# This is an example file for a list of Credits Pages to add to your GameMode. # The default GameMode doesn't use this file, however all other GameModes can. # Each line that starts with "Credits" is one Credits Page. The format for those lines is: Credits|ID|PageTitle|Name,Name,Name... # When you use the @Screen.Credits command, you can add an argument to it to trigger different background maps and credits. Example: @Screen.Credits(Johto) # If the argument matches the ID of a line or if the ID of a line is empty, that Credit Page will be added. # The value of the PageTitle argument will appear at the top. # You can add as many names per Credit Page as you want, separated by commas (though up to 13 is recommended). # If the line starts with "Background", instead of "Credits", it tells the game what maps to display in the background of the Credits screen. # The format for those lines is: Background|ID|MapPath|StartX,StartY,StartZ|EndX,EndY,EndZ|Speed|Yaw|Pitch # The ID argument works the same way as with the Credits Pages. The MapPath argument is relative to the "Data\Maps" folder. # For the Speed argument you can use these player speeds as reference: 1 = Walk, 1.5 = Run, 2 = Ride Credits|Johto|Graphic Design|Benjamin Smith,"The Omega Ghost",Jasper Speelman,"Godeken",Caleb Coleman,Miguel Nunez,Grant Garrett,"Anvil555","princess-phoenix","AgentPaperCraft" Background|Johto|route29.dat|50,2,10|0,2,10|1|4.71|-0.3