version=2 :if:=sunday :then @Text.Show(Sunny: Isn't today~Sunday?~Um... I forgot!) :else :if:=false :then @Text.Show(Sunny: Hi!*I'm Sunny of Sunday,~meaning it's Sunday today!*I was told to give~you this if I saw~you!) @item.give(108) @item.messagegive(108,1) @Text.Show(Sunny: That thing...*Um...*... What was it now...*...*Oh! I remember now!*A Pokémon that~knows electric*moves should hold~it.*My sis Monica said~it powers up~electric moves!) @Register.register(sunny_item) :endif @text.Show(SUNNY: My sisters~and brothers are~Monica, Tuscany,~Wesley, Arthur,~Frieda and Santos.*They're all older~than me!) :endif :end