''' Represents a Pokémon.
Public Class Pokemon
''' Defines which Pokémon in the default GameMode are considered "legendary".
Public Shared ReadOnly Legendaries() As Integer = {144, 145, 146, 150, 151, 243, 244, 245, 249, 250, 251, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 772, 773, 785, 786, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898}
Public Shared ReadOnly Property MasterShinyRate(Optional ByVal adjusted As Boolean = True) As Integer
Dim shinyRate As Integer = 4096
If adjusted Then
For Each mysteryEvent As MysteryEventScreen.MysteryEvent In MysteryEventScreen.ActivatedMysteryEvents
If mysteryEvent.EventType = MysteryEventScreen.EventTypes.ShinyMultiplier Then
shinyRate = CInt(shinyRate / CSng(mysteryEvent.Value.Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)))
End If
If Core.Player.Inventory.GetItemAmount(242.ToString) > 0 Then
shinyRate = CInt(shinyRate * 0.25F)
End If
End If
Return shinyRate
End Get
End Property
#Region "Events"
Public Event TexturesCleared(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
#End Region
#Region "Enums"
''' The different experience types a Pokémon can have.
Public Enum ExperienceTypes
End Enum
''' EggGroups a Pokémon can have to define its breeding compatibility.
Public Enum EggGroups
End Enum
''' Genders of a Pokémon.
Public Enum Genders
End Enum
''' The status problems a Pokémon can have.
Public Enum StatusProblems
End Enum
''' The volatile status a Pokémon can have.
Public Enum VolatileStatus
End Enum
''' Different natures of a Pokémon.
Public Enum Natures
End Enum
''' Ways to change the Friendship value of a Pokémon.
Public Enum FriendShipCauses
End Enum
#End Region
#Region "Properties"
''' Returns the name to reference to the animation/model of this Pokémon.
Public AbilityTag As New List(Of Integer)
Public ReadOnly Property AnimationName() As String
Return PokemonForms.GetAnimationName(Me)
End Get
End Property
Public Property AdditionalData() As String
Return Me._additionalData
End Get
Set(value As String)
Dim oldval As String = Me._additionalData
If oldval <> value Then
Me._additionalData = value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Property Number() As Integer
Return Me._number
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._number = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property ExperienceType() As ExperienceTypes
Return Me._experienceType
End Get
Set(value As ExperienceTypes)
Me._experienceType = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property BaseExperience() As Integer
Return Me._baseExperience
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._baseExperience = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Name() As String
Return Me._name
End Get
Set(value As String)
Me._name = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property CatchRate() As Integer
Return Me._catchRate
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._catchRate = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property BaseFriendship() As Integer
Return Me._baseFriendship
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._baseFriendship = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property BaseEggSteps() As Integer
Return Me._baseEggSteps
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._baseEggSteps = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property EggGroup1() As EggGroups
Return Me._eggGroup1
End Get
Set(value As EggGroups)
Me._eggGroup1 = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property EggGroup2() As EggGroups
Return Me._eggGroup2
End Get
Set(value As EggGroups)
Me._eggGroup2 = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property IsMale() As Decimal
Return Me._isMale
End Get
Set(value As Decimal)
Me._isMale = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property IsGenderless() As Boolean
Return Me._isGenderLess
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
Me._isGenderLess = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Devolution() As String
Return Me._devolution
End Get
Set(value As String)
Me._devolution = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property CanLearnAllMachines() As Boolean
Return Me._canLearnAllMachines
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
Me._canLearnAllMachines = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property CanSwim() As Boolean
Return Me._canSwim
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
Me._canSwim = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property CanFly() As Boolean
Return Me._canFly
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
Me._canFly = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property EggPokemon() As String
Return Me._eggPokemon
End Get
Set(value As String)
Me._eggPokemon = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property TradeValue() As Integer
Return Me._tradeValue
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._tradeValue = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property CanBreed() As Boolean
Return Me._canBreed
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
Me._canBreed = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Experience() As Integer
Return Me._experience
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._experience = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Gender() As Genders
Return Me._gender
End Get
Set(value As Genders)
Me._gender = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property EggSteps() As Integer
Return Me._eggSteps
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._eggSteps = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property NickName() As String
Return Me._nickName
End Get
Set(value As String)
Me._nickName = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Level() As Integer
Return Me._level
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._level = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property OT() As String
Return Me._OT
End Get
Set(value As String)
Me._OT = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Status() As StatusProblems
Return Me._status
End Get
Set(value As StatusProblems)
Me._status = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Nature() As Natures
Return Me._nature
End Get
Set(value As Natures)
Me._nature = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property CatchLocation() As String
If _catchLocation.StartsWith("") Then
Return Localization.GetString(_catchLocation.Remove(_catchLocation.Length - 2, 2).Remove(0, "") Then
Return Localization.GetString(_catchTrainerName.Remove(_catchTrainerName.Length - 2, 2).Remove(0, "") Then
Return Localization.GetString(_catchMethod.Remove(_catchMethod.Length - 2, 2).Remove(0, " "" Then
Return New Element(Element.Types.Blank)
Return _type2
End If
End Get
Set(value As Element)
_type2 = value
End Set
End Property
Private _type1 As Element
Private _type2 As Element
Public StartItems As New Dictionary(Of Item, Integer)
Public AttackLearns As New Dictionary(Of Integer, BattleSystem.Attack)
Public EggMoves As New List(Of Integer)
Public TutorAttacks As New List(Of BattleSystem.Attack)
Public EvolutionConditions As New List(Of EvolutionCondition)
Public NewAbilities As New List(Of Ability)
Public HiddenAbility As Ability = Nothing
Public Machines As New List(Of Integer)
Public PokedexEntry As PokedexEntry
Public Cry As SoundEffect
Public WildItems As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
Public RegionalForms As String = ""
Public DexForms As New List(Of String)
Public EvolutionLines As New List(Of String)
Private _name As String
Private _number As Integer
Private _experienceType As ExperienceTypes
Private _baseExperience As Integer
Private _catchRate As Integer
Private _baseFriendship As Integer
Private _eggGroup1 As EggGroups
Private _eggGroup2 As EggGroups
Private _baseEggSteps As Integer
Private _isMale As Decimal
Private _isGenderLess As Boolean
Private _devolution As String = "0"
Private _canLearnAllMachines As Boolean = False
Private _canSwim As Boolean
Private _canFly As Boolean
Private _eggPokemon As String = "0"
Private _tradeValue As Integer = 10
Private _canBreed As Boolean = True
#End Region
#Region "SavedStats"
#Region "Stats"
Private _HP As Integer
Private _maxHP As Integer
Private _attack As Integer
Private _defense As Integer
Private _SpAttack As Integer
Private _SpDefense As Integer
Private _speed As Integer
''' The HP of this Pokémon.
Public Property HP() As Integer
Return Me._HP
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._HP = value
End Set
End Property
''' The maximal HP of this Pokémon.
Public Property MaxHP() As Integer
Return Me._maxHP
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._maxHP = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Attack of this Pokémon.
Public Property Attack() As Integer
Return Me._attack
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._attack = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Defense of this Pokémon.
Public Property Defense() As Integer
Return Me._defense
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._defense = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Special Attack of this Pokémon.
Public Property SpAttack() As Integer
Return Me._SpAttack
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._SpAttack = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Special Defense of this Pokémon.
Public Property SpDefense() As Integer
Return Me._SpDefense
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._SpDefense = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Speed of this Pokémon.
Public Property Speed() As Integer
Return Me._speed
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._speed = value
End Set
End Property
#End Region
#Region "EVStats"
Private _EVHP As Integer
Private _EVAttack As Integer
Private _EVDefense As Integer
Private _EVSpAttack As Integer
Private _EVSpDefense As Integer
Private _EVSpeed As Integer
''' The HP EV this Pokémon got.
Public Property EVHP() As Integer
Return Me._EVHP
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._EVHP = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Attack EV this Pokémon got.
Public Property EVAttack() As Integer
Return Me._EVAttack
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._EVAttack = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Defense EV this Pokémon got.
Public Property EVDefense() As Integer
Return Me._EVDefense
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._EVDefense = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Special Attack EV this Pokémon got.
Public Property EVSpAttack() As Integer
Return Me._EVSpAttack
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._EVSpAttack = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Special Defense EV this Pokémon got.
Public Property EVSpDefense() As Integer
Return Me._EVSpDefense
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._EVSpDefense = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Speed EV this Pokémon got.
Public Property EVSpeed() As Integer
Return Me._EVSpeed
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._EVSpeed = value
End Set
End Property
#End Region
#Region "IVStats"
Private _IVHP As Integer
Private _IVAttack As Integer
Private _IVDefense As Integer
Private _IVSpAttack As Integer
Private _IVSpDefense As Integer
Private _IVSpeed As Integer
''' The HP IV this Pokémon got.
Public Property IVHP() As Integer
Return Me._IVHP
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._IVHP = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Attack IV this Pokémon got.
Public Property IVAttack() As Integer
Return Me._IVAttack
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._IVAttack = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Defense IV this Pokémon got.
Public Property IVDefense() As Integer
Return Me._IVDefense
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._IVDefense = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Special Attack IV this Pokémon got.
Public Property IVSpAttack() As Integer
Return Me._IVSpAttack
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._IVSpAttack = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Special Defense IV this Pokémon got.
Public Property IVSpDefense() As Integer
Return Me._IVSpDefense
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._IVSpDefense = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Speed IV this Pokémon got.
Public Property IVSpeed() As Integer
Return Me._IVSpeed
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._IVSpeed = value
End Set
End Property
#End Region
Private _item As Item
Private _additionalData As String = ""
Public Property Item() As Item
Return Me._item
End Get
Set(value As Item)
Me._item = value
End Set
End Property
Public Attacks As New List(Of BattleSystem.Attack)
Public Ability As Ability
Public CatchBall As Item = Item.GetItemByID(5.ToString)
Private _experience As Integer
Private _gender As Genders
Private _eggSteps As Integer
Private _nickName As String
Private _level As Integer
Private _OT As String = "00000"
Private _status As StatusProblems = StatusProblems.None
Private _nature As Natures
Private _catchLocation As String = "an unknown place"
Private _catchTrainerName As String = "???"
Private _catchMethod As String = "Somehow obtained at"
Private _friendship As Integer
Private _isShiny As Boolean
Private _individualValue As String = ""
#End Region
#Region "Temp"
Private _volatiles As New List(Of VolatileStatus)
''' Returns if this Pokémon is affected by a Volatile Status effect.
''' The Volatile Status effect to test for.
Public Function HasVolatileStatus(ByVal VolatileStatus As VolatileStatus) As Boolean
Return Me._volatiles.Contains(VolatileStatus)
End Function
''' Affects this Pokémon with a Volatile Status.
''' The Volatile Status to affect this Pokémon with.
Public Sub AddVolatileStatus(ByVal VolatileStatus As VolatileStatus)
If Me._volatiles.Contains(VolatileStatus) = False Then
End If
End Sub
''' Removes a Volatile Status effect this Pokémon is affected by.
''' The Volatile Status effect to remove.
Public Sub RemoveVolatileStatus(ByVal VolatileStatus As VolatileStatus)
If Me._volatiles.Contains(VolatileStatus) = True Then
End If
End Sub
''' Clears all Volatile Status effects affecting this Pokémon.
Public Sub ClearAllVolatiles()
End Sub
Public StatAttack As Integer = 0
Public StatDefense As Integer = 0
Public StatSpAttack As Integer = 0
Public StatSpDefense As Integer = 0
Public StatSpeed As Integer = 0
Public Accuracy As Integer = 0
Public Evasion As Integer = 0
Public hasLeveledUp As Boolean = False
Public SleepTurns As Integer = -1
Public ConfusionTurns As Integer = -1
Public LastHitByMove As BattleSystem.Attack
Public LastDamageReceived As Integer = 0
Public LastHitPhysical As Integer = -1
''' Resets the temp storages of the Pokémon.
Public Sub ResetTemp()
For Each attack As BattleSystem.Attack In Me.Attacks
If attack.Disabled > 0 Then
attack.Disabled = 0
End If
StatAttack = 0
StatDefense = 0
StatSpAttack = 0
StatSpDefense = 0
StatSpeed = 0
Accuracy = 0
Evasion = 0
If _originalNumber > -1 Then
Me.Number = _originalNumber
_originalNumber = -1
End If
If Not _originalItem Is Nothing Then
Me._originalItem = Nothing
End If
If OriginalType1 IsNot Nothing Then
Me.Type1.Type = OriginalType1.Type
OriginalType1 = Nothing
End If
If OriginalType2 IsNot Nothing Then
Me.Type2.Type = OriginalType2.Type
OriginalType2 = Nothing
End If
If _originalStats(0) > -1 Then
Me.Attack = _originalStats(0)
_originalStats(0) = -1
End If
If _originalStats(1) > -1 Then
Me.Defense = _originalStats(1)
_originalStats(1) = -1
End If
If _originalStats(2) > -1 Then
Me.SpAttack = _originalStats(2)
_originalStats(2) = -1
End If
If _originalStats(3) > -1 Then
Me.SpDefense = _originalStats(3)
_originalStats(3) = -1
End If
If _originalStats(4) > -1 Then
Me.Speed = _originalStats(4)
_originalStats(4) = -1
End If
If _originalShiny > -1 Then
If _originalShiny = 0 Then
Me.IsShiny = False
ElseIf _originalShiny = 1 Then
Me.IsShiny = True
End If
Me._originalShiny = -1
End If
If Not Me._originalMoves Is Nothing Then
For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In Me._originalMoves
Me._originalMoves = Nothing
End If
Me.Ability = Me._originalAbility
Me.IsTransformed = False
End Sub
'Just use these subs when doing/reverting mega evolutions.
Public NormalAbility As Ability = New Abilities.Stench
Public Sub LoadAltAbility()
NormalAbility = OriginalAbility
Me.Ability = NewAbilities(0)
End Sub
Public Sub RestoreAbility()
Me.Ability = NormalAbility
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "OriginalStats"
'Original Stats store the stats that the Pokémon has by default. When they get overwritten (for example by Dittos Transform move), the original values get stored in the "Original_X" value.
'All these properties ensure that no part of the original Pokémon gets overwritten once the original value got set into place.
''' The Pokémon's original primary type.
Public Property OriginalType1() As Element
Return Me._originalType1
End Get
Set(value As Element)
Me._originalType1 = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Pokémon's original secondary type.
Public Property OriginalType2() As Element
Return Me._originalType2
End Get
Set(value As Element)
Me._originalType2 = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Pokémon's original national Pokédex number.
Public Property OriginalNumber() As Integer
Return Me._originalNumber
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
If Me._originalNumber = -1 Then
Me._originalNumber = value
End If
End Set
End Property
''' The Pokémon's original shiny state.
Public Property OriginalShiny() As Integer
Return Me._originalShiny
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
If Me._originalShiny = -1 Then
Me._originalShiny = value
End If
End Set
End Property
''' The Pokémon's original stats.
Public Property OriginalStats() As Integer()
Return Me._originalStats
End Get
Set(value As Integer())
If Me._originalStats Is {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1} Then
Me._originalStats = value
End If
End Set
End Property
''' The Pokémon's original ability.
Public ReadOnly Property OriginalAbility() As Ability
Return Me._originalAbility
End Get
End Property
Public Sub SetOriginalAbility()
Me._originalAbility = Ability
End Sub
''' The Pokémon's original hold item.
Public Property OriginalItem() As Item
Return Me._originalItem
End Get
Set(value As Item)
Me._originalItem = value
End Set
End Property
''' The Pokémon's original moveset.
Public Property OriginalMoves() As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack)
Return Me._originalMoves
End Get
Set(value As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack))
If Me._originalMoves Is Nothing Then
Me._originalMoves = value
End If
End Set
End Property
''' If this Pokémon has been using the Transform move (or any other move/ability that causes similar effects).
Public Property IsTransformed() As Boolean
Return Me._isTransformed
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
Me._isTransformed = value
End Set
End Property
Private _originalType1 As Element = Nothing
Private _originalType2 As Element = Nothing
Private _originalNumber As Integer = -1
Private _originalStats() As Integer = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}
Private _originalShiny As Integer = -1
Private _originalMoves As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) = Nothing
Private _originalAbility As Ability = Nothing
Private _originalItem As Item = Nothing
Private _isTransformed As Boolean = False
#End Region
Private Textures As New List(Of Texture2D)
Private Scale As New Vector3(1)
''' Empties the cached textures.
Public Sub ClearTextures()
Textures.AddRange({Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing})
RaiseEvent TexturesCleared(Me, New EventArgs())
End Sub
#Region "Constructors and Data Handlers"
''' Creates a new instance of the Pokémon class.
Private Sub New()
End Sub
''' Returns a new Pokémon class instance.
''' The number of the Pokémon in the national Pokédex.
Public Shared Function GetPokemonByID(ByVal Number As Integer) As Pokemon
Return GetPokemonByID(Number, "")
End Function
Public Shared Function GetPokemonByID(ByVal Number As Integer, ByVal AdditionalData As String, Optional ByVal PreventFormGeneration As Boolean = False) As Pokemon
Dim p As New Pokemon()
p.LoadDefinitions(Number, AdditionalData)
If PreventFormGeneration = False Then
p.AdditionalData = AdditionalData
p._additionalData = AdditionalData
End If
Return p
End Function
''' Checks if a requested Pokémon data file exists.
Public Shared Function PokemonDataExists(ByVal DataID As String) As Boolean
Return System.IO.File.Exists(GameModeManager.GetPokemonDataFilePath(DataID & ".dat"))
End Function
''' Returns a new Pokémon class instance defined by data.
''' The data that defines the Pokémon.
Public Shared Function GetPokemonByData(ByVal InputData As String) As Pokemon
Dim Tags As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim Data() As String = InputData.Replace("§", ",").Replace("«", "[").Replace("»", "]").Split(CChar("}"))
For Each Tag As String In Data
If Tag.Contains("{") = True And Tag.Contains("[") = True Then
Dim TagName As String = Tag.Remove(0, 2)
TagName = TagName.Remove(TagName.IndexOf(""""))
Catch ex As Exception
Logger.Debug("Pokemon.vb, GetPokemonByData: Wrong Pokemon data, symbol "" was missing")
End Try
Dim TagContent As String = Tag.Remove(0, Tag.IndexOf("[") + 1)
TagContent = TagContent.Remove(TagContent.IndexOf("]"))
Catch ex As Exception
Logger.Debug("Pokemon.vb, GetPokemonByData: Wrong Pokemon data, symbol ] was missing")
End Try
If Tags.ContainsKey(TagName) = False Then
Tags.Add(TagName, TagContent)
End If
End If
Dim NewAdditionalData As String = ""
If Tags.ContainsKey("AdditionalData") = True Then
NewAdditionalData = CStr(Tags("AdditionalData"))
End If
Dim PokemonID As Integer = 10
If Tags.ContainsKey("Pokemon") = True Then
PokemonID = CInt(Tags("Pokemon"))
End If
Dim Level As Integer = 5
If Tags.ContainsKey("Level") = True Then
Level = CInt(Tags("Level"))
End If
Dim p As Pokemon = GetPokemonByID(PokemonID, NewAdditionalData)
Return p
End Function
''' Loads definition data from the data files and empties the temp textures.
Public Sub ReloadDefinitions()
Me.LoadDefinitions(Me.Number, Me.AdditionalData)
End Sub
''' Loads definition data from the data file.
''' The number of the Pokémon in the national Pokédex.
''' The additional data.
Public Sub LoadDefinitions(ByVal Number As Integer, ByVal AdditionalData As String)
Dim path As String = PokemonForms.GetPokemonDataFile(Number, AdditionalData)
Security.FileValidation.CheckFileValid(path, False, "Pokemon.vb")
Dim Data() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path)
For Each Line As String In Data
Dim VarName As String = Line.GetSplit(0, "|")
Dim Value As String = Line.GetSplit(1, "|")
Select Case VarName.ToLower()
Case "name"
Me.Name = Value
Case "number"
Me.Number = CInt(Value)
Case "baseexperience"
Me.BaseExperience = CInt(Value)
Case "experiencetype"
Select Case CInt(Value)
Case 0
Me.ExperienceType = ExperienceTypes.Fast
Case 1
Me.ExperienceType = ExperienceTypes.MediumFast
Case 2
Me.ExperienceType = ExperienceTypes.MediumSlow
Case 3
Me.ExperienceType = ExperienceTypes.Slow
End Select
Case "type1"
Me.Type1 = New Element(Value)
Case "type2"
Me.Type2 = New Element(Value)
Case "catchrate"
Me.CatchRate = CInt(Value)
Case "basefriendship"
Me.BaseFriendship = CInt(Value)
Case "egggroup1"
Me.EggGroup1 = ConvertIDToEggGroup(Value)
Case "egggroup2"
Me.EggGroup2 = ConvertIDToEggGroup(Value)
Case "baseeggsteps"
Me.BaseEggSteps = CInt(Value)
Case "ismale"
If Value.Contains(".") Then
Value = Value.Replace(".", ",")
End If
Me.IsMale = CDec(Value.Replace(",", GameController.DecSeparator))
Case "isgenderless"
Me.IsGenderless = CBool(Value)
Case "devolution"
Me.Devolution = Value
Case "ability1", "ability"
If Value <> "Nothing" Then
End If
Case "ability2"
If Value <> "Nothing" Then
End If
Case "hiddenability"
If Value <> "Nothing" Then
Me.HiddenAbility = Ability.GetAbilityByID(CInt(Value))
End If
Case "machines"
If Value <> "" Then
If Value.Contains(",") = True Then
Dim MachinesValue() As String = Value.Split(CChar(","))
For i = 0 To MachinesValue.Length - 1
If StringHelper.IsNumeric(MachinesValue(i)) Then
End If
If StringHelper.IsNumeric(Value) Then
If CInt(Value) = -1 Then
Me.CanLearnAllMachines = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "eggmoves"
If Value <> "" Then
If Value.Contains(",") = True Then
Dim EggMoveValues() As String = Value.Split(CChar(","))
For i = 0 To EggMoveValues.Length - 1
End If
End If
Case "tutormoves"
If Value <> "" Then
If Value.Contains(",") = True Then
Dim TutorValue() As String = Value.Split(CChar(","))
For i = 0 To TutorValue.Length - 1
End If
End If
Case "eggpokemon"
Me.EggPokemon = Value
Case "regionalforms"
Me.RegionalForms = Value
Case "dexforms"
If Value <> "" Then
If Value.Contains(",") = True Then
Dim FormValue() As String = Value.Split(CChar(","))
For i = 0 To FormValue.Length - 1
End If
Me.DexForms.Add(" ".ToLower)
End If
Case "evolutionline"
Case "canbreed"
Me.CanBreed = CBool(Value)
Case "basehp"
Me.BaseHP = CInt(Value)
Case "baseattack"
Me.BaseAttack = CInt(Value)
Case "basedefense"
Me.BaseDefense = CInt(Value)
Case "basespattack"
Me.BaseSpAttack = CInt(Value)
Case "basespdefense"
Me.BaseSpDefense = CInt(Value)
Case "basespeed"
Me.BaseSpeed = CInt(Value)
Case "fphp"
Me.GiveEVHP = CInt(Value)
Case "fpattack"
Me.GiveEVAttack = CInt(Value)
Case "fpdefense"
Me.GiveEVDefense = CInt(Value)
Case "fpspattack"
Me.GiveEVSpAttack = CInt(Value)
Case "fpspdefense"
Me.GiveEVSpDefense = CInt(Value)
Case "fpspeed"
Me.GiveEVSpeed = CInt(Value)
Case "canswim"
Me.CanSwim = CBool(Value)
Case "canfly"
Me.CanFly = CBool(Value)
Case "pokedex"
Dim PokedexData() As String = Value.Split(CChar("\"))
Me.PokedexEntry = New PokedexEntry(PokedexData(0), PokedexData(1), CSng(PokedexData(2).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), CSng(PokedexData(3).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), New Color(CInt(PokedexData(4).GetSplit(0)), CInt(PokedexData(4).GetSplit(1)), CInt(PokedexData(4).GetSplit(2))))
Case "scale"
If Value.Contains(".") Then
Value = Value.Replace(".", ",")
End If
Me.Scale = New Vector3(CSng(Value.Replace(",", GameController.DecSeparator)))
Case "move"
Dim Level As Integer = CInt(Value.GetSplit(0))
Dim MoveID As Integer = CInt(Value.GetSplit(1))
If AttackLearns.ContainsKey(Level) = True Then
While AttackLearns.ContainsKey(Level)
Level += 1
End While
End If
Me.AttackLearns.Add(Level, BattleSystem.Attack.GetAttackByID(MoveID))
Case "evolutioncondition"
Dim EvolutionData() As String = Value.Split(CChar(","))
Dim Evolution As String = EvolutionData(0)
Dim Type As String = EvolutionData(1)
Dim Argument As String = EvolutionData(2)
Dim Trigger As String = EvolutionData(3)
Dim EvolutionExists As Boolean = False
Dim e As EvolutionCondition = New EvolutionCondition
For Each oldE As EvolutionCondition In Me.EvolutionConditions
If e.Evolution = oldE.Evolution AndAlso e.Trigger = oldE.Trigger Then
e = oldE
EvolutionExists = True
End If
e.AddCondition(Type, Argument)
If EvolutionExists = False Then
End If
Case "item"
Dim chance As Integer = CInt(Value.GetSplit(0))
Dim itemID As String = Value.GetSplit(1)
If Not WildItems.ContainsKey(chance) Then
WildItems.Add(chance, itemID)
End If
Case "tradevalue"
Me.TradeValue = CInt(Value)
End Select
If Me.EggPokemon = "" Then
Me.EggPokemon = Me.Number.ToString
End If
Dim pAttacks As New SortedDictionary(Of Integer, BattleSystem.Attack)
For i = 0 To AttackLearns.Count - 1
pAttacks.Add(AttackLearns.Keys(i), AttackLearns.Values(i))
For i = 0 To pAttacks.Count - 1
AttackLearns.Add(pAttacks.Keys(i), pAttacks.Values(i))
If Me.Devolution = "0" Then
If CInt(Me.EggPokemon.GetSplit(0, "_")) > 0 And CInt(Me.EggPokemon.GetSplit(0, "_")) <> Me.Number Then
If Me.Number - CInt(Me.EggPokemon.GetSplit(0, "_")) = 2 Then
Me.Devolution = CStr(Me.Number - 1)
ElseIf Me.Number - CInt(Me.EggPokemon.GetSplit(0, "_")) = 1 Then
Me.Devolution = CStr(Me.EggPokemon)
End If
End If
End If
If AdditionalData = "" Then
Me.AdditionalData = PokemonForms.GetInitialAdditionalData(Me)
End If
End Sub
''' Applies data to the Pokémon.
''' The input data.
Public Sub LoadData(ByVal InputData As String)
Dim loadedHP As Boolean = False
Dim loadedEXP As Boolean = False
Dim loadedAttacks As Boolean = False
Dim loadedIVs As Boolean = False
Dim loadedAbility As Boolean = False
Dim loadedGender As Boolean = False
Dim loadedNature As Boolean = False
Dim loadedFriendship As Boolean = False
Dim loadedShiny As Boolean = False
Dim Tags As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim Data() As String = InputData.Replace("§", ",").Replace("«", "[").Replace("»", "]").Split(CChar("}"))
For Each Tag As String In Data
If Tag.Contains("{") = True And Tag.Contains("[") = True Then
Dim TagName As String = Tag.Remove(0, 2)
TagName = TagName.Remove(TagName.IndexOf(""""))
Catch ex As Exception
Logger.Debug("Pokemon.vb, LoadData: Wrong Pokemon data, symbol "" was missing")
End Try
Dim TagContent As String = Tag.Remove(0, Tag.IndexOf("[") + 1)
TagContent = TagContent.Remove(TagContent.IndexOf("]"))
Catch ex As Exception
Logger.Debug("Pokemon.vb, LoadData: Wrong Pokemon data, symbol ] was missing")
End Try
If Tags.ContainsKey(TagName) = False Then
Tags.Add(TagName, TagContent)
End If
End If
Me.CatchTrainerName = Core.Player.Name
Me.OT = Core.Player.OT
Me.CatchBall = Item.GetItemByID(5.ToString)
For i = 0 To Tags.Count - 1
Dim tagName As String = Tags.Keys(i)
Dim tagValue As String = Tags.Values(i)
Select Case tagName.ToLower()
Case "originalnumber"
Me.OriginalNumber = CInt(tagValue)
Case "experience"
Me.Experience = CInt(tagValue)
loadedEXP = True
Case "gender"
Select Case CInt(tagValue)
Case 0
Me.Gender = Genders.Male
Case 1
Me.Gender = Genders.Female
Case 2
Me.Gender = Genders.Genderless
End Select
loadedGender = True
Case "eggsteps"
Me.EggSteps = CInt(tagValue)
Case "item"
If StringHelper.IsNumeric(tagValue) Then
Me.Item = Item.GetItemByID(tagValue)
End If
Case "itemdata"
If Not Me.Item Is Nothing Then
Me.Item.AdditionalData = tagValue
End If
Case "nickname"
Me.NickName = tagValue
Case "level"
Me.Level = CInt(tagValue).Clamp(1, CInt(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("MaxLevel", "100")))
Case "ot"
Me.OT = tagValue
Case "ability"
Me.Ability = P3D.Ability.GetAbilityByID(CInt(tagValue))
'is this relevant for the client in PvP?
Me.NormalAbility = Ability
loadedAbility = True
Case "status"
Select Case tagValue
Case "BRN"
Me.Status = StatusProblems.Burn
Case "PSN"
Me.Status = StatusProblems.Poison
Case "PRZ"
Me.Status = StatusProblems.Paralyzed
Case "SLP"
Me.Status = StatusProblems.Sleep
Case "FNT"
Me.Status = StatusProblems.Fainted
Case "FRZ"
Me.Status = StatusProblems.Freeze
Case "BPSN"
Me.Status = StatusProblems.BadPoison
Case Else
Me.Status = StatusProblems.None
End Select
Case "nature"
Me.Nature = ConvertIDToNature(CInt(tagValue))
loadedNature = True
Case "catchlocation"
Me.CatchLocation = tagValue
Case "catchtrainer"
Me.CatchTrainerName = tagValue
Case "catchball"
Me.CatchBall = Item.GetItemByID(tagValue)
Case "catchmethod"
Me.CatchMethod = tagValue
Case "friendship"
Me.Friendship = CInt(tagValue)
loadedFriendship = True
Case "isshiny"
Me.IsShiny = CBool(tagValue)
loadedShiny = True
Case "attack1", "attack2", "attack3", "attack4"
If Not P3D.BattleSystem.Attack.ConvertStringToAttack(tagValue) Is Nothing Then
End If
loadedAttacks = True
Case "stats"
Dim Stats() As String = tagValue.Split(CChar(","))
HP = CInt(Stats(0)).Clamp(0, 999)
loadedHP = True
Case "hp"
HP = CInt(tagValue)
loadedHP = True
Case "fps", "evs"
Dim EVs() As String = tagValue.Split(CChar(","))
EVHP = CInt(EVs(0)).Clamp(0, 255)
EVAttack = CInt(EVs(1)).Clamp(0, 255)
EVDefense = CInt(EVs(2)).Clamp(0, 255)
EVSpAttack = CInt(EVs(3)).Clamp(0, 255)
EVSpDefense = CInt(EVs(4)).Clamp(0, 255)
EVSpeed = CInt(EVs(5)).Clamp(0, 255)
Case "dvs", "ivs"
Dim IVs() As String = tagValue.Split(CChar(","))
IVHP = CInt(IVs(0))
IVAttack = CInt(IVs(1))
IVDefense = CInt(IVs(2))
IVSpAttack = CInt(IVs(3))
IVSpDefense = CInt(IVs(4))
IVSpeed = CInt(IVs(5))
loadedIVs = True
Case "additionaldata"
Me.AdditionalData = tagValue
Case "idvalue"
Me.IndividualValue = tagValue
End Select
If Me.IndividualValue = "" Then
End If
Dim pDumb As Pokemon = GetPokemonByID(Me.Number, Me.AdditionalData)
pDumb.Generate(Me.Level, True)
If loadedEXP = False Then
Me.Experience = pDumb.Experience
End If
If loadedAttacks = False Then
Me.Attacks = pDumb.Attacks
End If
If loadedIVs = False Then
IVAttack = pDumb.IVAttack
IVDefense = pDumb.IVDefense
IVSpAttack = pDumb.IVSpAttack
IVSpDefense = pDumb.IVSpDefense
IVSpeed = pDumb.IVSpeed
End If
If loadedAbility = False Then
Me.Ability = pDumb.Ability
Me.NormalAbility = Ability
End If
If loadedGender = False Then
Me.Gender = pDumb.Gender
End If
If loadedNature = False Then
Me.Nature = pDumb.Nature
End If
If loadedFriendship = False Then
Me.Friendship = pDumb.Friendship
End If
If loadedShiny = False Then
Me.IsShiny = pDumb.IsShiny
End If
If loadedHP = False Then
Me.HP = Me.MaxHP
Me.HP = Me.HP.Clamp(0, Me.MaxHP)
End If
End Sub
''' Returns the important save data from the Pokémon to be displayed in the Hall of Fame.
Public Function GetHallOfFameData() As String
Dim Data As String = ""
Dim SaveGender As Integer = 0
If Me.Gender = Genders.Female Then
SaveGender = 1
End If
If Me.IsGenderless = True Then
SaveGender = 2
End If
Dim shinyString As String = "0"
If Me.IsShiny = True Then
shinyString = "1"
End If
Data = "{""Pokemon""[" & Me.Number & "]}" &
"{""Gender""[" & SaveGender & "]}" &
"{""NickName""[" & Me.NickName & "]}" &
"{""Level""[" & Me.Level & "]}" &
"{""OT""[" & Me.OT & "]}" &
"{""CatchTrainer""[" & Me.CatchTrainerName & "]}" &
"{""isShiny""[" & shinyString & "]}" &
"{""AdditionalData""[" & Me.AdditionalData & "]}" &
"{""IDValue""[" & Me.IndividualValue & "]}"
Return Data
End Function
''' Returns the save data from the Pokémon.
Public Function GetSaveData() As String
Dim SaveGender As Integer = 0
If Me.Gender = Genders.Female Then
SaveGender = 1
End If
If Me.IsGenderless = True Then
SaveGender = 2
End If
Dim SaveStatus As String = ""
Select Case Me.Status
Case StatusProblems.Burn
SaveStatus = "BRN"
Case StatusProblems.Poison
SaveStatus = "PSN"
Case StatusProblems.Paralyzed
SaveStatus = "PRZ"
Case StatusProblems.Sleep
SaveStatus = "SLP"
Case StatusProblems.Fainted
SaveStatus = "FNT"
Case StatusProblems.Freeze
SaveStatus = "FRZ"
Case StatusProblems.BadPoison
SaveStatus = "BPSN"
End Select
Dim A1 As String = ""
If Attacks.Count > 0 Then
If Not Attacks(0) Is Nothing Then
A1 = Me.Attacks(0).ToString()
End If
End If
Dim A2 As String = ""
If Attacks.Count > 1 Then
If Not Attacks(1) Is Nothing Then
A2 = Me.Attacks(1).ToString()
End If
End If
Dim A3 As String = ""
If Attacks.Count > 2 Then
If Not Attacks(2) Is Nothing Then
A3 = Me.Attacks(2).ToString()
End If
End If
Dim A4 As String = ""
If Attacks.Count > 3 Then
If Not Attacks(3) Is Nothing Then
A4 = Me.Attacks(3).ToString()
End If
End If
Dim SaveItemID As String = "0"
If Not Me.Item Is Nothing Then
If Me.Item.IsGameModeItem = True Then
SaveItemID = Me.Item.gmID.ToString()
SaveItemID = Me.Item.ID.ToString()
End If
End If
Dim ItemData As String = ""
If Not Me.Item Is Nothing Then
ItemData = Me.Item.AdditionalData
End If
Dim EVSave As String = Me.EVHP & "," & Me.EVAttack & "," & Me.EVDefense & "," & Me.EVSpAttack & "," & Me.EVSpDefense & "," & Me.EVSpeed
Dim IVSave As String = Me.IVHP & "," & Me.IVAttack & "," & Me.IVDefense & "," & Me.IVSpAttack & "," & Me.IVSpDefense & "," & Me.IVSpeed
Dim shinyString As String = "0"
If Me.IsShiny = True Then
shinyString = "1"
End If
If Me.Ability Is Nothing Then
Me.Ability = Me.NewAbilities(Core.Random.Next(0, Me.NewAbilities.Count))
End If
Dim Data As String = "{""Pokemon""[" & Me.Number & "]}" &
"{""OriginalNumber""[" & Me.OriginalNumber & "]}" &
"{""Experience""[" & Me.Experience & "]}" &
"{""Gender""[" & SaveGender & "]}" &
"{""EggSteps""[" & Me.EggSteps & "]}" &
"{""Item""[" & SaveItemID & "]}" &
"{""ItemData""[" & ItemData & "]}" &
"{""NickName""[" & Me.NickName & "]}" &
"{""Level""[" & Me.Level & "]}" &
"{""OT""[" & Me.OT & "]}" &
"{""Ability""[" & Me.Ability.ID & "]}" &
"{""Status""[" & SaveStatus & "]}" &
"{""Nature""[" & Me.Nature & "]}" &
"{""CatchLocation""[" & Me.CatchLocation & "]}" &
"{""CatchTrainer""[" & Me.CatchTrainerName & "]}" &
"{""CatchBall""[" & Me.CatchBall.ID & "]}" &
"{""CatchMethod""[" & Me.CatchMethod & "]}" &
"{""Friendship""[" & Me.Friendship & "]}" &
"{""isShiny""[" & shinyString & "]}" &
"{""Attack1""[" & A1 & "]}" &
"{""Attack2""[" & A2 & "]}" &
"{""Attack3""[" & A3 & "]}" &
"{""Attack4""[" & A4 & "]}" &
"{""HP""[" & Me.HP & "]}" &
"{""EVs""[" & EVSave & "]}" &
"{""IVs""[" & IVSave & "]}" &
"{""AdditionalData""[" & Me.AdditionalData & "]}" &
"{""IDValue""[" & Me.IndividualValue & "]}"
Return Data
End Function
''' Generates a Pokémon's initial values.
''' The level to set the Pokémon's level to.
''' If the parameters like Nature and Ability should be set. Otherwise, it just loads the attacks and sets the level.
''' Optional value for setting the additional data, defaults to xXx to assume no additional data.
Public Sub Generate(ByVal newLevel As Integer, ByVal SetParameters As Boolean, Optional OpAdData As String = "xXx")
Me.Level = 0
If SetParameters = True Then
If OpAdData = "xXx" Then
Me.AdditionalData = PokemonForms.GetInitialAdditionalData(Me)
Me.AdditionalData = OpAdData
End If
Me.Nature = CType(Core.Random.Next(0, 25), Natures)
'Synchronize ability:
If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count > 0 Then
If Core.Player.Pokemons(0).Ability.Name.ToLower() = "synchronize" Then
'If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 50 Then # GEN 8 FORCES A NATURE 100% OF TIME
Me.Nature = Core.Player.Pokemons(0).Nature
'End If
End If
End If
If Screen.Level IsNot Nothing Then
If Screen.Level.HiddenAbilityChance > Core.Random.Next(0, 100) And Me.HasHiddenAbility = True Then
Me.Ability = P3D.Ability.GetAbilityByID(Me.HiddenAbility.ID)
Me.Ability = P3D.Ability.GetAbilityByID(Me.NewAbilities(Core.Random.Next(0, Me.NewAbilities.Count)).ID)
End If
End If
Dim shinyRate As Integer = MasterShinyRate
'For Each mysteryEvent As MysteryEventScreen.MysteryEvent In MysteryEventScreen.ActivatedMysteryEvents
' If mysteryEvent.EventType = MysteryEventScreen.EventTypes.ShinyMultiplier Then
' shinyRate = CInt(shinyRate / CSng(mysteryEvent.Value.Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)))
' End If
'If Core.Player.Inventory.GetItemAmount(242) > 0 Then
' shinyRate = CInt(shinyRate * 0.75F)
'End If
If Core.Random.Next(0, shinyRate) = 0 Then
Me.IsShiny = True
End If
If Me.IsGenderless = True Then
Me.Gender = Genders.Genderless
'Determine if Pokemon is male or female depending on the rate defined in the data file:
If Core.Random.Next(1, 101) > Me.IsMale Then
Me.Gender = Genders.Female
Me.Gender = Genders.Male
End If
'Cute Charm ability:
If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count > 0 Then
If Core.Player.Pokemons(0).Gender <> Genders.Genderless And Core.Player.Pokemons(0).Ability.Name.ToLower() = "cute charm" Then
If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 67 Then
If Core.Player.Pokemons(0).Gender = Genders.Female Then
Me.Gender = Genders.Male
Me.Gender = Genders.Female
End If
Me.Gender = Core.Player.Pokemons(0).Gender
End If
End If
End If
End If
If StartItems.Count > 0 Then
Dim i As Integer = Core.Random.Next(0, StartItems.Count)
If Core.Random.Next(0, StartItems.Values(i)) = 0 Then
Me.Item = StartItems.Keys(i)
End If
End If
'Set the IV values of the Pokémon randomly, range 0-31.
Me.IVHP = Core.Random.Next(0, 32)
Me.IVAttack = Core.Random.Next(0, 32)
Me.IVDefense = Core.Random.Next(0, 32)
Me.IVSpAttack = Core.Random.Next(0, 32)
Me.IVSpDefense = Core.Random.Next(0, 32)
Me.IVSpeed = Core.Random.Next(0, 32)
Me.Friendship = Me.BaseFriendship
If WildItems.Count > 0 Then
Dim has100 As Boolean = False
Dim ChosenItemID As String = 0.ToString
For i = 0 To WildItems.Count - 1
If WildItems.Keys(i) = 100 Then
has100 = True
ChosenItemID = WildItems.Values(cint(i))
Exit For
End If
If has100 = True Then
Me.Item = Item.GetItemByID(ChosenItemID)
Dim usedWildItems As Dictionary(Of Integer, String) = Me.WildItems
'Compound eyes ability:
If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count > 0 Then
If Core.Player.Pokemons(0).Ability.Name.ToLower() = "compound eyes" Then
usedWildItems = Abilities.Compoundeyes.ConvertItemChances(usedWildItems)
End If
End If
For i = 0 To usedWildItems.Count - 1
Dim v As Integer = Core.Random.Next(0, 100)
If v < usedWildItems.Keys(i) Then
ChosenItemID = usedWildItems.Values(i)
Exit For
End If
Me.Item = Item.GetItemByID(ChosenItemID)
End If
End If
End If
'Level the Pokémon up and give the appropriate move set for its new level:
While newLevel > Me.Level
Me.Experience = NeedExperience(Me.Level)
End While
Dim canLearnMoves As New List(Of BattleSystem.Attack)
For i = 0 To Me.AttackLearns.Count - 1
If Me.AttackLearns.Keys(i) <= Me.Level Then
Dim hasMove As Boolean = False
For Each m As BattleSystem.Attack In Me.Attacks
If m.ID = Me.AttackLearns.Values(i).ID Then
hasMove = True
Exit For
End If
If hasMove = False Then
For Each m As BattleSystem.Attack In canLearnMoves
If m.ID = Me.AttackLearns.Values(i).ID Then
hasMove = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If hasMove = False Then
End If
End If
If canLearnMoves.Count > 0 Then
Dim startIndex As Integer = canLearnMoves.Count - 4
If startIndex < 0 Then
startIndex = 0
End If
For t = startIndex To canLearnMoves.Count - 1
End If
Me.HP = MaxHP
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Converters"
''' Converts an EggGroup ID string to the EggGroup enum item.
''' The ID string.
Public Shared Function ConvertIDToEggGroup(ByVal ID As String) As EggGroups
Select Case ID.ToLower()
Case "monster"
Return EggGroups.Monster
Case "water1"
Return EggGroups.Water1
Case "water2"
Return EggGroups.Water2
Case "water3"
Return EggGroups.Water3
Case "bug"
Return EggGroups.Bug
Case "flying"
Return EggGroups.Flying
Case "field"
Return EggGroups.Field
Case "fairy"
Return EggGroups.Fairy
Case "grass"
Return EggGroups.Grass
Case "undiscovered"
Return EggGroups.Undiscovered
Case "humanlike"
Return EggGroups.HumanLike
Case "mineral"
Return EggGroups.Mineral
Case "amorphous"
Return EggGroups.Amorphous
Case "ditto"
Return EggGroups.Ditto
Case "dragon"
Return EggGroups.Dragon
Case "genderunknown"
Return EggGroups.GenderUnknown
Case "none", "", "0", "nothing"
Return EggGroups.None
End Select
Return EggGroups.None
End Function
''' Converts a Nature ID to a Nature enum item.
''' The nature ID.
Public Shared Function ConvertIDToNature(ByVal ID As Integer) As Natures
Select Case ID
Case 0
Return Natures.Hardy
Case 1
Return Natures.Lonely
Case 2
Return Natures.Brave
Case 3
Return Natures.Adamant
Case 4
Return Natures.Naughty
Case 5
Return Natures.Bold
Case 6
Return Natures.Docile
Case 7
Return Natures.Relaxed
Case 8
Return Natures.Impish
Case 9
Return Natures.Lax
Case 10
Return Natures.Timid
Case 11
Return Natures.Hasty
Case 12
Return Natures.Serious
Case 13
Return Natures.Jolly
Case 14
Return Natures.Naive
Case 15
Return Natures.Modest
Case 16
Return Natures.Mild
Case 17
Return Natures.Quiet
Case 18
Return Natures.Bashful
Case 19
Return Natures.Rash
Case 20
Return Natures.Calm
Case 21
Return Natures.Gentle
Case 22
Return Natures.Sassy
Case 23
Return Natures.Careful
Case 24
Return Natures.Quirky
Case Else
Return Natures.Hardy
End Select
End Function
#End Region
''' Generates a new individual value for this Pokémon.
Private Sub GenerateIndividualValue()
Dim chars As String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
Dim s As String = ""
For x = 0 To 10
s &= chars(Core.Random.Next(0, chars.Length)).ToString()
Me.IndividualValue = s
End Sub
''' Returns the Display Name of this Pokémon.
''' Returns "Egg" when the Pokémon is in an egg. Returns the properly translated name if it exists. Returns the nickname if set.
Public Function GetDisplayName(Optional ByVal GetFormName As Boolean = False) As String
If Me.EggSteps > 0 Then
Return "Egg"
If Me.NickName = "" Then
If GetFormName = True AndAlso PokemonForms.GetFormName(Me) <> "" Then
Dim FormName As String = PokemonForms.GetFormName(Me)
If Localization.TokenExists("pokemon_name_" & FormName) = True Then
Return Localization.GetString("pokemon_name_" & FormName)
Return FormName
End If
If Localization.TokenExists("pokemon_name_" & Me.Name) = True Then
Return Localization.GetString("pokemon_name_" & Me.Name)
Return Me.Name
End If
End If
Return Me.NickName
End If
End If
End Function
''' Returns the properly translated name of a Pokémon if defined in the language files.
Public Function GetName(Optional ByVal GetFormName As Boolean = False) As String
If GetFormName = True AndAlso PokemonForms.GetFormName(Me) <> "" Then
Dim FormName As String = PokemonForms.GetFormName(Me)
If Localization.TokenExists("pokemon_name_" & FormName) = True Then
Return Localization.GetString("pokemon_name_" & FormName)
Return FormName
End If
If Localization.TokenExists("pokemon_name_" & Me.Name) = True Then
Return Localization.GetString("pokemon_name_" & Me.Name)
Return Me.Name
End If
End If
End Function
''' Returns the English name of the Pokémon.
Public Property OriginalName As String
If PokemonForms.GetFormName(Me) <> "" Then
Return PokemonForms.GetFormName(Me)
Return Me.Name
End If
End Get
Set(value As String)
Me.Name = value
End Set
End Property
#Region "Experience, Level Up and Stats"
''' Gives the Pokémon experience points and levels it up.
''' The amount of EXP.
''' If the Pokémon should learn an attack if it could learn one at level up.
Public Sub GetExperience(ByVal Exp As Integer, ByVal LearnRandomAttack As Boolean)
Me.Experience += Exp
While Me.Experience >= NeedExperience(Me.Level + 1)
End While
Me.Level = Me.Level.Clamp(1, CInt(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("MaxLevel", "100")))
End Sub
''' Rasies the Pokémon's level by one.
''' If one attack of the Pokémon should be replaced by an attack potentially learned on the new level.
Public Sub LevelUp(ByVal LearnRandomAttack As Boolean)
Me.Level += 1
Dim currentMaxHP As Integer = Me.MaxHP
'Heals the Pokémon by the HP difference.
Dim HPDifference As Integer = Me.MaxHP - currentMaxHP
If HPDifference > 0 Then
End If
If LearnRandomAttack = True Then
End If
End Sub
''' Recalculates all stats for this Pokémon using its current EVs, IVs and level.
Public Sub CalculateStatsBarSpeed()
Me.MaxHP = CalcStatus(Me.Level, True, Me.BaseHP, Me.EVHP, Me.IVHP, "HP")
Me.Attack = CalcStatus(Me.Level, False, Me.BaseAttack, Me.EVAttack, Me.IVAttack, "Attack")
Me.Defense = CalcStatus(Me.Level, False, Me.BaseDefense, Me.EVDefense, Me.IVDefense, "Defense")
Me.SpAttack = CalcStatus(Me.Level, False, Me.BaseSpAttack, Me.EVSpAttack, Me.IVSpAttack, "SpAttack")
Me.SpDefense = CalcStatus(Me.Level, False, Me.BaseSpDefense, Me.EVSpDefense, Me.IVSpDefense, "SpDefense")
End Sub
Public Sub CalculateStats()
Me.Speed = CalcStatus(Me.Level, False, Me.BaseSpeed, Me.EVSpeed, Me.IVSpeed, "Speed")
End Sub
''' Gets the value of a status.
''' The level of the Pokémon.
''' If the requested stat is HP.
''' The base stat of the Pokémon.
''' The EV stat of the Pokémon.
''' The IV stat of the Pokémon.
''' The name of the stat.
Private Function CalcStatus(ByVal calcLevel As Integer, ByVal DoHP As Boolean, ByVal baseStat As Integer, ByVal EVStat As Integer, ByVal IVStat As Integer, ByVal StatName As String) As Integer
If DoHP = True Then
If Me.Number = 292 Then
Return 1
ElseIf OriginalNumber <> -1 AndAlso OriginalNumber <> Number Then 'when transformed
Return CInt(Math.Floor((((IVStat + (2 * GetPokemonByID(OriginalNumber).BaseHP) + (EVStat / 4) + 100) * calcLevel) / 100) + 10))
Return CInt(Math.Floor((((IVStat + (2 * baseStat) + (EVStat / 4) + 100) * calcLevel) / 100) + 10))
End If
Return CInt(Math.Floor(((((IVStat + (2 * baseStat) + (EVStat / 4)) * calcLevel) / 100) + 5) * P3D.Nature.GetMultiplier(Me.Nature, StatName)))
End If
End Function
''' Replaces a random move of the Pokémon by one that it learns on a given level.
''' The level the Pokémon learns the desired move on.
Public Sub LearnAttack(ByVal learnLevel As Integer)
If AttackLearns.ContainsKey(learnLevel) = True Then
Dim a As BattleSystem.Attack = AttackLearns(learnLevel)
For Each la As BattleSystem.Attack In Attacks
If la.ID = a.ID Then
Exit Sub 'Pokémon already knows that attack.
End If
If Me.Attacks.Count = 5 Then
Attacks.RemoveAt(Core.Random.Next(0, 5))
End If
End If
End Sub
''' Returns the EXP needed for the given level.
''' The level this function should return the exp amount for.
Public Function NeedExperience(ByVal EXPLevel As Integer) As Integer
Dim n As Integer = EXPLevel
Dim i As Integer = 0
Select Case Me.ExperienceType
Case ExperienceTypes.Fast
i = CInt((4 * n * n * n) / 5)
Case ExperienceTypes.MediumFast
i = CInt(n * n * n)
Case ExperienceTypes.MediumSlow
i = CInt(((6 * n * n * n) / 5) - (15 * n * n) + (100 * n) - 140)
Case ExperienceTypes.Slow
i = CInt((5 * n * n * n) / 4)
Case Else
i = CInt(n * n * n)
End Select
If i < 0 Then
i = 0
End If
Return i
End Function
''' Returns the cummulative PP count of all moves.
Public Function CountPP() As Integer
Dim AllPP As Integer = 0
For Each Attack As BattleSystem.Attack In Attacks
AllPP += Attack.CurrentPP
Return AllPP
End Function
''' Fully heals this Pokémon.
Public Sub FullRestore()
Me.Status = StatusProblems.None
If Me.Attacks.Count > 0 Then
For d = 0 To Me.Attacks.Count - 1
Me.Attacks(d).CurrentPP = Me.Attacks(d).MaxPP
End If
End Sub
''' Heals the Pokémon.
''' The amount of HP to heal the Pokémon by.
Public Sub Heal(ByVal HealHP As Integer)
Me.HP = (Me.HP + HealHP).Clamp(0, Me.MaxHP)
End Sub
''' Changes the Friendship value of this Pokémon.
''' The cause as to why the Friendship value should change.
Public Sub ChangeFriendShip(ByVal cause As FriendShipCauses)
Dim add As Integer = 0
Select Case cause
Case FriendShipCauses.Walking
add = 1
Case FriendShipCauses.LevelUp
If Me.Friendship <= 99 Then
add = 5
ElseIf Me.Friendship > 99 And Me.Friendship <= 199 Then
add = 3
add = 2
End If
Case FriendShipCauses.Fainting
Me.Friendship -= 1
Case FriendShipCauses.EnergyPowder, FriendShipCauses.HealPowder
If Me.Friendship <= 99 Then
add = -5
ElseIf Me.Friendship > 99 And Me.Friendship <= 199 Then
add = -5
add = -10
End If
Case FriendShipCauses.EnergyRoot
If Me.Friendship <= 99 Then
add = -10
ElseIf Me.Friendship > 99 And Me.Friendship <= 199 Then
add = -10
add = -15
End If
Case FriendShipCauses.RevivalHerb
If Me.Friendship <= 99 Then
add = -15
ElseIf Me.Friendship > 99 And Me.Friendship <= 199 Then
add = -15
add = -20
End If
Case FriendShipCauses.Trading
Me.Friendship = Me.BaseFriendship
Case FriendShipCauses.Vitamin
If Me.Friendship <= 99 Then
add = 5
ElseIf Me.Friendship > 99 And Me.Friendship <= 199 Then
add = 3
add = 2
End If
Case FriendShipCauses.EVBerry
If Me.Friendship <= 99 Then
add = 10
ElseIf Me.Friendship > 99 And Me.Friendship <= 199 Then
add = 5
add = 2
End If
End Select
If add > 0 Then
If Me.CatchBall.ID = 174 Then
add += 1
End If
If Not Me.Item Is Nothing Then
If Me.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "soothe bell" Then
add *= 2
End If
End If
End If
If add <> 0 Then
Me.Friendship += add
End If
Me.Friendship = CInt(MathHelper.Clamp(Me.Friendship, 0, 255))
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Textures/Models"
''' Returns a texture for this Pokémon.
''' 0=normal,front
''' 1=normal,back
''' 2=shiny,front
''' 3=shiny,back
''' 4=menu sprite
''' 5=egg menu sprite
''' 6=Egg front sprite
''' 7=Egg back sprite
''' 8=normal overworld
''' 9=shiny overworld
''' 10=normal,front,animation
Private Function GetTexture(ByVal index As Integer) As Texture2D
Dim TextureNumberSuffix As String = PokemonForms.GetFrontBackSpriteFileSuffix(Me)
If Textures(index) Is Nothing Then
Select Case index
Case 0
Dim TextureImage As Texture2D
If TextureManager.TextureExist("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number & TextureNumberSuffix) = True Then
TextureImage = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number & TextureNumberSuffix)
ElseIf TextureManager.TextureExist("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number) = True Then
TextureImage = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number)
TextureImage = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.AnimationName)
End If
Dim TextureSize As Size = New Size(TextureImage.Width, TextureImage.Height)
Textures(index) = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture(TextureImage, New Rectangle(0, 0, CInt(TextureSize.Width / 2), CInt(TextureSize.Height / 2)))
Case 1
Dim TextureImage As Texture2D
If TextureManager.TextureExist("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number & TextureNumberSuffix) = True Then
TextureImage = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number & TextureNumberSuffix)
ElseIf TextureManager.TextureExist("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number) = True Then
TextureImage = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number)
TextureImage = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.AnimationName)
End If
Dim TextureSize As Size = New Size(TextureImage.Width, TextureImage.Height)
Textures(index) = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture(TextureImage, New Rectangle(CInt(TextureSize.Width / 2), 0, CInt(TextureSize.Width / 2), CInt(TextureSize.Height / 2)))
Case 2
Dim TextureImage As Texture2D
If TextureManager.TextureExist("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number & TextureNumberSuffix) = True Then
TextureImage = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number & TextureNumberSuffix)
ElseIf TextureManager.TextureExist("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number) = True Then
TextureImage = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number)
TextureImage = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.AnimationName)
End If
Dim TextureSize As Size = New Size(TextureImage.Width, TextureImage.Height)
Textures(index) = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture(TextureImage, New Rectangle(0, CInt(TextureSize.Height / 2), CInt(TextureSize.Width / 2), CInt(TextureSize.Height / 2)))
Case 3
Dim TextureImage As Texture2D
If TextureManager.TextureExist("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number & TextureNumberSuffix) = True Then
TextureImage = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number & TextureNumberSuffix)
ElseIf TextureManager.TextureExist("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number) = True Then
TextureImage = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.Number)
TextureImage = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Sprites\" & Me.AnimationName)
End If
Dim TextureSize As Size = New Size(TextureImage.Width, TextureImage.Height)
Textures(index) = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture(TextureImage, New Rectangle(CInt(TextureSize.Width / 2), CInt(TextureSize.Height / 2), CInt(TextureSize.Width / 2), CInt(TextureSize.Height / 2)))
Case 4
Dim v As Vector2 = PokemonForms.GetMenuImagePosition(Me)
Dim s As Size = PokemonForms.GetMenuImageSize(Me)
Dim sheet As String = PokemonForms.GetSheetName(Me)
Dim shinypos As Integer = 0
If Me.IsShiny = True Then
shinypos = CInt(P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\PokemonMenu\" & sheet).Width / 2)
End If
Textures(index) = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\PokemonMenu\" & sheet, New Rectangle(CInt(v.X) * s.Width + shinypos, CInt(v.Y) * s.Height, s.Width, s.Height), "")
Case 5
If Me.Number = 490 Then
Dim sheet As String = "GUI\PokemonMenu\OtherForms"
Dim s As Integer = CInt(TextureManager.GetTexture(sheet).Width / 32)
Textures(index) = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\PokemonMenu\OtherForms", New Rectangle(s * 2, 0, s, s), "")
Dim sheet As String = "GUI\PokemonMenu\OtherForms"
Dim s As Integer = CInt(TextureManager.GetTexture(sheet).Width / 32)
Textures(index) = EggCreator.CreateEggSprite(Me, P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\PokemonMenu\OtherForms", New Rectangle(s, 0, s, s), ""), P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Egg\Templates\Menu"))
End If
Case 6
If Me.Number = 490 Then
Textures(index) = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Egg\Egg_manaphy_front")
Textures(index) = EggCreator.CreateEggSprite(Me, P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Egg\Egg_front"), P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Egg\Templates\Front"))
End If
Case 7
If Me.Number = 490 Then
Textures(index) = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Egg\Egg_manaphy_back")
Textures(index) = EggCreator.CreateEggSprite(Me, P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Egg\Egg_back"), P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Egg\Templates\Back"))
End If
Case 8
Dim addition As String = PokemonForms.GetOverworldAddition(Me)
Textures(index) = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Overworld\Normal\" & Me.Number & addition)
Case 9
Dim addition As String = PokemonForms.GetOverworldAddition(Me)
Textures(index) = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Pokemon\Overworld\Shiny\" & Me.Number & addition)
End Select
End If
Return Textures(index)
End Function
''' Returns the Overworld texture of this Pokémon.
Public Function GetOverworldTexture() As Texture2D
If Me.IsShiny = False Then
Return Me.GetTexture(8)
Return Me.GetTexture(9)
End If
End Function
''' Returns the Menu Texture of this Pokémon.
''' If the texture returned can represent the Pokémon in its egg.
Public Function GetMenuTexture(ByVal CanGetEgg As Boolean) As Texture2D
If Me.EggSteps > 0 And CanGetEgg = True Then
Return GetTexture(5)
Return GetTexture(4)
End If
End Function
''' Returns the Menu Texture of this Pokémon.
Public Function GetMenuTexture() As Texture2D
Return GetMenuTexture(True)
End Function
''' Returns the display texture of this Pokémon.
''' If this Pokémon should be viewed from the front.
Public Function GetTexture(ByVal FrontView As Boolean, Optional forceShiny As Boolean = False) As Texture2D
If FrontView = True Then
If Me.IsEgg() = True Then
Return GetTexture(6)
If IsShiny = True OrElse forceShiny = True Then
Return GetTexture(2)
Return GetTexture(0)
End If
End If
If Me.IsEgg() = True Then
Return GetTexture(7)
If IsShiny = True OrElse forceShiny = True Then
Return GetTexture(3)
Return GetTexture(1)
End If
End If
End If
End Function
''' Returns properties to display models on a 2D GUI. Data structure: scale sng,posX sng,posY sng,posZ sng,roll sng
Public Function GetModelProperties() As Tuple(Of Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)
Dim scale As Single = CSng(0.6 / Me.PokedexEntry.Height)
Dim x As Single = 0.0F
Dim y As Single = 0.0F
Dim z As Single = 0.0F
Dim roll As Single = 0.3F
Select Case Me.Number
Case 6
scale = 0.55
Case 9
scale = 0.7F
Case 15
z = 4.0F
Case 19
scale = 1.1
Case 20
scale = 1.3
Case 23
scale = 1
Case 24
scale = 0.5
Case 41
z = 5.0F
Case 55
scale = 0.7
Case 63
z = -4.0F
Case 74
scale = 0.75
Case 81
z = 6.0F
Case 82
scale = 0.9
z = 6.0F
Case 95
x = -6
scale = 0.3
Case 98
scale = 1
Case 102
scale = 0.9
Case 103
scale = 0.45
Case 115
scale = 0.45
Case 129
z = -4.0F
Case 130
scale = 0.25
Case 131
z = -8
Case 143
scale = 0.5
Case 144
z = -9
scale = 0.35
Case 147
scale = 0.7
Case 148
x = 5.0F
scale = 0.4
Case 149, 150
scale = 0.42F
Case 151
z = 5
Case 157
scale = 0.6
Case 160
scale = 0.5
Case 162
scale = 0.8
Case 164
z = -3
Case 168
scale = 0.8
Case 180
scale = 0.5
Case 181
scale = 0.75
Case 184, 185
scale = 0.8
Case 187
scale = 0.65
Case 196, 197
scale = 0.900000036F
Case 206
scale = 0.9F
Case 208
scale = 0.4
Case 211
z = 5
Case 212
scale = 0.7
Case 214
scale = 1.2
Case 217
scale = 0.55
Case 223
z = -5
Case 229
scale = 0.8
Case 230
scale = 0.6
z = 3
Case 235
scale = 0.7
Case 241
scale = 0.7
Case 247
scale = 0.7
Case 248
scale = 0.6
Case 249
scale = 0.3
Case 250
scale = 0.2
Case 336
scale = 0.8
End Select
Return New Tuple(Of Single, Single, Single, Single, Single)(scale, x, y, z, roll)
End Function
#End Region
''' Checks if this Pokémon can evolve by a given EvolutionTrigger and EvolutionArgument.
''' The trigger of the evolution.
''' An argument that specifies the evolution.
Public Function CanEvolve(ByVal trigger As EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger, ByVal argument As String) As Boolean
Dim n As String = EvolutionCondition.EvolutionNumber(Me, trigger, argument)
If n = "" Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
''' Returns the evolution ID of this Pokémon.
''' The trigger of the evolution.
''' An argument that specifies the evolution.
Public Function GetEvolutionID(ByVal trigger As EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger, ByVal argument As String) As String
Return EvolutionCondition.EvolutionNumber(Me, trigger, argument)
End Function
''' Sets the catch infos of the Pokémon. Uses the current map name and player name + OT.
''' The Pokéball this Pokémon got captured in.
''' The capture method.
Public Sub SetCatchInfos(ByVal Ball As Item, ByVal Method As String)
Me.CatchLocation = Screen.Level.MapName
Me.CatchTrainerName = Core.Player.Name
Me.OT = Core.Player.OT
Me.CatchMethod = Method
Me.CatchBall = Ball
End Sub
''' Checks if the Pokémon is of a certain type.
''' The type to check.
Public Function IsType(ByVal CheckType As Element.Types) As Boolean
If Type1.Type = CheckType Or Type2.Type = CheckType Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
''' Plays the cry of this Pokémon.
Public Sub PlayCry()
Dim Pitch As Single = 0.0F
Dim percent As Integer = 100
If Me.HP > 0 And Me.MaxHP > 0 Then
percent = CInt(Math.Ceiling(Me.HP / Me.MaxHP) * 100)
End If
If percent <= 50 Then
Pitch = -0.4F
End If
If percent <= 15 Then
Pitch = -0.8F
End If
If percent = 0 Then
Pitch = -1.0F
End If
SoundManager.PlayPokemonCry(Me.Number, Pitch, 0F, PokemonForms.GetCrySuffix(Me))
End Sub
''' Checks if this Pokémon knows a certain move.
''' The move to check for.
Public Function KnowsMove(ByVal Move As BattleSystem.Attack) As Boolean
For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In Me.Attacks
If a.ID = Move.ID Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
''' Checks if this Pokémon is inside an Egg.
Public Function IsEgg() As Boolean
If Me.EggSteps > 0 Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
''' Adds Effort values (EV) to this Pokémon after defeated another Pokémon, if possible.
''' The defeated Pokémon.
Public Sub GainEffort(ByVal DefeatedPokemon As Pokemon)
Dim allEV As Integer = EVHP + EVAttack + EVDefense + EVSpAttack + EVSpDefense + EVSpeed
If allEV >= 510 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim maxEVgain As Integer = 510 - allEV
Dim totalEVgain As Integer = 0
'EV gains
Dim gainEVHP As Integer = DefeatedPokemon.GiveEVHP
Dim gainEVAttack As Integer = DefeatedPokemon.GiveEVAttack
Dim gainEVDefense As Integer = DefeatedPokemon.GiveEVDefense
Dim gainEVSpAttack As Integer = DefeatedPokemon.GiveEVSpAttack
Dim gainEVSpDefense As Integer = DefeatedPokemon.GiveEVSpDefense
Dim gainEVSpeed As Integer = DefeatedPokemon.GiveEVSpeed
Dim EVfactor As Integer = 1
Dim itemNumber = 0
If Item IsNot Nothing Then
itemNumber = Item.ID
End If
Select Case itemNumber
'Macho Brace
Case 581 : EVfactor *= 2
'Power Items
Case 582 : gainEVHP += 8
Case 583 : gainEVAttack += 8
Case 584 : gainEVDefense += 8
Case 585 : gainEVSpAttack += 8
Case 586 : gainEVSpDefense += 8
Case 587 : gainEVSpeed += 8
End Select
'HP gain
If (gainEVHP > 0 AndAlso EVHP < 252 AndAlso maxEVgain - totalEVgain > 0) Then
gainEVHP *= EVfactor
gainEVHP = MathHelper.Clamp(gainEVHP, 0, 252 - EVHP)
gainEVHP = MathHelper.Clamp(gainEVHP, 0, maxEVgain - totalEVgain)
EVHP += gainEVHP
totalEVgain += gainEVHP
End If
'Attack gain
If (gainEVAttack > 0 AndAlso EVAttack < 252 AndAlso maxEVgain - totalEVgain > 0) Then
gainEVAttack *= EVfactor
gainEVAttack = MathHelper.Clamp(gainEVAttack, 0, 252 - EVAttack)
gainEVAttack = MathHelper.Clamp(gainEVAttack, 0, maxEVgain - totalEVgain)
EVAttack += gainEVAttack
totalEVgain += gainEVAttack
End If
'Defense gain
If (gainEVDefense > 0 AndAlso EVDefense < 252 AndAlso maxEVgain - totalEVgain > 0) Then
gainEVDefense *= EVfactor
gainEVDefense = MathHelper.Clamp(gainEVDefense, 0, 252 - EVDefense)
gainEVDefense = MathHelper.Clamp(gainEVDefense, 0, maxEVgain - totalEVgain)
EVDefense += gainEVDefense
totalEVgain += gainEVDefense
End If
'SpAttack gain
If (gainEVSpAttack > 0 AndAlso EVSpAttack < 252 AndAlso maxEVgain - totalEVgain > 0) Then
gainEVSpAttack *= EVfactor
gainEVSpAttack = MathHelper.Clamp(gainEVSpAttack, 0, 252 - EVSpAttack)
gainEVSpAttack = MathHelper.Clamp(gainEVSpAttack, 0, maxEVgain - totalEVgain)
EVSpAttack += gainEVSpAttack
totalEVgain += gainEVSpAttack
End If
'SpDefense gain
If (gainEVSpDefense > 0 AndAlso EVSpDefense < 252 AndAlso maxEVgain - totalEVgain > 0) Then
gainEVSpDefense *= EVfactor
gainEVSpDefense = MathHelper.Clamp(gainEVSpDefense, 0, 252 - EVSpDefense)
gainEVSpDefense = MathHelper.Clamp(gainEVSpDefense, 0, maxEVgain - totalEVgain)
EVSpDefense += gainEVSpDefense
totalEVgain += gainEVSpDefense
End If
'Speed gain
If (gainEVSpeed > 0 AndAlso EVSpeed < 252 AndAlso maxEVgain - totalEVgain > 0) Then
gainEVSpeed *= EVfactor
gainEVSpeed = MathHelper.Clamp(gainEVSpeed, 0, 252 - EVSpeed)
gainEVSpeed = MathHelper.Clamp(gainEVSpeed, 0, maxEVgain - totalEVgain)
EVSpeed += gainEVSpeed
totalEVgain += gainEVSpeed
End If
End Sub
''' Returns if this Pokémon knows an HM move.
Public Function HasHMMove() As Boolean
For Each m As BattleSystem.Attack In Me.Attacks
If m.IsHMMove = True Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
''' Returns if this Pokémon is fully evolved.
Public Function IsFullyEvolved() As Boolean
Return Me.EvolutionConditions.Count = 0
End Function
''' Checks if this Pokémon has a Hidden Ability assigend to it.
Public ReadOnly Property HasHiddenAbility() As Boolean
Return Not Me.HiddenAbility Is Nothing
End Get
End Property
''' Checks if the Pokémon has its Hidden Ability set as its current ability.
Public ReadOnly Property IsUsingHiddenAbility() As Boolean
If HasHiddenAbility() = True Then
Return Me.HiddenAbility.ID = Me.Ability.ID
End If
Return False
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return GetSaveData()
End Function
End Class