Public Class TradeScreen Inherits Screen #Region "Navigation" Private Enum MenuStates MainPage BuyItems SellItems BuyItemsCategory SellItemsCategory SellItemsConfirmation End Enum Private MenuState As MenuStates = MenuStates.MainPage Private CurrentCategory As Items.ItemTypes = Items.ItemTypes.Medicine Private MainCursor As Integer = 0 Private CategoryCursor As Integer = 0 Private BuySellCursor As Integer = 0 Private BuySellScroll As Integer = 0 Private CategoryScroll As Integer = 0 Private Property Scroll() As Integer Get Select Case Me.MenuState Case MenuStates.MainPage Return 0 Case MenuStates.BuyItems, MenuStates.SellItems, MenuStates.SellItemsConfirmation Return BuySellScroll Case MenuStates.BuyItemsCategory, MenuStates.SellItemsCategory Return CategoryScroll End Select Return 0 End Get Set(value As Integer) Select Case Me.MenuState Case MenuStates.BuyItems, MenuStates.SellItems, MenuStates.SellItemsConfirmation Me.BuySellScroll = value Case MenuStates.BuyItemsCategory, MenuStates.SellItemsCategory Me.CategoryScroll = value End Select End Set End Property Private Property Cursor() As Integer Get Select Case Me.MenuState Case MenuStates.MainPage Return MainCursor Case MenuStates.BuyItems, MenuStates.SellItems, MenuStates.SellItemsConfirmation Return BuySellCursor Case MenuStates.BuyItemsCategory, MenuStates.SellItemsCategory Return CategoryCursor End Select Return 0 End Get Set(value As Integer) Select Case Me.MenuState Case MenuStates.MainPage MainCursor = value Case MenuStates.BuyItems, MenuStates.SellItems, MenuStates.SellItemsConfirmation BuySellCursor = value Case MenuStates.BuyItemsCategory, MenuStates.SellItemsCategory CategoryCursor = value End Select End Set End Property #End Region Public Enum Currencies Pokédollar BattlePoints Coins End Enum ''' ''' Contains definitions for an item that can be traded in a store. ''' Public Structure TradeItem ''' ''' Creates a new instance of the TradeItem structure. ''' ''' The ID of the Item. ''' The Price of the Item. Leave -1 for automatic Price. ''' The Amount of the Item available in the store. Leave -1 for infinite. Public Sub New(ByVal ItemID As String, ByVal Amount As Integer, ByVal Price As Integer, ByVal Currency As Currencies) Me.ItemID = ItemID Me.Amount = Amount If Price = -1 Then Dim i As Item = Me.GetItem() If Currency = Currencies.BattlePoints Then Me.Price = i.BattlePointsPrice ElseIf Currency = Currencies.Pokédollar Then Me.Price = i.PokeDollarPrice End If Else Me.Price = Price End If End Sub Public ItemID As String Public Price As Integer Public Amount As Integer ''' ''' Returns the Item that is associated with this TradeItem instance. ''' Public Function GetItem() As Item Return Item.GetItemByID(Me.ItemID) End Function Public Function SellPrice() As Integer Return CInt(Math.Ceiling(Me.Price / 2)) End Function End Structure Private TradeItems As New List(Of TradeItem) Private PossibleStoreItems As New List(Of TradeItem) Private CanBuyItems As Boolean = True Private CanSellItems As Boolean = True Private Currency As Currencies = Currencies.Pokédollar Private ShopIdentifier As String = "" Dim texture As Texture2D Dim TileOffset As Integer = 0 Dim Title As String = "" ''' ''' Creates a new instance of the TradeScreen class. ''' ''' The screen that is the current active screen. ''' The string defining what the store sells. Format: {ItemID|Amount|Price} Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen, ByVal storeString As String, ByVal canBuy As Boolean, ByVal canSell As Boolean, ByVal currencyIndicator As String, ByVal shopIdentifier As String) Me.PreScreen = currentScreen Dim itemArr = storeString.Split({"}"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) Me.SetCurrency(currencyIndicator) For Each lItem As String In itemArr lItem = lItem.Remove(0, 1) Dim itemData = lItem.Split(CChar("|")) If shopIdentifier <> "" Then Me.ShopIdentifier = shopIdentifier If ActionScript.IsRegistered(Me.ShopIdentifier & "_" & itemData(0)) = True Then If ScriptConversion.ToInteger(itemData(1)) <> -1 Then Dim registerContent() As Object = ActionScript.GetRegisterValue(shopIdentifier & "_" & itemData(0)) If CInt(registerContent(0)) < ScriptConversion.ToInteger(itemData(1)) Then Dim ResultAmount As Integer = ScriptConversion.ToInteger(itemData(1)) If CInt(registerContent(0)) > 0 Then ResultAmount = ScriptConversion.ToInteger(itemData(1)) - CInt(registerContent(0)) End If Me.TradeItems.Add(New TradeItem(itemData(0), ResultAmount, ScriptConversion.ToInteger(itemData(2)), Me.Currency)) Me.PossibleStoreItems.Add(New TradeItem(itemData(0), -1, ScriptConversion.ToInteger(itemData(2)), Me.Currency)) End If End If Else Me.TradeItems.Add(New TradeItem(itemData(0), ScriptConversion.ToInteger(itemData(1)), ScriptConversion.ToInteger(itemData(2)), Me.Currency)) Me.PossibleStoreItems.Add(New TradeItem(itemData(0), -1, ScriptConversion.ToInteger(itemData(2)), Me.Currency)) End If Else Me.TradeItems.Add(New TradeItem(itemData(0), ScriptConversion.ToInteger(itemData(1)), ScriptConversion.ToInteger(itemData(2)), Me.Currency)) Me.PossibleStoreItems.Add(New TradeItem(itemData(0), -1, ScriptConversion.ToInteger(itemData(2)), Me.Currency)) End If Next Me.texture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General") Me.MouseVisible = True Me.CanMuteAudio = True Me.CanBePaused = True Me.CanBuyItems = canBuy Me.CanSellItems = canSell Me.Title = "Store" Me.CreateMainMenuButtons() End Sub Private Sub CreateMainMenuButtons() If mainMenuButtons.Count = 0 Then If CanBuyItems = True Then mainMenuButtons.Add("Buy") End If If CanSellItems = True Then mainMenuButtons.Add("Sell") End If mainMenuButtons.Add("Exit") End If End Sub ''' ''' Sets the currency from the currency indicator string. ''' ''' The currency indicator. Private Sub SetCurrency(ByVal currencyIndicator As String) Select Case currencyIndicator.ToLower() Case "p", "pokedollar", "pokédollar", "poke", "poké", "poke dollar", "poké dollar", "money" Me.Currency = Currencies.Pokédollar Case "bp", "battlepoints", "battle points" Me.Currency = Currencies.BattlePoints Case "c", "coins" Me.Currency = Currencies.Coins End Select End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() Select Case Me.MenuState Case MenuStates.MainPage Me.UpdateMain() Case MenuStates.BuyItemsCategory Me.UpdateBuyCategory() Case MenuStates.BuyItems Me.UpdateBuyItems() Case MenuStates.SellItemsCategory Me.UpdateSellCategory() Case MenuStates.SellItems Me.UpdateSellItems() Case MenuStates.SellItemsConfirmation Me.UpdateSellConfirmation() End Select Me.TileOffset += 1 If Me.TileOffset >= 64 Then Me.TileOffset = 0 End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub Draw() Canvas.DrawRectangle(Core.windowSize, New Color(84, 198, 216)) For y = -64 To Core.windowSize.Height Step 64 Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(Core.windowSize.Width - 128, y + Me.TileOffset, 128, 64), New Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), Color.White) Next Canvas.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(0, 0, CInt(Core.windowSize.Width), 200), New Color(42, 167, 198), New Color(42, 167, 198, 0), False, -1) Canvas.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(0, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height - 200), CInt(Core.windowSize.Width), 200), New Color(42, 167, 198, 0), New Color(42, 167, 198), False, -1) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, Me.Title, New Vector2(100, 24), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 2.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) Select Case Me.MenuState Case MenuStates.MainPage Me.DrawMain() Case MenuStates.BuyItemsCategory Me.DrawBuyCategory() Case MenuStates.BuyItems Me.DrawBuyItems() Case MenuStates.SellItemsCategory Me.DrawSellCategory() Case MenuStates.SellItems Me.DrawSellItems() Case MenuStates.SellItemsConfirmation Me.DrawSellConfirmation() End Select End Sub #Region "Mainscreen" Dim mainMenuButtons As New List(Of String) ''' ''' Updates the main screen. ''' Private Sub UpdateMain() Me.Title = "Store" If Controls.Up(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Cursor -= 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.Cursor -= 4 End If End If If Controls.Down(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Cursor += 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.Cursor += 4 End If End If Me.Cursor = Me.Cursor.Clamp(0, mainMenuButtons.Count - 1) If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then For i = 0 To mainMenuButtons.Count - 1 If New Rectangle(100, 100 + i * 96, 64 * 7, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then If i = Me.Cursor Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.ClickMainButton() Else Cursor = i End If End If Next End If If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.ClickMainButton() End If If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.ButtonMainExit() End If End Sub Private Sub ClickMainButton() Select Case mainMenuButtons(Me.Cursor) Case "Buy" Me.ButtonMainBuy() Case "Sell" Me.ButtonMainSell() Case "Exit" Me.ButtonMainExit() End Select End Sub ''' ''' Event when clicking on the Buy button. ''' Private Sub ButtonMainBuy() Me.MenuState = MenuStates.BuyItemsCategory Me.Cursor = 0 Me.Scroll = 0 Me.LoadBuyCategoriesItems() End Sub ''' ''' Event when clicking on the Sell button. ''' Private Sub ButtonMainSell() Me.MenuState = MenuStates.SellItemsCategory Me.Cursor = 0 Me.Scroll = 0 Me.LoadSellCategoryItems() End Sub ''' ''' Event when clicking on the Exit button. ''' Private Sub ButtonMainExit() Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, Me.PreScreen, Color.White, False)) End Sub ''' ''' Draw the main screen. ''' Private Sub DrawMain() Dim y As Integer = 100 For Each b As String In mainMenuButtons DrawButton(New Vector2(100, y), 5, b, 16) y += 96 Next Me.DrawMainCursor() End Sub ''' ''' Draw the cursor on the main screen. ''' Private Sub DrawMainCursor() Dim cPosition As Vector2 = New Vector2(380, 100 + Me.Cursor * 96 - 42) Dim t As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), "") Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(cPosition.X), CInt(cPosition.Y), 64, 64), Color.White) End Sub #End Region #Region "BuyCategoryScreen" Private loadedBuyCategories As New List(Of Items.ItemTypes) Private Sub LoadBuyCategoriesItems() Me.loadedBuyCategories.Clear() For Each i As TradeItem In Me.TradeItems Dim item As Item = i.GetItem() If loadedBuyCategories.Contains(item.ItemType) = False And item.CanBeTraded = True Then loadedBuyCategories.Add(item.ItemType) End If Next Me.loadedBuyCategories = (From c As Items.ItemTypes In Me.loadedBuyCategories Order By CInt(c)).ToList() End Sub Private Sub UpdateBuyCategory() Me.Title = "Buy Items" If loadedBuyCategories.Count > 0 Then If Controls.Down(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Cursor += 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.Cursor += 4 End If End If If Controls.Up(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Cursor -= 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.Cursor -= 4 End If End If While Me.Cursor > 5 Me.Cursor -= 1 Me.Scroll += 1 End While While Me.Cursor < 0 Me.Cursor += 1 Me.Scroll -= 1 End While If Me.loadedBuyCategories.Count < 7 Then Me.Scroll = 0 Else Me.Scroll = Me.Scroll.Clamp(0, Me.loadedBuyCategories.Count - 6) End If If Me.loadedBuyCategories.Count < 6 Then Me.Cursor = Me.Cursor.Clamp(0, Me.loadedBuyCategories.Count - 1) Else Me.Cursor = Me.Cursor.Clamp(0, 5) End If If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then For i = Scroll To Scroll + 5 If i <= Me.loadedBuyCategories.Count - 1 Then If New Rectangle(100, 100 + (i - Me.Scroll) * 96, 64 * 7, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then If i = Scroll + Cursor Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.ButtonBuyCategoriesAccept() Else Cursor = i - Scroll End If End If End If Next End If If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.ButtonBuyCategoriesAccept() End If End If If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.MenuState = MenuStates.MainPage End If End Sub Private Sub ButtonBuyCategoriesAccept() Me.CurrentCategory = Me.loadedBuyCategories(Me.Cursor + Me.Scroll) Me.MenuState = MenuStates.BuyItems Me.Cursor = 0 Me.Scroll = 0 Me.LoadBuyItemsList() End Sub Private Sub DrawBuyCategory() If Me.loadedBuyCategories.Count > 0 Then For i = Scroll To Scroll + 5 If i <= Me.loadedBuyCategories.Count - 1 Then Dim p As Integer = i - Scroll DrawButton(New Vector2(100, 100 + p * 96), 5, Me.loadedBuyCategories(i).ToString(), 16, GetItemTypeTexture(Me.loadedBuyCategories(i))) End If Next Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(580, 100, 240, 48), New Color(255, 255, 255, 127)) If Me.loadedBuyCategories.Count > 0 Then Dim x As Integer = 0 Dim y As Integer = 0 For Each i As TradeItem In Me.TradeItems Dim item As Item = i.GetItem() If item.ItemType = Me.loadedBuyCategories(Me.Cursor + Me.Scroll) Then SpriteBatch.Draw(item.Texture, New Rectangle(580 + x * 48, 100 + y * 48, 48, 48), Color.White) x += 1 If x = 5 Then x = 0 y += 1 Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(580, 100 + y * 48, 240, 48), New Color(255, 255, 255, 127)) End If End If Next End If Me.DrawMainCursor() Else DrawBanner(New Vector2(CSng(Core.windowSize.Width / 2 - 250), CSng(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 50)), 100, "There are no items to buy.", FontManager.MainFont, 500) End If End Sub #End Region #Region "BuyItemsScreen" Private BuySellSparkleRotation As Single = 0.0F Private BuySellItemSize As Single = 192.0F Private BuySellItemShrinking As Boolean = True Private BuyItemsList As New List(Of TradeItem) Private BuyItemsAmount As Integer = 1 Private BuyItemsShowDescription As Boolean = False Private Sub LoadBuyItemsList() Me.BuyItemsList.Clear() For Each i As TradeItem In Me.TradeItems Dim item As Item = i.GetItem() If item.ItemType = Me.CurrentCategory Then BuyItemsList.Add(i) End If Next Me.BuyItemsList = (From i As TradeItem In BuyItemsList Order By i.GetItem().OneLineName).ToList() End Sub Private Sub UpdateBuyItems() Me.Title = "Buy " & Me.CurrentCategory.ToString() If Controls.Down(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Cursor += 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.Cursor += 4 End If End If If Controls.Up(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Cursor -= 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.Cursor -= 4 End If End If If Controls.Right(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then Me.BuyItemsAmount += 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.BuyItemsAmount += 4 End If End If If Controls.Left(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then Me.BuyItemsAmount -= 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.BuyItemsAmount -= 4 End If End If While Me.Cursor > 5 Me.Cursor -= 1 Me.Scroll += 1 End While While Me.Cursor < 0 Me.Cursor += 1 Me.Scroll -= 1 End While If Me.BuyItemsList.Count < 7 Then Me.Scroll = 0 Else Me.Scroll = Me.Scroll.Clamp(0, Me.BuyItemsList.Count - 6) End If If Me.BuyItemsList.Count < 6 Then Me.Cursor = Me.Cursor.Clamp(0, Me.BuyItemsList.Count - 1) Else Me.Cursor = Me.Cursor.Clamp(0, 5) End If If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then For i = Scroll To Scroll + 5 If i <= Me.BuyItemsList.Count - 1 Then If New Rectangle(100, 100 + (i - Me.Scroll) * 96, 64 * 7, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Cursor = i - Scroll End If End If Next ' Item description: If New Rectangle(736, 160, 256, 256).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Me.BuyItemsShowDescription = Not Me.BuyItemsShowDescription End If ' - button: If New Rectangle(664, 484, 64, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Me.ButtonBuyItemsMinus() End If ' + button: If New Rectangle(856, 484, 64, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Me.ButtonBuyItemsPlus() End If ' Buy button: If New Rectangle(664 + 32, 484 + 64 + 22, 64 * 3, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Me.ButtonBuyItemsBuy() End If End If If Me.Cursor > Me.BuyItemsList.Count - 1 Then Me.Cursor = Me.BuyItemsList.Count - 1 End If If ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.Y) = True Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.SpecialKey) = True Then Me.BuyItemsShowDescription = Not Me.BuyItemsShowDescription End If If Me.BuyItemsList.Count > 0 Then Me.BuyItemsAmount = Me.BuyItemsAmount.Clamp(0, Me.GetMaxBuyItemAmount(Me.BuyItemsList(Me.Scroll + Me.Cursor))) End If If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then Me.ButtonBuyItemsBuy() End If If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then If Me.BuyItemsShowDescription = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.BuyItemsShowDescription = False Else SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.MenuState = MenuStates.BuyItemsCategory End If End If Me.BuySellSparkleRotation += 0.005F If BuySellItemShrinking = True Then BuySellItemSize -= 0.5F If BuySellItemSize <= 160.0F Then BuySellItemShrinking = False End If Else BuySellItemSize += 0.5F If BuySellItemSize >= 192.0F Then BuySellItemShrinking = True End If End If End Sub Private Sub ButtonBuyItemsMinus() If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.BuyItemsAmount -= 5 Else Me.BuyItemsAmount -= 1 End If End Sub Private Sub ButtonBuyItemsPlus() If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.BuyItemsAmount += 5 Else Me.BuyItemsAmount += 1 End If End Sub Private Sub ButtonBuyItemsBuy() If BuyItemsAmount > 0 Then Dim tradeItem As TradeItem = Me.BuyItemsList(Me.Scroll + Me.Cursor) Me.ChangeCurrencyAmount(-(tradeItem.Price * Me.BuyItemsAmount)) Core.Player.Inventory.AddItem(tradeItem.ItemID, Me.BuyItemsAmount) ' Add a Premier Ball (ID=3) if the player bought 10 or more Poké Balls (ID=5): If tradeItem.ItemID = 5.ToString And Me.BuyItemsAmount >= 10 Then Core.Player.Inventory.AddItem(3.ToString, 1) End If ' Remove trade item from seller's side if the rest amount is smaller than 0: If tradeItem.Amount > -1 Then For i = 0 To Me.TradeItems.Count - 1 If Me.TradeItems(i).ItemID = tradeItem.ItemID And tradeItem.Amount = Me.TradeItems(i).Amount Then If ShopIdentifier <> "" Then If ActionScript.IsRegistered(Me.ShopIdentifier & "_" & tradeItem.ItemID) = False Then ActionScript.RegisterID(Me.ShopIdentifier & "_" & tradeItem.ItemID, "int", "0") End If Dim registerContent() As Object = ActionScript.GetRegisterValue(ShopIdentifier & "_" & tradeItem.ItemID) ActionScript.ChangeRegister(Me.ShopIdentifier & "_" & tradeItem.ItemID, CStr(CInt(registerContent(0)) + BuyItemsAmount)) End If Dim t As TradeItem = Me.TradeItems(i) t.Amount -= Me.BuyItemsAmount If t.Amount < 1 Then Me.TradeItems.RemoveAt(i) Else Me.TradeItems(i) = t End If Exit For End If Next End If Me.LoadBuyItemsList() SoundManager.PlaySound("buy") If Me.BuyItemsList.Count = 0 Then Me.MenuState = MenuStates.BuyItemsCategory Me.Cursor -= 1 Me.LoadBuyCategoriesItems() End If End If End Sub Private Function GetMaxBuyItemAmount(ByVal tradeItem As TradeItem) As Integer Dim item As Item = tradeItem.GetItem() Dim ItemID As String If item.IsGameModeItem Then ItemID = item.gmID Else ItemID = item.ID.ToString End If Dim maxAmount As Integer = item.MaxStack - Core.Player.Inventory.GetItemAmount(ItemID) If maxAmount > tradeItem.Amount And tradeItem.Amount > -1 Then maxAmount = tradeItem.Amount End If If tradeItem.Price = 0 Then Return maxAmount End If Dim money As Integer = Me.GetCurrencyAmount() Dim amount As Integer = CInt(Math.Floor(money / tradeItem.Price)) Return amount.Clamp(0, maxAmount) End Function Private Sub DrawBuyItems() ' Item selection menu: For i = Scroll To Scroll + 5 If i <= Me.BuyItemsList.Count - 1 Then Dim p As Integer = i - Scroll DrawButton(New Vector2(100, 100 + p * 96), 5, Me.BuyItemsList(i).GetItem().OneLineName, 16, Me.BuyItemsList(i).GetItem().Texture) End If Next If Me.BuyItemsList.Count > 0 Then While BuyItemsList.Count <= Scroll + Cursor Cursor -= 1 End While Dim selectedItem As TradeItem = Me.BuyItemsList(Scroll + Cursor) ' Item preview: Core.SpriteBatch.EndBatch() Core.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Box\Sparkle"), New Rectangle(736 + 128, 160 + 128, 256, 256), Nothing, Color.White, BuySellSparkleRotation, New Vector2(128, 128), SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) Core.SpriteBatch.End() Core.SpriteBatch.BeginBatch() Dim itemOffset As Single = (256 - BuySellItemSize) / 2.0F Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(selectedItem.GetItem().Texture, New Rectangle(CInt(736 + itemOffset), CInt(160 + itemOffset), CInt(BuySellItemSize), CInt(BuySellItemSize)), Color.White) If BuyItemsShowDescription = True Then Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(736 + 28, 160 + 28, 200, 200), New Color(0, 0, 0, 200)) Dim t As String = selectedItem.GetItem().Description.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MiniFont, 180) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, t, New Vector2(736 + 30, 160 + 30), Color.White) End If ' Amount of the selected item in the player's Bag: Dim amount As String = Core.Player.Inventory.GetItemAmount(selectedItem.ItemID).ToString() While amount.Length < 3 amount = "0" & amount End While Dim bannerText As String = "" If selectedItem.Amount > -1 Then bannerText = " | In Stock: " & selectedItem.Amount End If Me.DrawBanner(New Vector2(664, 430), 30, "In Inventory: " & amount & bannerText, FontManager.MainFont, 400) ' - button: Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(texture, New Rectangle(664, 484, 64, 64), New Rectangle(16, 32, 16, 16), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "-", New Vector2(664 + 23, 484 + 2), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 2.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) ' Amount field: Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(740, 492, 104, 48), New Color(77, 147, 198)) Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(744, 496, 96, 40), New Color(232, 240, 248)) Dim amountString As String = Me.BuyItemsAmount.ToString() While amountString.Length < 3 amountString = "0" & amountString End While amountString = "x" & amountString Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, amountString, New Vector2(792 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(amountString).X / 2.0F, 504), Color.Black) ' + button: Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(texture, New Rectangle(856, 484, 64, 64), New Rectangle(16, 32, 16, 16), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "+", New Vector2(856 + 19, 484 + 6), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 2.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Per Item: " & selectedItem.Price.ToString() & GetCurrencyShort() & Environment.NewLine & "Total: " & (BuyItemsAmount * selectedItem.Price).ToString() & GetCurrencyShort(), New Vector2(930, 490), Color.White) ' Buy button: If Me.BuyItemsAmount > 0 Then If ControllerHandler.IsConnected() = True Then Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\GamePad\xboxControllerButtonA"), New Rectangle(664 + 12, 484 + 64 + 34, 40, 40), Color.White) End If Me.DrawButton(New Vector2(664 + 32, 484 + 64 + 22), 1, "Buy", 64) End If End If ' Current balance: Me.DrawBanner(New Vector2(664, 110), 30, "Current balance: " & GetCurrencyDisplay(), FontManager.MainFont, 400) ' Cursor draw: Me.DrawMainCursor() End Sub #End Region #Region "SellCatetoryScreen" Private loadedSellCategories As New List(Of Items.ItemTypes) Private Sub LoadSellCategoryItems() Me.loadedSellCategories.Clear() For Each c In Core.Player.Inventory Dim i = Item.GetItemByID(c.ItemID) If loadedSellCategories.Contains(i.ItemType) = False And i.CanBeTraded = True Then loadedSellCategories.Add(i.ItemType) End If Next Me.loadedSellCategories = (From c As Items.ItemTypes In Me.loadedSellCategories Order By CInt(c)).ToList() End Sub Private Sub UpdateSellCategory() Me.Title = "Sell Items" If Me.loadedSellCategories.Count > 0 Then If Controls.Down(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Cursor += 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.Cursor += 4 End If End If If Controls.Up(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Cursor -= 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.Cursor -= 4 End If End If While Me.Cursor > 5 Me.Cursor -= 1 Me.Scroll += 1 End While While Me.Cursor < 0 Me.Cursor += 1 Me.Scroll -= 1 End While If Me.loadedSellCategories.Count < 7 Then Me.Scroll = 0 Else Me.Scroll = Me.Scroll.Clamp(0, Me.loadedSellCategories.Count - 6) End If If Me.loadedSellCategories.Count < 6 Then Me.Cursor = Me.Cursor.Clamp(0, Me.loadedSellCategories.Count - 1) Else Me.Cursor = Me.Cursor.Clamp(0, 5) End If If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then For i = Scroll To Scroll + 5 If i <= Me.loadedSellCategories.Count - 1 Then If New Rectangle(100, 100 + (i - Me.Scroll) * 96, 64 * 7, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then If i = Scroll + Cursor Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.ButtonSellCategoriesAccept() Else Cursor = i - Scroll End If End If End If Next End If If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.ButtonSellCategoriesAccept() End If End If If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.MenuState = MenuStates.MainPage End If End Sub Private Sub ButtonSellCategoriesAccept() Me.CurrentCategory = Me.loadedSellCategories(Me.Cursor + Me.Scroll) Me.MenuState = MenuStates.SellItems Me.Cursor = 0 Me.Scroll = 0 Me.LoadSellItemsList() End Sub Private Sub DrawSellCategory() If Me.loadedSellCategories.Count > 0 Then For i = Scroll To Scroll + 5 If i <= Me.loadedSellCategories.Count - 1 Then Dim p As Integer = i - Scroll DrawButton(New Vector2(100, 100 + p * 96), 5, Me.loadedSellCategories(i).ToString(), 16, GetItemTypeTexture(Me.loadedSellCategories(i))) End If Next Me.DrawMainCursor() Else DrawBanner(New Vector2(CSng(Core.windowSize.Width / 2 - 250), CSng(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 50)), 100, "You have no items to sell.", FontManager.MainFont, 500) End If End Sub #End Region #Region "SellItemsScreen" Private SellItemsList As New List(Of TradeItem) Private SellItemsAmount As Integer = 1 Private SellItemsShowDescription As Boolean = False Private Sub LoadSellItemsList() Me.SellItemsList.Clear() For Each c In Core.Player.Inventory Dim i = Item.GetItemByID(c.ItemID) Dim ItemID As String If i.IsGameModeItem Then ItemID = i.gmID Else ItemID = i.ID.ToString End If If i.CanBeTraded = True Then If i.ItemType = Me.CurrentCategory Then Dim price As Integer = -1 For Each sellItem As TradeItem In Me.PossibleStoreItems If sellItem.ItemID = ItemID Then price = sellItem.Price End If Next SellItemsList.Add(New TradeItem(ItemID, c.Amount, price, Me.Currency)) End If End If Next Me.SellItemsList = (From i As TradeItem In SellItemsList Order By i.GetItem().OneLineName).ToList() End Sub Private Sub UpdateSellItems() Me.Title = "Sell " & Me.CurrentCategory.ToString() If Controls.Down(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Cursor += 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.Cursor += 4 End If End If If Controls.Up(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.Cursor -= 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.Cursor -= 4 End If End If If Controls.Right(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then Me.SellItemsAmount += 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.SellItemsAmount += 4 End If End If If Controls.Left(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then Me.SellItemsAmount -= 1 If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.SellItemsAmount -= 4 End If End If Me.SellItemsClampCursor() If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then For i = Scroll To Scroll + 5 If i <= Me.SellItemsList.Count - 1 Then If New Rectangle(100, 100 + (i - Me.Scroll) * 96, 64 * 7, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Cursor = i - Scroll End If End If Next ' Item description: If New Rectangle(736, 160, 256, 256).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Me.SellItemsShowDescription = Not Me.SellItemsShowDescription End If ' - button: If New Rectangle(664, 484, 64, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Me.ButtonSellItemsMinus() End If ' + button: If New Rectangle(856, 484, 64, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then Me.ButtonSellItemsPlus() End If ' Buy button: If New Rectangle(664 + 32, 484 + 64 + 22, 64 * 3, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.ButtonSellItemsSell() End If End If If ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.Y) = True Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.SpecialKey) = True Then Me.SellItemsShowDescription = Not Me.SellItemsShowDescription End If If Me.SellItemsList.Count > 0 Then Me.SellItemsAmount = Me.SellItemsAmount.Clamp(0, Me.SellItemsList(Me.Scroll + Me.Cursor).Amount) End If If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Me.ButtonSellItemsSell() End If If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then If Me.SellItemsShowDescription = True Then Me.SellItemsShowDescription = False SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Else Me.MenuState = MenuStates.SellItemsCategory SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End If End If Me.BuySellSparkleRotation += 0.005F If BuySellItemShrinking = True Then BuySellItemSize -= 0.5F If BuySellItemSize <= 160.0F Then BuySellItemShrinking = False End If Else BuySellItemSize += 0.5F If BuySellItemSize >= 192.0F Then BuySellItemShrinking = True End If End If End Sub Private Sub SellItemsClampCursor() While Me.Cursor > 5 Me.Cursor -= 1 Me.Scroll += 1 End While While Me.Cursor < 0 Me.Cursor += 1 Me.Scroll -= 1 End While If Me.SellItemsList.Count < 7 Then Me.Scroll = 0 Else Me.Scroll = Me.Scroll.Clamp(0, Me.SellItemsList.Count - 6) End If If Me.SellItemsList.Count < 6 Then Me.Cursor = Me.Cursor.Clamp(0, Me.SellItemsList.Count - 1) Else Me.Cursor = Me.Cursor.Clamp(0, 5) End If End Sub Private Sub ButtonSellItemsMinus() If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.SellItemsAmount -= 5 Else Me.SellItemsAmount -= 1 End If End Sub Private Sub ButtonSellItemsPlus() If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then Me.SellItemsAmount += 5 Else Me.SellItemsAmount += 1 End If End Sub Private Sub ButtonSellItemsSell() If SellItemsAmount > 0 Then sellItemsConfirmationCursor = 0 Me.MenuState = MenuStates.SellItemsConfirmation End If End Sub Private Sub DrawSellItems() ' Item selection menu: For i = Scroll To Scroll + 5 If i <= Me.SellItemsList.Count - 1 Then Dim p As Integer = i - Scroll DrawButton(New Vector2(100, 100 + p * 96), 5, Me.SellItemsList(i).GetItem().OneLineName, 16, Me.SellItemsList(i).GetItem().Texture) End If Next If Me.SellItemsList.Count > 0 Then Dim selectedItem As TradeItem = Me.SellItemsList(Scroll + Cursor) ' Item preview: Core.SpriteBatch.EndBatch() Core.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Box\Sparkle"), New Rectangle(736 + 128, 160 + 128, 256, 256), Nothing, Color.White, BuySellSparkleRotation, New Vector2(128, 128), SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) Core.SpriteBatch.End() Core.SpriteBatch.BeginBatch() Dim itemOffset As Single = (256 - BuySellItemSize) / 2.0F Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(selectedItem.GetItem().Texture, New Rectangle(CInt(736 + itemOffset), CInt(160 + itemOffset), CInt(BuySellItemSize), CInt(BuySellItemSize)), Color.White) If Me.SellItemsShowDescription = True Then Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(736 + 28, 160 + 28, 200, 200), New Color(0, 0, 0, 200)) Dim t As String = selectedItem.GetItem().Description.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MiniFont, 180) SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, t, New Vector2(736 + 30, 160 + 30), Color.White) End If ' Amount of the selected item in the player's Bag: Dim amount As String = Core.Player.Inventory.GetItemAmount(selectedItem.ItemID).ToString() While amount.Length < 3 amount = "0" & amount End While Me.DrawBanner(New Vector2(664, 430), 30, "In Inventory: " & amount, FontManager.MainFont, 400) ' - button: Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(texture, New Rectangle(664, 484, 64, 64), New Rectangle(16, 32, 16, 16), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "-", New Vector2(664 + 23, 484 + 2), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 2.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) ' Amount field: Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(740, 492, 104, 48), New Color(77, 147, 198)) Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(744, 496, 96, 40), New Color(232, 240, 248)) Dim amountString As String = Me.SellItemsAmount.ToString() While amountString.Length < 3 amountString = "0" & amountString End While amountString = "x" & amountString Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, amountString, New Vector2(792 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(amountString).X / 2.0F, 504), Color.Black) ' + button: Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(texture, New Rectangle(856, 484, 64, 64), New Rectangle(16, 32, 16, 16), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "+", New Vector2(856 + 19, 484 + 6), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 2.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Per Item: " & selectedItem.SellPrice().ToString() & GetCurrencyShort() & Environment.NewLine & "Total: " & (SellItemsAmount * selectedItem.SellPrice()).ToString() & GetCurrencyShort(), New Vector2(930, 490), Color.White) ' Sell button: If Me.SellItemsAmount > 0 Then If ControllerHandler.IsConnected() = True Then Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\GamePad\xboxControllerButtonA"), New Rectangle(664 + 12, 484 + 64 + 34, 40, 40), Color.White) End If Me.DrawButton(New Vector2(664 + 32, 484 + 64 + 22), 1, "Sell", 64) End If End If ' Current balance: Me.DrawBanner(New Vector2(664, 110), 30, "Current balance: " & GetCurrencyDisplay(), FontManager.MainFont, 400) ' Cursor draw: Me.DrawMainCursor() End Sub #End Region #Region "SellItemsConfirmationScreen" Private sellItemsConfirmationCursor As Integer = 0 Private Sub UpdateSellConfirmation() If Controls.Down(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.sellItemsConfirmationCursor += 1 End If If Controls.Up(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then Me.sellItemsConfirmationCursor -= 1 End If Me.sellItemsConfirmationCursor = Me.sellItemsConfirmationCursor.Clamp(0, 1) If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then For i = 0 To 1 If New Rectangle(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2.0F - 192), CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2.0F - 60 + (i * 96)), 64 * 5, 64).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then If sellItemsConfirmationCursor = i Then Select Case i Case 0 ButtonSellConfirmationSell() Case 1 ButtonSellConfirmationCancel() End Select Else sellItemsConfirmationCursor = i End If End If Next End If If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then Select Case sellItemsConfirmationCursor Case 0 ButtonSellConfirmationSell() Case 1 ButtonSellConfirmationCancel() End Select End If End Sub Private Sub DrawSellConfirmation() Me.DrawSellItems() Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2 - 300), CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 200), 600, 400), New Color(0, 0, 0, 150)) Dim tradeItem As TradeItem = Me.SellItemsList(Me.Scroll + Me.Cursor) Dim text As String = "Do you want to sell" & Environment.NewLine & Me.SellItemsAmount & " " & tradeItem.GetItem().OneLineName & "?" Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, text, New Vector2(Core.windowSize.Width / 2.0F - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(text).X, Core.windowSize.Height / 2.0F - 170), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 2.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) DrawButton(New Vector2(Core.windowSize.Width / 2.0F - 192, Core.windowSize.Height / 2.0F - 60), 4, "Sell", 16, Nothing) DrawButton(New Vector2(Core.windowSize.Width / 2.0F - 192, Core.windowSize.Height / 2.0F + 36), 4, "Cancel", 16, Nothing) ' Cursor: Dim cPosition As Vector2 = New Vector2(Core.windowSize.Width / 2.0F - 192 + 280, Core.windowSize.Height / 2.0F - 60 + Me.sellItemsConfirmationCursor * 96 - 42) Dim t As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\General", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), "") Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(cPosition.X), CInt(cPosition.Y), 64, 64), Color.White) End Sub Private Sub ButtonSellConfirmationSell() Dim tradeItem As TradeItem = Me.SellItemsList(Me.Scroll + Me.Cursor) Me.ChangeCurrencyAmount(tradeItem.SellPrice() * Me.SellItemsAmount) Core.Player.Inventory.RemoveItem(tradeItem.ItemID, Me.SellItemsAmount) Me.LoadSellItemsList() Me.SellItemsClampCursor() SoundManager.PlaySound("buy") If Me.SellItemsList.Count = 0 Then Me.MenuState = MenuStates.SellItemsCategory Me.LoadSellCategoryItems() Else Me.MenuState = MenuStates.SellItems End If End Sub Private Sub ButtonSellConfirmationCancel() Me.MenuState = MenuStates.SellItems End Sub #End Region ''' ''' Draws a button on the screen. ''' ''' The position of the button in absolute screen coordinates. ''' The width of the button in 64px steps. 5 is default. ''' The text to be displayed on the button. ''' The offset on the text on the button. 16 is default. Private Sub DrawButton(ByVal Position As Vector2, ByVal Width As Integer, ByVal Text As String, ByVal TextOffset As Integer, Optional ByVal Image As Texture2D = Nothing) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X), CInt(Position.Y), 64, 64), New Rectangle(16, 16, 16, 16), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X) + 64, CInt(Position.Y), 64 * Width, 64), New Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), Color.White) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Me.texture, New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X) + 64 * (Width + 1), CInt(Position.Y), 64, 64), New Rectangle(16, 16, 16, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0.0F) If Image Is Nothing Then Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, Text, New Vector2(TextOffset + CInt(Position.X), CInt(Position.Y) + 16), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) Else Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, Text, New Vector2(4 + 16 + Image.Width + TextOffset + CInt(Position.X), CInt(Position.Y) + 16), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F) Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(Image, New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X) + TextOffset + 8, CInt(Position.Y) + 19, Image.Width, Image.Height), Color.White) End If End Sub Private Sub DrawBanner(ByVal Position As Vector2, ByVal Height As Integer, ByVal Text As String, ByVal Font As SpriteFont, Optional ByVal FixedWidth As Integer? = Nothing) Dim textWidth As Single = Font.MeasureString(Text).X Dim textHeight As Single = Font.MeasureString(Text).Y Dim textY As Single = (Height / 2.0F) - (textHeight / 2.0F) Dim Width As Integer = CInt((Height + 10) * 2 + textWidth) If FixedWidth.HasValue = True Then Width = FixedWidth.GetValueOrDefault() End If Canvas.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X), CInt(Position.Y), Height, Height), New Color(42, 167, 198, 0), New Color(42, 167, 198, 150), True, -1) Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X) + Height, CInt(Position.Y), Width - (Height * 2), Height), New Color(42, 167, 198, 150)) Canvas.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X) + (Width - Height), CInt(Position.Y), Height, Height), New Color(42, 167, 198, 150), New Color(42, 167, 198, 0), True, -1) Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(Font, Text, New Vector2(Position.X + Height + 10, Position.Y + textY), Color.White) End Sub Private Function GetItemTypeTexture(ByVal itemType As Items.ItemTypes) As Texture2D Dim i As Integer = 0 Select Case itemType Case Items.ItemTypes.Standard i = 0 Case Items.ItemTypes.Medicine i = 1 Case Items.ItemTypes.Machines i = 2 Case Items.ItemTypes.Pokéballs i = 3 Case Items.ItemTypes.Plants i = 4 Case Items.ItemTypes.Mail i = 5 Case Items.ItemTypes.BattleItems i = 6 Case Items.ItemTypes.KeyItems i = 7 End Select Return TextureManager.GetTexture(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\BagPack"), New Rectangle(i * 24, 150, 24, 24)) End Function Private Function GetCurrencyAmount() As Integer Select Case Me.Currency Case Currencies.BattlePoints Return Core.Player.BP Case Currencies.Coins Return Core.Player.Coins Case Currencies.Pokédollar Return Core.Player.Money End Select Return 0 End Function Private Function GetCurrencyDisplay() As String Select Case Me.Currency Case Currencies.BattlePoints Return GetCurrencyAmount().ToString() & " Battle Points" Case Currencies.Coins Return GetCurrencyAmount().ToString() & " Coins" Case Currencies.Pokédollar Return GetCurrencyAmount().ToString() & "$" End Select Return "" End Function Private Function GetCurrencyShort() As String Select Case Me.Currency Case Currencies.BattlePoints Return "BP" Case Currencies.Coins Return "C" Case Currencies.Pokédollar Return "$" End Select Return "" End Function Private Sub ChangeCurrencyAmount(ByVal change As Integer) Select Case Me.Currency Case Currencies.BattlePoints Core.Player.BP = (Core.Player.BP + change).Clamp(0, Integer.MaxValue) Case Currencies.Coins Core.Player.Coins = (Core.Player.Coins + change).Clamp(0, Integer.MaxValue) Case Currencies.Pokédollar Core.Player.Money = (Core.Player.Money + change).Clamp(0, Integer.MaxValue) End Select End Sub End Class