''' Represents the player's inventory.
Public Class PlayerInventory
Inherits List(Of ItemContainer)
''' A secure class to contain ItemID and Amount.
Class ItemContainer
Private _itemID As Integer
Private _amount As Integer
Public Property ItemID() As Integer
Return Me._itemID
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._itemID = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Amount() As Integer
Return Me._amount
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Me._amount = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal ItemID As Integer, ByVal Amount As Integer)
Me.ItemID = ItemID
Me.Amount = Amount
End Sub
End Class
''' Returns a character that represents the item's pocket icon.
Public Function GetItemPocketChar(ByVal Item As Item) As String
Select Case Item.ItemType
Case Items.ItemTypes.Standard
Return "€"
Case Items.ItemTypes.KeyItems
Return "№"
Case Items.ItemTypes.Machines
Return "™"
Case Items.ItemTypes.Mail
Return "←"
Case Items.ItemTypes.Medicine
Return "↑"
Case Items.ItemTypes.Plants
Return "→"
Case Items.ItemTypes.Pokéballs
Return "↓"
Case Items.ItemTypes.BattleItems
Return "↔"
End Select
Return ""
End Function
''' Adds items to the inventory.
''' The ID of the item.
''' Amount of items to add.
Public Sub AddItem(ByVal ID As Integer, ByVal Amount As Integer)
Dim newItem As Item = P3D.Item.GetItemByID(ID)
For Each c As ItemContainer In Me
If c.ItemID = ID Then
c.Amount += Amount
Exit Sub
End If
Me.Add(New ItemContainer(ID, Amount))
End Sub
''' Removes items from the inventory.
''' The ID of the item to remove.
''' The amount of items to remove.
Public Sub RemoveItem(ByVal ID As Integer, ByVal Amount As Integer)
If Amount > 0 Then
For Each c As ItemContainer In Me
If c.ItemID = ID Then
If c.Amount - Amount <= 0 Then
Exit Sub
c.Amount -= Amount
End If
End If
For Each c As ItemContainer In Me
If c.ItemID = ID Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
''' Removes all items of an ID from the inventory.
''' The ID of the item.
Public Sub RemoveItem(ByVal ID As Integer)
Dim Amount As Integer = Me.GetItemAmount(ID)
If Amount > 0 Then
Me.RemoveItem(ID, Amount)
End If
End Sub
''' Returns the count of the item in the inventory.
''' The ID of the item to be counted.
Public Function GetItemAmount(ByVal ID As Integer) As Integer
For Each c As ItemContainer In Me
If c.ItemID = ID Then
Return c.Amount
End If
Return 0
End Function
''' If the player has the Running Shoes in their inventory.
Public ReadOnly Property HasRunningShoes() As Boolean
If Core.Player.SandBoxMode = True Or GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Then
Return True
If Me.GetItemAmount(78) > 0 Then
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End Get
End Property
''' If the player has the Mega Bracelet in their inventory.
Public ReadOnly Property HasMegaBracelet() As Boolean
If Me.GetItemAmount(576) > 0 Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Get
End Property
''' Returns a message that displays the event of putting an item into the inventory.
''' The Item to store in the inventory.
''' The amount.
Public Function GetMessageReceive(ByVal Item As Item, ByVal Amount As Integer) As String
Dim Message As String = ""
If Amount = 1 Then
Message = Core.Player.Name & " stored it in the~" & Core.Player.Inventory.GetItemPocketChar(Item) & Item.ItemType.ToString() & " pocket."
Message = Core.Player.Name & " stored them~in the " & Core.Player.Inventory.GetItemPocketChar(Item) & Item.ItemType.ToString() & " pocket."
End If
Return Message
End Function
End Class