Public Class NPC Inherits Entity Const STANDARD_SPEED As Single = 0.04F Public Enum Movements Still Looking FacePlayer Walk Straight Turning Pokeball End Enum Public Name As String Public NPCID As Integer Public faceRotation As Integer Public TextureID As String Dim lastRectangle As New Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0) Dim FrameSize As New Vector2(32, 32) Dim Texture As Texture2D Public ActivationValue As Integer = 0 Public IsTrainer As Boolean = False Public TrainerSight As Integer = 1 Public TrainerBeaten As Boolean = False Public TrainerChecked As Boolean = False Dim AnimateIdle As Boolean = True Dim AnimationX As Integer = 1 Const AnimationDelayLength As Single = 1.1F Dim AnimationDelay As Single = AnimationDelayLength Public Movement As Movements = Movements.Still Public MoveRectangles As New List(Of Rectangle) Public TurningDelay As Single = 2.0F Public MoveY As Single = 0.0F Public MoveAsync As Boolean = False Public Overloads Sub Initialize(ByVal TextureID As String, ByVal Rotation As Integer, ByVal Name As String, ByVal ID As Integer, ByVal AnimateIdle As Boolean, ByVal Movement As String, ByVal MoveRectangles As List(Of Rectangle)) MyBase.Initialize() Me.Name = Name Me.NPCID = ID Me.faceRotation = Rotation Me.TextureID = TextureID Me.MoveRectangles = MoveRectangles Me.AnimateIdle = AnimateIdle ApplyNPCData() Select Case Movement.ToLower() Case "pokeball" Me.Movement = Movements.Pokeball Case "still" Me.Movement = Movements.Still Case "looking" Me.Movement = Movements.Looking Case "faceplayer" Me.Movement = Movements.FacePlayer Case "walk" Me.Movement = Movements.Walk Case "straight" Me.Movement = Movements.Straight Case "turning" Me.Movement = Movements.Turning End Select SetupSprite(Me.TextureID, "", False) Me.NeedsUpdate = True Me.CreateWorldEveryFrame = True If ActionValue = 2 Then Me.IsTrainer = True Me.TrainerSight = CInt(Me.AdditionalValue.GetSplit(0, "|")) Me.AdditionalValue = Me.AdditionalValue.GetSplit(1, "|") End If Me.DropUpdateUnlessDrawn = False End Sub Public Sub SetupSprite(ByVal UseTextureID As String, ByVal GameJoltID As String, ByVal UseGameJoltID As Boolean) Me.TextureID = UseTextureID Dim texturePath As String = "Textures\NPC\" If Me.TextureID.StartsWith("[POKEMON|N]") = True Or Me.TextureID.StartsWith("[POKEMON|N]") = True Then Me.TextureID = Me.TextureID.Remove(0, 11) texturePath = "Pokemon\Overworld\Normal\" ElseIf Me.TextureID.StartsWith("[POKEMON|S]") = True Or Me.TextureID.StartsWith("[POKEMON|S]") = True Then Me.TextureID = Me.TextureID.Remove(0, 11) texturePath = "Pokemon\Overworld\Shiny\" End If If Me.TextureID = "" Then Me.TextureID = Core.Player.Skin End If If Me.TextureID = "" Then Me.TextureID = Core.Player.RivalSkin End If Dim PokemonAddition As String = "" If UseTextureID.StartsWith("Pokemon\Overworld\") = True Then texturePath = "" If StringHelper.IsNumeric(TextureID) = True Then PokemonAddition = PokemonForms.GetDefaultOverworldSpriteAddition(CInt(TextureID)) End If End If If UseGameJoltID = True And Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True And GameJolt.API.LoggedIn = True AndAlso Not GameJolt.Emblem.GetOnlineSprite(GameJoltID) Is Nothing Then Me.Texture = GameJolt.Emblem.GetOnlineSprite(GameJoltID) Else Me.Texture = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath & Me.TextureID & PokemonAddition) End If If Me.Texture.Width = Me.Texture.Height / 2 Then Me.FrameSize = New Vector2(CInt(Me.Texture.Width / 2), CInt(Me.Texture.Height / 4)) ElseIf Me.Texture.Width = Me.Texture.Height Then Me.FrameSize = New Vector2(CInt(Me.Texture.Width / 4), CInt(Me.Texture.Height / 4)) Else Me.FrameSize = New Vector2(CInt(Me.Texture.Width / 3), CInt(Me.Texture.Height / 4)) End If If Me.Movement = Movements.Pokeball Then Me.FrameSize = New Vector2(Me.Texture.Width, Me.Texture.Height) End If lastRectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0) Me.ChangeTexture() End Sub #Region "NPCData" Private Sub ApplyNPCData() If Core.Player.NPCData <> "" Then Dim Data() As String = Core.Player.NPCData.SplitAtNewline() For Each line As String In Data line = line.Remove(0, 1) line = line.Remove(line.Length - 1, 1) Dim file As String = line.GetSplit(0, "|") Dim ID As Integer = CInt(line.GetSplit(1, "|")) Dim action As String = line.GetSplit(2, "|") Dim addition As String = line.GetSplit(3, "|") If Me.NPCID = ID And Me.MapOrigin.ToLower() = file.ToLower() Then Select Case action.ToLower() Case "position" Dim PositionData() As String = addition.Split(CChar(",")) Me.Position = New Vector3(CSng(PositionData(0).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)) + Offset.X, CSng(PositionData(1).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)) + Offset.Y, CSng(PositionData(2).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)) + Offset.Z) Case "remove" Me.CanBeRemoved = True End Select End If Next End If End Sub Public Shared Sub AddNPCData(ByVal Data As String) Data = "{" & Data & "}" If Core.Player.NPCData = "" Then Core.Player.NPCData = Data Else Core.Player.NPCData &= Environment.NewLine & Data End If End Sub Public Shared Sub RemoveNPCData(ByVal file As String, ByVal ID As Integer, ByVal action As String, ByVal addition As String) Dim Data As String = "{" & file & "|" & ID & "|" & action & "|" & addition & "}" Dim NData() As String = Core.Player.NPCData.SplitAtNewline() Dim nList As List(Of String) = NData.ToList() If nList.Contains(Data) = True Then nList.Remove(Data) End If NData = nList.ToArray() Data = "" For i = 0 To NData.Count - 1 If i <> 0 Then Data &= Environment.NewLine End If Data &= NData(i) Next Core.Player.NPCData = Data End Sub Public Shared Sub RemoveNPCData(ByVal FullData As String) Dim Data() As String = FullData.Split(CChar("|")) RemoveNPCData(Data(0), CInt(Data(1)), Data(2), Data(3)) End Sub #End Region Private Function GetAnimationX() As Integer If Me.Texture.Width = Me.Texture.Height / 2 Then Select Case AnimationX Case 1 Return 0 Case 2 Return 1 Case 3 Return 0 Case 4 Return 1 End Select ElseIf Me.Texture.Width = Me.Texture.Height Then Select Case AnimationX Case 1 Return 0 Case 2 Return 1 Case 3 Return 2 Case 4 Return 3 End Select Else Select Case AnimationX Case 1 Return 0 Case 2 Return 1 Case 3 Return 0 Case 4 Return 2 End Select End If Return 0 End Function Private Sub ChangeTexture() If Not Me.Texture Is Nothing Then Dim r As New Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0) Dim cameraRotation As Integer = Me.getCameraRotation() Dim spriteIndex As Integer = Me.faceRotation - cameraRotation If spriteIndex < 0 Then spriteIndex += 4 End If If spriteIndex > 3 Then spriteIndex -= 4 End If Dim x As Integer = 0 If Me.Moved > 0.0F Or AnimateIdle = True Then x = CInt(FrameSize.X) * GetAnimationX() End If If Me.Movement = Movements.Pokeball Then spriteIndex = 0 x = 0 End If Dim y As Integer = CInt(FrameSize.Y) * spriteIndex Dim xFrameSize As Integer = CInt(Me.FrameSize.X) Dim yFrameSize As Integer = CInt(Me.FrameSize.Y) If x < 0 Then x = 0 End If If y < 0 Then y = 0 End If If x + xFrameSize > Me.Texture.Width Then xFrameSize = Me.Texture.Width - x End If If y + yFrameSize > Me.Texture.Height Then yFrameSize = Me.Texture.Height - y End If r = New Rectangle(x, y, xFrameSize, yFrameSize) If r <> lastRectangle Then lastRectangle = r Textures(0) = TextureManager.GetTexture(Me.Texture, r, 1) End If End If End Sub Public Sub ActivateScript() Dim oScreen As OverworldScreen = CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen) If oScreen.ActionScript.IsReady = True Then SoundManager.PlaySound("select") Select Case Me.ActionValue Case 0 oScreen.ActionScript.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue, 1) Case 1 oScreen.ActionScript.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue, 0) Case 3 oScreen.ActionScript.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue.Replace("
", Environment.NewLine), 2) Case Else oScreen.ActionScript.StartScript(Me.AdditionalValue, 0) End Select End If End Sub Public Sub CheckInSight() If Me.TrainerSight > -1 And Screen.Level.PokemonEncounterData.EncounteredPokemon = False And Core.CurrentScreen.Identification = Screen.Identifications.OverworldScreen Then If CInt(Me.Position.Y) = CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.Y) And Screen.Camera.IsMoving() = False Then If Moved = 0.0F And Me.CanBeRemoved = False Then If Screen.Camera.Position.X = CInt(Me.Position.X) Or CInt(Me.Position.Z) = Screen.Camera.Position.Z Then Dim distance As Integer = 0 Dim correctFacing As Boolean = False If Screen.Camera.Position.X = CInt(Me.Position.X) Then distance = CInt(CInt(Me.Position.Z) - Screen.Camera.Position.Z) If distance > 0 Then If Me.faceRotation = 0 Then correctFacing = True End If Else If Me.faceRotation = 2 Then correctFacing = True End If End If ElseIf Screen.Camera.Position.Z = CInt(Me.Position.Z) Then distance = CInt(CInt(Me.Position.X) - Screen.Camera.Position.X) If distance > 0 Then If Me.faceRotation = 1 Then correctFacing = True End If Else If Me.faceRotation = 3 Then correctFacing = True End If End If End If If correctFacing = True Then distance = distance.ToPositive() If distance <= Me.TrainerSight Then Dim InSightMusic As String = "nomusic" If Me.IsTrainer = True Then Dim trainerFilePath As String = GameModeManager.GetScriptPath(Me.AdditionalValue & ".dat") Security.FileValidation.CheckFileValid(trainerFilePath, False, "NPC.vb") Dim trainerContent() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(trainerFilePath) For Each line As String In trainerContent Dim l As String = line.Trim().ToLower() If l.StartsWith("@trainer:") = True Then Dim trainerID As String = l.GetSplit(1, ":") If Trainer.IsBeaten(trainerID) = True Then Exit Sub Else Dim t As New Trainer(trainerID) InSightMusic = t.GetInSightMusic() End If ElseIf l.StartsWith("@battle.starttrainer(") = True Then Dim trainerID As String = l.Remove(l.Length - 1, 1).Remove(0, "@battle.starttrainer(".Length) If Trainer.IsBeaten(trainerID) = True Then Exit Sub Else Dim t As New Trainer(trainerID) InSightMusic = t.GetInSightMusic() End If End If Next End If Dim needFacing As Integer = 0 Select Case Me.faceRotation Case 0 needFacing = 2 Case 1 needFacing = 3 Case 2 needFacing = 0 Case 3 needFacing = 1 End Select Dim turns As Integer = needFacing - Screen.Camera.GetPlayerFacingDirection() If turns < 0 Then turns = 4 - turns.ToPositive() End If CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).TrainerEncountered = True If InSightMusic <> "nomusic" And InSightMusic <> "" Then MusicManager.Play(InSightMusic, True, 0.0F) End If Screen.Camera.StopMovement() Me.Movement = Movements.Still Dim offset As New Vector2(0, 0) Select Case Me.faceRotation Case 0 offset.Y = -0.01F Case 1 offset.X = -0.01F Case 2 offset.Y = 0.01F Case 3 offset.X = 0.01F End Select Dim s As String = "version=2" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.turn(" & turns & ")" & Environment.NewLine With CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera) If CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).ThirdPerson = True And IsOnScreen() = False Then s &= "@camera.setfocus(npc," & Me.NPCID & ")" & Environment.NewLine Dim cPosition = .ThirdPersonOffset.X.ToString() & "," & .ThirdPersonOffset.Y.ToString() & "," & .ThirdPersonOffset.Z.ToString() s &= "" & Environment.NewLine & "@entity.showmessagebulb(1|" & Me.Position.X + offset.X & "|" & Me.Position.Y + 0.7F & "|" & Me.Position.Z + offset.Y & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@npc.move(" & Me.NPCID & "," & distance - 1 & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@script.start(" & Me.AdditionalValue & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@camera.resetfocus" & Environment.NewLine & "@camera.setposition(" & cPosition & ")" & Environment.NewLine & ":end" Else s &= "" & Environment.NewLine & "@entity.showmessagebulb(1|" & Me.Position.X + offset.X & "|" & Me.Position.Y + 0.7F & "|" & Me.Position.Z + offset.Y & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@npc.move(" & Me.NPCID & "," & distance - 1 & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@script.start(" & Me.AdditionalValue & ")" & Environment.NewLine & ":end" End If End With Screen.Level.OwnPlayer.Opacity = 0.5F CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript(s, 2) ActionScript.IsInsightScript = True End If End If End If End If End If End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub ClickFunction() Dim newHeading As Integer = Screen.Camera.GetPlayerFacingDirection() - 2 If newHeading < 0 Then newHeading += 4 End If Me.faceRotation = newHeading If Me.Moved = 0.0F Then ActivateScript() End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() NPCMovement() Move() ChangeTexture() MyBase.Update() End Sub Protected Overrides Function CalculateCameraDistance(CPosition As Vector3) As Single Return MyBase.CalculateCameraDistance(CPosition) - 0.2F End Function Public Overrides Sub UpdateEntity() If Me.Model Is Nothing Then If Me.Rotation.Y <> Screen.Camera.Yaw Then Me.Rotation.Y = Screen.Camera.Yaw End If Else If Me.Rotation.Y <> faceRotation Then Me.Rotation.Y = GetRotationFromInteger(faceRotation).Y End If End If MyBase.UpdateEntity() End Sub Public Overrides Sub Render() If Me.Model Is Nothing Then Dim state = GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.DepthRead Draw(Me.BaseModel, Me.Textures, True) GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = state Else UpdateModel() Draw(Me.BaseModel, Me.Textures, True, Me.Model) End If End Sub #Region "Movement and Camera" Private Sub NPCMovement() If Core.CurrentScreen.Identification = Screen.Identifications.OverworldScreen Then If CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.IsReady = False Then Exit Sub End If End If Select Case Me.Movement Case Movements.Still, Movements.Pokeball 'do nothing Case Movements.Turning If Me.TurningDelay > 0.0F Then TurningDelay -= 0.1F If TurningDelay <= 0.0F Then Me.TurningDelay = 3.0F Me.faceRotation += 1 If Me.faceRotation = 4 Then Me.faceRotation = 0 End If If Me.IsTrainer = True Then CheckInSight() End If End If End If Case Movements.Looking If Me.Moved = 0.0F Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 220) = 0 Then Dim newRotation As Integer = Me.faceRotation While newRotation = Me.faceRotation newRotation = Core.Random.Next(0, 4) End While Me.faceRotation = newRotation If Me.IsTrainer = True Then CheckInSight() End If End If End If Case Movements.FacePlayer If Me.Moved = 0.0F Then Dim oldRotation As Integer = Me.faceRotation If Screen.Camera.Position.X = Me.Position.X Or Screen.Camera.Position.Z = Me.Position.Z Then If Me.Position.X < Screen.Camera.Position.X Then Me.faceRotation = 3 ElseIf Me.Position.X > Screen.Camera.Position.X Then Me.faceRotation = 1 End If If Me.Position.Z < Screen.Camera.Position.Z Then Me.faceRotation = 2 ElseIf Me.Position.Z > Screen.Camera.Position.Z Then Me.faceRotation = 0 End If End If If oldRotation <> Me.faceRotation And Me.IsTrainer = True Then CheckInSight() End If End If Case Movements.Walk If Me.Moved = 0.0F Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 120) = 0 Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 3) = 0 Then Dim newRotation As Integer = Me.faceRotation While newRotation = Me.faceRotation newRotation = Core.Random.Next(0, 4) End While Me.faceRotation = newRotation End If Dim contains As Boolean = False Dim newPosition As Vector3 = (GetMove() / Speed) + Me.Position If CheckCollision(newPosition) = True Then For Each r As Rectangle In Me.MoveRectangles If r.Contains(New Point(CInt(newPosition.X), CInt(newPosition.Z))) = True Then contains = True Exit For End If Next If contains = True Then Moved = 1.0F End If End If End If End If Case Movements.Straight If Me.Moved = 0.0F Then ''newRotation = rotation that is used for checking a possible position and for setting the new faceRotation Dim newRotation As Integer = Me.faceRotation ''frontRotation = original faceRotation Dim frontRotation As Integer = Me.faceRotation Dim contains As Boolean = False Dim newPosition As Vector3 = (GetMove(newRotation) / Speed) + Me.Position Dim blocked As Boolean = False '' check if player is not in the way If CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.X) = newPosition.X And CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.Z) = newPosition.Z Then blocked = True End If '' check if a following Pokémon is not in the way If CInt(Screen.Level.OverworldPokemon.Position.X) = newPosition.X And CInt(Screen.Level.OverworldPokemon.Position.Z) = newPosition.Z Then blocked = True End If '' check if an NPC is not in the way For Each NPC As NPC In Screen.Level.GetNPCs() If CInt(NPC.Position.X) = newPosition.X And CInt(NPC.Position.Z) = newPosition.Z And NPC.NPCID <> Me.NPCID Then blocked = True Exit For End If Next '' check if a NetworkPlayer is not in the way For Each Player As NetworkPlayer In Screen.Level.NetworkPlayers If CInt(Player.Position.X) = newPosition.X And CInt(Player.Position.Z) = newPosition.Z Then blocked = True Exit For End If Next '' check if a NetworkPokémon is not in the way For Each Pokemon As NetworkPokemon In Screen.Level.NetworkPokemon If CInt(Pokemon.Position.X) = newPosition.X And CInt(Pokemon.Position.Z) = newPosition.Z Then blocked = True Exit For End If Next If blocked = False Then If CheckCollision(newPosition) = True Then For Each r As Rectangle In Me.MoveRectangles If r.Contains(New Point(CInt(newPosition.X), CInt(newPosition.Z))) = True Then contains = True Exit For End If Next End If If contains = True Then '' Only change faceRotation when it's possible to move Me.faceRotation = newRotation Moved = 1.0F Else '' If not possible to move forward, check right newRotation = frontRotation + 1 If newRotation > 3 Then newRotation = newRotation - 4 End If newPosition = (GetMove(newRotation) / Speed) + Me.Position If CheckCollision(newPosition) = True Then For Each r As Rectangle In Me.MoveRectangles If r.Contains(New Point(CInt(newPosition.X), CInt(newPosition.Z))) = True Then contains = True Exit For End If Next End If If contains = True Then '' Only change faceRotation when it's possible to move Me.faceRotation = newRotation Moved = 1.0F Else '' If not possible to move to the right, check left newRotation = frontRotation - 1 If newRotation < 0 Then newRotation = newRotation + 4 End If newPosition = (GetMove(newRotation) / Speed) + Me.Position If CheckCollision(newPosition) = True Then For Each r As Rectangle In Me.MoveRectangles If r.Contains(New Point(CInt(newPosition.X), CInt(newPosition.Z))) = True Then contains = True Exit For End If Next End If If contains = True Then '' Only change faceRotation when it's possible to move Me.faceRotation = newRotation Moved = 1.0F Else '' If not possible to move to the left, check behind newRotation = frontRotation + 2 If newRotation > 3 Then newRotation = newRotation - 4 End If newPosition = (GetMove(newRotation) / Speed) + Me.Position If CheckCollision(newPosition) = True Then For Each r As Rectangle In Me.MoveRectangles If r.Contains(New Point(CInt(newPosition.X), CInt(newPosition.Z))) = True Then contains = True Exit For End If Next End If If contains = True Then '' Only change faceRotation when it's possible to move Me.faceRotation = newRotation Moved = 1.0F End If End If End If End If End If End If End Select End Sub Private Function CheckCollision(ByVal newPosition As Vector3) As Boolean newPosition = New Vector3(CInt(newPosition.X), CInt(newPosition.Y), CInt(newPosition.Z)) Dim oldPosition As Vector3 = Me.Position Dim interactPlayer As Boolean = True If Screen.Camera.IsMoving() = False Then If CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.X) <> newPosition.X Or CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.Z) <> newPosition.Z Then If CInt(Screen.Level.OverworldPokemon.Position.X) <> newPosition.X Or CInt(Screen.Level.OverworldPokemon.Position.Z) <> newPosition.Z Then interactPlayer = False End If End If Else Dim cameraNewPosition As Vector3 = Screen.Camera.GetForwardMovedPosition() Dim cameraOldPosition As Vector3 = Screen.Camera.GetForwardMovedPosition() - Screen.Camera.GetMoveDirection() If CInt(cameraNewPosition.X) <> newPosition.X And CInt(cameraOldPosition.X) <> newPosition.X Or CInt(cameraNewPosition.Z) <> newPosition.Z And CInt(cameraOldPosition.Z) <> newPosition.Z Then If CInt(Screen.Level.OverworldPokemon.Position.X) <> newPosition.X Or CInt(Screen.Level.OverworldPokemon.Position.Z) <> newPosition.Z Then interactPlayer = False End If End If End If If interactPlayer = True Then Return False End If Dim HasFloor As Boolean = False Dim Position2D As Vector3 = New Vector3(newPosition.X, newPosition.Y - 0.1F, newPosition.Z) For Each Floor As Entity In Screen.Level.Floors If Floor.boundingBox.Contains(Position2D) = ContainmentType.Contains Then HasFloor = True End If Next If HasFloor = False Then Return False End If For Each Entity As Entity In Screen.Level.Entities If Entity.boundingBox.Contains(newPosition) = ContainmentType.Contains Then If Entity.Collision = True Then Return False End If End If Next Return True End Function Private Sub Move() If Moved > 0.0F Then If Not isDancing Then Me.Position += GetMove() End If If Me.Speed < 0 Then Moved += Me.Speed Else Moved -= Me.Speed End If If Me.MoveY < 0.0F Then Me.MoveY += Me.Speed If MoveY >= 0.0F Then Me.MoveY = 0.0F End If ElseIf Me.MoveY > 0.0F Then Me.MoveY -= Me.Speed If MoveY <= 0.0F Then Me.MoveY = 0.0F End If End If Me.AnimationDelay -= CSng(0.13 * (Math.Abs(Me.Speed) / NPC.STANDARD_SPEED)) If AnimationDelay <= 0.0F Then AnimationDelay = AnimationDelayLength AnimationX += 1 If Me.Texture.Width = Me.Texture.Height / 2 Then If AnimationX > 2 Then AnimationX = 1 End If Else If AnimationX > 4 Then AnimationX = 1 End If End If End If If Moved <= 0.0F Then MoveAsync = False Moved = 0.0F MoveY = 0.0F AnimationX = 1 AnimationDelay = AnimationDelayLength Me.Position = New Vector3(CInt(Me.Position.X), CSng(Me.Position.Y), CInt(Me.Position.Z)) ChangeTexture() ApplyShaders() Speed = NPC.STANDARD_SPEED End If Else If Me.AnimateIdle = True Then Me.AnimationDelay -= 0.1F If AnimationDelay <= 0.0F Then AnimationDelay = AnimationDelayLength AnimationX += 1 If Me.Texture.Width = Me.Texture.Height / 2 Then If AnimationX > 2 Then AnimationX = 1 End If Else If AnimationX > 4 Then AnimationX = 1 End If End If End If End If End If End Sub Private Function GetMove(Optional ByVal rotation As Integer = 6) As Vector3 Dim moveVector As Vector3 Dim functionRotation As Integer If rotation = 6 Then functionRotation = Me.faceRotation Else functionRotation = rotation End If Select Case functionRotation Case 0 moveVector = New Vector3(0, 0, -1) * Speed Case 1 moveVector = New Vector3(-1, 0, 0) * Speed Case 2 moveVector = New Vector3(0, 0, 1) * Speed Case 3 moveVector = New Vector3(1, 0, 0) * Speed End Select If MoveY <> 0.0F Then Dim multi As Single = Me.Speed If multi < 0.0F Then multi *= -1 End If If MoveY > 0 Then moveVector.Y = multi * 1 Else moveVector.Y = multi * -1 End If End If Return moveVector End Function Private Function getCameraRotation() As Integer Dim cameraRotation As Integer = 0 Dim c As Camera = Screen.Camera Dim Yaw As Single = c.Yaw While Yaw < 0 Yaw += MathHelper.TwoPi End While If Yaw <= MathHelper.Pi * 0.25F Or Yaw > MathHelper.Pi * 1.75F Then cameraRotation = 0 End If If Yaw <= MathHelper.Pi * 0.75F And Yaw > MathHelper.Pi * 0.25F Then cameraRotation = 1 End If If Yaw <= MathHelper.Pi * 1.25F And Yaw > MathHelper.Pi * 0.75F Then cameraRotation = 2 End If If Yaw <= MathHelper.Pi * 1.75F And Yaw > MathHelper.Pi * 1.25F Then cameraRotation = 3 End If Return cameraRotation End Function Private Sub ApplyShaders() Me.Shaders.Clear() For Each Shader As Shader In Screen.Level.Shaders Shader.ApplyShader({Me}) Next End Sub Friend Function InCameraFocus() As Boolean If Screen.Camera.Name = "Overworld" Then Dim c = CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera) If c.CameraFocusType = OverworldCamera.CameraFocusTypes.NPC Then If c.CameraFocusID = Me.NPCID Then Return True End If End If End If Return False End Function Private Function IsOnScreen() As Boolean Return Screen.Camera.BoundingFrustum.Contains(Me.Position) <> ContainmentType.Disjoint End Function #End Region End Class