version=2 :if:=tuesday :then @Text.Show(Tuscany: Today is~not Tuesday. That~is unfortunate...) :else :if:=false :then @Text.Show(Tuscany: I do believe~that this is*the first time~we've met?*Please allow me to~introduce myself.*I am Tuscany of~Tuesday.*By way of introduction,~please*accept this gift,~a Silk Scarf.) @item.give(90) @item.messagegive(90,1) @Text.Show(Tuscany: Wouldn't~you agree that it~is most adorable?*It strengthens~normal-type moves.*I am certain it~will be of use.) @Register.register(tuscany_item) :endif @text.Show(Tuscany: Have you~met Monica, my~older sister?*Or my younger~brother, Wesley?*I am the second of~seven children.) :endif :end