Count End Get End Property Public Shared ReadOnly Property GetAllGameModes() As GameMode() Get Return GameModeList.ToArray() End Get End Property ''' ''' Checks if a GameMode exists. ''' Public Shared Function GameModeExists(ByVal GameModePath As String) As Boolean For Each GameMode As GameMode In GameModeList If GameMode.DirectoryName = GameModePath Then Return True End If Next Return False End Function ''' ''' Adds a GameMode to the list. ''' ''' The path of the GameMode directory. Private Shared Sub AddGameMode(ByVal Path As String) Dim newGameMode As New GameMode(Path & "\GameMode.dat") If newGameMode.IsValid = True Then GameModeList.Add(newGameMode) End If End Sub ''' ''' Creates the default Kolben GameMode. ''' Public Shared Sub CreateKolbenMode() Dim doCreateKolbenMode As Boolean = False If System.IO.Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes\Kolben") = True Then System.IO.Directory.Delete(GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes\Kolben", True) End If If System.IO.Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes\Kolben") = False Then doCreateKolbenMode = True System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes\Kolben") End If If doCreateKolbenMode = False Then If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes\Kolben\GameMode.dat") = False Then doCreateKolbenMode = True End If End If If doCreateKolbenMode = True Then Dim kolbenMode As GameMode = GameMode.GetKolbenGameMode() kolbenMode.SaveToFile(GameController.GamePath & "\GameModes\Kolben\GameMode.dat") End If End Sub #Region "Shared GameModeFunctions" ''' ''' Returns the currently active GameMode. ''' Public Shared ReadOnly Property ActiveGameMode() As GameMode Get If GameModeList.Count - 1 >= GameModePointer Then Return GameModeList(GameModePointer) End If Return Nothing End Get End Property ''' ''' Returns the GameRules of the currently active GameMode. ''' Public Shared Function GetGameRules() As List(Of GameMode.GameRule) Return ActiveGameMode.GameRules End Function ''' ''' Returns the Value of a chosen GameRule from the currently active GameMode. ''' ''' The RuleName to search for. Public Shared Function GetGameRuleValue(ByVal RuleName As String, ByVal DefaultValue As String) As String start: Dim rules As List(Of GameMode.GameRule) = GetGameRules() For Each rule As GameMode.GameRule In rules If rule.RuleName.ToLower() = RuleName.ToLower() Then Return rule.RuleValue End If Next ActiveGameMode.GameRules.Add(New GameMode.GameRule(RuleName, DefaultValue)) GoTo start Return "" End Function ''' ''' Returns the correct map path to load a map from. ''' ''' The levelfile containing the map. Public Shared Function GetMapPath(ByVal levelFile As String) As String If ActiveGameMode.IsDefaultGamemode = True Then Return GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultMapPath & levelFile End If If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.MapPath & levelFile) = True Then Return GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.MapPath & levelFile End If If GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultMapPath & levelFile <> GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.MapPath & levelFile Then Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Message, "Map file: """ & ActiveGameMode.MapPath & levelFile & """ does not exist in the GameMode. The game tries to load the normal file at ""\maps\" & levelFile & """.") End If Return GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultMapPath & levelFile End Function ''' ''' Returns the correct script file path to load a script from. ''' ''' The file that contains the script information. Public Shared Function GetScriptPath(ByVal scriptFile As String) As String If ActiveGameMode.IsDefaultGamemode = True Then Return GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultScriptPath & scriptFile End If If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.ScriptPath & scriptFile) = True Then Return GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.ScriptPath & scriptFile End If If GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultScriptPath & scriptFile <> GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.ScriptPath & scriptFile Then Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Message, "Script file: """ & ActiveGameMode.ScriptPath & scriptFile & """ does not exist in the GameMode. The game tries to load the normal file at ""\Scripts\" & scriptFile & """.") End If Return GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultScriptPath & scriptFile End Function ''' ''' Returns the correct poke file path to load a Wild Pokémon Definition from. ''' ''' The file that contains the Wild Pokémon Definitions. Public Shared Function GetPokeFilePath(ByVal pokeFile As String) As String If ActiveGameMode.IsDefaultGamemode = True Then Return GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultPokeFilePath & pokeFile End If If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.PokeFilePath & pokeFile) = True Then Return GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.PokeFilePath & pokeFile End If If GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultPokeFilePath & pokeFile <> GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.PokeFilePath & pokeFile Then Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Message, "Poke file: """ & ActiveGameMode.PokeFilePath & pokeFile & """ does not exist in the GameMode. The game tries to load the normal file at ""\maps\poke\" & pokeFile & """.") End If Return GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultPokeFilePath & pokeFile End Function ''' ''' Returns the correct Pokémon data file path to load a Pokémon from. ''' ''' The file which contains the Pokémon information. Public Shared Function GetPokemonDataFilePath(ByVal PokemonDataFile As String) As String If ActiveGameMode.IsDefaultGamemode = True Then Return GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultPokemonDataPath & PokemonDataFile End If If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.PokemonDataPath & PokemonDataFile) = True Then Return GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.PokemonDataPath & PokemonDataFile End If If GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultPokemonDataPath & PokemonDataFile <> GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.PokemonDataPath & PokemonDataFile Then 'Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Message, "Pokemon data file: """ & ActiveGameMode.PokemonDataPath & PokemonDataFile & """ does not exist in the GameMode. The game tries to load the normal file at ""\Content\Pokemon\Data\" & PokemonDataFile & """.") End If Return GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultPokemonDataPath & PokemonDataFile End Function Public Shared Function GetLocalizationsPath(ByVal TokensFile As String) As String If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.LocalizationsPath & TokensFile) = True Then Return GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.LocalizationsPath & TokensFile End If Return GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultLocalizationsPath & TokensFile End Function ''' ''' Returns the correct Content file path to load content from. ''' ''' The stub file path to the Content file. Public Shared Function GetContentFilePath(ByVal ContentFile As String) As String If ActiveGameMode.IsDefaultGamemode = True Then Return GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultContentPath & ContentFile End If If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.ContentPath & ContentFile) = True Then Return GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.ContentPath & ContentFile End If Return GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultContentPath & ContentFile End Function ''' ''' Checks if a map file exists either in the active GameMode or the default GameMode. ''' ''' The map file to look for. Public Shared Function MapFileExists(ByVal levelFile As String) As Boolean Dim path As String = GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.MapPath & levelFile Dim defaultPath As String = GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultMapPath & levelFile If ActiveGameMode.IsDefaultGamemode = True Then path = GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultMapPath & levelFile End If Return System.IO.File.Exists(path) Or System.IO.File.Exists(defaultPath) End Function ''' ''' Checks if a Content file exists either in the active GameMode or the default GameMode. ''' ''' The Content file to look for. Public Shared Function ContentFileExists(ByVal contentFile As String) As Boolean Dim path As String = GameController.GamePath & ActiveGameMode.ContentPath & contentFile Dim defaultPath As String = GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultContentPath & contentFile If ActiveGameMode.IsDefaultGamemode = True Then path = GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultContentPath & contentFile End If Return System.IO.File.Exists(path) Or System.IO.File.Exists(defaultPath) End Function #End Region End Class Public Class GameMode Private _loaded As Boolean = False Private _usedFileName As String = "" ''' ''' Is this GameMode loaded correctly? ''' Public ReadOnly Property IsValid() As Boolean Get If _loaded = True Then If Me.Name.ToLower() = "pokemon 3d" And Me.DirectoryName.ToLower() <> "kolben" Then Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Message, "Unofficial GameMode with the name ""Pokemon 3D"" exists (in folder: """ & Me.DirectoryName & """)!") Return False End If 'If _name <> "" And _description <> "" And _version <> "" And _author <> "" And _mapPath <> "" And _scriptPath <> "" And _pokeFilePath <> "" And ' _pokemonDataPath <> "" And _startMap <> "" And _startLocationName <> "" And _pokemonAppear <> "" And _introMusic <> "" And _skinColors.Count > 0 And _skinFiles.Count > 0 And _skinNames.Count > 0 Then ' Return True 'End If Return True End If Return False End Get End Property ''' ''' The name of the directory this GameMode is placed in. Not the full path. ''' Public ReadOnly Property DirectoryName() As String Get If _usedFileName <> "" Then Dim directory As String = _usedFileName.Remove(_usedFileName.LastIndexOf("\")) directory = directory.Remove(0, directory.LastIndexOf("\") + 1) Return directory Else Return "" End If End Get End Property ''' ''' The name of the directory this GameMode is placed in. ''' Public ReadOnly Property Path() As String Get If _usedFileName <> "" Then Dim directory As String = _usedFileName.Remove(_usedFileName.LastIndexOf("\") + 1) Return directory Else Return "" End If End Get End Property ''' ''' Create a new GameMode. ''' ''' The file the gamemode should load from. Public Sub New(ByVal FileName As String) Load(FileName) End Sub ''' ''' Create a new GameMode. ''' ''' The name of the new GameMode. ''' The description of the new GameMode. ''' The version of the new GameMode. Warning: This doesn't have to be a number! ''' The author of the new GameMode. ''' The MapPath used from the new GameMode to load maps from. ''' The ScriptPath used from the new GameMode to load scripts from. ''' The Pokemon-Datapath to load Pokemon data from. ''' The path to load images, sound and music from. ''' The GameRules that apply to the new GameMode. ''' The GameRules that apply to the new GameMode for the Hard Difficulty. ''' The GameRules that apply to the new GameMode for the Super Hard Difficulty. ''' The start map for the new GameMode. ''' The start position for the new GameMode. ''' The start rotation for the new GameMode. ''' The start location name for the new GameMode. ''' The Pokémon that appear on the new game screen for the new GameMode. ''' The intro music that plays on the new game screen for the new GameMode. ''' The type of intro used when starting a new game for the GameMode (0 = Old Intro (2D), 1 = New Intro (3D)). ''' The skin colors for the new GameMode. Must be the same amount as SkinFiles and SkinNames. ''' The skin files for the new GameMode. Must be the same amount as SkinColors and SkinNames. ''' The skin names for the new GameMode. Must be the same amount as SkinFiles and SkinColors. ''' The skin names for the new GameMode. Must be the same amount as SkinFiles and SkinColors. Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Description As String, ByVal Version As String, ByVal Author As String, ByVal MapPath As String, ByVal ScriptPath As String, ByVal PokeFilePath As String, ByVal PokemonDataPath As String, ByVal ContentPath As String, ByVal LocalizationsPath As String, ByVal GameRules As List(Of GameRule), ByVal HardGameRules As List(Of GameRule), ByVal SuperHardGameRules As List(Of GameRule), ByVal StartMap As String, ByVal StartPosition As Vector3, ByVal StartRotation As Single, ByVal StartLocationName As String, ByVal StartDialogue As String, ByVal StartColor As Color, ByVal PokemonAppear As String, ByVal IntroMusic As String, ByVal IntroType As String, ByVal SkinColors As List(Of Color), ByVal SkinFiles As List(Of String), ByVal SkinNames As List(Of String), ByVal SkinGenders As List(Of String), Optional WaterSpeed As Integer = 8, Optional MasterShinyRate As Integer = 4096) Me._name = Name Me._description = Description Me._version = Version Me._author = Author Me._mapPath = MapPath Me._scriptPath = ScriptPath Me._pokeFilePath = PokeFilePath Me._pokemonDataPath = PokemonDataPath Me._contentPath = ContentPath Me._localizationsPath = LocalizationsPath Me._gameRules = GameRules Me._hardGameRules = HardGameRules Me._superHardGameRules = SuperHardGameRules Me._waterspeed = WaterSpeed Me._masterShinyRate = MasterShinyRate Me._startMap = StartMap Me._startPosition = StartPosition Me._startRotation = StartRotation Me._startLocationName = StartLocationName Me._startDialogue = StartDialogue Me._startColor = StartColor Me._pokemonAppear = PokemonAppear Me._introMusic = IntroMusic Me._introType = IntroType Me._skinColors = SkinColors Me._skinFiles = SkinFiles Me._skinNames = SkinNames Me._skinGenders = SkinGenders Me._loaded = True End Sub ''' ''' This loads the GameMode. ''' Private Sub Load(ByVal FileName As String) If System.IO.File.Exists(FileName) = True Then Dim Data() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(FileName) For Each line As String In Data If line <> "" And line.CountSeperators("|") > 0 Then Dim Pointer As String = line.Remove(line.IndexOf("|")) Dim Value As String = line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf("|") + 1) Select Case Pointer.ToLower() Case "name" Me._name = Value Case "description" Me._description = Value Case "version" Me._version = Value Case "author" Me._author = Value Case "mappath" Me._mapPath = Value Case "scriptpath" Me._scriptPath = Value Case "pokefilepath" Me._pokeFilePath = Value Case "pokemondatapath" Me._pokemonDataPath = Value Case "contentpath" Me._contentPath = Value Case "localizationspath" Me._localizationsPath = Value Case "gamerules" If Value <> "" And Value.Contains("(") And Value.Contains(")") And Value.Contains("|") = True Then Dim rules() As String = Value.Split(CChar(")")) For Each rule As String In rules If rule.StartsWith("(") = True Then rule = rule.Remove(0, 1) _gameRules.Add(New GameRule(rule.GetSplit(0, "|"), rule.GetSplit(1, "|"))) _hardGameRules.Add(New GameRule(rule.GetSplit(0, "|"), rule.GetSplit(1, "|"))) _superHardGameRules.Add(New GameRule(rule.GetSplit(0, "|"), rule.GetSplit(1, "|"))) End If Next End If Case "hardgamerules" If Value <> "" And Value.Contains("(") And Value.Contains(")") And Value.Contains("|") = True Then Dim rules() As String = Value.Split(CChar(")")) For Each rule As String In rules If rule.StartsWith("(") = True Then rule = rule.Remove(0, 1) For i = 0 To _hardGameRules.Count - 1 If i <= _hardGameRules.Count - 1 Then If _hardGameRules(i).RuleName.ToLower = rule.GetSplit(0, "|").ToLower Then _hardGameRules.RemoveAt(i) i -= 1 End If End If Next For i = 0 To _superHardGameRules.Count - 1 If i <= _superHardGameRules.Count - 1 Then If _superHardGameRules(i).RuleName.ToLower = rule.GetSplit(0, "|").ToLower Then _superHardGameRules.RemoveAt(i) i -= 1 End If End If Next _hardGameRules.Add(New GameRule(rule.GetSplit(0, "|"), rule.GetSplit(1, "|"))) _superHardGameRules.Add(New GameRule(rule.GetSplit(0, "|"), rule.GetSplit(1, "|"))) End If Next End If Case "superhardgamerules" If Value <> "" And Value.Contains("(") And Value.Contains(")") And Value.Contains("|") = True Then Dim rules() As String = Value.Split(CChar(")")) For Each rule As String In rules If rule.StartsWith("(") = True Then rule = rule.Remove(0, 1) For i = 0 To _superHardGameRules.Count - 1 If i <= _superHardGameRules.Count - 1 Then If _superHardGameRules(i).RuleName.ToLower = rule.GetSplit(0, "|").ToLower Then _superHardGameRules.RemoveAt(i) i -= 1 End If End If Next _superHardGameRules.Add(New GameRule(rule.GetSplit(0, "|"), rule.GetSplit(1, "|"))) End If Next End If Case "waterspeed" Me._waterspeed = CInt(Value) Case "shinyrate" Me._masterShinyRate = CInt(Value) Case "startmap" Me._startMap = Value Case "startposition" Dim PositionList() As String = Value.Split(CChar(",")) If PositionList.Length >= 3 Then Me._startPosition = New Vector3(CSng(PositionList(0).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), CSng(PositionList(1).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), CSng(PositionList(2).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator))) Else Me._startPosition = Vector3.Zero End If Case "startrotation" Me._startRotation = CSng(Value.Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)) Case "startscript" StartScript = Value Case "startlocationname" Me._startLocationName = Value Case "startdialogue" Me._startDialogue = Value Case "startcolor" If Value <> "" And Value.CountSplits(",") = 3 Then Dim c() As String = Value.Split(CChar(",")) Me._startColor = New Color(CInt(c(0)), CInt(c(1)), CInt(c(2))) Else Me._startColor = New Color(59, 123, 165) End If Case "pokemonappear" Me._pokemonAppear = Value If CInt(Value) = 0 Then Me._pokemonRange = {1, 252} Else If Value.Contains("-") = True Then Dim v1 As Integer = CInt(Value.GetSplit(0, "-")) Dim v2 As Integer = CInt(Value.GetSplit(1, "-")) + 1 Me._pokemonRange = {v1, v2} Else Me._pokemonRange = {CInt(Value), CInt(Value) + 1} End If End If Case "intromusic" Me._introMusic = Value Case "introtype" Me._introType = Value Case "skincolors" Dim l As New List(Of Color) For Each color As String In Value.Split(CChar(",")) Dim c As New Color(CInt(color.GetSplit(0, ";")), CInt(color.GetSplit(1, ";")), CInt(color.GetSplit(2, ";"))) l.Add(c) Next If l.Count > 0 Then Me._skinColors = l End If Case "skinfiles" Dim l As New List(Of String) For Each skin As String In Value.Split(CChar(",")) l.Add(skin) Next If l.Count > 0 Then Me._skinFiles = l End If Case "skinnames" Dim l As New List(Of String) For Each skin As String In Value.Split(CChar(",")) l.Add(skin) Next If l.Count > 0 Then Me._skinNames = l End If Case "skingenders" Dim l As New List(Of String) For Each skin As String In Value.Split(CChar(",")) l.Add(skin) Next If l.Count > 0 Then Me._skinGenders = l End If End Select End If Next _loaded = True Me._usedFileName = FileName End If End Sub ''' ''' Reload the GameMode from an already used file. ''' Public Sub Reload() Load(Me._usedFileName) End Sub ''' ''' Reload the GameMode. ''' ''' Use this file to reload the GameMode from. Public Sub Reload(ByVal FileName As String) Load(FileName) End Sub ''' ''' Returns the default Kolben Game Mode. ''' Public Shared Function GetKolbenGameMode() As GameMode Dim SkinColors As List(Of Color) = {New Color(248, 176, 32), New Color(248, 216, 88), New Color(56, 88, 200), New Color(216, 96, 112), New Color(56, 88, 152), New Color(239, 90, 156)}.ToList() Dim SkinFiles As List(Of String) = {"Ethan", "Lyra", "Nate", "Rosa", "Hilbert", "Hilda"}.ToList() Dim SkinNames As List(Of String) = {"Ethan", "Lyra", "Nate", "Rosa", "Hilbert", "Hilda"}.ToList() Dim SkinGenders As List(Of String) = {"Male", "Female", "Male", "Female", "Male", "Female"}.ToList() Dim gameMode As New GameMode("Kolben", "The normal game mode.", GameController.GAMEVERSION, "Kolben Games", "\Content\Data\maps\", "\Content\Data\Scripts\", "\Content\Data\maps\poke\", "\Content\Pokemon\Data\", "\Content\", "\Content\Localization\", New List(Of GameRule), New List(Of GameRule), New List(Of GameRule), "newgame\intro0.dat", New Vector3(1.0F, 0.1F, 3.0F), MathHelper.PiOver2, "Your Room", "", New Color(59, 123, 165), "0", "welcome", "1", SkinColors, SkinFiles, SkinNames, SkinGenders, 8) gameMode.StartScript = "startscript\main" Dim gameRules As New List(Of GameRule) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("MaxLevel", "100")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("OnlyCaptureFirst", "0")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("ForceRename", "0")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("DeathInsteadOfFaint", "0")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("CanUseHealItems", "1")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("Difficulty", "0")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("LockDifficulty", "0")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("GameOverAt0Pokemon", "0")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("CanGetAchievements", "1")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("ShowFollowPokemon", "1")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("RandomFollowItemPickup", "1")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("OverworldPoison", "0")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("SavingDisabled", "0")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("SingleUseTM", "0")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("CanForgetHM", "0")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("CoinCaseCap", "0")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("GainExpAfterCatch", "1")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("ShinyRate", "4096")) gameRules.Add(New GameRule("LevelMultiplier", "1.0")) gameMode._gameRules = gameRules Dim hardGameRules As New List(Of GameRule) hardGameRules.Add(New GameRule("OverworldPoison", "1")) hardGameRules.Add(New GameRule("LevelMultiplier", "1.1")) Dim superHardGameRules As New List(Of GameRule) superHardGameRules.Add(New GameRule("LevelMultiplier", "1.2")) gameMode._hardGameRules = hardGameRules gameMode._superHardGameRules = superHardGameRules Return gameMode End Function ''' ''' Export this GameMode to a file. ''' ''' The file this GameMode should get exported to. Public Sub SaveToFile(ByVal File As String) Dim s As String = "Name|" & Me._name & Environment.NewLine & "Description|" & Me._description & Environment.NewLine & "Version|" & Me._version & Environment.NewLine & "Author|" & Me._author & Environment.NewLine & "MapPath|" & Me._mapPath & Environment.NewLine & "ScriptPath|" & Me._scriptPath & Environment.NewLine & "PokeFilePath|" & Me._pokeFilePath & Environment.NewLine & "PokemonDataPath|" & Me._pokemonDataPath & Environment.NewLine & "ContentPath|" & Me._contentPath & Environment.NewLine & "LocalizationsPath|" & Me._localizationsPath & Environment.NewLine & "WaterSpeed|" & _waterspeed & Environment.NewLine Dim GameRuleString As String = "GameRules|" For Each rule As GameRule In Me._gameRules GameRuleString &= "(" & rule.RuleName & "|" & rule.RuleValue & ")" Next s &= GameRuleString & Environment.NewLine Dim HardGameRuleString As String = "HardGameRules|" For Each rule As GameRule In Me._hardGameRules HardGameRuleString &= "(" & rule.RuleName & "|" & rule.RuleValue & ")" Next Dim SuperHardGameRuleString As String = "SuperHardGameRules|" For Each rule As GameRule In Me._superHardGameRules SuperHardGameRuleString &= "(" & rule.RuleName & "|" & rule.RuleValue & ")" Next s &= HardGameRuleString & Environment.NewLine & SuperHardGameRuleString & Environment.NewLine & "StartMap|" & Me._startMap & Environment.NewLine & "StartPosition|" & Me._startPosition.X.ToString().Replace(GameController.DecSeparator, ".") & "," & Me._startPosition.Y.ToString().Replace(GameController.DecSeparator, ".") & "," & Me._startPosition.Z.ToString().Replace(GameController.DecSeparator, ".") & Environment.NewLine & "StartRotation|" & Me._startRotation.ToString().Replace(GameController.DecSeparator, ".") & Environment.NewLine & "StartScript|" & StartScript & Environment.NewLine & "StartLocationName|" & Me._startLocationName & Environment.NewLine & "StartDialogue|" & Me._startDialogue & Environment.NewLine & "StartColor|" & Me._startColor.R & "," & Me._startColor.G & "," & Me._startColor.B & Environment.NewLine & "PokemonAppear|" & Me._pokemonAppear & Environment.NewLine & "IntroMusic|" & Me._introMusic & Environment.NewLine & "IntroType|" & Me._introType & Environment.NewLine Dim SkinColorsString As String = "SkinColors|" Dim iSC As Integer = 0 For Each SkinColor As Color In _skinColors If iSC > 0 Then SkinColorsString &= "," End If SkinColorsString &= SkinColor.R & ";" & SkinColor.G & ";" & SkinColor.B iSC += 1 Next s &= SkinColorsString & Environment.NewLine Dim SkinFilesString As String = "SkinFiles|" Dim iSF As Integer = 0 For Each SkinFile As String In Me._skinFiles If iSF > 0 Then SkinFilesString &= "," End If SkinFilesString &= SkinFile iSF += 1 Next s &= SkinFilesString & Environment.NewLine Dim SkinNamesString As String = "SkinNames|" Dim iSN As Integer = 0 For Each SkinName As String In Me._skinNames If iSN > 0 Then SkinNamesString &= "," End If SkinNamesString &= SkinName iSN += 1 Next s &= SkinNamesString & Environment.NewLine Dim SkinGendersString As String = "SkinGenders|" Dim iSG As Integer = 0 For Each SkinGender As String In Me._skinGenders If iSG > 0 Then SkinGendersString &= "," End If SkinGendersString &= SkinGender iSG += 1 Next s &= SkinGendersString Dim folder As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(File) If System.IO.Directory.Exists(folder) = False Then System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(folder) End If System.IO.File.WriteAllText(File, s) End Sub Public ReadOnly Property IsDefaultGamemode() As Boolean Get Return (Me.Name = "Kolben") End Get End Property #Region "Paths" Public Const DefaultContentPath As String = "\Content\" Public Const DefaultMapPath As String = "\Content\Data\maps\" Public Const DefaultScriptPath As String = "\Content\Data\Scripts\" Public Const DefaultPokeFilePath As String = "\Content\Data\maps\poke\" Public Const DefaultPokemonDataPath As String = "\Content\Pokemon\Data\" Public Const DefaultLocalizationsPath As String = "\Content\Localization\" #End Region #Region "GameMode" Private _name As String = "" Private _description As String = "" Private _version As String = "" Private _author As String = "" Private _mapPath As String = "" Private _scriptPath As String = "" Private _pokeFilePath As String = "" Private _pokemonDataPath As String = "" Private _localizationsPath As String = "" Private _contentPath As String = "" Private _gameRules As New List(Of GameRule) Private _hardGameRules As New List(Of GameRule) Private _superHardGameRules As New List(Of GameRule) Private _waterspeed As Integer = 8 Private _masterShinyRate As Integer = 4096 ''' ''' The name of this GameMode. ''' Public Property Name() As String Get Return Me._name End Get Set(value As String) Me._name = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The Description of the GameMode. This may contain multiple lines. ''' Public Property Description() As String Get Return Me._description End Get Set(value As String) Me._description = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The version of the GameMode. Warning: This doesn't have to be a number! ''' Public Property Version() As String Get Return Me._version End Get Set(value As String) Me._version = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The author of the GameMode. ''' Public Property Author() As String Get Return Me._author End Get Set(value As String) Me._author = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The MapPath used from this GameMode to load maps from. ''' Public Property MapPath() As String Get Return Me._mapPath.Replace("$Mode", "\GameModes\" & Me.DirectoryName) End Get Set(value As String) Me._mapPath = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The ScriptPath from this GameMode to load scripts from. ''' Public Property ScriptPath() As String Get Return Me._scriptPath.Replace("$Mode", "\GameModes\" & Me.DirectoryName) End Get Set(value As String) Me._scriptPath = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The .poke file directory from this GameMode. ''' Public Property PokeFilePath() As String Get Return Me._pokeFilePath.Replace("$Mode", "\GameModes\" & Me.DirectoryName) End Get Set(value As String) Me._pokeFilePath = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The Pokemon-Datapath to load Pokemon data from. ''' Public Property PokemonDataPath() As String Get Return Me._pokemonDataPath.Replace("$Mode", "\GameModes\" & Me.DirectoryName) End Get Set(value As String) Me._pokemonDataPath = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The content path to load images, sounds and music from. ''' Public Property ContentPath() As String Get Return Me._contentPath.Replace("$Mode", "\GameModes\" & Me.DirectoryName) End Get Set(value As String) Me._contentPath = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The localizations path to load additional tokens from. Tokens that are already existing get overritten. ''' Public Property LocalizationsPath() As String Get Return Me._localizationsPath.Replace("$Mode", "\GameModes\" & Me.DirectoryName) End Get Set(value As String) Me._localizationsPath = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The speed at which water should animate. ''' Public Property WaterSpeed As Integer Get If GameModeManager.ForceWaterSpeed <> -1 Then Return GameModeManager.ForceWaterSpeed Else Return Me._waterspeed End If End Get Set(value As Integer) Me._waterspeed = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The master shiny rate ''' Public Property MasterShinyRate As Integer Get Return Me._masterShinyRate End Get Set(value As Integer) Me._masterShinyRate = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The GameRules that apply to this GameMode. ''' Public Property GameRules() As List(Of GameRule) Get Select Case Core.Player.DifficultyMode Case 0 Return Me._gameRules Case 1 Return Me._hardGameRules Case 2 Return Me._superHardGameRules Case Else Return Me._gameRules End Select End Get Set(value As List(Of GameRule)) Select Case Core.Player.DifficultyMode Case 0 Me._gameRules = value Case 1 Me._hardGameRules = value Case 2 Me._superHardGameRules = value Case Else Me._gameRules = value Me._hardGameRules = value Me._superHardGameRules = value End Select End Set End Property #End Region #Region "StartUp" Private _startMap As String = "" Private _startPosition As Vector3 Private _startRotation As Single Private _startLocationName As String = "" Private _startDialogue As String = "" Private _startColor As Color = New Color(59, 123, 165) Private _pokemonAppear As String = "" Private _introMusic As String = "" Private _introType As String = "" Private _skinColors As New List(Of Color) Private _skinFiles As New List(Of String) Private _skinNames As New List(Of String) Private _skinGenders As New List(Of String) Private _pokemonRange() As Integer ''' ''' The start map for this GameMode. ''' Public Property StartMap() As String Get Return Me._startMap End Get Set(value As String) Me._startMap = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The start position for this GameMode. ''' Public Property StartPosition() As Vector3 Get Return Me._startPosition End Get Set(value As Vector3) Me._startPosition = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The start rotation for this GameMode. ''' Public Property StartRotation() As Single Get Return Me._startRotation End Get Set(value As Single) Me._startRotation = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The start location name for this GameMode. ''' Public Property StartLocationName() As String Get Return Me._startLocationName End Get Set(value As String) Me._startLocationName = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The dialogue said in the intro of the game. Split in 3 different texts: intro dialogue, after Pokémon jumped out, after name + character choose. ''' Public Property StartDialogue() As String Get Return Me._startDialogue End Get Set(value As String) Me._startDialogue = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The default background color in the intro sequence. ''' Public Property StartColor() As Color Get Return Me._startColor End Get Set(value As Color) Me._startColor = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The Pokémon that appear on the new game screen for this GameMode. ''' Public Property PokemonAppear() As String Get Return Me._pokemonAppear End Get Set(value As String) Me._pokemonAppear = value If CInt(value) = 0 Then Me._pokemonRange = {1, 252} Else If value.Contains("-") = True Then Dim v1 As Integer = CInt(value.GetSplit(0, "-")) Dim v2 As Integer = CInt(value.GetSplit(1, "-")) + 1 Me._pokemonRange = {v1, v2} Else Me._pokemonRange = {CInt(value), CInt(value) + 1} End If End If End Set End Property ''' ''' The Pokémon range that will appear on the new game screen for this GameMode. ''' Public ReadOnly Property PokemonRange() As Integer() Get Return Me._pokemonRange End Get End Property ''' ''' The intro music that plays on the new game screen for this GameMode. ''' Public Property IntroMusic() As String Get Return Me._introMusic End Get Set(value As String) Me._introMusic = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The type of intro used when starting a new game for the GameMode (0 = New Intro (3D), 1 = Old Intro (2D)). ''' Public Property IntroType() As String Get Return Me._introType End Get Set(value As String) Me._introType = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The skin colors for this GameMode. Must be the same amount as SkinFiles and SkinNames. ''' Public Property SkinColors() As List(Of Color) Get Return Me._skinColors End Get Set(value As List(Of Color)) Me._skinColors = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The skin files for this GameMode. Must be the same amount as SkinNames and SkinColors. ''' Public Property SkinFiles() As List(Of String) Get Return Me._skinFiles End Get Set(value As List(Of String)) Me._skinFiles = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The skin names for this GameMode. Must be the same amount as SkinFiles and SkinColors. ''' Public Property SkinNames() As List(Of String) Get Return Me._skinNames End Get Set(value As List(Of String)) Me._skinNames = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The skin genders for this GameMode. Must be the same amount as SkinFiles and SkinColors. ''' Public Property SkinGenders() As List(Of String) Get Return Me._skinGenders End Get Set(value As List(Of String)) Me._skinGenders = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The default gamemode boot up script. ''' Public Property StartScript As String = "" #End Region Class GameRule Private _ruleName As String = "EMPTY" Private _ruleValue As String = "EMPTY" ''' ''' Creates a new GameRule. ''' ''' The name of the game rule. ''' The value of the game rule. Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Value As String) Me._ruleName = Name Me._ruleValue = Value End Sub ''' ''' The name of this GameRule. ''' Public Property RuleName() As String Get Return _ruleName End Get Set(value As String) Me._ruleName = value End Set End Property ''' ''' The Value of this GameRule. ''' Public Property RuleValue() As String Get Return Me._ruleValue End Get Set(value As String) Me._ruleValue = value End Set End Property End Class End Class