Public Class EvolutionCondition Public Enum ConditionTypes Level Friendship Item HoldItem Place Trade Gender AtkDef DefAtk DefEqualsAtk Move DayTime InParty InPartyType Weather Region End Enum Public Structure Condition Dim ConditionType As ConditionTypes Dim Argument As String End Structure Public Trigger As EvolutionTrigger Public Evolution As String = "" Public Conditions As New List(Of Condition) Public Sub SetEvolution(ByVal evolution As String) Me.Evolution = evolution End Sub Public Sub AddCondition(ByVal type As String, ByVal arg As String) Dim c As New Condition c.Argument = arg Select Case type.ToLower() Case "level" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.Level Case "item" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.Item Case "holditem" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.HoldItem Case "location", "place" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.Place Case "friendship" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.Friendship Case "trade" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.Trade Case "move" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.Move Case "gender" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.Gender Case "atkdef" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.AtkDef Case "defatk" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.DefAtk Case "defequalsatk" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.DefEqualsAtk Case "daytime" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.DayTime Case "inparty" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.InParty Case "inpartytype" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.InPartyType Case "weather" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.Weather Case "region" c.ConditionType = ConditionTypes.Region End Select Me.Conditions.Add(c) End Sub Public Sub SetTrigger(ByVal trigger As String) Select Case trigger.ToLower() Case "none", "" Me.Trigger = EvolutionTrigger.None Case "level", "levelup" Me.Trigger = EvolutionTrigger.LevelUp Case "trade", "trading" Me.Trigger = EvolutionTrigger.Trading Case "item", "itemuse" Me.Trigger = EvolutionTrigger.ItemUse End Select End Sub Public ReadOnly Property Count() As Integer Get Return Conditions.Count End Get End Property Public Enum EvolutionTrigger None LevelUp Trading ItemUse End Enum ''' ''' Returns the evolution of a Pokémon. Returns 0 if not successful ''' ''' The Pokémon to get the evolution from. ''' The trigger that triggered the evolution. ''' An argument (for example Item ID) Public Shared Function EvolutionNumber(ByVal p As Pokemon, ByVal trigger As EvolutionTrigger, ByVal arg As String) As String Dim e As EvolutionCondition = GetEvolutionCondition(p, trigger, arg) If e Is Nothing Then Return "" Else Return e.Evolution End If End Function Public Shared Function GetEvolutionCondition(ByVal p As Pokemon, ByVal trigger As EvolutionTrigger, ByVal arg As String) As EvolutionCondition If trigger = EvolutionTrigger.LevelUp Or trigger = EvolutionTrigger.Trading Then If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.IsGameModeItem = False Then If p.Item.ID = 112 Then Return Nothing End If End If End If End If Dim possibleEvolutions As New List(Of EvolutionCondition) For Each e As EvolutionCondition In p.EvolutionConditions Dim canEvolve As Boolean = True If trigger <> e.Trigger Then canEvolve = False End If If canEvolve = True Then For Each c As Condition In e.Conditions Select Case c.ConditionType Case ConditionTypes.AtkDef If p.Attack <= p.Defense Then canEvolve = False End If Case ConditionTypes.DayTime Dim daytimes As List(Of String) = c.Argument.Split(CChar(";")).ToList() If daytimes.Contains(CStr(CInt(World.GetTime()))) = False Then canEvolve = False End If Case ConditionTypes.DefAtk If p.Defense <= p.Attack Then canEvolve = False End If Case ConditionTypes.DefEqualsAtk If p.Attack <> p.Defense Then canEvolve = False End If Case ConditionTypes.Friendship If p.Friendship < CInt(c.Argument) Then canEvolve = False End If Case ConditionTypes.Gender If CInt(p.Gender) <> CInt(c.Argument) Then canEvolve = False End If Case ConditionTypes.HoldItem If p.Item Is Nothing Then canEvolve = False Else If p.Item.IsGameModeItem = True Then If p.Item.gmID <> c.Argument Then canEvolve = False 'ElseIf c.Trigger = EvolutionTrigger.Trading Then 'REMOVE HELD ITEM CHECK End If Else If Item.GetItemByID(c.Argument).IsGameModeItem Then If p.Item.ID.ToString <> c.Argument Then canEvolve = False 'ElseIf c.Trigger = EvolutionTrigger.Trading Then 'REMOVE HELD ITEM CHECK End If Else If p.Item.ID <> CInt(c.Argument) Then canEvolve = False 'ElseIf c.Trigger = EvolutionTrigger.Trading Then 'REMOVE HELD ITEM CHECK End If End If End If End If Case ConditionTypes.InParty Dim isInParty As Boolean = False For Each pokemon As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons If pokemon.Number = CInt(c.Argument) Then isInParty = True Exit For End If Next If isInParty = False Then canEvolve = False End If Case ConditionTypes.InPartyType Dim isInParty As Boolean = False For Each pokemon As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons If pokemon.IsType(New Element(c.Argument).Type) = True Then isInParty = True Exit For End If Next If isInParty = False Then canEvolve = False End If Case ConditionTypes.Item If Item.GetItemByID(arg).IsGameModeItem = True Then If arg <> c.Argument Then canEvolve = False End If Else If Item.GetItemByID(c.Argument).IsGameModeItem = True Then If arg <> c.Argument Then canEvolve = False End If Else If CInt(arg) <> CInt(c.Argument) Then canEvolve = False End If End If End If Case ConditionTypes.Level If p.Level < CInt(c.Argument) Then canEvolve = False End If Case ConditionTypes.Move Dim hasattack As Boolean = False For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In p.Attacks If a.ID = CInt(c.Argument) Then hasattack = True Exit For End If Next If hasattack = False Then canEvolve = False End If Case ConditionTypes.Place If Screen.Level.MapName.ToLower() <> c.Argument.ToLower() Then canEvolve = False End If Case ConditionTypes.Trade If StringHelper.IsNumeric(c.Argument) Then If CInt(c.Argument) > 0 Then If CInt(c.Argument) <> CInt(arg) Then canEvolve = False End If End If End If Case ConditionTypes.Weather If World.GetCurrentRegionWeather().ToString.ToLower <> c.Argument.ToLower Then canEvolve = False End If Case ConditionTypes.Region canEvolve = False Dim eregions As List(Of String) = c.Argument.ToLower.Split(CChar(";")).ToList() Dim regions As List(Of String) = Screen.Level.CurrentRegion.ToLower.Split(CChar(",")).ToList() For Each r As String In eregions If r.Chars(0) = CChar("-") Then canEvolve = False If Not regions.Contains(r.Substring(1)) Then canEvolve = True End If Else If regions.Contains(r) Then canEvolve = True End If End If Next End Select Next End If If canEvolve = True Then possibleEvolutions.Add(e) End If Next 'Assuming there is never more than one possible evolution for trading + held item If possibleEvolutions.Count > 0 Then Return possibleEvolutions(Core.Random.Next(0, possibleEvolutions.Count)) End If Return Nothing End Function End Class