version=2 there, here we offer~the Move Reminder service!) :if:=false my sharp memory and~unmatched move knowledge,~I can teach your Pokémon~any move it forgot, and~maybe even more!) @register.register(reminder_first) :endif :if:<4, I'm afraid you'll~need at least 4 badges~to use the service.) hope to see you~again!) @level.wait(5) @player.turnto(3) :end :else you like me to teach~your Pokémon a move?),No) :when:Yes Pokémon should~remember a forgotten move?) :if:>-1 move should your~)> remember?) @screen.teachmoves() :if:=true'm sure )>~will enjoy its new move.) :endif hope to see you~again!) @level.wait(5) @player.turnto(3) :end :else hope to see you~again!) @level.wait(5) @player.turnto(3) :end :endif :when:No hope to see you~again!) @level.wait(5) @player.turnto(3) :endwhen :endif :end