version=2 :if:=255 :if:=3 =154 =254 =389 =497 =652 :if:=True implore you to~make the best use of~that move and gain power!) :end :else perfected the ultimate~move of its type...*But will no one take~it for future use?...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that ...*Oh! This is the one!~This is the Pokémon!*This ~is worthy of learning my~ultimate move!*Will you allow it?*Will you allow your ~to learn my Frenzy Plant?),No) :when:Yes will allow it?*Then let me confer my~ultimate Frenzy Plant~on your .*Ggggrah-awooo!) @pokemon.learnAttack(0,338) :if:=true, gasp, gasp...*I didn't think I could~teach that move while~I still lived...) @register.register(learnfrenzyplant) :end :else!~You reject it?~No, I won't be dissuaded!) :end :endif :when:No!~You reject it?~No, I won't be dissuaded!) :end :endwhen :endif :else :if:=6 =157 =257 =392 =500 =655 :if:=True implore you to~make the best use of~that move and gain power!) :end :else perfected the ultimate~move of its type...*But will no one take~it for future use?...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that ...*Oh! This is the one!~This is the Pokémon!*This ~is worthy of learning my~ultimate move!*Will you allow it?*Will you allow your ~to learn my Blast Burn?),No) :when:Yes will allow it?*Then let me confer my~ultimate Blast Burn on~your .*Ggggrah-awooo!) @pokemon.learnAttack(0,307) :if:=true, gasp, gasp...*I didn't think I could~teach that move while~I still lived...) @register.register(learnblastburn) :end :else!~You reject it?~No, I won't be dissuaded!) :end :endif :when:No!~You reject it?~No, I won't be dissuaded!) :end :endwhen :endif :else :if:=9 =160 =260 =395 =503 =658 :if:=True implore you to~make the best use of~that move and gain power!) :end :else perfected the ultimate~move of its type...*But will no one take~it for future use?...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that ...*Oh! This is the one!~This is the Pokémon!*This ~is worthy of learning my~ultimate move!*Will you allow it?*Will you allow your ~to learn my Hydro Cannon?),No) :when:Yes will allow it?*Then let me confer~my ultimate Hydro Cannon~on your .*Ggggrah-awooo!) @pokemon.learnAttack(0,308) :if:=true, gasp, gasp...*I didn't think I could~teach that move while~I still lived...) @register.register(learnhydrocannon) :end :else!~You reject it?~No, I won't be dissuaded!) :end :endif :when:No!~You reject it?~No, I won't be dissuaded!) :end :endwhen :endif :else :if:=True =True =True implore you to~make the best use of~that move and gain power!) :end :else perfected the ultimate~move of its type...*But will no one take~it for future use?...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that ...*...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that ...~...No...~I was just mistaken.) :end :endif :endif :endif :endif :else :if:=True =True =True implore you to make the best use of that move and gain power!) :end :else perfected the ultimate~move of its type...*But will no one take~it for future use?...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that ...*...Hm? Hmmm!*Y-you...~Th-that ...~...No...~I was just mistaken.) :end :endif :endif :end