version=2 :if:=1 :then you want to~end the contest?*You haven't caught a~bug Pokémon yet.~That means you won't get~a prize afterwards.),No) :when:Yes @screen.fadeout @player.warp(nationalpark\nationalpark1.dat,4,0.1,2,0) @level.update @player.turnto(0) @screen.fadein @level.update :if:>0 :then will take the~Park Balls.) @item.clearitem(177) :endif's Contest is~over. We hope you*will participate~in the future.) :end :when:No fun catching~more bug Pokémon.) :end :endwhen :else you want to~end the contest?),No) :when:Yes, please follow me to~the center of the park.) @script.start(nationalpark\contest_prize) :when:No fun catching~more bug Pokémon.) :end :endwhen :endif :end