Namespace BattleSystem Public Class Battle Public Shared Won As Boolean = False Public Shared Fled As Boolean = False Public Shared Caught As Boolean = False Public IsAfterFaint As Boolean = False Public WildHasEscaped As Boolean = False #Region "StartRound" Public Structure RoundConst Public Enum StepTypes Move Item Switch Text Flee FreeSwitch End Enum Dim StepType As StepTypes Dim Argument As Object End Structure Public OwnStep As RoundConst Public OppStep As RoundConst ''' ''' Returns the move of a Pokémon with a specified ID. ''' Private Function GetPokemonMoveFromID(ByVal Pokemon As Pokemon, ByVal MoveID As Integer) As Attack For Each a As Attack In Pokemon.Attacks If a.ID = MoveID Then Return a End If Next Return Pokemon.Attacks(0) End Function ''' ''' If the battle is a remote battle, then start this function once client input is received. ''' Public Sub StartMultiTurnAction(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) 'Recharge: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnRecharge > 0 Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnRecharge -= 1 SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text, .Argument = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " needs to recharge!"}) Exit Sub End If 'Rollout If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnRolloutCounter > 0 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 205)}) Exit Sub End If 'IceBall If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnIceBallCounter > 0 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 301)}) Exit Sub End If 'Fly: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnFlyCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 19)}) Exit Sub End If 'Dig: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnDigCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 91)}) Exit Sub End If 'Outrage: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnOutrage >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 200)}) Exit Sub End If 'Thrash: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnThrash >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 37)}) Exit Sub End If 'Petal Dance: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnPetalDance >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 80)}) Exit Sub End If 'Bounce: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBounceCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 340)}) Exit Sub End If 'Dive: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnDiveCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 291)}) Exit Sub End If 'Shadow Force: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnShadowForceCounter = 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 467)}) Exit Sub End If 'Phantom Force: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnPhantomForceCounter = 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 566)}) Exit Sub End If 'If Sky Drop gets programmed, put this in. 'If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSkyDropCounter = 1 Then ' InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, xxx)}) ' Exit Sub 'End If 'Geomancy: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnGeomancyCounter = 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 601)}) Exit Sub End If 'Solar Beam: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSolarBeam >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 76)}) Exit Sub End If 'Solar Blade: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSolarBlade >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 669)}) Exit Sub End If 'Sky Attack: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSkyAttackCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 143)}) Exit Sub End If 'Skull Bash: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSkullBashCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 130)}) Exit Sub End If 'RazorWind: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnRazorWindCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 13)}) Exit Sub End If 'Uproar: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnUproar >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 253)}) Exit Sub End If 'Bide: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBideCounter > 0 Then SelectedMoveOwn = False DeleteHostQuery(BattleScreen) InitializeRound(BattleScreen, New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon, 117)}) Exit Sub End If 'Todo: Leppa Berry 'Todo: Taunt If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle = True Then BattleScreen.BattleMenu.Visible = True End If End Sub Public Sub DeleteHostQuery(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Clear() BattleScreen.TempPVPBattleQuery.Clear() End If End Sub Public Sub StartRound(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) If BattleScreen.OwnFaint OrElse (BattleScreen.OppFaint AndAlso BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle) Then IsAfterFaint = True End If BattleScreen.BattleMenu.MenuState = BattleMenu.MenuStates.Main SelectedMoveOwn = True SelectedMoveOpp = True If Not BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle Then If BattleScreen.HasSwitchedOwn = False Then StartMultiTurnAction(BattleScreen) End If End If 'Going to menu: If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle AndAlso BattleScreen.IsHost Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TriggerNewRoundPVPQueryObject()) BattleScreen.SendHostQuery() End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleMenuQueryObject(False)) For i = 0 To 99 BattleScreen.InsertCasualCameramove() Next BattleScreen.HasSwitchedOwn = False End Sub Public Function GetOppStep(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal OwnStep As RoundConst) As RoundConst If BattleScreen.RoamingBattle Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.RoamingFled = False If BattleCalculation.CanSwitch(BattleScreen, False) Then Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Flee, .Argument = BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " fled!"} End If End If If BattleScreen.BattleMode = BattleScreen.BattleModes.Safari Then Return BattleCalculation.SafariRound(BattleScreen) End If 'Own after fainting switching in non remote battles. If (Not BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle) AndAlso BattleScreen.OwnFaint Then Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text, .Argument = "You have sent your next Pokemon!"} End If If Not IsAfterFaint Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppRecharge > 0 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppRecharge -= 1 Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text, .Argument = BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " needs to recharge!"} End If 'Rollout If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppRolloutCounter > 0 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 205)} End If 'IceBall If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppIceBallCounter > 0 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 301)} End If 'Fly: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppFlyCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 19)} End If 'Dig: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppDigCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 91)} End If 'Outrage: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppOutrage >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 200)} End If 'Thrash: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppThrash >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 37)} End If 'Petal Dance: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppPetalDance >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 80)} End If 'Bounce: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBounceCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 340)} End If 'Dive: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppDiveCounter = 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 291)} End If 'Shadow Force: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppShadowForceCounter = 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 467)} End If 'Phantom Force: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppPhantomForceCounter = 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 566)} End If ''Sky Drop: 'If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSkyDropCounter = 1 Then ' Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = (19).ToString()} 'End If 'Geomancy: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppGeomancyCounter = 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 601)} End If 'Solar Beam: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSolarBeam >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 76)} End If 'Solar Blade: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSolarBlade >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 669)} End If 'Sky Attack: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSkyAttackCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 143)} End If 'Skull Bash: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSkullBashCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 130)} End If 'RazorWind: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppRazorWindCounter >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 13)} End If 'Uproar: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppUproar >= 1 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 253)} End If 'Bide: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBideCounter > 0 Then SelectedMoveOpp = False Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, 117)} End If End If 'PVP action: If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle AndAlso BattleScreen.IsHost Then BattleScreen.OppStatistics.Turns += 1 BattleScreen.OwnStatistics.Turns += 1 If BattleScreen.ReceivedInput.StartsWith("MOVE|") OrElse BattleScreen.ReceivedInput.StartsWith("MEGA|") Then BattleScreen.OppStatistics.Moves += 1 If BattleScreen.ReceivedInput.StartsWith("MEGA|") Then BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOpp = True End If Dim moveID As Integer Dim inputString As String = BattleScreen.ReceivedInput.Remove(0, 5) If inputString.Contains(";BATON;") Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBatonPassIndex = CInt(inputString.GetSplit(2, ";")) moveID = CInt(inputString.GetSplit(0, ";")) ElseIf inputString.Contains(";SWAP;") Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSwapIndex = CInt(inputString.GetSplit(2, ";")) moveID = CInt(inputString.GetSplit(0, ";")) Else moveID = CInt(inputString) End If Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = GetPokemonMoveFromID(BattleScreen.OppPokemon, moveID)} ElseIf BattleScreen.ReceivedInput.StartsWith("SWITCH|") Then BattleScreen.OppStatistics.Switches += 1 Dim switchID As Integer = CInt(BattleScreen.ReceivedInput.Remove(0, 7)) Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Switch, .Argument = switchID.ToString()} ElseIf BattleScreen.ReceivedInput.StartsWith("TEXT|") Then Dim text As String = BattleScreen.ReceivedInput.Remove(0, 5) Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text, .Argument = text} End If End If 'AI move here: If BattleScreen.IsTrainerBattle AndAlso Not BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle Then AI_MegaEvolve(BattleScreen) Return TrainerAI.GetAIMove(BattleScreen, OwnStep) Else Dim AvailableAttacks As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer) For i = 0 To BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Attacks.Count - 1 AvailableAttacks.Add(i) Next Dim OppAttackChoice As Integer = Core.Random.Next(0, AvailableAttacks.Count) If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppEncore > 0 Then Dim attackIndex As Integer = -1 For a = 0 To BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Attacks.Count - 1 If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Attacks(a).ID = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppEncoreMove.ID Then attackIndex = a End If Next If attackIndex <> -1 AndAlso BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Attacks(attackIndex).CurrentPP > 0 Then Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppEncoreMove} Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppEncoreMove = Nothing BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppEncore = 0 BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s encore stopped.")) End If End If Dim Ready As Boolean = False While Ready = False If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Attacks(OppAttackChoice) Is BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTormentMove OrElse BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Attacks(OppAttackChoice).Disabled > 0 OrElse BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTaunt > 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Attacks(OppAttackChoice).Category = Attack.Categories.Status Or BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Attacks(OppAttackChoice).CurrentPP <= 0 Then AvailableAttacks.Remove(OppAttackChoice) If AvailableAttacks.Count > 0 Then OppAttackChoice = AvailableAttacks(Core.Random.Next(0, AvailableAttacks.Count)) Else Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = Attack.GetAttackByID(165)} End If Else Ready = True End If End While Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Attacks(OppAttackChoice)} End If End Function Private Function GetAttack(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal move As Attack) As RoundConst 'TODO: Reset rage counters Select Case move.Name.ToLower() Case "metronome" If move.CurrentPP > 0 Then move.CurrentPP -= 1 End If Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = Moves.Normal.Metronome.GetMetronomeMove()} Case "mirror move" If move.CurrentPP > 0 Then move.CurrentPP -= 1 End If Dim id As Integer = -1 If own = True Then If Not BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove Is Nothing AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove.MirrorMoveAffected = True Then id = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove.ID End If Else If Not BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove Is Nothing AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove.MirrorMoveAffected = True Then id = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove.ID End If End If If id <> -1 Then Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = Attack.GetAttackByID(id)} Else Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text, .Argument = "Mirror Move failed!"} End If Case "struggle" Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = move} Case Else Return New RoundConst() With {.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move, .Argument = move} End Select End Function Public SelectedMoveOwn As Boolean = True Public SelectedMoveOpp As Boolean = True Sub AI_MegaEvolve(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) For i = 0 To BattleScreen.Trainer.Pokemons.Count - 1 Dim _str As String = BattleScreen.Trainer.Pokemons(i).AdditionalData Select Case _str Case "mega", "mega_x", "mega_y" Exit Sub Case Else 'do nothing End Select Next Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon If p.Item IsNot Nothing Then If p.Item.IsGameModeItem = True Then If p.Item.gmIsMegaStone = True Then If p.Number = CType(p.Item, GameModeItem).gmMegaPokemonNumber Then BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOpp = True End If End If Else If p.Item.IsMegaStone = True Then Dim megaStone = CType(p.Item, Items.MegaStone) If p.Number = megaStone.MegaPokemonNumber Then BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOpp = True End If End If End If End If End Sub 'Does the MegaEvolution Sub DoMegaEvolution(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal own As Boolean) Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim pNPC As NPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC If Not own Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC End If 'Transform a Pokemon into it's Mega Evolution Dim _base As String = p.GetDisplayName() If p.AdditionalData = "" Then Select Case p.Item.ID Case 516, 529 p.AdditionalData = "mega_x" Case 517, 530 p.AdditionalData = "mega_y" Case Else p.AdditionalData = "mega" End Select p.ReloadDefinitions() p.CalculateStats() p.LoadAltAbility() Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) '***Mega Evolution Animation*** If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim MegaAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, Not own) MegaAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\MegaEvolution", 0, 0) Dim maxAmount As Integer = 16 Dim currentAmount As Integer = 0 While currentAmount <= maxAmount Dim Texture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\MegaEvolution\Mega_Phase1") Dim xPos = CSng((Random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 1.2) Dim zPos = CSng((Random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 1.2) Dim Position As New Vector3(xPos, 0.8, zPos) Dim Scale As New Vector3(0.5F) Dim startDelay As Double = 5.0 * Random.NextDouble() Dim Phase1Entity As Entity = MegaAnimation.SpawnEntity(Position, Texture, Scale, 1.0F, CSng(startDelay)) Dim Destination As New Vector3(0, 0, 0) MegaAnimation.AnimationMove(Phase1Entity, True, Destination.X, Destination.Y, Destination.Z, 0.05F, False, True, CSng(startDelay), 0.0F) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentAmount) End While Dim Phase2Entity As Entity = MegaAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\MegaEvolution\Mega_Phase2"), New Vector3(0.0F), 1.0F, 4.0F, 0.0F) MegaAnimation.AnimationScale(Phase2Entity, False, True, 1.25F, 1.25F, 1.25F, 0.02F, 4.0F, 0.0F) MegaAnimation.AnimationRotate(Phase2Entity, True, 0, 0, 0.1F, 0, 0, 10.0F, 4, 0F, False, False, True, False) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(MegaAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\MegaEvolution", False)) End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(own, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OwnPokemon, PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(p), 0, 1, -1, -1)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(_base & " has Mega Evolved into " & p.GetName(True) & "!")) TriggerAbilityEffect(BattleScreen, own) End If End Sub 'Checks if any pokemon is mega evolving, order based on speed Sub MegaEvolCheck(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) If Not (BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOwn OrElse BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOpp) Then Exit Sub End If If BattleCalculation.MovesFirst(BattleScreen) Then If BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOwn Then DoMegaEvolution(BattleScreen, True) End If If BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOpp Then DoMegaEvolution(BattleScreen, False) End If Else If BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOpp Then DoMegaEvolution(BattleScreen, False) End If If BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOwn Then DoMegaEvolution(BattleScreen, True) End If End If BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOwn = False BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOpp = False End Sub Public Sub InitializeRound(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal OwnStep As RoundConst) If BattleHasEnded(BattleScreen) Then Exit Sub End If Dim OppStep = GetOppStep(BattleScreen, OwnStep) Me.OwnStep = OwnStep Me.OppStep = OppStep BattleScreen.OwnFaint = False ''' BattleScreen.OppFaint = False ''' If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move Then OwnStep = GetAttack(BattleScreen, True, CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack)) Else BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOwn = False End If If OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move Then OppStep = GetAttack(BattleScreen, False, CType(OppStep.Argument, Attack)) Else BattleScreen.IsMegaEvolvingOpp = False End If 'Move,Move If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move AndAlso OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnUsedMoves.Add(CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack).ID) BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppUsedMoves.Add(CType(OppStep.Argument, Attack).ID) Dim ownMove As Attack = CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack) Dim oppMove As Attack = CType(OppStep.Argument, Attack) If SelectedMoveOwn = True Then ownMove.MoveSelected(True, BattleScreen) If SelectedMoveOpp = True Then oppMove.MoveSelected(False, BattleScreen) Dim first As Boolean = BattleCalculation.AttackFirst(ownMove, oppMove, BattleScreen) MegaEvolCheck(BattleScreen) If first Then DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, first, ownMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, Not first, oppMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) Else DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, first, oppMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, Not first, ownMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) End If End If 'Move,Text If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move AndAlso OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text Then MegaEvolCheck(BattleScreen) ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OppStep.Argument))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnUsedMoves.Add(CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack).ID) Dim ownMove As Attack = CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack) If SelectedMoveOwn = True Then ownMove.MoveSelected(True, BattleScreen) DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, True, ownMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) End If 'Move,Item If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move AndAlso OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Item Then MegaEvolCheck(BattleScreen) OpponentUseItem(BattleScreen, CInt(CStr(OppStep.Argument).Split(CChar(","))(0)), CInt(CStr(OppStep.Argument).Split(CChar(","))(1))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnUsedMoves.Add(CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack).ID) Dim ownMove As Attack = CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack) If SelectedMoveOwn = True Then ownMove.MoveSelected(True, BattleScreen) DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, True, ownMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) End If 'Move,Switch If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move AndAlso OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Switch Then MegaEvolCheck(BattleScreen) If CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack).ID = 228 Then 'Pursuit is used by own pokemon and opponent tries to switch. BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnPursuit = True BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnUsedMoves.Add(CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack).ID) Dim ownMove As Attack = CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack) If SelectedMoveOwn = True Then ownMove.MoveSelected(True, BattleScreen) Me.DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, True, ownMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) SwitchOutOpp(BattleScreen, CInt(OppStep.Argument)) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) Else SwitchOutOpp(BattleScreen, CInt(OppStep.Argument)) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnUsedMoves.Add(CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack).ID) Dim ownMove As Attack = CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack) If SelectedMoveOwn = True Then ownMove.MoveSelected(True, BattleScreen) DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, True, ownMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) End If End If 'Move,Flee If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move AndAlso OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Flee Then MegaEvolCheck(BattleScreen) BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnUsedMoves.Add(CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack).ID) Dim ownMove As Attack = CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack) If SelectedMoveOwn = True Then ownMove.MoveSelected(True, BattleScreen) DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, True, ownMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then If BattleCalculation.CanSwitch(BattleScreen, False) = True Then ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) Won = True BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\running", False)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OppStep.Argument))) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New RoamingPokemonFledQueryObject()) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New EndBattleQueryObject(False)) Else ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is trapped!")) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If End If End If 'Text,Move If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text AndAlso OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move Then MegaEvolCheck(BattleScreen) ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OwnStep.Argument))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) Dim oppMove As Attack = CType(OppStep.Argument, Attack) BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppUsedMoves.Add(oppMove.ID) If SelectedMoveOpp = True Then oppMove.MoveSelected(False, BattleScreen) DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, False, oppMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If 'Text,Text If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text AndAlso OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text Then ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OwnStep.Argument))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OppStep.Argument))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If 'Text,Item If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text AndAlso OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Item Then ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OwnStep.Argument))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) OpponentUseItem(BattleScreen, CInt(CStr(OppStep.Argument).Split(CChar(","))(0)), CInt(CStr(OppStep.Argument).Split(CChar(","))(1))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If 'Text,Switch If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text And OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Switch Then ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OwnStep.Argument))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) SwitchOutOpp(BattleScreen, CInt(OppStep.Argument)) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If 'Text,Flee If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text And OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Flee Then ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OwnStep.Argument))) If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then If BattleCalculation.CanSwitch(BattleScreen, False) = True Then ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) Won = True BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\running", False)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OppStep.Argument))) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New RoamingPokemonFledQueryObject()) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New EndBattleQueryObject(False)) Else ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is trapped!")) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If End If End If 'Switch,Move If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Switch And OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move Then MegaEvolCheck(BattleScreen) If BattleCalculation.CanSwitch(BattleScreen, True) = True Then If CType(OppStep.Argument, Attack).ID = 228 Then 'Opp uses pursuit while own tries to switch. BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppPursuit = True Dim oppMove As Attack = CType(OppStep.Argument, Attack) BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppUsedMoves.Add(oppMove.ID) If SelectedMoveOpp = True Then oppMove.MoveSelected(False, BattleScreen) DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, False, oppMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) SwitchOutOwn(BattleScreen, CInt(OwnStep.Argument), -1) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) Else SwitchOutOwn(BattleScreen, CInt(OwnStep.Argument), -1) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) Dim oppMove As Attack = CType(OppStep.Argument, Attack) BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppUsedMoves.Add(oppMove.ID) If SelectedMoveOpp = True Then oppMove.MoveSelected(False, BattleScreen) DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, False, oppMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If Else ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is trapped!")) BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppUsedMoves.Add(CInt(OppStep.Argument)) Dim oppMove As Attack = Attack.GetAttackByID(CInt(OppStep.Argument)) If SelectedMoveOpp = True Then oppMove.MoveSelected(False, BattleScreen) DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, False, oppMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If End If 'Switch,Text If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Switch And OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text Then If BattleCalculation.CanSwitch(BattleScreen, True) = True Then SwitchOutOwn(BattleScreen, CInt(OwnStep.Argument), -1) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OppStep.Argument))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) Else ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is trapped!")) ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OppStep.Argument))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If End If 'Switch,Item If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Switch And OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Item Then If BattleCalculation.CanSwitch(BattleScreen, True) = True Then SwitchOutOwn(BattleScreen, CInt(OwnStep.Argument), -1) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) OpponentUseItem(BattleScreen, CInt(CStr(OppStep.Argument).Split(CChar(","))(0)), CInt(CStr(OppStep.Argument).Split(CChar(","))(1))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) Else ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is trapped!")) ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) OpponentUseItem(BattleScreen, CInt(CStr(OppStep.Argument).Split(CChar(","))(0)), CInt(CStr(OppStep.Argument).Split(CChar(","))(1))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If End If 'Switch,Switch If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Switch And OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Switch Then If BattleCalculation.CanSwitch(BattleScreen, True) = True Then SwitchOutOwn(BattleScreen, CInt(OwnStep.Argument), -1) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) SwitchOutOpp(BattleScreen, CInt(OppStep.Argument)) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) Else ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is trapped!")) ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) SwitchOutOpp(BattleScreen, CInt(OppStep.Argument)) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If End If 'Switch,Flee If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Switch And OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Flee Then If BattleCalculation.CanSwitch(BattleScreen, True) = True Then SwitchOutOwn(BattleScreen, CInt(OwnStep.Argument), -1) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) Won = True BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OppStep.Argument))) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New EndBattleQueryObject(False)) Else ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is trapped!")) End If If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then If BattleCalculation.CanSwitch(BattleScreen, False) = True Then ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) Won = True BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\running", False)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OppStep.Argument))) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New RoamingPokemonFledQueryObject()) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New EndBattleQueryObject(False)) Else ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is trapped!")) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If End If End If 'Item,Move If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Item And OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Move Then MegaEvolCheck(BattleScreen) EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) Dim oppMove As Attack = CType(OppStep.Argument, Attack) BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppUsedMoves.Add(oppMove.ID) If SelectedMoveOpp = True Then oppMove.MoveSelected(False, BattleScreen) DoAttackRound(BattleScreen, False, oppMove) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If 'Item,Text If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Item And OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Text Then EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OppStep.Argument))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If 'Item,Switch If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Item And OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Switch Then EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) SwitchOutOpp(BattleScreen, CInt(OppStep.Argument)) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If 'Item,Item If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Item And OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Item Then EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) OpponentUseItem(BattleScreen, CInt(CStr(OppStep.Argument).Split(CChar(","))(0)), CInt(CStr(OppStep.Argument).Split(CChar(","))(1))) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If 'Item,Flee If OwnStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Item And OppStep.StepType = RoundConst.StepTypes.Flee Then EndRound(BattleScreen, 1) If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then If BattleCalculation.CanSwitch(BattleScreen, False) = True Then ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) Won = True BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\running", False)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(CStr(OppStep.Argument))) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New RoamingPokemonFledQueryObject()) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New EndBattleQueryObject(False)) Else ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is trapped!")) EndRound(BattleScreen, 2) End If End If End If EndRound(BattleScreen, 0) End Sub Private Function BattleHasEnded(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) As Boolean For Each b As QueryObject In BattleScreen.BattleQuery If b.QueryType = QueryObject.QueryTypes.EndBattle Then Return True End If Next Return False End Function Private Sub OpponentUseItem(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal ItemID As Integer, ByVal target As Integer) Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon If target <> -1 Then p = BattleScreen.Trainer.Pokemons(target) End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) 'Potion,Super Point,Hyper Potion,Full Heal,Full Restore,Burn Heal,Antidote,Paralyze heal,Awakening,Ice Heal,Revive,Max Revive,Max Potion Select Case ItemID Case 18 'Potion Me.GainHP(20, False, False, BattleScreen, BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used a Potion on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "item:potion") Case 17 'Super Potion Me.GainHP(50, False, False, BattleScreen, BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used a Super Potion on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "item:superpotion") Case 16 'Hyper Potion Me.GainHP(100, False, False, BattleScreen, BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used a Hyper Potion on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "item:hyperpotion") Case 15 'Max Potion Me.GainHP(p.MaxHP, False, False, BattleScreen, BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used a Max Potion on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "item:maxpotion") Case 14 'Full Restore Dim Message As String = "" If p.HP >= p.MaxHP Then Message = BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used a Full Restore on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!" End If Me.GainHP(p.MaxHP, False, False, BattleScreen, BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used a Full Restore on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "item:fullrestore") Me.CureStatusProblem(False, False, BattleScreen, Message, "item:fullrestore") p.RemoveVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) Case 38 'Full Heal Me.CureStatusProblem(False, False, BattleScreen, BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used a Full Heal on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "item:fullheal") Case 9 'Antidote Me.CureStatusProblem(False, False, BattleScreen, BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used an Antidote on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "item:antidote") Case 10 'Burn Heal Me.CureStatusProblem(False, False, BattleScreen, BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used a Burn Heal on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "item:burnheal") Case 11 'Ice Heal Me.CureStatusProblem(False, False, BattleScreen, BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used an Ice Heal on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "item:iceheal") Case 12 'Awakening Me.CureStatusProblem(False, False, BattleScreen, BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used an Awakening on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "item:awakening") Case 13 'Paralyze Heal Me.CureStatusProblem(False, False, BattleScreen, BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used a Paralyze Heal on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "item:paralyzeheal") Case 39 'Revive BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used a Revive on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!")) p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None p.HP = CInt(Math.Ceiling(p.MaxHP / 2)) Case 40 'Max Revive BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " used a Revive on " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!")) p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None p.HP = p.MaxHP End Select BattleScreen.Trainer.TrainerItemUse(ItemID) End Sub #End Region Public Function IsChargingTurn(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal moveUsed As Attack) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon Dim fly As Integer Dim bounce As Integer Dim dig As Integer Dim dive As Integer Dim skyDrop As Integer 'not implemented yet Dim geomancy As Integer Dim shadowForce As Integer Dim phantomForce As Integer Dim skullBash As Integer Dim skyAttack As Integer Dim solarBeam As Integer Dim solarBlade As Integer Dim razorWind As Integer Dim bide As Integer If own Then p = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Else p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon End If With BattleScreen.FieldEffects If own Then fly = .OwnFlyCounter bounce = .OwnBounceCounter dig = .OwnDigCounter dive = .OwnDiveCounter skyDrop = .OwnSkyDropCounter geomancy = .OwnGeomancyCounter shadowForce = .OwnShadowForceCounter phantomForce = .OwnPhantomForceCounter skullBash = .OwnSkullBashCounter skyAttack = .OwnSkyAttackCounter solarBeam = .OwnSolarBeam solarBlade = .OwnSolarBlade razorWind = .OwnRazorWindCounter bide = .OwnBideCounter Else fly = .OppFlyCounter bounce = .OppBounceCounter dig = .OppDigCounter dive = .OppDiveCounter skyDrop = .OppSkyDropCounter geomancy = .OppGeomancyCounter shadowForce = .OppShadowForceCounter phantomForce = .OppPhantomForceCounter skullBash = .OppSkullBashCounter skyAttack = .OppSkyAttackCounter solarBeam = .OppSolarBeam solarBlade = .OppSolarBlade razorWind = .OppRazorWindCounter bide = .OppBideCounter End If End With If p.Item IsNot Nothing AndAlso p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "power herb" AndAlso BattleScreen.CanUseItems Then Return False End If Select Case moveUsed.Name.ToLower Case "fly" If fly = 0 Then Return True End If Case "bounce" If bounce = 0 Then Return True End If Case "dig" If dig = 0 Then Return True End If Case "dive" If dive = 0 Then Return True End If Case "sky drop" If skyDrop = 0 Then Return True End If Case "geomancy" If geomancy = 0 Then Return True End If Case "shadow force" If shadowForce = 0 Then Return True End If Case "phantom force" If phantomForce = 0 Then Return True End If Case "skull bash" If skullBash = 0 Then Return True End If Case "sky attack" If skyAttack = 0 Then Return True End If Case "solar beam" If solarBeam = 0 And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Weather <> BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny Then Return True End If Case "solar blade" If solarBlade = 0 And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Weather <> BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny Then Return True End If Case "razor wind" If razorWind = 0 Then Return True End If Case "bide" If bide = 0 Or bide = 1 Then Return True End If Case Else End Select Return False End Function Public Sub DoAttackRound(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal moveUsed As Attack) 'p: the attacking pokemon 'op: the target pokemon Dim p As Pokemon Dim pNPC As NPC Dim op As Pokemon Dim opNPC As NPC If own Then p = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon op = BattleScreen.OppPokemon pNPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC opNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove = moveUsed Else p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC opNPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove = moveUsed End If If WildHasEscaped Then WildHasEscaped = False Exit Sub End If 'Prevent turn count from resetting if battle just started If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTurnCounts = 0 Then HasSwitchedInOwn = False End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTurnCounts = 0 Then HasSwitchedInOpp = False End If TriggerItemEffect(BattleScreen, True) TriggerItemEffect(BattleScreen, False) 'Transform Aegislash with Stance Change ability. If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "stance change" AndAlso p.Number = 681 Then If p.AdditionalData = "" Then If moveUsed.IsDamagingMove Then p.AdditionalData = "blade" p.ReloadDefinitions() p.CalculateStats() Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(own, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OwnPokemon, PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(p), 0, 1, -1, -1)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " transformed into Blade Forme!")) End If Else If moveUsed.ID = 588 Then p.AdditionalData = "" p.ReloadDefinitions() p.CalculateStats() Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(own, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OwnPokemon, PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(p), 0, 1, -1, -1)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " transformed into Shield Forme!")) End If End If End If ''Turn count 'If own Then ' BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTurnCounts += 1 'Else ' BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTurnCounts += 1 'End If 'Reset Destiny Bond: If moveUsed.ID <> 194 Then If own Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnDestinyBond = False Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppDestinyBond = False End If End If If p.HP <= 0 Then Exit Sub End If Dim q As CameraQueryObject = CType(BattleScreen.FocusBattle(), CameraQueryObject) : q.ApplyCurrentCamera = True : BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(q) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New DelayQueryObject(20)) If p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Then If moveUsed.RemovesOwnFrozen = True Then CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " got defrosted by " & moveUsed.Name & ".", "defrostmove") End If End If If p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 20 Then CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " thawed out.", "own defrost") Else 'Frozen animation ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim FrozenAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, Not own) FrozenAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Frozen", 0, 0) Dim maxAmount As Integer = 8 Dim currentAmount As Integer = 0 While currentAmount <= maxAmount Dim Texture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Frozen", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), "") Dim xPos As Single Dim zPos As Single If own = False Then xPos = CSng(Random.Next(-2, 4) / 8) zPos = CSng(Random.Next(-2, 4) / 8) Else xPos = CSng(Random.Next(-4, 2) / 8) zPos = CSng(Random.Next(-4, 2) / 8) End If Dim Position As New Vector3(xPos, -0.25, zPos) Dim Scale As New Vector3(0.25F) Dim startDelay As Double = 5.0 * Random.NextDouble() Dim SnowflakeEntity = FrozenAnimation.SpawnEntity(Position, Texture, Scale, 1.0F, CSng(startDelay)) FrozenAnimation.AnimationFade(SnowflakeEntity, True, 0.02, False, 0.0F, CSng(startDelay), 0.0) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentAmount) End While BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(FrozenAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Frozen", False)) End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is frozen solid!")) Exit Sub End If End If If p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then moveUsed.IsSleeping(own, BattleScreen) Dim sleepTurns As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSleepTurns If Not own Then sleepTurns = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSleepTurns End If ' If using SleepTalk, then store the last move used as sleeptalk for the upcoming attack. If moveUsed.ID = 214 Then If sleepTurns > 0 Then If own Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove = moveUsed Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove = moveUsed End If Else CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " woke up!", "sleepturns") BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Sleep Talk failed!")) Exit Sub End If Else If (own AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove IsNot Nothing AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove.ID = 214) OrElse (Not own AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove IsNot Nothing AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove.ID = 214) Then If own Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove = moveUsed Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove = moveUsed End If Else If sleepTurns > 0 Then ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) 'Sleep Animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim SleepAnimation As New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, Not own) SleepAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Asleep", 0, 0) Dim SleepEntity1 As Entity = SleepAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Asleep", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 0, 1) SleepAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(SleepEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Asleep", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 1, 1) SleepAnimation.AnimationMove(SleepEntity1, True, 0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.01, False, False, 0, 0) Dim SleepEntity2 As Entity = SleepAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Asleep", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 1.5, 1) SleepAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(SleepEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Asleep", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 2.5, 1) SleepAnimation.AnimationMove(SleepEntity2, True, 0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.01, False, False, 2, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(SleepAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Asleep", False)) End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is fast asleep.")) Exit Sub Else CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " woke up!", "sleepturns") End If End If End If End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "truant" Then Dim truantTurn As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTruantRound If Not own Then truantTurn = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTruantRound End If If truantTurn = 1 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is loafing around.")) Exit Sub End If End If If moveUsed.Disabled > 0 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(moveUsed.Name & " is disabled!")) Exit Sub End If If own = True Then If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "choice band" Or p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "choice specs" Or p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "choice scarf" Then If Not BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnChoiceMove Is Nothing Then If Not moveUsed Is BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnChoiceMove Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s move was prevented due to " & p.Item.OneLineName() & "!")) Exit Sub End If Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnChoiceMove = moveUsed End If End If End If Else If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "choice band" Or p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "choice specs" Or p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "choice scarf" Then If Not BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppChoiceMove Is Nothing Then If Not moveUsed Is BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppChoiceMove Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s move was prevented due to " & p.Item.OneLineName() & "!")) Exit Sub End If Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppChoiceMove = moveUsed End If End If End If End If Dim imprisoned As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnImprison If own = False Then imprisoned = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppImprison End If If imprisoned > 0 Then Dim hasMove As Boolean = False For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In op.Attacks If a.ID = moveUsed.ID Then hasMove = True Exit For End If Next If hasMove = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s move is sealed by " & op.GetDisplayName() & "!")) Exit Sub End If End If Dim healBlock As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppHealBlock If own = False Then healBlock = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnHealBlock End If If healBlock > 0 Then If moveUsed.IsHealingMove = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " was prevented from healing!")) Exit Sub End If End If If p.HP > 0 And p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "cacophony" AndAlso moveUsed.IsSoundMove = True Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " prevented the sound-based move with Cacophony!")) moveUsed.MoveFailsSoundproof(own, BattleScreen) Exit Sub End If End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "soundproof" AndAlso moveUsed.IsSoundMove = True Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " prevented the sound-based move with Soundproof!")) moveUsed.MoveFailsSoundproof(own, BattleScreen) Exit Sub End If End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "sturdy" AndAlso moveUsed.IsOneHitKOMove = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Sturdy prevented any damage from the 1-Hit-KO move.")) Exit Sub End If End If If p.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) = True Then Dim confusionTurns As Integer = 0 If own = True Then confusionTurns = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnConfusionTurns BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnConfusionTurns -= 1 Else confusionTurns = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppConfusionTurns BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppConfusionTurns -= 1 End If If confusionTurns = 0 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is no longer confused!")) p.RemoveVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) Else Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) 'Confused Animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim ConfusedAnimation As New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, own) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Confused", 0, 0) Dim DuckEntity1 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-0.25, 0.25, -0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0) Dim DuckEntity2 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0) Dim DuckEntity3 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 0.75F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 0.75F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 0.75F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), ""), 1.5F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), ""), 1.5F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), ""), 1.5F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), ""), 2.25F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), ""), 2.25F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), ""), 2.25F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), 3.0F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), 3.0F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), 3.0F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 3.75F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 3.75F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 3.75F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), ""), 4.5F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), ""), 4.5F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), ""), 4.5F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), ""), 5.25F, 1) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), ""), 5.25F, 1) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), ""), 5.25F, 1) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(ConfusedAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Confused", False)) End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is confused!")) 'Previously 'If Core.Random.Next(0, 2) = 0 Then' (Updated to gen 7's 33% instead of 50%) If Core.Random.Next(0, 3) = 0 Then Dim a As Attack = New ConfusionAttack() Dim damage As Integer = BattleCalculation.CalculateDamage(a, False, True, True, BattleScreen) ReduceHP(damage, own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " hurt itself in confusion.", "confusiondamage") moveUsed.HurtItselfInConfusion(own, BattleScreen) Exit Sub End If End If End If moveUsed.PreAttack(own, BattleScreen) If p.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Flinch) = True Then p.RemoveVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Flinch) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " flinched and couldn't move!")) moveUsed.InflictedFlinch(own, BattleScreen) If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "steadfast" Then RaiseStat(own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Speed", 1, "", "steadfast") End If Exit Sub End If Dim taunt As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTaunt If own = False Then taunt = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTaunt End If If taunt > 0 Then If moveUsed.Category = Attack.Categories.Status Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s move was prevented due to Taunt!")) Exit Sub End If End If Dim gravity As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Gravity If gravity > 0 Then If moveUsed.DisabledWhileGravity = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s move was prevented due to Gravity!")) Exit Sub End If End If If op.HP > 0 And op.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then If p.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Infatuation) = True Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 2) = 0 Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) 'Infatuated animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim HeartAnimation = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, Not own) For i = 0 To 6 Dim HeartEntity = HeartAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Attract"), New Vector3(0.25F), 1.0F, CSng(i * 0.2)) Dim zPos As Single = CSng(Random.Next(-2, 2) * 0.2) HeartAnimation.AnimationMove(HeartEntity, False, 0.0, 0.25, zPos, 0.01, False, False, CSng(i * 0.2), 0.0) HeartAnimation.AnimationFade(HeartEntity, True, 0.02, False, 0.0, CSng(1 + i * 0.2), 0.0) i += 1 Next BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(HeartAnimation) End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is in love with " & op.GetDisplayName() & "!")) Exit Sub End If End If End If If p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Paralyzed Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 4) = 0 Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim ParalyzedAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, Not own) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Paralyzed", 0, 0) Dim maxAmount As Integer = 4 Dim currentAmount As Integer = 0 While currentAmount <= maxAmount Dim Texture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Paralyzed", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), "") Dim xPos = CSng(Random.Next(-4, 4) / 8) Dim zPos = CSng(Random.Next(-4, 4) / 8) Dim Position As New Vector3(xPos, -0.25, zPos) Dim Destination As New Vector3(xPos - xPos * 2, 0, zPos - zPos * 2) Dim Scale As New Vector3(0.25F) Dim startDelay As Double = 5.0 * Random.NextDouble() Dim ShockEntity = ParalyzedAnimation.SpawnEntity(Position, Texture, Scale, 1.0F, CSng(startDelay)) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationMove(ShockEntity, True, Destination.X, Destination.Y, Destination.Z, 0.025F, False, True, CSng(startDelay), 0.0F) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(ShockEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Paralyzed", New Rectangle(16, 0, 16, 16), ""), CSng(startDelay + 1), 1) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(ShockEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Paralyzed", New Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ""), CSng(startDelay + 2), 1) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(ShockEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Paralyzed", New Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ""), CSng(startDelay + 3), 1) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(ShockEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Paralyzed", New Rectangle(64, 0, 16, 16), ""), CSng(startDelay + 4), 1) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(ShockEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Paralyzed", New Rectangle(72, 0, 16, 16), ""), CSng(startDelay + 5), 1) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentAmount) End While BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(ParalyzedAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Paralyzed", False)) End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is fully paralyzed!" & Environment.NewLine & "It cannot move!")) Exit Sub End If End If If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove = moveUsed Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove = moveUsed End If If own = True Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTorment > 0 Then If moveUsed Is BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTormentMove Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(moveUsed.Name & " failed!")) Exit Sub End If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTormentMove = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove End If Else If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTorment > 0 Then If moveUsed Is BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTormentMove Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(moveUsed.Name & " failed!")) Exit Sub End If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTormentMove = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove End If End If If own = True Then Dim ObedienceCheck As Integer = BattleCalculation.ObedienceCheck(moveUsed, BattleScreen) If ObedienceCheck > 0 Then Select Case ObedienceCheck Case 1 BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " ignores orders while asleep!")) Exit Sub Case 2 BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " ignores orders!")) moveUsed = CType(GetAttack(BattleScreen, own, p.Attacks(Core.Random.Next(0, p.Attacks.Count))).Argument, Attack) Exit Sub Case 3 InflictSleep(own, own, BattleScreen, -1, p.GetDisplayName() & " began to nap!", "obeynap") Exit Sub Case 4 BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " won't obey!")) Exit Sub Case 5 BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " won't obey!")) Exit Sub Case 6 BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " turned away!")) Exit Sub Case 7 BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is loafing around!")) Exit Sub Case 8 BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " pretended to not notice!")) Exit Sub End Select End If End If Dim substitute As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute If own = False Then substitute = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute End If Dim AllDamage As Integer = 0 Dim KOED As Boolean = False Dim DirectKOED As Boolean = False ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " used " & moveUsed.Name & "!")) If moveUsed.DeductPP(own, BattleScreen) = True Then moveUsed.CurrentPP -= 1 If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "pressure" And moveUsed.CurrentPP > 0 Then moveUsed.CurrentPP -= 1 End If End If 'If there's no opponent (opponent is fainted), skip to end of turn: Dim NoTargetCheck As Boolean = True If moveUsed.ProtectAffected = False Then NoTargetCheck = False 'Moves that target other pokemon and can go through protect. Select Case moveUsed.Name.ToLower Case "acupressure", "confide", "feint", "hold hands", "hyperspace fury", "hyperspace hole", "phantom force", "psych up", "play nice", "roar", "role play", "shadow force", "sketch", "transform", "whirlwind" NoTargetCheck = True End Select End If If IsChargingTurn(BattleScreen, own, moveUsed) Then NoTargetCheck = False End If If NoTargetCheck = True Then If op.HP <= 0 Or op.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("But there was no target...")) Exit Sub End If End If 'Own Pokémon move animation! This displays any effects that should display on the user of the move. moveUsed.UserPokemonMoveAnimation(BattleScreen, own) If moveUsed.Target <> Attack.Targets.Self And moveUsed.FocusOppPokemon = True Then If own = True Then Dim ca As QueryObject = BattleScreen.FocusOppPokemon() CType(ca, CameraQueryObject).SetTargetToStart() Dim fa1 As New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.CloseLeft, Color.Black, True, 110) Dim fa2 As New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.CloseRight, Color.Black, False, 110) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.AddRange({fa1, ca, fa2}) Else Dim ca As QueryObject = BattleScreen.FocusOwnPokemon() CType(ca, CameraQueryObject).SetTargetToStart() Dim fa1 As New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.CloseRight, Color.Black, True, 110) Dim fa2 As New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.CloseLeft, Color.Black, False, 110) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.AddRange({fa1, ca, fa2}) End If 'ChangeCameraAngle(2, own, BattleScreen) End If Dim DoesNotMiss As Boolean = BattleCalculation.AccuracyCheck(moveUsed, own, BattleScreen) Dim lockon As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLockOn If own = False Then lockon = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLockOn End If If lockon > 0 Then DoesNotMiss = True End If 'if the target pokemon can't be hit because of a two-turn move (Fly, for example) Dim UseTwoTurnCheck As Boolean = True If moveUsed.ProtectAffected = False Then UseTwoTurnCheck = False 'Moves that target other pokemon and can go through protect. Select Case moveUsed.Name.ToLower Case "acupressure", "confide", "feint", "hold hands", "hyperspace fury", "hyperspace hole", "phantom force", "psych up", "play nice", "roar", "role play", "shadow force", "sketch", "transform", "whirlwind" UseTwoTurnCheck = True End Select End If If DoesNotMiss = True And UseTwoTurnCheck Then 'Dig check Dim dig As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppDigCounter If own = False Then dig = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnDigCounter End If If dig > 0 And moveUsed.CanHitUnderground = False Then DoesNotMiss = False End If End If If DoesNotMiss = True And UseTwoTurnCheck Then 'Fly check Dim fly As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppFlyCounter If own = False Then fly = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnFlyCounter End If If fly > 0 And moveUsed.CanHitInMidAir = False Then DoesNotMiss = False End If End If If DoesNotMiss = True And UseTwoTurnCheck Then 'bounce check Dim bounce As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBounceCounter If own = False Then bounce = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBounceCounter End If If bounce > 0 And moveUsed.CanHitInMidAir = False Then DoesNotMiss = False End If End If If DoesNotMiss = True And UseTwoTurnCheck Then 'dive check Dim dive As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppDiveCounter If own = False Then dive = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnDiveCounter End If If dive > 0 And moveUsed.CanHitInMidAir = False Then DoesNotMiss = False End If End If If DoesNotMiss = True And UseTwoTurnCheck Then 'shadowforce check Dim shadowforce As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppShadowForceCounter If own = False Then shadowforce = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnShadowForceCounter End If If shadowforce > 0 Then DoesNotMiss = False End If End If If DoesNotMiss = True And UseTwoTurnCheck Then 'phantomforce check Dim phantomforce As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppPhantomForceCounter If own = False Then phantomforce = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnPhantomForceCounter End If If phantomforce > 0 Then DoesNotMiss = False End If End If If DoesNotMiss = True And UseTwoTurnCheck Then 'sky drop check Dim skydrop As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSkyDropCounter If own = False Then skydrop = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSkyDropCounter End If If skydrop > 0 And moveUsed.CanHitInMidAir = False Then DoesNotMiss = False End If End If If DoesNotMiss = True And UseTwoTurnCheck Then 'geomancy check Dim geomancy As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppGeomancyCounter If own = False Then geomancy = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnGeomancyCounter End If If geomancy > 0 Then DoesNotMiss = False End If End If If IsChargingTurn(BattleScreen, own, moveUsed) Then DoesNotMiss = True End If If DoesNotMiss = True Then Dim effectiveness As Single = BattleCalculation.CalculateEffectiveness(own, moveUsed, BattleScreen) Dim oppHealblock As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnHealBlock If own = False Then oppHealblock = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppHealBlock End If Dim moveWorks As Boolean = True If moveUsed.MoveFailBeforeAttack(own, BattleScreen) = True Then moveWorks = False End If If moveUsed.Name.ToLower = "sucker punch" Then If own Then If OppStep.StepType <> RoundConst.StepTypes.Move OrElse CType(OppStep.Argument, Attack).Category = Attack.Categories.Status Then moveWorks = False BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("But it failed!")) End If Else If OwnStep.StepType <> RoundConst.StepTypes.Move OrElse CType(OwnStep.Argument, Attack).Category = Attack.Categories.Status Then moveWorks = False BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("But it failed!")) End If End If End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "volt absorb" AndAlso moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Electric And moveWorks = True And moveUsed.Category <> Attack.Categories.Status Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then moveWorks = False If oppHealblock > 0 Then ReduceHP(CInt(op.MaxHP / 4), Not own, own, BattleScreen, "Heal Block blocked Volt Absorb!", "healblock") Else If op.HP = op.MaxHP Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Volt Absorb made " & moveUsed.Name & " useless!")) Else GainHP(CInt(op.MaxHP / 4), Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Volt Absorb absorbed the attack!", "volatabsorb") End If End If End If End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "motor drive" AndAlso moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Electric And moveWorks = True Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then moveWorks = False ChangeCameraAngle(2, own, BattleScreen) If op.StatSpeed = 6 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Motor Drive made " & moveUsed.Name & " useless!")) Else RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Speed", 1, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Motor Drive absorbed the attack!", "motordrive") End If End If End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "water absorb" AndAlso moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Water And moveWorks = True And moveUsed.Category <> Attack.Categories.Status Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then moveWorks = False If oppHealblock > 0 Then ReduceHP(CInt(op.MaxHP / 4), Not own, own, BattleScreen, "Heal Block blocked Water Absorb!", "healblock") Else If op.HP = op.MaxHP Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Water Absorb made " & moveUsed.Name & " useless!")) Else GainHP(CInt(op.MaxHP / 4), Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Water Absorb absorbed the attack!", "waterabsorb") End If End If End If End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "dry skin" AndAlso moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Water And moveWorks = True And moveUsed.Category <> Attack.Categories.Status Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then moveWorks = False If oppHealblock > 0 Then ReduceHP(CInt(op.MaxHP / 4), Not own, own, BattleScreen, "Heal Block blocked Dry Skin!", "healblock") Else If op.HP = op.MaxHP Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Dry Skin made " & moveUsed.Name & " useless!")) Else GainHP(CInt(op.MaxHP / 4), Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Dry Skin absorbed the attack!", "dryskin") End If End If End If End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "sap sipper" AndAlso moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Grass AndAlso moveWorks = True AndAlso moveUsed.Category <> Attack.Categories.Status Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then moveWorks = False ChangeCameraAngle(2, own, BattleScreen) If op.StatAttack = 6 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Sap Sipper made " & moveUsed.Name & " useless!")) Else RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 1, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Sap Sipper absorbed the attack!", "sapsipper") End If End If End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "flash fire" AndAlso moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Fire AndAlso moveWorks = True Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then moveWorks = False ChangeCameraAngle(2, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Flash Fire made " & moveUsed.Name & " useless!")) If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppFlashFire = 1 Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnFlashFire = 1 End If End If End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "storm drain" AndAlso moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Water AndAlso moveWorks = True AndAlso moveUsed.Category <> Attack.Categories.Status Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then moveWorks = False ChangeCameraAngle(2, own, BattleScreen) If op.StatSpAttack = 6 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Storm Drain made " & moveUsed.Name & " useless!")) Else RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Special Attack", 1, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Storm Drain absorbed the attack!", "stormdrain") End If End If End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "lightningrod" AndAlso moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Electric AndAlso moveWorks = True AndAlso moveUsed.Category <> Attack.Categories.Status Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then moveWorks = False ChangeCameraAngle(2, own, BattleScreen) If op.StatSpAttack = 6 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Lightningrod made " & moveUsed.Name & " useless!")) Else RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Special Attack", 1, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Lightningrod absorbed the attack!", "lightningrod") End If End If End If If op.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Grass Or op.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Grass Then If moveUsed.IsPowderMove = True Then moveWorks = False BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " is not affected by " & moveUsed.Name & "!")) End If End If If op.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Ghost Or op.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Ghost Then If moveUsed.IsTrappingMove = True Then moveWorks = False BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " is not affected by " & moveUsed.Name & "!")) End If End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "bulletproof" And moveUsed.IsBulletMove = True Then moveWorks = False BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " prevents damage with its Bulletproof ability!")) End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.PsychicTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.IsGrounded(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then If moveUsed.Priority > 0 Then moveWorks = False BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " surrounds itself with Psychic Terrain!")) End If End If If moveWorks = True Then If op.HP > 0 And op.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Dim protect As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppProtectCounter If own = False Then protect = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnProtectCounter End If If protect > 0 And moveUsed.ProtectAffected = True Then Dim protectWorks As Boolean = True If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "no guard" Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < (100 - moveUsed.GetAccuracy(own, BattleScreen)) Then protectWorks = False End If End If If protectWorks = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " protected itself!")) Exit Sub End If End If Dim detect As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppDetectCounter If own = False Then detect = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnDetectCounter End If If detect > 0 And moveUsed.ProtectAffected = True Then Dim detectWorks As Boolean = True If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "no guard" Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < (100 - moveUsed.GetAccuracy(own, BattleScreen)) Then detectWorks = False End If End If If detectWorks = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " protected itself!")) Exit Sub End If End If Dim kingsshield As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppKingsShieldCounter If own = False Then kingsshield = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnKingsShieldCounter End If If kingsshield > 0 And moveUsed.ProtectAffected = True And moveUsed.Category <> Attack.Categories.Status Then Dim kingsshieldWorks As Boolean = True If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "no guard" Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < (100 - moveUsed.GetAccuracy(own, BattleScreen)) Then kingsshieldWorks = False End If End If If kingsshieldWorks = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " protected itself!")) If moveUsed.MakesContact = True Then Me.LowerStat(own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 1, "", "move:kingsshield") End If Exit Sub End If End If End If 'Protean Ability: If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "protean" AndAlso moveUsed.ID <> 165 Then ''165 = Struggle If p.Type1.Type <> moveUsed.Type.Type OrElse p.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Blank Then If p.OriginalType1 Is Nothing Then p.OriginalType1 = New Element(p.Type1.Type) End If p.Type1.Type = moveUsed.Type.Type If p.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Blank Then If p.OriginalType2 Is Nothing Then p.OriginalType2 = New Element(p.Type2.Type) End If p.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Blank End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s type changed to " & p.Type1.ToString() & " due to Protean.")) End If End If 'Opp Pokémon move animation! This displays the move effects that target the other Pokémon and appear after the camera switched around. moveUsed.OpponentPokemonMoveAnimation(BattleScreen, own) If moveUsed.IsDamagingMove = True Then ChangeCameraAngle(2, own, BattleScreen) If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "wonder guard" And effectiveness <= 1.0F And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True And moveUsed.IsWonderGuardAffected = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "s Wonder Guard blocked the attack!")) Exit Sub End If Dim Hits As Integer = 0 Dim TimesToAttack As Integer = moveUsed.GetTimesToAttack(own, BattleScreen) Dim useParentalBond As Boolean = False If TimesToAttack = 1 AndAlso p.Ability IsNot Nothing AndAlso p.Ability.Name.ToLower = "parental bond" Then Dim moveList As String() = {"endeavor", "fling", "explosion", "self-destruct", "final gambit", "bounce", "dig", "dive", "fly", "freeze shock", "geomancy", "ice burn", "phantom force", "razor wind", "shadow force", "skull bash", "sky attack", "sky drop", "solar beam", "solar blade", "bide", "struggle" } If Not moveList.Contains(moveUsed.Name.ToLower) Then useParentalBond = True TimesToAttack += 1 End If End If For i = 1 To TimesToAttack Dim Critical As Boolean = BattleCalculation.IsCriticalHit(moveUsed, own, BattleScreen) Dim Damage As Integer = 0 If useParentalBond AndAlso i = TimesToAttack Then Damage = moveUsed.GetDamage(Critical, own, Not own, BattleScreen, "parental bond") Else Damage = moveUsed.GetDamage(Critical, own, Not own, BattleScreen) End If If effectiveness <> 0 Then If Damage = 0 AndAlso moveUsed.ID = 117 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("But it failed...")) moveUsed.MoveMisses(own, BattleScreen) effectiveness = 0 Exit For End If Dim sturdyWorked As Boolean = False If substitute = 0 Then If op.HP = op.MaxHP And op.MaxHP <= Damage Then DirectKOED = True Else DirectKOED = False End If If DirectKOED = True And op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "sturdy" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then DirectKOED = False sturdyWorked = True Damage = op.MaxHP - 1 End If If op.HP <= Damage Then KOED = True Else KOED = False End If End If AllDamage += Damage If substitute = 0 Then If own = True Then Dim didDamage As Integer = Damage If didDamage > op.HP Then didDamage = op.HP End If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastDamage = didDamage If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBideCounter > 0 Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBideDamage += didDamage End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppRageFistPower < 350 Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppRageFistPower += 50 End If Else Dim didDamage As Integer = Damage If didDamage > op.HP Then didDamage = op.HP End If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastDamage = didDamage If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBideCounter > 0 Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBideDamage += didDamage End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnRageFistPower < 350 Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnRageFistPower += 50 End If End If End If moveUsed.BeforeDealingDamage(own, BattleScreen) If substitute = 0 Then Dim endure As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppEndure If own = False Then endure = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnEndure End If Dim endureWorked As Boolean = False If endure > 0 And effectiveness <> 0 Then If Damage > op.HP Then Damage = op.HP - 1 endureWorked = True End If End If If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppPokemonDamagedThisTurn = True Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnPokemonDamagedThisTurn = True End If Dim sound As String = "Battle\Damage\Effective" If effectiveness > 1.0F Then sound = "Battle\Damage\SuperEffective" End If If effectiveness < 1.0F And effectiveness <> 0.0F Then sound = "Battle\Damage\NotVeryEffective" End If ReduceHP(Damage, Not own, own, BattleScreen, "", "battledamage", sound) If sturdyWorked = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Sturdy prevented " & op.GetDisplayName() & " from fainting!")) End If If endureWorked = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " endured the attack.")) End If Else If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute -= Damage BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s substitute took the damage!")) If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute <= 0 Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute = 0 BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(False, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OwnPokemon, PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(BattleScreen.OppPokemon), 0, 1, -1, -1)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " substitute broke!")) Exit For End If Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute -= Damage BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s substitute took the damage!")) If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute <= 0 Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute = 0 BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(True, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OwnPokemon, PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon), 0, 1, -1, -1)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " substitute broke!")) Exit For End If End If End If End If If effectiveness > 1.0F Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("It's super effective!")) If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle = True And BattleScreen.IsHost = True Then If own = True Then BattleScreen.OwnStatistics.SuperEffective += 1 Else BattleScreen.OppStatistics.SuperEffective += 1 End If End If ElseIf effectiveness < 1.0F And effectiveness <> 0.0F Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("It's not very effective...")) If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle = True And BattleScreen.IsHost = True Then If own = True Then BattleScreen.OwnStatistics.NotVeryEffective += 1 Else BattleScreen.OppStatistics.NotVeryEffective += 1 End If End If ElseIf effectiveness = 0.0F Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("It has no effect...")) If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle = True And BattleScreen.IsHost = True Then If own = True Then BattleScreen.OwnStatistics.NoEffect += 1 Else BattleScreen.OppStatistics.NoEffect += 1 End If End If Exit For End If If Critical = True And effectiveness <> 0 Then If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle = True And BattleScreen.IsHost = True Then If own = True Then BattleScreen.OwnStatistics.Critical += 1 Else BattleScreen.OppStatistics.Critical += 1 End If End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("It's a critical hit!")) If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "anger point" And op.StatAttack < 6 And op.HP > 0 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "s Anger Point maxed it's attack!")) op.StatAttack = 6 End If End If If effectiveness <> 0 Then Dim canUseEffect As Boolean = True Dim multiUseEffect As Boolean = True If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "shield dust" AndAlso moveUsed.HasSecondaryEffect = True Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then canUseEffect = False End If End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "sheer force" AndAlso moveUsed.HasSecondaryEffect = True Then canUseEffect = False End If 'Moves that only use secondary effects on the second turn of parental bond If useParentalBond Then Dim PBmoveList As String() = {"secret power", "bug bite", "pluck", "smelling salts", "wake-up slap", "knock off", "relic song", "circle throw", "dragon tail" } If PBmoveList.Contains(moveUsed.Name.ToLower) Then multiUseEffect = False End If End If If canUseEffect AndAlso multiUseEffect OrElse (multiUseEffect = False AndAlso i = TimesToAttack) Then If substitute = 0 OrElse moveUsed.IsAffectedBySubstitute = False Then moveUsed.MoveHits(own, BattleScreen) If op.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Then If moveUsed.RemovesOppFrozen = True Then CureStatusProblem(Not own, own, BattleScreen, op.GetDisplayName() & " got defrosted by " & moveUsed.Name & ".", "defrostmove") End If End If End If End If If op.HP > 0 AndAlso op.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "king's rock" Or p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "razor fang" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 10 Then InflictFlinch(Not own, own, BattleScreen, "", "item:king's rock") End If End If End If End If moveUsed.MoveRecoil(own, BattleScreen) If op.HP > 0 Then If own = True Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppRageCounter > 0 Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppRageCounter += 1 BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " built up its rage.")) End If Else If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnRageCounter > 0 Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnRageCounter += 1 BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " built up its rage.")) End If End If End If Else moveUsed.MoveHasNoEffect(own, BattleScreen) End If 'ABILITY SHIT GOES HERE: If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) Then Select Case op.Ability.Name.ToLower() Case "color change" If op.HP > 0 Then If op.Type1.Type <> moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type OrElse op.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Blank Then ChangeCameraAngle(2, own, BattleScreen) op.OriginalType1 = op.Type1 op.OriginalType2 = op.Type2 op.Type1 = moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen) op.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Blank BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " changed it's color!")) End If End If Case "rough skin" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True Then ReduceHP(CInt(Math.Floor(p.MaxHP / 16)), own, Not own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " was harmed by Rough Skin.", "roughskin") End If Case "static" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True AndAlso p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 30 Then InflictParalysis(own, Not own, BattleScreen, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Static affects " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "static") End If End If Case "effect spore" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True AndAlso p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then Dim R As Integer = Core.Random.Next(0, 100) If R < 30 Then If R < 9 Then InflictPoison(own, Not own, BattleScreen, False, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Effect Spore affects " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "effectspore") ElseIf R >= 9 And R < 19 Then InflictParalysis(own, Not own, BattleScreen, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Effect Spore affects " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "effectspore") Else InflictSleep(own, Not own, BattleScreen, -1, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Effect Spore affects " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "effectspore") i = TimesToAttack End If End If End If Case "poison point" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True AndAlso p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 30 Then InflictPoison(own, Not own, BattleScreen, False, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Poison Point affects " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "poisonpoint") End If End If Case "flame body" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True AndAlso p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 30 Then InflictBurn(own, Not own, BattleScreen, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Flame Body affects " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "flamebody") End If End If Case "cute charm" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True AndAlso p.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Infatuation) = False Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 30 Then InflictInfatuate(own, Not own, BattleScreen, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Cute Charm affects " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "cutecharm") End If End If Case "aftermath" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True Then If op.HP <= 0 Then ReduceHP(CInt(p.MaxHP / 4), own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Aftermath caused damage!", "aftermath") End If End If Case "iron barbs" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True Then ReduceHP(CInt(p.MaxHP / 8), own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Iron Barbs caused damage!", "ironbarbs") End If Case "cursed body" If moveUsed.Disabled = 0 Then If substitute = 0 Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 30 Then ChangeCameraAngle(2, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Cursed Body disabled " & moveUsed.Name & "!")) moveUsed.Disabled = 4 End If End If End If Case "mummy" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True Then If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "multitype" And p.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "mummy" Then p.Ability = Ability.GetAbilityByID(152) ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s ability changed to Mummy!")) End If End If Case "justified" If moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Dark Then RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 1, op.GetDisplayName() & " became justified!", "justified") End If Case "steam engine" If moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Fire Or moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Water Then RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Speed", 2, "", "steam engine") End If Case "rattled" If moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Dark Or moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Bug Or moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Ghost Then RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Speed", 1, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Rattled affected it's clairaudience.", "rattled") End If Case "gooey" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True Then LowerStat(own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Speed", 1, "Gooey slowed down " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "gooey") End If Case "tangling hair" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True Then LowerStat(own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Speed", 1, "Tangling Hair slowed down " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "tangling hair") End If Case "weak armor" If moveUsed.Category = Attack.Categories.Physical Then RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Speed", 2, "Weak Armor causes the Speed to increase!", "weakarmor") LowerStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Defense", 1, "Weak Armor causes the Defense to decrease!", "weakarmor") End If Case "pickpocket" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True Then If Not p.Item Is Nothing AndAlso op.Item Is Nothing AndAlso substitute = 0 Then Dim canSteal As Boolean = True If p.Item.IsMegaStone = True Then canSteal = False End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "multitype" AndAlso p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower().EndsWith(" plate") Then canSteal = False End If If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "griseous orb" And p.Number = 487 Then canSteal = False End If If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower().EndsWith(" drive") = True AndAlso p.Number = 649 Then canSteal = False End If If canSteal Then Dim ItemID As String If p.Item.IsGameModeItem = True Then ItemID = p.Item.gmID Else ItemID = p.Item.ID.ToString() End If p.OriginalItem = Item.GetItemByID(ItemID) p.OriginalItem.AdditionalData = p.Item.AdditionalData If BattleScreen.Battle.RemoveHeldItem(own, Not own, BattleScreen, op.GetDisplayName() & " stole an item from " & p.GetDisplayName() & " due to " & op.Ability.Name & "!", op.Ability.Name.ToLower()) Then If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.StolenItemIDs.Add(ItemID) End If op.Item = Item.GetItemByID(ItemID) End If End If End If End If End Select End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) Then Select Case p.Ability.Name.ToLower() Case "poison touch" If moveUsed.MakesContact = True AndAlso op.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 30 Then InflictPoison(Not own, own, BattleScreen, False, p.GetDisplayName() & "'s Poison Touch affects " & op.GetDisplayName() & "!", "poisontouch") End If End If Case "moxie" If KOED = True Then RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 1, p.GetDisplayName() & "'s Moxie got in effect!", "moxie") End If Case "magician" If Not op.Item Is Nothing AndAlso p.Item Is Nothing AndAlso substitute = 0 Then Dim canSteal As Boolean = True If op.Item.IsMegaStone = True Then canSteal = False End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "multitype" AndAlso op.Item.OriginalName.ToLower().EndsWith(" plate") Then canSteal = False End If If op.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "griseous orb" AndAlso op.Number = 487 Then canSteal = False End If If op.Item.OriginalName.ToLower().EndsWith(" drive") = True AndAlso op.Number = 649 Then canSteal = False End If If canSteal Then Dim ItemID As String If op.Item.IsGameModeItem = True Then ItemID = op.Item.gmID Else ItemID = op.Item.ID.ToString End If op.OriginalItem = Item.GetItemByID(ItemID) op.OriginalItem.AdditionalData = op.Item.AdditionalData If BattleScreen.Battle.RemoveHeldItem(Not own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " stole an item from " & op.GetDisplayName() & " due to " & p.Ability.Name & "!", p.Ability.Name.ToLower()) Then If own = False Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.StolenItemIDs.Add(ItemID) End If p.Item = Item.GetItemByID(ItemID) End If End If End If End Select End If If substitute = 0 And op.HP > 0 Then If Not op.Item Is Nothing Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(Not own) AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then Select Case op.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() Case "enigma" If RemoveHeldItem(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, op.GetDisplayName() & " used the Enigma Berry to recover.", "berry:enigma") = True Then GainHP(CInt(Math.Ceiling(op.MaxHP / 4)), Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:enigma") End If Case "jaboca" If moveUsed.Category = Attack.Categories.Physical Then If AllDamage > 0 Then If RemoveHeldItem(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:jaboca") = True Then InflictRecoil(own, Not own, BattleScreen, Nothing, CInt(Math.Ceiling(AllDamage / 2)), "The Jaboca Berry damaged " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "berry:jaboca") End If End If End If Case "rowap" If moveUsed.Category = Attack.Categories.Special Then If AllDamage > 0 Then If RemoveHeldItem(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:rowap") = True Then InflictRecoil(own, Not own, BattleScreen, Nothing, CInt(Math.Ceiling(AllDamage / 2)), "The Rowap Berry damaged " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "berry:rowap") End If End If End If Case "kee" If moveUsed.Category = Attack.Categories.Physical Then If AllDamage > 0 Then If RemoveHeldItem(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:kee") = True Then BattleScreen.Battle.RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Defense", 1, "", "berry:kee") End If End If End If Case "maranga" If moveUsed.Category = Attack.Categories.Special Then If AllDamage > 0 Then If RemoveHeldItem(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:maranga") = True Then BattleScreen.Battle.RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Special Defense", 1, "", "berry:maranga") End If End If End If Case "snowball" If moveUsed.Type.Type = Element.Types.Ice Then If AllDamage > 0 And op.StatAttack < 6 Then If RemoveHeldItem(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "-1", "item:snowball") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Snowball was consumed!")) BattleScreen.Battle.RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 1, "", "item:snowball") End If End If End If Case "cell battery" If moveUsed.Type.Type = Element.Types.Electric Then If AllDamage > 0 And op.StatAttack < 6 Then If RemoveHeldItem(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "-1", "item:cell battery") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Cell Battery was consumed!")) BattleScreen.Battle.RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 1, "", "item:cell battery") End If End If End If End Select End If End If End If Hits += 1 If op.HP <= 0 Then Me.FaintPokemon(Not own, BattleScreen, "") Dim destinyBond As Boolean = False If own = True Then destinyBond = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppDestinyBond Else destinyBond = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnDestinyBond End If 'Faint other pokemon: If destinyBond = True Then ReduceHP(p.HP, own, Not own, BattleScreen, op.GetDisplayName() & " took its attacker with it!", "move:destinybond") Me.FaintPokemon(own, BattleScreen, "") End If Exit For End If If op.HP > 0 AndAlso effectiveness <> 0 Then If moveUsed.GetAttackType(own, BattleScreen).Type = Element.Types.Fire Then If op.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Then CureStatusProblem(Not own, own, BattleScreen, op.GetDisplayName() & " got defrosted by " & moveUsed.Name & ".", "defrostedfire") End If End If End If Next If p.HP > 0 AndAlso p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted AndAlso effectiveness <> 0.0F Then moveUsed.MoveMultiTurn(own, BattleScreen) moveUsed.MoveRecharge(own, BattleScreen) moveUsed.MoveSwitch(own, BattleScreen) End If If (Hits > 1 Or TimesToAttack > 1) And effectiveness <> 0.0F Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Hit " & Hits & " times!")) End If 'ABILITY SHIT GOES HERE If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "sticky barb" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "magic guard" Then ReduceHP(CInt(Math.Floor(p.MaxHP / 8)), True, True, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " was harmed by Sticky Barb.", "stickybarb") End If If Core.Random.Next(0, 2) = 0 AndAlso moveUsed.MakesContact = True AndAlso op.Item Is Nothing AndAlso op.HP > 0 Then ChangeCameraAngle(2, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s Sticky Barb was passed over to " & op.GetDisplayName() & ".")) If p.Item.IsGameModeItem = True Then op.Item = Item.GetItemByID(p.Item.gmID.ToString) Else op.Item = Item.GetItemByID(p.Item.ID.ToString) End If p.Item = Nothing End If 'CODELINE OF EVIL End If End If If p.HP > 0 Then If Not p.Item Is Nothing AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Select Case p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() Case "shell bell" If p.HP < p.MaxHP Then GainHP(CInt(AllDamage / 8), own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " gains some HP due to the Shell Bell.", "shellbell") End If Case "life orb" If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "magic guard" AndAlso p.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "sheer force" Then ReduceHP(CInt(p.MaxHP / 10), own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " loses HP due to Life Orb.", "lifeorb") End If End Select End If End If Else 'If not damaging move Dim lastMove As Attack = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove If own = False Then lastMove = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove End If If moveUsed.SnatchAffected = True AndAlso Not lastMove Is Nothing AndAlso lastMove.ID = 289 Then 'Snatch BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " snatched the " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s move!")) moveUsed.MoveHits(Not own, BattleScreen) Else Dim magicReflect As String = "" If moveUsed.MagicCoatAffected = True Then If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "magic bounce" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) = True Then magicReflect = "Magic Bounce" Else If own = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppMagicCoat > 0 Or own = False And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnMagicCoat > 0 Then magicReflect = "Magic Coat" End If End If End If If magicReflect <> "" Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(magicReflect & " bounced the attack back!")) 'Animation (switched) effectiveness = BattleCalculation.CalculateEffectiveness(Not own, moveUsed, BattleScreen) Dim oppSubstitute As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute If own = False Then oppSubstitute = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute End If If moveUsed.MagicCoatAffected Then If p.IsType(Element.Types.Dark) Then If op.Ability.Name.ToLower = "prankster" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Not own, BattleScreen) Then effectiveness = 0.0F End If End If End If If effectiveness = 0.0F Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("It has no effect...")) moveUsed.MoveHasNoEffect(Not own, BattleScreen) Else If oppSubstitute = 0 Or moveUsed.IsAffectedBySubstitute = False Then moveUsed.MoveHits(Not own, BattleScreen) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The substitute absorbed the move!")) End If End If Else If moveUsed.MagicCoatAffected Then If op.IsType(Element.Types.Dark) Then If p.Ability.Name.ToLower = "prankster" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) Then effectiveness = 0.0F End If End If End If If effectiveness = 0.0F Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("It has no effect...")) moveUsed.MoveHasNoEffect(own, BattleScreen) Else If substitute = 0 Or moveUsed.IsAffectedBySubstitute = False Then moveUsed.MoveHits(own, BattleScreen) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The substitute absorbed the move!")) End If End If End If End If End If End If Else If moveUsed.Category = Attack.Categories.Status Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("But it failed...")) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("But it missed...")) End If moveUsed.MoveMisses(own, BattleScreen) End If End Sub ''' ''' Faints a Pokémon. ''' ''' true: faints own, false: faints opp Public Sub FaintPokemon(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String) Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon End If p.HP = 0 p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) If message = "" Then message = p.GetDisplayName() & " " & "fainted!" End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If BattleScreen.IsTrainerBattle = False AndAlso Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then If own = False Then Dim crySuffixOpp As String = PokemonForms.GetCrySuffix(BattleScreen.OppPokemon) Dim FaintAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, True) FaintAnimation.AnimationPlaySound(CStr(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Number), 0, 2, False, True, crySuffixOpp) FaintAnimation.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, -1, 0, 0.05, False, False, 2, 2) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(FaintAnimation) End If End If Dim str = p.AdditionalData.ToLower() Select Case str Case "mega", "mega_x", "mega_y", "primal", "blade" p.AdditionalData = PokemonForms.GetInitialAdditionalData(p) p.ReloadDefinitions() p.CalculateStats() If str <> "blade" Then p.RestoreAbility() 'currently only used for mega evolutions End If End Select If Not p.Ability Is Nothing Then p.Ability.EndBattle(p) End If End Sub #Region "Applystuff" Public Function CureStatusProblem(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon End If If message <> "" Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) End If p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Return True End Function Public Function InflictFlinch(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon End If If p.HP <= 0 OrElse p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Return False End If If own = False Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTurnCounts > BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTurnCounts Then Return False End If Else If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTurnCounts > BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTurnCounts Then Return False End If End If If p.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Flinch) = True Then Return False End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "inner focus" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " won't flinch because of its Inner Focus!")) Return False Else Dim substitute As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute If own = False Then substitute = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute End If If substitute > 0 Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The substitute prevented flinching.")) Return False Else 'Works! p.AddVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Flinch) ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case "" 'Print nothing, too. Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) End Select Return True End If End If End Function Public Function InflictBurn(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon Dim pNPC As Entity = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC End If If p.HP <= 0 OrElse p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Return False End If If p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is already burned!")) Return False End If If p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then Return False End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.MistyTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.IsGrounded(own, BattleScreen) = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The mist prevented the burn.")) Return False End If Dim substitute As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute If own = False Then substitute = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute End If If substitute > 0 AndAlso op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" And from <> own Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The substitute took the burn.")) Return False Else If p.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Fire Or p.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Fire Then Return False Else If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "water veil" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Water Veil prevented the burn.")) Return False Else If p.Ability.Name.ToLower.ToLower() = "leaf guard" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny And from <> own And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Leaf Guard prevented the burn.")) Return False Else Dim safeGuard As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSafeguard If own = False Then safeGuard = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSafeguard End If If safeGuard > 0 And op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Safeguard prevented the burn.")) Return False Else 'Works! p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) 'Burn animation Dim BurnAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, own) BurnAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Burned", 0, 0) Dim FlameEntity As Entity = BurnAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.25F, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 1.0F) BurnAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(FlameEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 0.75, 0) BurnAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(FlameEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 1.5, 0) BurnAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(FlameEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 96, 32, 32), ""), 2.25, 0) BurnAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(FlameEntity, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 128, 32, 32), ""), 3, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(BurnAnimation) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " got burned!")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " got burned!")) End Select If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "synchronize" AndAlso from <> own Then Me.InflictBurn(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Synchronize passed over the burn.", "synchronize") End If If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "rawst" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:rawst") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, "The Rawst Berry cured the burn of " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "berry:rawst") End If End If End If If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "lum" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:lum") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, "The Lum Berry cured the burn of " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "berry:lum") End If End If End If Return True End If End If End If End If End If End Function Public Function InflictFreeze(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon Dim pNPC As NPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC If own = False Then pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon End If If p.HP <= 0 Or p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Return False End If If p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is already frozen!")) Return False End If If p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then Return False End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.MistyTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.IsGrounded(own, BattleScreen) = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The mist prevented the freeze.")) Return False End If Dim substitute As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute If own = False Then substitute = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute End If If substitute > 0 And op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" And from <> own Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The substitute took the freeze effect.")) Return False Else If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The sunny weather prevented " & p.GetDisplayName() & " from freezing.")) Return False Else If p.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Ice Or p.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Ice Then If cause <> "move:triattack" And cause <> "move:secretpower" Then Return False End If End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "magma armor" Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If cause <> "move:triattack" And cause <> "move:secretpower" Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Magma Armor prevented the freeze.")) Return False End If End If End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower.ToLower() = "leaf guard" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny And from <> own And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Leaf Guard prevented the freeze.")) Return False Else Dim safeGuard As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSafeguard If own = False Then safeGuard = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSafeguard End If If safeGuard > 0 AndAlso op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Safeguard prevented the freezing.")) Return False Else 'Works! p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) 'Frozen animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim FrozenAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, Not own) FrozenAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Frozen", 0, 0) Dim maxAmount As Integer = 8 Dim currentAmount As Integer = 0 While currentAmount <= maxAmount Dim Texture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Frozen", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), "") Dim xPos As Single Dim zPos As Single If own = False Then xPos = CSng(Random.Next(-2, 4) / 8) zPos = CSng(Random.Next(-2, 4) / 8) Else xPos = CSng(Random.Next(-4, 2) / 8) zPos = CSng(Random.Next(-4, 2) / 8) End If Dim Position As New Vector3(xPos, -0.25, zPos) Dim Scale As New Vector3(0.25F) Dim startDelay As Double = 5.0 * Random.NextDouble() Dim SnowflakeEntity = FrozenAnimation.SpawnEntity(Position, Texture, Scale, 1.0F, CSng(startDelay)) FrozenAnimation.AnimationFade(SnowflakeEntity, True, 0.02, False, 0.0F, CSng(startDelay), 0.0) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentAmount) End While BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(FrozenAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Frozen", False)) End If Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " was frozen solid!")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " was frozen solid!")) End Select If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "synchronize" AndAlso from <> own Then Me.InflictFreeze(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Synchronize passed over the freeze.", "synchronize") End If If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "aspear" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:aspear") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, "The Aspear Berry thraw out " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "berry:aspear") End If End If End If If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "lum" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:lum") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, "The Lum Berry thraw out " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "berry:lum") End If End If End If Return True End If End If End If End If End Function Public Function InflictParalysis(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon Dim pNPC As NPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC If own = False Then pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon End If If p.HP <= 0 OrElse p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Return False End If If p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Paralyzed Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is already paralyzed!")) Return False End If If p.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Electric OrElse p.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Electric Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is not affected by paralysis!")) Return False End If If p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then Return False End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.MistyTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.IsGrounded(own, BattleScreen) = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The mist prevented the paralysis.")) Return False End If Dim substitute As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute If own = False Then substitute = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute End If If substitute > 0 AndAlso op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" AndAlso from <> own Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The substitute took the paralysis.")) Return False Else If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "limber" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Limber prevented the paralysis.")) Return False Else If p.Ability.Name.ToLower.ToLower() = "leaf guard" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny AndAlso from <> own AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Leaf Guard prevented the paralysis.")) Return False Else Dim safeGuard As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSafeguard If own = False Then safeGuard = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSafeguard End If If safeGuard > 0 AndAlso op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Safeguard prevented the paralysis.")) Return False Else 'Works! p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Paralyzed ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim ParalyzedAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, Not own) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Paralyzed", 0, 0) Dim maxAmount As Integer = 4 Dim currentAmount As Integer = 0 While currentAmount <= maxAmount Dim Texture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Paralyzed", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), "") Dim xPos = CSng(Random.Next(-4, 4) / 8) Dim zPos = CSng(Random.Next(-4, 4) / 8) Dim Position As New Vector3(xPos, -0.25, zPos) Dim Destination As New Vector3(xPos - xPos * 2, 0, zPos - zPos * 2) Dim Scale As New Vector3(0.25F) Dim startDelay As Double = 5.0 * Random.NextDouble() Dim ShockEntity = ParalyzedAnimation.SpawnEntity(Position, Texture, Scale, 1.0F, CSng(startDelay)) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationMove(ShockEntity, False, Destination.X, Destination.Y, Destination.Z, 0.025F, False, True, CSng(startDelay), 0.0F) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(ShockEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Paralyzed", New Rectangle(16, 0, 16, 16), ""), CSng(startDelay + 1), 0) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(ShockEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Paralyzed", New Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ""), CSng(startDelay + 2), 0) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(ShockEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Paralyzed", New Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ""), CSng(startDelay + 3), 0) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(ShockEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Paralyzed", New Rectangle(64, 0, 16, 16), ""), CSng(startDelay + 4), 0) ParalyzedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(ShockEntity, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Paralyzed", New Rectangle(72, 0, 16, 16), ""), CSng(startDelay + 5), 0) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentAmount) End While BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(ParalyzedAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Paralyzed", False)) End If Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is paralyzed!" & Environment.NewLine & "It can't move!")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is paralyzed!" & Environment.NewLine & "It can't move!")) End Select If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "synchronize" AndAlso from <> own Then Me.InflictParalysis(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Synchronize passed over the paralysis.", "synchronize") End If If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "cheri" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:cheri") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, "The Cheri Berry cured the paralysis of " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "berry:cheri") End If End If End If If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "lum" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:lum") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, "The Lum Berry cured the paralyzis of " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "berry:lum") End If End If End If Return True End If End If End If End If End Function Public Function InflictSleep(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal turnsPreset As Integer, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim pNPC As NPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon Dim opNPC As NPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon opNPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC End If If p.HP <= 0 OrElse p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Return False End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.ElectricTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.IsGrounded(own, BattleScreen) = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The electricity prevented the sleep.")) Return False End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.MistyTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.IsGrounded(own, BattleScreen) = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The mist prevented the sleep.")) Return False End If Dim SleepTurns As Integer = turnsPreset If SleepTurns < 0 Then SleepTurns = Core.Random.Next(1, 4) End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "early bird" Then SleepTurns = CInt(Math.Floor(SleepTurns / 2)) End If If p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is already asleep!")) Return False End If If p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then If cause <> "move:rest" Then Return False End If End If Dim substitute As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute If own = False Then substitute = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute End If If substitute > 0 AndAlso op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" AndAlso from <> own Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The substitute took the sleep effect.")) Return False Else If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "vital spirit" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Vital Spirit prevented the sleep.")) Return False Else If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "insomnia" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Insomnia prevented the sleep.")) Return False Else If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "sweet veil" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Sweet Veil prevented the sleep.")) Return False Else Dim uproar As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnUproar If own = False Then uproar = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppUproar End If If uproar > 0 Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The Uproar prevented the sleep.")) Return False Else Dim safeGuard As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSafeguard If own = False Then safeGuard = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSafeguard End If If safeGuard > 0 AndAlso op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Safeguard prevented the sleep.")) Return False Else If p.Ability.Name.ToLower.ToLower() = "leaf guard" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny And from <> own And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Leaf Guard prevented the sleep.")) Return False Else 'Works! ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) 'Sleep Animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim SleepAnimation As New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, Not own) SleepAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Asleep", 0, 0) Dim SleepEntity1 As Entity = SleepAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Asleep", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 0, 1) SleepAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(SleepEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Asleep", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 1, 1) SleepAnimation.AnimationMove(SleepEntity1, True, 0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.01, False, False, 0, 0) Dim SleepEntity2 As Entity = SleepAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Asleep", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 1.5, 1) SleepAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(SleepEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Asleep", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 2.5, 1) SleepAnimation.AnimationMove(SleepEntity2, True, 0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.01, False, False, 2, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(SleepAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Asleep", False)) End If If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBideCounter = 0 BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBideDamage = 0 Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBideCounter = 0 BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBideDamage = 0 End If ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSleepTurns = SleepTurns Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSleepTurns = SleepTurns End If p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " fell asleep!")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " fell asleep!")) End Select If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "chesto" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:chesto") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, "The Chesto Berry woke up " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "berry:chesto") End If End If End If If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "lum" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:lum") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, "The Lum Berry woke up " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "berry:lum") End If End If End If Return True End If End If End If End If End If End If End If End Function Public Function InflictPoison(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal bad As Boolean, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon Dim pNPC As NPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC End If If p.HP <= 0 OrElse p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Return False End If If p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison OrElse p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is already poisoned!")) Return False End If If p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then Return False End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.MistyTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.IsGrounded(own, BattleScreen) = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The mist prevented the poison.")) Return False End If Dim substitute As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute If own = False Then substitute = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute End If If substitute > 0 And op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" AndAlso from <> own Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The substitute took the poison.")) Return False Else If p.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Steel OrElse p.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Poison OrElse p.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Steel OrElse p.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Poison Then Return False Else If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "immunity" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Immunity prevented the poison.")) Return False Else Dim safeGuard As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSafeguard If own = False Then safeGuard = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSafeguard End If If safeGuard > 0 AndAlso op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Safeguard prevented the poison.")) Return False Else If p.Ability.Name.ToLower.ToLower() = "leaf guard" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny AndAlso from <> own AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Leaf Guard prevented the poison.")) Return False Else 'Works! ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) If bad = True Then p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is badly poisoned!")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is badly poisoned!")) End Select If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim PoisonAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, own) PoisonAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Poisoned", 0, 0) Dim BubbleEntity1 As Entity = PoisonAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-0.25, -0.25, -0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 0, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 1, 1) Dim BubbleEntity2 As Entity = PoisonAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 1, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity1, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 2, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 2, 1) Dim BubbleEntity3 As Entity = PoisonAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.25, -0.25, 0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 2, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity2, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 3, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 3, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity3, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 4, 1) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(PoisonAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Poisoned", False)) End If Else 'Poison animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim PoisonAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, own) PoisonAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Poisoned", 0, 0) Dim BubbleEntity1 As Entity = PoisonAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 0, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 1, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity1, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 2, 1) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(PoisonAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Poisoned", False)) End If p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is poisoned!")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is poisoned")) End Select End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "synchronize" AndAlso from <> own Then Dim addBad As String = "" If bad = True Then addBad = " bad" End If Me.InflictPoison(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, bad, "Synchronize passed over the" & bad & " poison.", "synchronize") End If If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "pecha" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:pecha") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, "The Pecha Berry cured the poison of " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "berry:pecha") End If End If End If If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "lum" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:lum") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) CureStatusProblem(own, own, BattleScreen, "The Lum Berry cured the poison of " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "berry:lum") End If End If End If Return True End If End If End If End If End If End Function Public Function InflictConfusion(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String, Optional setConfusionTurns As Integer = -1) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim pNPC As NPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon Dim opNPC As NPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon opNPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC End If If p.HP <= 0 OrElse p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Return False End If If p.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) = True Then Dim success As Boolean = False If own = True Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnConfusionTurns < setConfusionTurns Then success = True End If Else If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppConfusionTurns < setConfusionTurns Then success = True End If End If If success = False Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is already confused!")) Return False End If End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.MistyTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.IsGrounded(own, BattleScreen) = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The mist prevented the confusion.")) Return False End If Dim confusionTurns As Integer = Core.Random.Next(1, 5) If setConfusionTurns <> -1 Then confusionTurns = setConfusionTurns End If Dim substitute As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute If own = False Then substitute = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute End If If substitute > 0 AndAlso op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" AndAlso from <> own Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The substitute prevented the confusion.")) Return False ElseIf p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "own tempo" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Own Tempo prevented the confusion.")) Return False Else 'Works! Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) 'Confused Animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim ConfusedAnimation As New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, own) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Confused", 0, 0) Dim DuckEntity1 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-0.25, 0.25, -0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0) Dim DuckEntity2 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0) Dim DuckEntity3 As Entity = ConfusedAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), New Vector3(0.25F), 1, 0, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 0.75F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 0.75F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 0.75F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), ""), 1.5F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), ""), 1.5F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), ""), 1.5F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), ""), 2.25F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), ""), 2.25F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), ""), 2.25F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), 3.0F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), 3.0F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), ""), 3.0F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 3.75F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 3.75F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 16, 16, 16), ""), 3.75F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), ""), 4.5F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), ""), 4.5F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16), ""), 4.5F, 0) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity1, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), ""), 5.25F, 1) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity2, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), ""), 5.25F, 1) ConfusedAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(DuckEntity3, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Confused", New Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16), ""), 5.25F, 1) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(ConfusedAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Confused", False)) End If If p.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) = False Then p.AddVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) End If Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is confused!")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is confused!")) End Select If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnConfusionTurns = confusionTurns Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppConfusionTurns = confusionTurns End If If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "persim" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:persim") = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The Persim Berry cured the confusion of " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!")) If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnConfusionTurns = 0 Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppConfusionTurns = 0 End If p.RemoveVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) End If ElseIf p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "lum" AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:lum") = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The Lum Berry cured the confusion of " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!")) If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnConfusionTurns = 0 Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppConfusionTurns = 0 End If p.RemoveVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) End If End If End If Return True End If End Function Public Function RaiseStat(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal Stat As String, ByVal val As Integer, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String, Optional IsGameModeMove As Boolean = False) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon Dim pNPC As NPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC If own = False Then pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC End If If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon End If If p.HP <= 0 Or p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Return False End If If op.HP > 0 Or op.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then If from <> own Then Dim mist As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnMist If own = False Then mist = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppMist End If If mist > 0 And op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The mist prevented the status change!")) Return False End If End If End If Dim substitute As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute If own = False Then substitute = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute End If If substitute > 0 And op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" And from <> own Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The substitute prevented the stat change.")) Return False End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "contrary" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If cause <> "contrary" Then Return LowerStat(own, own, BattleScreen, Stat, val, message & "Contrary reverted the stat change!", "contrary") End If End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "simple" Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then val *= 2 End If End If Dim statString As String = Stat.ToLower() Select Case statString Case "spdefense" statString = "special attack" Case "spattack" statString = "special defense" End Select Dim statC As Integer = 0 Select Case Stat.ToLower() Case "attack" statC = p.StatAttack Case "defense" statC = p.StatDefense Case "special attack" statC = p.StatSpAttack Case "special defense" statC = p.StatSpDefense Case "speed" statC = p.StatSpeed Case "evasion" statC = p.Evasion Case "accuracy" statC = p.Accuracy End Select If statC >= 6 Then 'Cannot rise stat higher Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s " & statString & " cannot rise further.")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s " & statString & " cannot rise further.")) End Select Return False Else If statC + val > 6 Then val = 6 - statC End If End If '***STAT INCREASE ANIMATION*** If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim StatAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(Nothing, False) Dim maxAmount As Integer = 20 * val Dim currentAmount As Integer = 0 While currentAmount <= maxAmount Dim Texture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatChange\statUp") Dim xPos = CSng((Random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 1.2) Dim zPos = CSng((Random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 1.2) Dim Position As New Vector3(xPos, -0.4, zPos) Dim Destination As New Vector3(0, 1.2, 0) Dim Scale As New Vector3(0.2F) Dim startDelay As Double = 5.0 * Random.NextDouble() Dim StatEntity As Entity = StatAnimation.SpawnEntity(pNPC.Position + Position, Texture, Scale, 1.0F, CSng(startDelay)) StatAnimation.AnimationMove(StatEntity, True, Destination.X, Destination.Y, Destination.Z, 0.05F, False, True, CSng(startDelay), 0.0F) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentAmount) End While StatAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Stat_Raise", 0, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(StatAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Stat_Raise", False)) End If Dim printMessage As String = p.GetDisplayName() & "'s " & statString Select Case val Case 2 printMessage &= " sharply rose!" Case 3, 4, 5 printMessage &= " rose drastically!" Case 6 printMessage &= " was maximized!" Case Else printMessage &= " slightly rose." End Select Select Case statString Case "attack" p.StatAttack += val Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True Case "defense" p.StatDefense += val Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True Case "special attack" p.StatSpAttack += val Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True Case "special defense" p.StatSpDefense += val Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True Case "speed" p.StatSpeed += val Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True Case "evasion" p.Evasion += val Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True Case "accuracy" p.Accuracy += val Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True End Select Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "BattleV2.vb: Failed to indicate stat change: " & Stat.ToUpper() & "!") Return True End Function Public Function LowerStat(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal Stat As String, ByVal val As Integer, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String, Optional IsGameModeMove As Boolean = False) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon Dim pNPC As NPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon End If If p.HP <= 0 Or p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Return False End If If op.HP > 0 And op.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then If from <> own Then Dim mist As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnMist If own = False Then mist = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppMist End If If mist > 0 And op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The Mist prevented the status change!")) Return False End If End If End If Dim substitute As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute If own = False Then substitute = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute End If If substitute > 0 And op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" And from <> own Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The substitute prevented the stat change.")) Return False End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "contrary" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If cause <> "contrary" Then Return RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, Stat, val, message & "Contrary reverted the stat change!", "contrary") End If End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "simple" Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then val *= 2 End If End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "clear body" Or p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "white smoke" Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If own <> from Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The " & p.Ability.Name & " prevented the status change!")) Return False End If End If End If Dim statString As String = Stat.ToLower() Select Case statString Case "attack" If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "hyper cutter" And from <> own Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Hyper Cutter prevented attack drop!")) Return False End If End If Case "defense" If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "big pecks" And from <> own And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Big Pecks prevented defense drop!")) Return False End If Case "accuracy" If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "keen eye" And from <> own Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Keen Eye prevented accuracy drop!")) Return False End If End If End Select Select Case statString Case "spdefense" statString = "special defense" Case "spattack" statString = "special attack" End Select Dim statC As Integer = 0 Select Case Stat.ToLower() Case "attack" statC = p.StatAttack Case "defense" statC = p.StatDefense Case "special attack" statC = p.StatSpAttack Case "special defense" statC = p.StatSpDefense Case "speed" statC = p.StatSpeed Case "evasion" statC = p.Evasion Case "accuracy" statC = p.Accuracy End Select If statC <= -6 Then 'Cannot fall further Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s " & statString & " cannot fall further.")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s " & statString & " cannot fall further.")) End Select Return False Else If statC - val < -6 Then val = 6 + statC End If End If Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) '***STAT DECREASE ANIMATION*** If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim StatAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(Nothing, False) Dim maxAmount As Integer = 20 * val Dim currentAmount As Integer = 0 While currentAmount <= maxAmount Dim Texture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatChange\statDown") Dim xPos = CSng((Random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 1.2) Dim zPos = CSng((Random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 1.2) Dim Position As New Vector3(xPos, 0.8, zPos) Dim Destination As New Vector3(0, -1.2, 0) Dim Scale As New Vector3(0.2F) Dim startDelay As Double = 5.0 * Random.NextDouble() Dim StatEntity As Entity = StatAnimation.SpawnEntity(pNPC.Position + Position, Texture, Scale, 1.0F, CSng(startDelay)) StatAnimation.AnimationMove(StatEntity, True, Destination.X, Destination.Y, Destination.Z, 0.05F, False, True, CSng(startDelay), 0.0F) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentAmount) End While StatAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Stat_Lower", 0, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(StatAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Stat_Lower", False)) End If Dim printMessage As String = p.GetDisplayName() & "'s " & statString Select Case val Case 2 printMessage &= " sharply fell!" Case 3, 4, 5 printMessage &= " fell drastically!" Case 6 printMessage &= " was minimized!" Case Else printMessage &= " slightly fell." End Select Select Case statString Case "attack" p.StatAttack -= val Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True Case "defense" p.StatDefense -= val Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True Case "special attack" p.StatSpAttack -= val Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True Case "special defense" p.StatSpDefense -= val Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True Case "speed" p.StatSpeed -= val Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True Case "evasion" p.Evasion -= val Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select Return True Case "accuracy" p.Accuracy -= val Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If IsGameModeMove = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(printMessage)) End If End Select If val > 0 Then If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "defiant" And from <> own Then RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 2, p.GetDisplayName() & "'s Defiant raised its attack!", "defiant") End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "competitive" And from <> own Then RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Special Attack", 2, p.GetDisplayName() & "'s Competitive raised its Special Attack!", "competitive") End If End If Return True End Select Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "BattleV2.vb: Failed to indicate stat change: " & Stat.ToUpper() & "!") Return True End Function Public Function InflictInfatuate(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon End If If p.HP <= 0 Or p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Return False End If If p.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Infatuation) = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is already infatuated.")) Return False End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "oblivious" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Oblivious prevented the infatuation.")) Return False End If Dim substitute As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSubstitute If own = False Then substitute = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSubstitute End If If substitute > 0 And op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "infiltrator" And from <> own Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The substitute prevented the infatuation.")) Return False Else Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " fell in love.")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " fell in love.")) End Select p.AddVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Infatuation) If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "destiny knot" And from <> own And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Me.InflictInfatuate(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Destiny Knot reflects the infatuation.", "destinyknot") End If End If Return True End If End Function Public Sub InflictRecoil(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal MoveUsed As Attack, ByVal Damage As Integer, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon End If If p.HP <= 0 Or p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Exit Sub End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "rock head" And cause.StartsWith("move:") = True Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Rock Head prevented the recoil damage of " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!")) Else If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "magic guard" Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Magic Guard prevented the recoil damage of " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!")) Else Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is damaged by recoil!")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is damaged by recoil!")) End Select ReduceHP(Damage, own, from, BattleScreen, "", "recoildamage") End If End If End Sub Public Sub GainHP(ByVal HPAmount As Integer, ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim pNPC As NPC = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC End If If p.HP < p.MaxHP And p.HP > 0 And p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then If own = True Then ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) Else ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) End If If HPAmount > p.MaxHP - p.HP Then HPAmount = p.MaxHP - p.HP End If '***HP INCREASE ANIMATION*** If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim HealAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, Not own) Dim maxAmount As Integer = 20 Dim currentAmount As Integer = 0 While currentAmount <= maxAmount Dim Texture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatChange\Heal") Dim xPos = CSng((Random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 1.2) Dim zPos = CSng((Random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 1.2) Dim Position As New Vector3(xPos, -0.4, zPos) Dim Destination As New Vector3(xPos, 0.8, zPos) Dim Scale As New Vector3(0.2F) Dim startDelay As Double = 5.0 * Random.NextDouble() Dim HealEntity As Entity = HealAnimation.SpawnEntity(Position, Texture, Scale, 1.0F, CSng(startDelay)) HealAnimation.AnimationMove(HealEntity, True, Destination.X, Destination.Y, Destination.Z, 0.05F, False, True, CSng(startDelay), 0.0F) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(currentAmount) End While HealAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Heal", 0, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(HealAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Heal", False)) End If If own = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New MathHPQueryObject(p.HP, p.MaxHP, -HPAmount, New Vector2(200, 256))) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New MathHPQueryObject(p.HP, p.MaxHP, -HPAmount, New Vector2(300, 256))) End If If message <> "" Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) End If p.HP += HPAmount p.HP = p.HP.Clamp(0, p.MaxHP) End If End Sub Public Sub ReduceHP(ByVal HPAmount As Integer, ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) Me.ReduceHP(HPAmount, own, from, BattleScreen, message, cause, "") End Sub Public Sub ReduceHP(ByVal HPAmount As Integer, ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String, ByVal sound As String) Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim pNPC As Entity = BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon pNPC = BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC End If If p.HP > 0 And p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then If own = True Then ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) Else ChangeCameraAngle(2, True, BattleScreen) End If If sound <> "NOSOUND" Then If sound = "" Then sound = "Battle\Damage\Effective" End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject(sound, False, 0.0F)) End If If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim HitAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(pNPC, own) HitAnimation.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, False, 0, 0, 0) HitAnimation.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, True, 1, 1, 0) HitAnimation.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, False, 0, 2, 0) HitAnimation.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, True, 1, 3, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(HitAnimation) End If If own = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New MathHPQueryObject(p.HP, p.MaxHP, HPAmount, New Vector2(200, 256))) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New MathHPQueryObject(p.HP, p.MaxHP, HPAmount, New Vector2(300, 256))) End If If message <> "" Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) End If p.HP -= HPAmount p.HP = p.HP.Clamp(0, p.MaxHP) Dim ItemID As Integer = -1 If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then ItemID = p.Item.ID End If Dim lastMove As Attack = Nothing If own = True Then lastMove = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove Else lastMove = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove End If If Not lastMove Is Nothing Then Dim effectiveness As Single = BattleCalculation.CalculateEffectiveness(Not own, lastMove, BattleScreen) If effectiveness > 1.0F Then If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "enigma" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:enigma") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If End If End If End If End If If p.HP > 0 And p.HP < CInt(Math.Ceiling(p.MaxHP / 3)) Then If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "oran" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:oran") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If End If End If End If If p.HP > 0 And p.HP < CInt(Math.Ceiling(p.MaxHP / 2)) Then If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Select Case p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() Case "sitrus" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:sitrus") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If End Select End If End If End If If p.HP > 0 And p.HP < CInt(Math.Ceiling(p.MaxHP / 4)) Then If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Select Case p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() Case "figy" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:figy") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "wiki" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:wiki") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "mago" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:mago") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "aguav" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:aguav") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "iapapa" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:iapapa") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "liechi" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:liechi") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "ganlon" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:ganlon") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "salac" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:salac") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "petaya" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:petaya") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "apicot" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:apicot") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "lansat" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:lansat") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "starf" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:starf") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "micle" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:micle") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If Case "custap" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "", "berry:custap") = True Then UseBerry(own, from, Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString), BattleScreen, message, cause) End If End Select End If End If End If End If If p.HP <= 0 And cause.StartsWith("move:") = False And cause.Contains("battledamage") = False Then FaintPokemon(own, BattleScreen, "") End If End Sub Public Sub UseBerry(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BerryItem As Item, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon End If Dim berry As Items.Berry = CType(BerryItem, Items.Berry) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Use_Item", False)) Select Case BerryItem.OriginalName.ToLower() Case "oran" GainHP(10, own, from, BattleScreen, "The Oran Berry filled up " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s HP!", "berry:oran") Case "sitrus" GainHP(CInt(p.MaxHP / 4), own, own, BattleScreen, "The Sitrus Berry filled up " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s HP!", "berry:sitrus") Case "figy" Dim healHP As Integer = CInt(Math.Ceiling(p.MaxHP / 3)) GainHP(healHP, own, own, BattleScreen, "The Figy Berry filled up " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s HP!", "berry:figy") If berry.PokemonLikes(p) = False Then InflictConfusion(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " disliked the Figy Berry!", "berry:figy") End If Case "wiki" Dim healHP As Integer = CInt(Math.Ceiling(p.MaxHP / 3)) GainHP(healHP, own, own, BattleScreen, "The Wiki Berry filled up " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s HP!", "berry:wiki") If berry.PokemonLikes(p) = False Then InflictConfusion(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " disliked the Wiki Berry!", "berry:wiki") End If Case "mago" Dim healHP As Integer = CInt(Math.Ceiling(p.MaxHP / 3)) GainHP(healHP, own, own, BattleScreen, "The Mago Berry filled up " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s HP!", "berry:mago") If berry.PokemonLikes(p) = False Then InflictConfusion(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " disliked the Mago Berry!", "mago") End If Case "aguav" Dim healHP As Integer = CInt(Math.Ceiling(p.MaxHP / 3)) GainHP(healHP, own, own, BattleScreen, "The Aguav Berry filled up " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s HP!", "berry:aguav") If berry.PokemonLikes(p) = False Then InflictConfusion(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " disliked the Aguav Berry!", "aguav") End If Case "iapapa" Dim healHP As Integer = CInt(Math.Ceiling(p.MaxHP / 3)) GainHP(healHP, own, own, BattleScreen, "The Iapapa Berry filled up " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s HP!", "berry:iapapa") If berry.PokemonLikes(p) = False Then InflictConfusion(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " disliked the Iapapa Berry!", "berry:iapapa") End If Case "liechi" RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 2, "The Liechi Berry raised " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s power!", "berry:liechi") Case "ganlon" RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Defense", 2, "The Ganlon Berry raised " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s power!", "berry:ganlon") Case "salac" RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Speed", 2, "The Salac Berry raised " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s power!", "berry:salac") Case "petaya" RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Special Attack", 2, "The Petaya Berry raised " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s power!", "berry:petaya") Case "apicot" RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Special Defense", 2, "The Apicot Berry raised " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s power!", "berry:apicot") Case "lansat" If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLansatBerry = 1 Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLansatBerry = 1 End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The Lansat Berry raised " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s power!")) Case "starf" Dim stat As String = "Attack" Select Case Core.Random.Next(0, 7) Case 0 stat = "Attack" Case 1 stat = "Defense" Case 2 stat = "Special Attack" Case 3 stat = "Special Defense" Case 4 stat = "Speed" Case 5 stat = "Accuracy" Case 6 stat = "Evasion" End Select RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, stat, 2, "The Starf Berry raised " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s power!", "berry:starf") Case "micle" RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Accuracy", 2, "The Micle Berry raised " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s power!", "berry:micle") Case "custap" Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnCustapBerry = 1 Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppCustapBerry = 1 End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The Custap Berry gave " & p.GetDisplayName() & " a speed boost!")) Case "enigma" GainHP(CInt(p.MaxHP / 4), own, own, BattleScreen, "The Enigma Berry filled up " & p.GetDisplayName() & "'s HP!", "berry:enigma") End Select If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "cheek pouch" Then GainHP(CInt(p.MaxHP / 8), own, own, BattleScreen, "Cheek Pouch healed some HP.", "cheekpouch") End If End Sub Public Function RemoveHeldItem(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String, Optional ByVal TestFor As Boolean = False) As Boolean Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon End If If p.Item Is Nothing Then Return False End If If p.HP <= 0 Or p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Return False End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) And p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "sticky hold" And cause.StartsWith("berry:") = False Then If TestFor = False Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Sticky Hold prevented the item loss.")) End If Return False End If If TestFor = False Then Dim ItemID As Integer = p.Item.ID Dim lostItem As Item = Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString) If from = own Then If own = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnConsumedItem = lostItem Else BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppConsumedItem = lostItem End If End If p.Item = Nothing If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "unburden" Then RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Speed", 2, "Unburden raised the speed!", "unburden") End If Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only If cause.StartsWith("berry:") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " ate the " & lostItem.OneLineName() & " Berry!")) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " lost the " & lostItem.OneLineName() & "!")) End If Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If cause.StartsWith("berry:") = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " ate the " & lostItem.OneLineName() & " Berry!")) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " lost the " & lostItem.OneLineName() & "!")) End If End Select End If Return True End Function Public Sub ChangeWeather(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal from As Boolean, ByVal newWeather As BattleWeather.WeatherTypes, ByVal turns As Integer, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal message As String, ByVal cause As String) If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Weather <> newWeather Then If newWeather <> BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Clear Then Dim weatherRounds As Integer = turns If weatherRounds = -1 Then weatherRounds = 5 End If Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon If own = False Then p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "air lock" Or op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "cloud nine" Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s " & op.Ability.Name & " prevented the weather change!")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & "'s " & op.Ability.Name & " prevented the weather change!")) End Select ApplyForecast(BattleScreen) Exit Sub End If If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "air lock" Or p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "cloud nine" Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s " & p.Ability.Name & " prevented the weather change!")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s " & p.Ability.Name & " prevented the weather change!")) End Select ApplyForecast(BattleScreen) Exit Sub End If 'Redundant with BattleCalculation.FieldEffectTurns 'If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then ' If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then ' Select Case p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() ' Case "damp rock" ' If newWeather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Rain Then ' weatherRounds += 3 ' End If ' Case "heat rock" ' If newWeather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny Then ' weatherRounds += 3 ' End If ' Case "icy rock" ' If newWeather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Hailstorm Then ' weatherRounds += 3 ' End If ' Case "smooth rock" ' If newWeather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sandstorm Then ' weatherRounds += 3 ' End If ' End Select ' End If 'End If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Weather = newWeather BattleScreen.FieldEffects.WeatherRounds = weatherRounds Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The weather changed to " & newWeather.ToString() & "!")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The weather changed to " & newWeather.ToString() & "!")) End Select ApplyForecast(BattleScreen) Else Select Case message Case "" 'Print default message only BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The effects of weather disappeared.")) Case "-1" 'Print no message at all 'Do nothing Case Else 'Print message given in 'message' BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The effects of weather disappeared.")) End Select ApplyForecast(BattleScreen) End If End If End Sub Public Sub TriggerAbilityEffect(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal own As Boolean) With BattleScreen Dim p, op As Pokemon If own Then p = .OwnPokemon op = .OppPokemon Else p = .OppPokemon op = .OwnPokemon End If Dim turns As Integer = BattleCalculation.FieldEffectTurns(BattleScreen, own) If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen, 1) = True Then Select Case p.Ability.Name.ToLower() Case "drizzle" ChangeWeather(own, own, BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Rain, turns, BattleScreen, "Drizzle makes it rain!", "drizzle") Case "cloud nine" ChangeWeather(own, own, BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Clear, 0, BattleScreen, "", "cloudnine") Case "intimidate" If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "oblivious" Or op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "inner focus" Or op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "own tempo" Or op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "scrappy" Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Intimidate's effect was prevented!")) Else LowerStat(Not own, own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 1, p.GetDisplayName() & "'s Intimidate cuts " & op.GetDisplayName() & "'s attack!", "intimidate") End If If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "rattled" Then RaiseStat(Not own, Not own, BattleScreen, "Speed", 1, op.GetDisplayName() & "'s Rattled affected it's clairaudience.", "rattled") End If Case "trace" If op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "multitype" And op.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "illusion" Then p.Ability = op.Ability .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " copied the ability " & op.Ability.Name & " from " & op.GetDisplayName() & "!")) End If Case "sand stream" ChangeWeather(own, own, BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sandstorm, turns, BattleScreen, "Sand Stream creates a sandstorm!", "sandstream") Case "forecast" ApplyForecast(BattleScreen) Case "drought" ChangeWeather(own, own, BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny, turns, BattleScreen, "The sunlight turned harsh!", "drought") Case "air lock" ChangeWeather(own, own, BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Clear, 0, BattleScreen, "", "airlock") Case "electric surge" If .FieldEffects.ElectricTerrain <= 0 Then .FieldEffects.ElectricTerrain = turns .FieldEffects.GrassyTerrain = 0 .FieldEffects.PsychicTerrain = 0 .FieldEffects.MistyTerrain = 0 .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("An electric current runs across the battlefield!")) End If Case "grassy surge" If .FieldEffects.GrassyTerrain <= 0 Then .FieldEffects.ElectricTerrain = 0 .FieldEffects.GrassyTerrain = turns .FieldEffects.PsychicTerrain = 0 .FieldEffects.MistyTerrain = 0 .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Grass grew to cover the battlefield!")) End If Case "misty surge" If .FieldEffects.MistyTerrain <= 0 Then .FieldEffects.ElectricTerrain = 0 .FieldEffects.GrassyTerrain = 0 .FieldEffects.PsychicTerrain = 0 .FieldEffects.MistyTerrain = turns .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Mist swirls around the battlefield!")) End If Case "psychic surge" If .FieldEffects.PsychicTerrain <= 0 Then .FieldEffects.ElectricTerrain = 0 .FieldEffects.GrassyTerrain = 0 .FieldEffects.PsychicTerrain = turns .FieldEffects.MistyTerrain = 0 .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The battlefield got weird!")) End If Case "download" If op.Defense < op.SpDefense Then RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 1, "Download analyzed the foe!", "download") Else RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Special Attack", 1, "Download analyzed the foe!", "download") End If Case "mold breaker" .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " breakes the mold!")) Case "turbo blaze" .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is radiating a blazing aura!")) Case "teravolt" .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " is radiating a bursting aura!")) Case "anticipation" Dim doShudder As Boolean = False 'Check every move if it is: super effective/1hitko/explosion/selfdestruct If doShudder = True Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " makes " & p.GetDisplayName() & " shudder!")) End If Case "forewarn" Dim moves As New List(Of Attack) 'Add attacks with highest base power here Dim move As Attack = Nothing If moves.Count > 1 Then move = moves(Core.Random.Next(0, moves.Count)) ElseIf moves.Count = 1 Then move = moves(0) End If If Not move Is Nothing Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " makes " & p.GetDisplayName() & " shudder!")) End If Case "snow warning" ChangeWeather(own, own, BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Hailstorm, turns, BattleScreen, "Snow Warning summoned a hailstorm!", "snowwarning") Case "frisk" If Not op.Item Is Nothing Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(op.GetDisplayName() & " is holding " & op.Item.OneLineName() & ".")) End If Case "multitype" p.OriginalType1 = p.Type1 p.OriginalType2 = p.Type2 p.Type1 = New Element(Element.Types.Normal) p.Type2 = New Element(Element.Types.Blank) If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then Dim changeType As Boolean = False Dim newType As Element = Nothing Select Case p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() Case "draco plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Dragon) Case "dread plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Dark) Case "earth plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Ground) Case "fist plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Fighting) Case "flame plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Fire) Case "icicle plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Ice) Case "insect plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Bug) Case "iron plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Steel) Case "meadow plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Grass) Case "mind plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Psychic) Case "sky plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Flying) Case "splash plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Water) Case "spooky plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Ghost) Case "stone plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Rock) Case "toxic plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Poison) Case "zap plate" changeType = True newType = New Element(Element.Types.Electric) End Select If changeType = True Then p.Type1 = newType p.Type2 = New Element(Element.Types.Blank) End If End If .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s type changed to " & p.Type1.ToString() & "!")) Case "imposter" 'Doing the ditto stuff! ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen) If op.IsTransformed = False Then 'Save old stats: p.OriginalNumber = p.Number p.OriginalType1 = New Element(p.Type1.Type) p.OriginalType2 = New Element(p.Type2.Type) p.OriginalStats = {p.Attack, p.Defense, p.SpAttack, p.SpDefense, p.Speed} p.OriginalShiny = CInt(p.IsShiny.ToNumberString()) p.OriginalMoves = New List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) p.OriginalMoves.AddRange(p.Attacks.ToArray()) 'Apply new stats: p.Number = op.Number p.Type1 = New Element(op.Type1.Type) p.Type2 = New Element(op.Type2.Type) p.Attack = op.Attack p.Defense = op.Defense p.SpAttack = op.SpAttack p.SpDefense = op.SpDefense p.Speed = op.Speed p.StatAttack = op.StatAttack p.StatDefense = op.StatDefense p.StatSpAttack = op.StatSpAttack p.StatSpDefense = op.StatSpDefense p.StatSpeed = op.StatSpeed p.IsShiny = op.IsShiny p.Attacks.Clear() For i = 0 To op.Attacks.Count - 1 p.Attacks.Add(Attack.GetAttackByID(op.Attacks(i).ID)) p.Attacks(i).CurrentPP = 5 Next p.Ability = Ability.GetAbilityByID(op.Ability.ID) p.IsTransformed = True 'Apply new image to sprite: BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(own, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OwnPokemon, PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(p), 0, 1, -1, -1)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " transformed into " & op.GetName & "!")) Else 'Fails BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("imposter failed!")) End If End Select End If End With End Sub Public Sub TriggerItemEffect(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal own As Boolean) With BattleScreen Dim p, op As Pokemon If own Then p = .OwnPokemon op = .OppPokemon Else p = .OppPokemon op = .OwnPokemon End If If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(own) = True And .FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(own, BattleScreen) = True Then Select Case p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() Case "electric seed" If .FieldEffects.ElectricTerrain > 0 And p.StatDefense < 6 Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "-1", "") = True Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s Electric Seed activated!")) RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Defense", 1, "", "item:electricseed") End If End If Case "grassy seed" If .FieldEffects.GrassyTerrain > 0 And p.StatDefense < 6 Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "-1", "") = True Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s Grassy Seed activated!")) RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Defense", 1, "", "item:grassyseed") End If End If Case "misty seed" If .FieldEffects.MistyTerrain > 0 And p.StatSpDefense < 6 Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "-1", "") = True Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s Misty Seed activated!")) RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Special Defense", 1, "", "item:mistyseed") End If End If Case "psychic seed" If .FieldEffects.PsychicTerrain > 0 And p.StatSpDefense < 6 Then If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "-1", "") = True Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & "'s Psychic Seed activated!")) RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Special Defense", 1, "", "item:psychicseed") End If End If Case "berserk gene" If RemoveHeldItem(own, own, BattleScreen, "-1", "") = True Then If p.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) = False Then If own = True Then If BattleScreen.OwnPokemonIndex > 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.TempOwnConfusionTurns > 0 Then InflictConfusion(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " went berserk due to the Berserk Gene!", "item:berserkgene", BattleScreen.FieldEffects.TempOwnConfusionTurns) Else InflictConfusion(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " went berserk due to the Berserk Gene!", "item:berserkgene", 256) End If Else If BattleScreen.OppPokemonIndex > 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.TempOppConfusionTurns > 0 Then InflictConfusion(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " went berserk due to the Berserk Gene!", "item:berserkgene", BattleScreen.FieldEffects.TempOppConfusionTurns) Else InflictConfusion(own, own, BattleScreen, p.GetDisplayName() & " went berserk due to the Berserk Gene!", "item:berserkgene", 256) End If End If Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " went berserk due to the Berserk Gene!")) End If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.TempOppConfusionTurns = 0 RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 2, "", "item:berserkgene") RaiseStat(own, own, BattleScreen, "Special Attack", 2, "", "item:berserkgene") End If End Select End If End If End With End Sub Private Sub ApplyForecast(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) With BattleScreen Dim p As Pokemon = .OwnPokemon If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "forecast" Then Select Case .FieldEffects.Weather Case BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Rain p.OriginalType1 = p.Type1 p.OriginalType2 = p.Type2 p.Type1 = New Element(Element.Types.Water) p.Type2 = New Element(Element.Types.Blank) .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " transformed into a water type!")) Case BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny p.OriginalType1 = p.Type1 p.OriginalType2 = p.Type2 p.Type1 = New Element(Element.Types.Fire) p.Type2 = New Element(Element.Types.Blank) .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " transformed into a fire type!")) Case BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Hailstorm p.OriginalType1 = p.Type1 p.OriginalType2 = p.Type2 p.Type1 = New Element(Element.Types.Ice) p.Type2 = New Element(Element.Types.Blank) .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " transformed into an ice type!")) End Select End If p = .OppPokemon If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "forecast" Then Select Case .FieldEffects.Weather Case BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Rain p.OriginalType1 = p.Type1 p.OriginalType2 = p.Type2 p.Type1 = New Element(Element.Types.Water) p.Type2 = New Element(Element.Types.Blank) .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " transformed into a water type!")) Case BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny p.OriginalType1 = p.Type1 p.OriginalType2 = p.Type2 p.Type1 = New Element(Element.Types.Fire) p.Type2 = New Element(Element.Types.Blank) .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " transformed into a fire type!")) Case BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Hailstorm p.OriginalType1 = p.Type1 p.OriginalType2 = p.Type2 p.Type1 = New Element(Element.Types.Ice) p.Type2 = New Element(Element.Types.Blank) .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " transformed into an ice type!")) End Select End If End With End Sub #End Region ''' ''' Switches camera to angle ''' ''' 0=main battle/1=own pokemon/2=opp pokemon ''' If the code comes from the own player or not. ''' Battlescreen reference ''' If the call should get added the PVP list or the own queue. Public Sub ChangeCameraAngle(ByVal direction As Integer, ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, Optional ByVal AddPVP As Boolean = False) Dim q As CameraQueryObject = Nothing Select Case direction Case 0 q = CType(BattleScreen.FocusBattle(), CameraQueryObject) Case 1 If own = True Then q = CType(BattleScreen.FocusOwnPokemon(), CameraQueryObject) Else q = CType(BattleScreen.FocusOppPokemon(), CameraQueryObject) End If Case 2 If own = False Then q = CType(BattleScreen.FocusOwnPokemon(), CameraQueryObject) Else q = CType(BattleScreen.FocusOppPokemon(), CameraQueryObject) End If End Select If Not q Is Nothing Then q.ApplyCurrentCamera = True q.ReplacePVP = True If AddPVP = True Then BattleScreen.TempPVPBattleQuery.Add(BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Count - 1, q) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(q) End If End If If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle = True And AddPVP = False Then Select Case direction Case 0 ChangeCameraAngle(0, own, BattleScreen, True) Case 1 ChangeCameraAngle(2, own, BattleScreen, True) Case 2 ChangeCameraAngle(1, own, BattleScreen, True) End Select End If End Sub #Region "RoundEnd" ''' ''' Ends a round (or a complete round) ''' ''' Battlescreen ''' 0=complete;1=own;2=opp Public Sub EndRound(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal type As Integer) With BattleScreen Select Case type Case 0 'Complete round 'The fastest pokemon ends its round first If BattleCalculation.MovesFirst(BattleScreen) = True Then EndRoundOwn(BattleScreen) EndRoundOpp(BattleScreen) Else EndRoundOpp(BattleScreen) EndRoundOwn(BattleScreen) End If If IsAfterFaint = False Then .FieldEffects.Rounds += 1 If .FieldEffects.WeatherRounds > 0 Then .FieldEffects.WeatherRounds -= 1 If .FieldEffects.WeatherRounds = 0 Then .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Clear .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The weather became clear again!")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.TrickRoom > 0 Then .FieldEffects.TrickRoom -= 1 If .FieldEffects.TrickRoom = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The dimensions have returned to normal.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.Gravity > 0 Then .FieldEffects.Gravity -= 1 If .FieldEffects.Gravity = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Gravity became normal again!")) End If End If 'Terrains If .FieldEffects.ElectricTerrain > 0 Then .FieldEffects.ElectricTerrain -= 1 If .FieldEffects.ElectricTerrain = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The electricity disappeared from the battlefield.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.GrassyTerrain > 0 Then .FieldEffects.GrassyTerrain -= 1 If .FieldEffects.GrassyTerrain = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The grass disappeared from the battlefield.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.MistyTerrain > 0 Then .FieldEffects.MistyTerrain -= 1 If .FieldEffects.MistyTerrain = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The mist disappeared from the battlefield.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.PsychicTerrain > 0 Then .FieldEffects.PsychicTerrain -= 1 If .FieldEffects.PsychicTerrain = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The weirdness disappeared from the battlefield.")) End If End If 'Water Sport If .FieldEffects.WaterSport > 0 Then .FieldEffects.WaterSport -= 1 If .FieldEffects.WaterSport = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Water Sport's effect ended.")) End If End If 'Mud Sport If .FieldEffects.MudSport > 0 Then .FieldEffects.MudSport -= 1 If .FieldEffects.MudSport = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Mud Sport's effect ended.")) End If End If 'Remove flinch: If .OwnPokemon.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Flinch) = True Then .OwnPokemon.RemoveVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Flinch) End If If .OppPokemon.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Flinch) = True Then .OppPokemon.RemoveVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Flinch) End If 'Revert roost types: If .FieldEffects.OwnRoostUsed = True Then .OwnPokemon.Type1 = .OwnPokemon.OriginalType1 .OwnPokemon.Type2 = .OwnPokemon.OriginalType2 .FieldEffects.OwnRoostUsed = False End If If .FieldEffects.OppRoostUsed = True Then .OppPokemon.Type1 = .OppPokemon.OriginalType1 .OppPokemon.Type2 = .OppPokemon.OriginalType2 .FieldEffects.OppRoostUsed = False End If 'Clear learned attack counter: LearnMovesQueryObject.ClearCache() 'Remove Magical Coat: .FieldEffects.OwnMagicCoat = 0 .FieldEffects.OppMagicCoat = 0 'Reset Detect/Protect .FieldEffects.OwnDetectCounter = 0 'Reset protect and detect .FieldEffects.OwnProtectCounter = 0 .FieldEffects.OwnKingsShieldCounter = 0 If .FieldEffects.OwnEndure > 0 Then 'Stop endure .FieldEffects.OwnEndure = 0 End If .FieldEffects.OppDetectCounter = 0 'Reset protect and detect .FieldEffects.OppProtectCounter = 0 .FieldEffects.OppKingsShieldCounter = 0 If .FieldEffects.OppEndure > 0 Then 'Stop endure .FieldEffects.OppEndure = 0 End If If .FieldEffects.OwnProtectMovesCount > 0 AndAlso Not .FieldEffects.OwnLastMove Is Nothing AndAlso .FieldEffects.OwnLastMove.IsProtectMove = False Then .FieldEffects.OwnProtectMovesCount = 0 End If If .FieldEffects.OppProtectMovesCount > 0 AndAlso Not .FieldEffects.OppLastMove Is Nothing AndAlso .FieldEffects.OppLastMove.IsProtectMove = False Then .FieldEffects.OppProtectMovesCount = 0 End If End If IsAfterFaint = False If .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Or .OwnPokemon.HP <= 0 Then .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted BattleScreen.OwnFaint = True If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle AndAlso BattleScreen.IsHost Then Logger.Debug("[Battle]: The host's pokemon faints") BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New AfterFaintQueryObject(True)) End If SwitchOutOwn(BattleScreen, -1, -1) End If If .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Or .OppPokemon.HP <= 0 Then .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted BattleScreen.OppFaint = True If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle AndAlso BattleScreen.IsHost Then Logger.Debug("[Battle]: The client's pokemon faints") BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New AfterFaintQueryObject(False)) End If If BattleScreen.IsTrainerBattle = True Then If BattleScreen.Trainer.HasBattlePokemon() = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.DefeatedTrainerPokemon = True End If End If SwitchOutOpp(BattleScreen, -1) If BattleScreen.IsTrainerBattle AndAlso Not BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle Then HasSwitchedInOpp = False 'since opponents dont do after fainting switch rounds in PvE End If End If Dim cq1 As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, True, 16) Dim cq2 As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, False, 16) cq2.PassThis = True BattleScreen.BattleQuery.AddRange({cq1, cq2}) BattleScreen.FirstRound = False StartRound(BattleScreen) BattleScreen.ClearMainMenuTime = True BattleScreen.ClearMoveMenuTime = True Case 1 'Own round EndTurnOwn(BattleScreen) Case 2 'Opp round EndTurnOpp(BattleScreen) End Select End With End Sub Private Function PlayerWonBattle(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) As Boolean If BattleScreen.BattleMode = BattleScreen.BattleModes.Safari Then Return False End If If BattleScreen.IsTrainerBattle = True Then Return Not BattleScreen.TrainerHasFightablePokemon() Else Return BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Or BattleScreen.OppPokemon.HP <= 0 End If End Function Private Sub EndTurnOwn(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) With BattleScreen 'Turn count since battle started .FieldEffects.OwnTurnCounts += 1 'Turn count since pokemon switched in (currently used for Fake Out, First Impression, Slow Start) .FieldEffects.OwnPokemonTurns += 1 'Reset turn count for pokemon switching in If HasSwitchedInOwn Then .FieldEffects.OwnPokemonTurns = 0 HasSwitchedInOwn = False End If .FieldEffects.OwnLockOn = 0 'Reset lock-on 'Remove temp pursuit counter: .FieldEffects.OwnPursuit = False If .FieldEffects.OwnSleepTurns > 0 Then 'Sleep turns .FieldEffects.OwnSleepTurns -= 1 End If If .FieldEffects.OwnCharge > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OwnCharge -= 1 'Sets charge to 0 End If If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "mental herb" Then Dim usedMentalHerb As Boolean = False If .OwnPokemon.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Infatuation) = True Then .OwnPokemon.RemoveVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Infatuation) .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " got healed from the infatuation" & Environment.NewLine & "due to Mental Herb!")) usedMentalHerb = True End If If .FieldEffects.OwnTaunt > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OwnTaunt = 0 .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " got healed from the Taunt" & Environment.NewLine & "due to Mental Herb!")) usedMentalHerb = True End If If .FieldEffects.OwnEncore > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OwnEncore = 0 .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " got healed from the Encore" & Environment.NewLine & "due to Mental Herb!")) usedMentalHerb = True End If If .FieldEffects.OwnTorment > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OwnTorment = 0 .FieldEffects.OwnTormentMove = Nothing .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " got healed from the Torment" & Environment.NewLine & "due to Mental Herb!")) usedMentalHerb = True End If For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In .OwnPokemon.Attacks If a.Disabled > 0 Then a.Disabled = 0 .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s" & " " & a.Name & " " & "is no longer disabled" & Environment.NewLine & "due to Mental Herb!")) End If Next If usedMentalHerb = True Then .OwnPokemon.Item = Nothing End If End If If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "white herb" Then Dim hasNegativeStats As Boolean = False With .OwnPokemon If .StatAttack < 0 Then .StatAttack = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If If .StatDefense < 0 Then .StatDefense = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If If .StatSpAttack < 0 Then .StatSpAttack = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If If .StatSpDefense < 0 Then .StatSpDefense = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If If .StatSpeed < 0 Then .StatSpeed = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If If .Accuracy < 0 Then .Accuracy = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If If .Evasion < 0 Then .Evasion = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If End With If hasNegativeStats = True Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " negative stats got healed due to White Herb!")) .OwnPokemon.Item = Nothing End If End If End If End If .FieldEffects.OwnPokemonDamagedLastTurn = .FieldEffects.OwnPokemonDamagedThisTurn .FieldEffects.OwnPokemonDamagedThisTurn = False End With End Sub Private Sub EndRoundOwn(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) If Me.PlayerWonBattle(BattleScreen) = True Then Exit Sub End If TriggerItemEffect(BattleScreen, True) TriggerItemEffect(BattleScreen, False) ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) If IsAfterFaint = True Then Exit Sub End If With BattleScreen If .FieldEffects.OwnReflect > 0 Then 'Stop reflect .FieldEffects.OwnReflect -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnReflect = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Own Reflect effect faded.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnLightScreen > 0 Then 'Stop light screen .FieldEffects.OwnLightScreen -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnLightScreen = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Own Light Screen effect faded.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnMist > 0 Then 'Stop mist .FieldEffects.OwnMist -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnMist = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The mist on your side of the field faded!")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnSafeguard > 0 Then 'Stop safeguard .FieldEffects.OwnSafeguard -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnSafeguard = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The Safeguard effect wore off!")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnGuardSpec > 0 Then 'Stop guard spec .FieldEffects.OwnGuardSpec -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnGuardSpec = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Own Guard Spec. wore off.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnTailWind > 0 Then 'Stop tail wind .FieldEffects.OwnTailWind -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnTailWind = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Own Tail Wind effect faded.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnLuckyChant > 0 Then 'Stop lucky chant .FieldEffects.OwnLuckyChant -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnLuckyChant = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Own Lucky Chant effect faded.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnWish > 0 Then 'Use wish .FieldEffects.OwnWish -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnWish = 0 Then If .FieldEffects.OppHealBlock = 0 Then If .OwnPokemon.HP < .OwnPokemon.MaxHP And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then GainHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 2), True, True, BattleScreen, "A wish came true!", "wish") End If End If End If End If 'Weather 'Sandstorm If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sandstorm Then If .OwnPokemon.Type1.Type <> Element.Types.Ground And .OwnPokemon.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Ground And .OwnPokemon.Type1.Type <> Element.Types.Steel And .OwnPokemon.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Steel And .OwnPokemon.Type1.Type <> Element.Types.Rock And .OwnPokemon.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Rock Then Dim sandAbilities() As String = {"sand veil", "sand rush", "sand force", "overcoat", "magic guard", "cloud nine"} If sandAbilities.Contains(.OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower()) = False Then If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then Dim sandHP As Integer = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 16) ReduceHP(sandHP, True, False, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " took damage from the sandstorm!", "sandstorm") End If End If End If End If 'Hailstorm If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Hailstorm Then If .OwnPokemon.Type1.Type <> Element.Types.Ice And .OwnPokemon.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Ice Then Dim hailAbilities() As String = {"ice body", "snow cloak", "overcoat", "magic guard", "cloud nine"} If hailAbilities.Contains(.OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower()) = False Then If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then Dim hailHP As Integer = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 16) ReduceHP(hailHP, True, False, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " took damage from the hailstorm!", "hail") End If End If End If End If 'Grassy Terrain If .FieldEffects.GrassyTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.IsGrounded(True, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then GainHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 16), True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " restored some HP due to the Grassy Terrain!", "grassyterrain") End If End If If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then Dim HPChange As Integer = 0 'Use DrySkin/Rain Dish/Hydration/Ice Body Dim HPMessage As String = "" Select Case .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() Case "dry skin" If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny Then HPChange = -CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8) HPMessage = "Dry Skin" ElseIf .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Rain Then HPChange = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8) HPMessage = "Dry Skin" End If Case "solar power" If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny Then HPChange = -CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8) HPMessage = "Solar Power" End If Case "rain dish" If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Rain Then HPChange = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 16) HPMessage = "Rain Dish" End If Case "hydration" If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Rain Then If .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Or .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Or .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Paralyzed Or .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Or .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn Or .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then CureStatusProblem(True, True, BattleScreen, "Hydration cured " & .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s status problem.", "hydration") End If End If Case "ice body" If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Hailstorm Then HPChange = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 16) HPMessage = "Ice Body" End If End Select If HPChange > 0 Then If .OwnPokemon.HP < .OwnPokemon.MaxHP Then GainHP(HPChange, True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " restored some HP due to " & HPMessage & ".", HPMessage.Replace(" ", "").ToLower()) End If ElseIf HPChange < 0 Then ReduceHP(HPChange, True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " lost some HP due to " & HPMessage & ".", HPMessage.Replace(" ", "").ToLower()) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnIngrain > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP < .OwnPokemon.MaxHP And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Ingrain effect If .FieldEffects.OppHealBlock = 0 Then Dim healHP As Integer = CInt(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 16) If Not BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "big root" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then healHP = CInt(healHP * 1.3F) End If End If GainHP(healHP, True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " gained health from the Ingrain.", "ignrain") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnAquaRing > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP < .OwnPokemon.MaxHP And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Aqua Ring effect If .FieldEffects.OppHealBlock = 0 Then Dim healHP As Integer = CInt(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 16) If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "big root" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then healHP = CInt(healHP * 1.3F) End If End If GainHP(healHP, True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " gained health from the Aqua Ring.", "aquaring") End If End If If .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "shed skin" And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Shed skin effect If .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Or .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Or .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Paralyzed Or .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Or .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn Or .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 33 Then .BattleQuery.Add(.FocusOwnPokemon()) CureStatusProblem(True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s Shed Skin cured its status problem.", "shedskin") End If End If End If If .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "speed boost" And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Speed boost/Own first RaiseStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Speed", 1, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s Speed Boost raised its speed.", "speedboost") End If If .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "truant" Then 'Set truant round If .FieldEffects.OwnTruantRound = 1 Then .FieldEffects.OwnTruantRound = 0 Else .FieldEffects.OwnTruantRound = 1 End If End If If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then 'Black Sludge If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "black sludge" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OwnPokemon.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Poison Or .OwnPokemon.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Poison Then If .OwnPokemon.HP < .OwnPokemon.MaxHP And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then GainHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 16), True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " gained HP from Black Sludge!", "blacksludge") End If Else If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then ReduceHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8), True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " lost HP due to Black Sludge!", "blacksludge") End If End If End If End If If .OwnPokemon.HP < .OwnPokemon.MaxHP And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then If .FieldEffects.OppHealBlock = 0 Then If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then 'Leftovers If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "leftovers" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then GainHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 16), True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " restored some HP from Leftovers!", "leftovers") End If End If End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppLeechSeed > 0 Then 'LeechSeed (opponent seeded) If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then Dim loseHP As Integer = CInt(Math.Ceiling(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8)) Dim currHP As Integer = .OppPokemon.HP If loseHP > currHP Then loseHP = currHP End If Dim addHP As Integer = loseHP If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "big root" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And .FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then addHP += CInt(Math.Ceiling(addHP * (30 / 100))) End If End If ReduceHP(loseHP, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " lost HP due to Leech Seed!", "leechseed") If .FieldEffects.OwnHealBlock = 0 Then If .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "liquid ooze" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(False, BattleScreen) = True Then BattleScreen.Battle.ReduceHP(addHP, True, True, BattleScreen, "Liquid Ooze damaged " & .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!", "liquidooze") Else GainHP(addHP, True, True, BattleScreen, "", "leechseed") End If End If End If End If If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then If .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "poison heal" Then If .FieldEffects.OppHealBlock = 0 Then If .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Then GainHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8), True, True, BattleScreen, "Poison Heal healed " & .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & ".", "poison") End If If .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then .FieldEffects.OwnPoisonCounter += 1 GainHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8), True, True, BattleScreen, "Poison Heal healed " & .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & ".", "poison") End If End If Else If .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "magic guard" Then If .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Then 'Own Poison ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) 'Poison animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim PoisonAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC, True) PoisonAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Poisoned", 0, 0) Dim BubbleEntity1 As Entity = PoisonAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 0, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 1, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity1, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 2, 1) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(PoisonAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Poisoned", False)) End If 'Actual damage ReduceHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8), True, True, BattleScreen, "The poison hurt " & .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & ".", "poison") End If If .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then 'Own Toxic .FieldEffects.OwnPoisonCounter += 1 Dim multiplier As Double = (.FieldEffects.OwnPoisonCounter / 16) ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) 'Poison animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim PoisonAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC, True) PoisonAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Poisoned", 0, 0) Dim BubbleEntity1 As Entity = PoisonAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-0.25, -0.25, -0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 0, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 1, 1) Dim BubbleEntity2 As Entity = PoisonAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 1, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity1, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 2, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 2, 1) Dim BubbleEntity3 As Entity = PoisonAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.25, -0.25, 0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 2, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity2, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 3, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 3, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity3, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 4, 1) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(PoisonAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Poisoned", False)) End If 'Actual damage ReduceHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP * multiplier), True, True, BattleScreen, "The toxic hurt " & .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & ".", "badpoison") End If End If End If End If If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Burn If .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn Then If .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "water veil" And .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "magic guard" Then Dim reduceAmount As Integer = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 16) If .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "heatproof" Then reduceAmount = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 32) End If ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) 'Burn animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim BurnAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC, True) BurnAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Burned", 0, 0) Dim FlameEntity As Entity = BurnAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.25F, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 1.0F) BurnAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(FlameEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 0.75, 0) BurnAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(FlameEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 1.5, 0) BurnAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(FlameEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 96, 32, 32), ""), 2.25, 0) BurnAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(FlameEntity, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 128, 32, 32), ""), 3, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(BurnAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Burned", False)) End If 'Actual damage ReduceHP(reduceAmount, True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by the burn.", "burn") End If End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnNightmare > 0 Then 'Nightmare If .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then ReduceHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 4), True, False, BattleScreen, "The nightmare haunted " & .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!", "nightmare") Else .FieldEffects.OwnNightmare = 0 End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnCurse > 0 Then 'Curse If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then ReduceHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 4), True, False, BattleScreen, "The curse haunted " & .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!", "curse") End If End If 'Water/Fire/Grass pledge: If .FieldEffects.OwnWaterPledge > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OwnWaterPledge -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnWaterPledge = 0 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The rainbow faded!")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnGrassPledge > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OwnGrassPledge -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnGrassPledge = 0 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The swamp faded!")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnFirePledge > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OwnFirePledge -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnFirePledge = 0 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The fiery sea faded!")) Else If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then ReduceHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8), True, False, BattleScreen, "The firey sea hurt " & .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!", "firepledge") End If End If End If If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then If .FieldEffects.OwnWrap > 0 Then 'Wrap .FieldEffects.OwnWrap -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnWrap = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Wrap!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) 'Wrap Animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim WrapAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(.OwnPokemonNPC, False) WrapAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Normal\Wrap", 5.0F, 0) Dim WrapEntity = WrapAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.2, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 0, 80, 40), ""), New Vector3(1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F), 1, 0, 0.75) WrapAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(WrapEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 40, 80, 40), ""), 0.75, 0.75) WrapAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(WrapEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 80, 80, 40), ""), 1.5, 0.75) WrapAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(WrapEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 120, 80, 40), ""), 2.25, 0.75) WrapAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(WrapEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 160, 80, 40), ""), 3, 0.75) WrapAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(WrapEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 200, 80, 40), ""), 3.75, 0.75) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, False, 0.75F, 1.0F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 5, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(WrapEntity, False, False, 0.75F, 0.5F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 5, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, True, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 7, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(WrapEntity, False, True, 1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 7, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, False, 0.75F, 1.0F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 9, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(WrapEntity, False, False, 0.75F, 0.5F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 9, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, True, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 11, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(WrapEntity, False, True, 1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 11, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationFade(WrapEntity, True, 0.03, False, 0.0, 11, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(WrapAnimation) End If ReduceHP(multiHP, True, False, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Wrap!", "wrap") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnWhirlpool > 0 Then 'Whirlpool .FieldEffects.OwnWhirlpool -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnWhirlpool = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Whirlpool!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) 'Whirlpool Animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim WhirlpoolAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(.OwnPokemonNPC, False, True) WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Water\Whirlpool", 0.0F, 0) Dim WhirlpoolEntity As Entity = WhirlpoolAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.3, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\Whirlpool"), New Vector3(0.0F), 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F) WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationRotate(WhirlpoolEntity, False, CSng(MathHelper.Pi * 1.5), 0, 0, CSng(MathHelper.Pi * 1.5), 0, 0, 0, 0, True, False, False, False) WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationRotate(WhirlpoolEntity, False, 0, 0, 0.2F, 0, 0, 10.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, False, False, True, True) WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationScale(WhirlpoolEntity, False, True, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.025F, 0.0F, 0.0F) WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationScale(WhirlpoolEntity, True, False, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.025F, 5.0F, 0.0F) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(WhirlpoolAnimation) End If ReduceHP(multiHP, True, False, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Whirlpool!", "whirlpool") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnSandTomb > 0 Then 'Sand Tomb .FieldEffects.OwnSandTomb -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnSandTomb = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Sand Tomb!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ReduceHP(multiHP, True, False, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Sand Tomb!", "sandtomb") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnBind > 0 Then 'Bind .FieldEffects.OwnBind -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnBind = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Bind!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) 'Bind Animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim BindAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(.OwnPokemonNPC, False) BindAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Normal\Bind", 5.0F, 0) Dim BindEntity = BindAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.2, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 0, 80, 40), ""), New Vector3(1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F), 1, 0, 0.75) BindAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BindEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 40, 80, 40), ""), 0.75, 0.75) BindAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BindEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 80, 80, 40), ""), 1.5, 0.75) BindAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BindEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 120, 80, 40), ""), 2.25, 0.75) BindAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BindEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 160, 80, 40), ""), 3, 0.75) BindAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BindEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 200, 80, 40), ""), 3.75, 0.75) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, False, 0.75F, 1.0F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 5, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(BindEntity, False, False, 0.75F, 0.5F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 5, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, True, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 7, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(BindEntity, False, True, 1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 7, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, False, 0.75F, 1.0F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 9, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(BindEntity, False, False, 0.75F, 0.5F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 9, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, True, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 11, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(BindEntity, False, True, 1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 11, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationFade(BindEntity, True, 0.03, False, 0.0, 11, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(BindAnimation) End If ReduceHP(multiHP, True, False, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Bind!", "bind") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnClamp > 0 Then 'Clamp .FieldEffects.OwnClamp -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnClamp = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Clamp!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) 'Clamp Animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim ClampAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(.OwnPokemonNPC, True) Dim offsetLeft As Single = 0.35 Dim offsetRight As Single = -0.35 ClampAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Water\Clamp", 0, 0) Dim ClampEntityLeft = ClampAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(offsetLeft, -0.1, offsetLeft), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\Clamp_Left", New Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 64), ""), New Vector3(0.28F, 0.75F, 0.28F), 0.75F) Dim ClampEntityRight = ClampAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(offsetRight, -0.1, offsetRight), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\Clamp_Right", New Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 64), ""), New Vector3(0.28F, 0.75F, 0.28F), 0.75F) ClampAnimation.AnimationMove(ClampEntityLeft, False, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1, 0.02, False, False, 0, 0) ClampAnimation.AnimationMove(ClampEntityRight, False, 0.1, -0.1, 0.1, 0.02, False, False, 0, 0) ClampAnimation.AnimationMove(ClampEntityLeft, True, -0.35, -0.1, -0.35, 0.02, False, False, 2, 0) ClampAnimation.AnimationMove(ClampEntityRight, True, 0.35, -0.1, 0.35, 0.02, False, False, 2, 0) Dim SpawnEntity = ClampAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.2, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Tackle"), New Vector3(0.5F), 1.0F, 2.5, 2) ClampAnimation.AnimationFade(SpawnEntity, True, 1.0F, False, 0.0F, 4.5F, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(ClampAnimation) End If ReduceHP(multiHP, True, False, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Clamp!", "clamp") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnFireSpin > 0 Then 'Fire Spin .FieldEffects.OwnFireSpin -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnFireSpin = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Fire Spin!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ReduceHP(multiHP, True, False, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Fire Spin!", "firespin") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnMagmaStorm > 0 Then 'Magma Storm .FieldEffects.OwnMagmaStorm -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnMagmaStorm = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Magma Storm!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ReduceHP(multiHP, True, False, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Magma Storm!", "magmastorm") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnInfestation > 0 Then 'Infestation .FieldEffects.OwnInfestation -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnInfestation = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Infestation!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ReduceHP(multiHP, True, False, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Infestation!", "infestation") End If End If End If 'Own bad dreams If .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "bad dreams" And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 And .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then ReduceHP(CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8), True, False, BattleScreen, "The bad dreams haunted " & .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!", "baddreams") End If If .FieldEffects.OwnOutrage > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Outrage .FieldEffects.OwnOutrage -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnOutrage = 0 Then InflictConfusion(True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s Outrage stopped.", "outrage") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnPetalDance > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Petaldance .FieldEffects.OwnPetalDance -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnPetalDance = 0 Then InflictConfusion(True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s Petal Dance stopped.", "petaldance") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnThrash > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Thrash .FieldEffects.OwnThrash -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnThrash = 0 Then InflictConfusion(True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s Thrash stopped.", "thrash") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnUproar > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Uproar .FieldEffects.OwnUproar -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnUproar = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s uproar stopped.")) End If End If 'Disable 'For each move in moveset, reduce Disable count. If disable count = 0, print message. For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In .OwnPokemon.Attacks If a.Disabled > 0 Then a.Disabled -= 1 If a.Disabled = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s" & " " & a.Name & " " & "is no longer disabled.")) End If End If Next If .FieldEffects.OwnEncore > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Encore .FieldEffects.OwnEncore -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnEncore = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s encore stopped.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnTaunt > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Taunt .FieldEffects.OwnTaunt -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnTaunt = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The Taunt effect wore off.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnMagnetRise > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Magnetrise .FieldEffects.OwnMagnetRise -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnMagnetRise = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The Magnet Rise effect faded.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnHealBlock > 0 Then 'Healblock .FieldEffects.OwnHealBlock -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnHealBlock = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The effects of Heal Block faded.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnEmbargo > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Embargo .FieldEffects.OwnEmbargo -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnEmbargo = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is not under the Embargo effect anymore.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnYawn > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Yawn .FieldEffects.OwnYawn -= 1 If .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None And .FieldEffects.OwnYawn = 0 Then InflictSleep(True, False, BattleScreen, -1, "", "yawn") End If End If Dim futureSight As String = "Future Sight" 'Future Sight/Doom Desire If .FieldEffects.OwnFutureSightID = 1 Then futureSight = "Doom Desire" End If If .FieldEffects.OwnFutureSightTurns > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OwnFutureSightTurns -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OwnFutureSightTurns = 0 Then If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then ReduceHP(.FieldEffects.OwnFutureSightDamage, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " took the " & futureSight & " attack!", futureSight.Replace(" ", "").ToLower()) Else .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The " & futureSight & " failed!")) End If End If End If 'Perish Song: If .FieldEffects.OwnPerishSongCount > 0 Then 'Perish Song .FieldEffects.OwnPerishSongCount -= 1 If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s Perish Count is at " & .FieldEffects.OwnPerishSongCount.ToString() & "!")) If .FieldEffects.OwnPerishSongCount = 0 Then ReduceHP(.OwnPokemon.HP, True, False, BattleScreen, "", "move:perishsong") Me.FaintPokemon(True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " fainted due to Perish Song!") End If End If End If 'ABILITY SHIT/ITEM SHIT GOES HERE: If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 And .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "flame orb" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then InflictBurn(True, True, BattleScreen, "Flame Orb inflicts a burn!", "flameorb") End If End If End If If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 And .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "toxic orb" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then InflictPoison(True, True, BattleScreen, True, "Toxic Orb inflicts a poisoning!", "toxicorb") End If End If End If If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then If .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "moody" Then Dim cannotRaise As New List(Of Integer) Dim cannotLower As New List(Of Integer) If .OwnPokemon.StatAttack = 6 Then cannotRaise.Add(0) ElseIf .OwnPokemon.StatAttack = -6 Then cannotLower.Add(0) End If If .OwnPokemon.StatDefense = 6 Then cannotRaise.Add(1) ElseIf .OwnPokemon.StatDefense = -6 Then cannotLower.Add(1) End If If .OwnPokemon.StatSpAttack = 6 Then cannotRaise.Add(2) ElseIf .OwnPokemon.StatSpAttack = -6 Then cannotLower.Add(2) End If If .OwnPokemon.StatSpDefense = 6 Then cannotRaise.Add(3) ElseIf .OwnPokemon.StatSpDefense = -6 Then cannotLower.Add(3) End If If .OwnPokemon.StatSpeed = 6 Then cannotRaise.Add(4) ElseIf .OwnPokemon.StatSpeed = -6 Then cannotLower.Add(4) End If 'If .OwnPokemon.Accuracy = 6 Then ' cannotRaise.Add(5) 'ElseIf .OwnPokemon.Accuracy = -6 Then ' cannotLower.Add(5) 'End If 'If .OwnPokemon.Evasion = 6 Then ' cannotRaise.Add(6) 'ElseIf .OwnPokemon.Evasion = -6 Then ' cannotLower.Add(6) 'End If If cannotRaise.Count < 5 Then Dim statToRaise As Integer = Core.Random.Next(0, 5) While cannotRaise.Contains(statToRaise) = True statToRaise = Core.Random.Next(0, 5) End While Select Case statToRaise Case 0 RaiseStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Attack", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") Case 1 RaiseStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Defense", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") Case 2 RaiseStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Special Attack", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") Case 3 RaiseStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Special Defense", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") Case 4 RaiseStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Speed", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") 'Case 5 ' RaiseStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Accuracy", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") 'Case 6 ' RaiseStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Evasion", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") End Select If cannotLower.Contains(statToRaise) = False Then cannotLower.Add(statToRaise) End If End If If cannotLower.Count < 5 Then Dim statToLower As Integer = Core.Random.Next(0, 5) While cannotLower.Contains(statToLower) = True statToLower = Core.Random.Next(0, 5) End While Select Case statToLower Case 0 LowerStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Attack", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") Case 1 LowerStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Defense", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") Case 2 LowerStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Special Attack", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") Case 3 LowerStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Special Defense", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") Case 4 LowerStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Speed", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") 'Case 5 ' LowerStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Accuracy", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") 'Case 6 ' LowerStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Evasion", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") End Select End If End If End If End With End Sub Private Sub EndTurnOpp(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) With BattleScreen 'Turn count since battle started .FieldEffects.OppTurnCounts += 1 'Turn count since pokemon switched in (currently used for Fake Out, First Impression, Slow Start) .FieldEffects.OppPokemonTurns += 1 'Reset turn count for pokemon switching in If HasSwitchedInOpp Then .FieldEffects.OppPokemonTurns = 0 HasSwitchedInOpp = False End If .FieldEffects.OppLockOn = 0 'Reset lock on 'Remove temp pursuit counter: .FieldEffects.OppPursuit = False If .FieldEffects.OppSleepTurns > 0 Then 'Sleep turns .FieldEffects.OppSleepTurns -= 1 End If If .FieldEffects.OppCharge > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OppCharge -= 1 'Sets charge to 0 End If If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "mental herb" Then Dim usedMentalHerb As Boolean = False If .OppPokemon.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Infatuation) = True Then .OppPokemon.RemoveVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Infatuation) .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " got healed from the infatuation" & Environment.NewLine & "due to Mental Herb!")) usedMentalHerb = True End If If .FieldEffects.OppTaunt > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OppTaunt = 0 .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " got healed from the Taunt" & Environment.NewLine & "due to Mental Herb!")) usedMentalHerb = True End If If .FieldEffects.OppEncore > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OppEncore = 0 .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " got healed from the Encore" & Environment.NewLine & "due to Mental Herb!")) usedMentalHerb = True End If If .FieldEffects.OppTorment > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OppTorment = 0 .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " got healed from the Torment" & Environment.NewLine & "due to Mental Herb!")) usedMentalHerb = True End If For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In .OppPokemon.Attacks If a.Disabled > 0 Then a.Disabled = 0 .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s" & " " & a.Name & " " & "is no longer disabled" & Environment.NewLine & "due to Mental Herb!")) End If Next If usedMentalHerb = True Then .OppPokemon.Item = Nothing End If End If If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "white herb" Then Dim hasNegativeStats As Boolean = False With .OppPokemon If .StatAttack < 0 Then .StatAttack = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If If .StatDefense < 0 Then .StatDefense = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If If .StatSpAttack < 0 Then .StatSpAttack = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If If .StatSpDefense < 0 Then .StatSpDefense = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If If .StatSpeed < 0 Then .StatSpeed = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If If .Accuracy < 0 Then .Accuracy = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If If .Evasion < 0 Then .Evasion = 0 hasNegativeStats = True End If End With If hasNegativeStats = True Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " negative stats got healed" & Environment.NewLine & "due to White Herb!")) .OppPokemon.Item = Nothing End If End If End If End If .FieldEffects.OppPokemonDamagedLastTurn = .FieldEffects.OppPokemonDamagedThisTurn .FieldEffects.OppPokemonDamagedThisTurn = False End With End Sub Private Sub EndRoundOpp(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) ChangeCameraAngle(0, True, BattleScreen) If IsAfterFaint = True Then Exit Sub End If TriggerItemEffect(BattleScreen, True) TriggerItemEffect(BattleScreen, False) With BattleScreen If .FieldEffects.OppReflect > 0 Then 'Stop reflect .FieldEffects.OppReflect -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppReflect = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Opponent's Reflect effect faded.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppLightScreen > 0 Then 'Stop light screen .FieldEffects.OppLightScreen -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppLightScreen = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Opponent's Light Screen effect faded.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppMist > 0 Then 'Stop mist .FieldEffects.OppMist -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppMist = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The mist on the opponent's side of the field faded!")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppSafeguard > 0 Then 'Stop safeguard .FieldEffects.OppSafeguard -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppSafeguard = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The Safeguard effect wore off!")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppGuardSpec > 0 Then 'Stop guard spec .FieldEffects.OppGuardSpec -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppGuardSpec = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Opponent's Guard Spec. wore off.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppTailWind > 0 Then 'Stop tail wind .FieldEffects.OppTailWind -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppTailWind = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Opponent's Tail Wind effect faded.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppLuckyChant > 0 Then 'Stop lucky chant .FieldEffects.OppLuckyChant -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppLuckyChant = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("Opponent's Lucky Chant effect faded.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppWish > 0 Then 'Use wish .FieldEffects.OppWish -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppWish = 0 Then If .FieldEffects.OwnHealBlock = 0 Then If .OppPokemon.HP < .OppPokemon.MaxHP And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then GainHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 2), False, False, BattleScreen, "A wish came true!", "wish") End If End If End If End If 'Weather 'Sandstorm If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sandstorm Then If .OppPokemon.Type1.Type <> Element.Types.Ground And .OppPokemon.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Ground And .OppPokemon.Type1.Type <> Element.Types.Steel And .OppPokemon.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Steel And .OppPokemon.Type1.Type <> Element.Types.Rock And .OppPokemon.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Rock Then Dim sandAbilities() As String = {"sand veil", "sand rush", "sand force", "overcoat", "magic guard", "cloud nine"} If sandAbilities.Contains(.OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower()) = False Then If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then Dim sandHP As Integer = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 16) ReduceHP(sandHP, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " took damage from the sandstorm!", "sandstorm") End If End If End If End If 'Hailstorm If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Hailstorm Then If .OppPokemon.Type1.Type <> Element.Types.Ice And .OppPokemon.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Ice Then Dim hailAbilities() As String = {"ice body", "snow cloak", "overcoat", "magic guard", "cloud nine"} If hailAbilities.Contains(.OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower()) = False Then If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then Dim hailHP As Integer = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 16) ReduceHP(hailHP, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " took damage from the hailstorm!", "sandstorm") End If End If End If End If 'Grassy Terrain If .FieldEffects.GrassyTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.IsGrounded(False, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then GainHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 16), False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " restored some HP due to the Grassy Terrain!", "grassyterrain") End If End If If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then Dim HPChange As Integer = 0 'Use DrySkin/Rain Dish/Hydration/Ice Body Dim HPMessage As String = "" Select Case .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() Case "dry skin" If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny Then HPChange = -CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8) HPMessage = "Dry Skin" ElseIf .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Rain Then HPChange = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8) HPMessage = "Dry Skin" End If Case "solar power" If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Sunny Then HPChange = -CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8) HPMessage = "Solar Power" End If Case "rain dish" If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Rain Then HPChange = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 16) HPMessage = "Rain Dish" End If Case "hydration" If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Rain Then If .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Or .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Or .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Paralyzed Or .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Or .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn Or .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then CureStatusProblem(False, False, BattleScreen, "Hydration cured " & .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s status problem.", "hydration") End If End If Case "ice body" If .FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Hailstorm Then HPChange = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 16) HPMessage = "Ice Body" End If End Select If HPChange > 0 Then If .OppPokemon.HP < .OppPokemon.MaxHP Then GainHP(HPChange, False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " restored some HP due to " & HPMessage & ".", HPMessage.Replace(" ", "").ToLower()) End If ElseIf HPChange < 0 Then ReduceHP(HPChange, False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " lost some HP due to " & HPMessage & ".", HPMessage.Replace(" ", "").ToLower()) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppIngrain > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP < .OppPokemon.MaxHP And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Ingrain effect If .FieldEffects.OwnHealBlock = 0 Then Dim healHP As Integer = CInt(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 16) If Not BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "big root" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then healHP = CInt(healHP * 1.3F) End If End If GainHP(healHP, False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " gained health from the Ingrain.", "ingrain") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppAquaRing > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP < .OppPokemon.MaxHP And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Aqua Ring effect If .FieldEffects.OwnHealBlock = 0 Then Dim healHP As Integer = CInt(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 16) If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "big root" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then healHP = CInt(healHP * 1.3F) End If End If GainHP(healHP, False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " gained health from the Aqua Ring.", "aquaring") End If End If If .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "shed skin" And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Shed skin effect If .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Or .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Or .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Paralyzed Or .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Freeze Or .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn Or .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 100) < 33 Then .BattleQuery.Add(.FocusOppPokemon()) CureStatusProblem(False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s Shed Skin cured its status problem.", "shedskin") End If End If End If If .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "speed boost" And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Speed boost/opp first RaiseStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Speed", 1, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s Speed Boost raised its speed.", "speedboost") End If If .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "truant" Then 'Set truant round If .FieldEffects.OppTruantRound = 1 Then .FieldEffects.OppTruantRound = 0 Else .FieldEffects.OppTruantRound = 1 End If End If If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then 'Black Sludge If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "black sludge" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OppPokemon.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Poison Or .OppPokemon.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Poison Then If .OppPokemon.HP < .OppPokemon.MaxHP And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then GainHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 16), False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " gained HP from Black Sludge!", "blacksludge") End If Else If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then ReduceHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8), False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " lost HP due to Black Sludge!", "blacksludge") End If End If End If End If If .OppPokemon.HP < .OppPokemon.MaxHP And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then If .FieldEffects.OwnHealBlock = 0 Then If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then 'Leftovers If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "leftovers" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then GainHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 16), False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " restored some HP from Leftovers!", "leftovers") End If End If End If End If If .FieldEffects.OwnLeechSeed > 0 Then 'LeechSeed (Own pokemon seeded) If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then Dim loseHP As Integer = CInt(Math.Ceiling(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 8)) Dim currHP As Integer = .OwnPokemon.HP If loseHP > currHP Then loseHP = currHP End If Dim addHP As Integer = loseHP If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "big root" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And .FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then addHP += CInt(Math.Ceiling(addHP * (30 / 100))) End If End If ReduceHP(loseHP, True, False, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " lost HP due to Leech Seed!", "leechseed") If .FieldEffects.OppHealBlock = 0 Then If .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "liquid ooze" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(True, BattleScreen) = True Then BattleScreen.Battle.ReduceHP(addHP, False, False, BattleScreen, "Liquid Ooze damaged " & .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!", "liquidooze") Else GainHP(addHP, False, False, BattleScreen, "", "leechseed") End If End If End If End If If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then If .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "poison heal" Then If .FieldEffects.OwnHealBlock = 0 Then If .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Then GainHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8), False, False, BattleScreen, "Poison Heal healed " & .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & ".", "poison") End If If .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then .FieldEffects.OppPoisonCounter += 1 GainHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8), False, False, BattleScreen, "Poison Heal healed " & .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & ".", "poison") End If End If Else If .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "magic guard" Then If .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison Then 'Opp Poison ChangeCameraAngle(1, False, BattleScreen) 'Poison animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim PoisonAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, False) PoisonAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Poisoned", 0, 0) Dim BubbleEntity1 As Entity = PoisonAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 0, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 1, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity1, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 2, 1) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(PoisonAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Poisoned", False)) End If 'Actual damage ReduceHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8), False, False, BattleScreen, "The poison hurt " & .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & ".", "poison") End If If .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then 'Opp Toxic .FieldEffects.OppPoisonCounter += 1 Dim multiplier As Double = (.FieldEffects.OppPoisonCounter / 16) ChangeCameraAngle(1, False, BattleScreen) If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then 'Poison animation Dim PoisonAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, False) PoisonAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Poisoned", 0, 0) Dim BubbleEntity1 As Entity = PoisonAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-0.25, -0.25, -0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 0, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity1, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 1, 1) Dim BubbleEntity2 As Entity = PoisonAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 1, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity1, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 2, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity2, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 2, 1) Dim BubbleEntity3 As Entity = PoisonAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.25, -0.25, 0.25), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 2, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity2, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 3, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity3, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 3, 1) PoisonAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BubbleEntity3, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Poisoned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 4, 1) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(PoisonAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Poisoned", False)) End If 'Actual damage ReduceHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP * multiplier), False, False, BattleScreen, "The toxic hurt " & .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & ".", "badpoison") End If End If End If End If If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Burn If .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn Then If .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "water veil" And .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "magic guard" Then Dim reduceAmount As Integer = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "heatproof" Then reduceAmount = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 16) End If ChangeCameraAngle(1, False, BattleScreen) 'Burn animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim BurnAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, False) BurnAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Effects\Burned", 0, 0) Dim FlameEntity As Entity = BurnAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 1.0F) BurnAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(FlameEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 0.75, 0) BurnAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(FlameEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ""), 1.5, 0) BurnAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(FlameEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 96, 32, 32), ""), 2.25, 0) BurnAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(FlameEntity, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\StatusEffect\Burned", New Rectangle(0, 128, 32, 32), ""), 3, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(BurnAnimation) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\Effects\Burned", False)) End If 'Actual damage ReduceHP(reduceAmount, False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by the burn.", "burn") End If End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppNightmare > 0 Then 'Nightmare If .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then ReduceHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 4), False, True, BattleScreen, "The nightmare haunted " & .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!", "nightmare") Else .FieldEffects.OwnNightmare = 0 End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppCurse > 0 Then 'Curse If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then ReduceHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 4), False, True, BattleScreen, "The curse haunted " & .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!", "curse") End If End If 'Water/Fire/Grass pledge: If .FieldEffects.OppWaterPledge > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OppWaterPledge -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppWaterPledge = 0 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The rainbow faded!")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppGrassPledge > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OppGrassPledge -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppGrassPledge = 0 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The swamp faded!")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppFirePledge > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OppFirePledge -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppFirePledge = 0 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The fiery sea faded!")) Else If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then ReduceHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8), False, True, BattleScreen, "The firey sea hurt " & .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!", "firepledge") End If End If End If If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then If .FieldEffects.OppWrap > 0 Then 'Wrap .FieldEffects.OppWrap -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppWrap = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Wrap!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ChangeCameraAngle(1, False, BattleScreen) 'Wrap Animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim WrapAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(.OppPokemonNPC, True) WrapAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Normal\Wrap", 5.0F, 0) Dim WrapEntity = WrapAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.2, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 0, 80, 40), ""), New Vector3(1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F), 1, 0, 0.75) WrapAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(WrapEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 40, 80, 40), ""), 0.75, 0.75) WrapAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(WrapEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 80, 80, 40), ""), 1.5, 0.75) WrapAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(WrapEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 120, 80, 40), ""), 2.25, 0.75) WrapAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(WrapEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 160, 80, 40), ""), 3, 0.75) WrapAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(WrapEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Wrap", New Rectangle(0, 200, 80, 40), ""), 3.75, 0.75) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, False, 0.75F, 1.0F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 5, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(WrapEntity, False, False, 0.75F, 0.5F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 5, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, True, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 7, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(WrapEntity, False, True, 1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 7, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, False, 0.75F, 1.0F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 9, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(WrapEntity, False, False, 0.75F, 0.5F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 9, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, True, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 11, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationScale(WrapEntity, False, True, 1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 11, 0) WrapAnimation.AnimationFade(WrapEntity, True, 0.03, False, 0.0, 11, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(WrapAnimation) End If ReduceHP(multiHP, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Wrap!", "wrap") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppWhirlpool > 0 Then 'Whirlpool .FieldEffects.OppWhirlpool -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppWhirlpool = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Whirlpool!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ChangeCameraAngle(1, False, BattleScreen) 'Whirlpool Animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim WhirlpoolAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(.OppPokemonNPC, True, True) WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Water\Whirlpool", 0.0F, 0) Dim WhirlpoolEntity As Entity = WhirlpoolAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.3, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\Whirlpool"), New Vector3(0.0F), 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F) WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationRotate(WhirlpoolEntity, False, CSng(MathHelper.Pi * 1.5), 0, 0, CSng(MathHelper.Pi * 1.5), 0, 0, 0, 0, True, False, False, False) WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationRotate(WhirlpoolEntity, False, 0, 0, 0.2F, 0, 0, 10.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, False, False, True, True) WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationScale(WhirlpoolEntity, False, True, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.025F, 0.0F, 0.0F) WhirlpoolAnimation.AnimationScale(WhirlpoolEntity, True, False, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.025F, 5.0F, 0.0F) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(WhirlpoolAnimation) End If ReduceHP(multiHP, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Whirlpool!", "whirlpool") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppSandTomb > 0 Then 'Sand Tomb .FieldEffects.OppSandTomb -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppSandTomb = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Sand Tomb!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ReduceHP(multiHP, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Sand Tomb!", "sandtomb") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppBind > 0 Then 'Bind .FieldEffects.OppBind -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppBind = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Bind!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ChangeCameraAngle(1, False, BattleScreen) 'Bind Animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim BindAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(.OppPokemonNPC, True) BindAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Normal\Bind", 5.0F, 0) Dim BindEntity = BindAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.2, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 0, 80, 40), ""), New Vector3(1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F), 1, 0, 0.75) BindAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BindEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 40, 80, 40), ""), 0.75, 0.75) BindAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BindEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 80, 80, 40), ""), 1.5, 0.75) BindAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BindEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 120, 80, 40), ""), 2.25, 0.75) BindAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BindEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 160, 80, 40), ""), 3, 0.75) BindAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(BindEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Bind", New Rectangle(0, 200, 80, 40), ""), 3.75, 0.75) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, False, 0.75F, 1.0F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 5, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(BindEntity, False, False, 0.75F, 0.5F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 5, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, True, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 7, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(BindEntity, False, True, 1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 7, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, False, 0.75F, 1.0F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 9, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(BindEntity, False, False, 0.75F, 0.5F, 0.75F, 0.02F, 9, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(Nothing, False, True, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 11, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationScale(BindEntity, False, True, 1.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F, 0.04F, 11, 0) BindAnimation.AnimationFade(BindEntity, True, 0.03, False, 0.0, 11, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(BindAnimation) End If ReduceHP(multiHP, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Bind!", "bind") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppClamp > 0 Then 'Clamp .FieldEffects.OppClamp -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppClamp = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Clamp!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ChangeCameraAngle(1, False, BattleScreen) 'Clamp Animation If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim ClampAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(.OppPokemonNPC, False) Dim offsetLeft As Single = -0.35 Dim offsetRight As Single = 0.35 ClampAnimation.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Attacks\Water\Clamp", 0, 0) Dim ClampEntityLeft = ClampAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(offsetLeft, -0.1, offsetLeft), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\Clamp_Left", New Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 64), ""), New Vector3(0.28F, 0.75F, 0.28F), 0.75F) Dim ClampEntityRight = ClampAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(offsetRight, -0.1, offsetRight), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Water\Clamp_Right", New Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 64), ""), New Vector3(0.28F, 0.75F, 0.28F), 0.75F) ClampAnimation.AnimationMove(ClampEntityLeft, False, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1, 0.02, False, False, 0, 0) ClampAnimation.AnimationMove(ClampEntityRight, False, 0.1, -0.1, 0.1, 0.02, False, False, 0, 0) ClampAnimation.AnimationMove(ClampEntityLeft, True, -0.35, -0.1, -0.35, 0.02, False, False, 2, 0) ClampAnimation.AnimationMove(ClampEntityRight, True, 0.35, -0.1, 0.35, 0.02, False, False, 2, 0) Dim SpawnEntity = ClampAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, -0.2, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Tackle"), New Vector3(0.5F), 1.0F, 2.5, 2) ClampAnimation.AnimationFade(SpawnEntity, True, 1.0F, False, 0.0F, 4.5F, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(ClampAnimation) End If ReduceHP(multiHP, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Clamp!", "clamp") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppFireSpin > 0 Then 'Fire Spin .FieldEffects.OppFireSpin -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppFireSpin = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Fire Spin!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ReduceHP(multiHP, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Fire Spin!", "firespin") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppMagmaStorm > 0 Then 'Magma Storm .FieldEffects.OppMagmaStorm -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppMagmaStorm = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Magma Storm!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ReduceHP(multiHP, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Magma Storm!", "magmastorm") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppInfestation > 0 Then 'Infestation .FieldEffects.OppInfestation -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppInfestation = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " was freed from Infestation!")) Else Dim multiHP As Integer = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8) If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "binding band" Then multiHP = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 6) End If End If ReduceHP(multiHP, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is hurt by Infestation!", "infestation") End If End If End If 'Opp bad dreams If .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "bad dreams" And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 And .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then ReduceHP(CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 8), False, True, BattleScreen, "The bad dreams haunted " & .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!", "baddreams") End If If .FieldEffects.OppOutrage > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Outrage .FieldEffects.OppOutrage -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppOutrage = 0 Then InflictConfusion(False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s Outrage stopped.", "outrage") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppPetalDance > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Petaldance .FieldEffects.OppPetalDance -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppPetalDance = 0 Then InflictConfusion(False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s Petal Dance stopped.", "petaldance") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppThrash > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Thrash .FieldEffects.OppThrash -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppThrash = 0 Then InflictConfusion(False, False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s Thrash stopped.", "thrash") End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppUproar > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Uproar .FieldEffects.OppUproar -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppUproar = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s uproar stopped.")) End If End If 'Disable 'For each move in moveset, reduce Disable count. If disable count = 0, print message. For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In .OppPokemon.Attacks If a.Disabled > 0 Then a.Disabled -= 1 If a.Disabled = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s" & " " & a.Name & " " & "is no longer disabled.")) End If End If Next If .FieldEffects.OppEncore > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Encore .FieldEffects.OppEncore -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppEncore = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s encore stopped.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppTaunt > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Taunt .FieldEffects.OppTaunt -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppTaunt = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The opponent's Taunt effect wore off")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppMagnetRise > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Magnetrise .FieldEffects.OppMagnetRise -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppMagnetRise = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The opponent's Magnet Rise effect faded.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppHealBlock > 0 Then 'Healblock .FieldEffects.OppHealBlock -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppHealBlock = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The effect of the opponent's Heal Block faded.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppEmbargo > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Embargo .FieldEffects.OppEmbargo -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppEmbargo = 0 Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " is not under the Embargo effect anymore.")) End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppYawn > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then 'Yawn .FieldEffects.OppYawn -= 1 If .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None And .FieldEffects.OppYawn = 0 Then InflictSleep(False, True, BattleScreen, -1, "", "yawn") End If End If Dim futureSight As String = "Future Sight" 'Future Sight/Doom Desire If .FieldEffects.OppFutureSightID = 1 Then futureSight = "Doom Desire" End If If .FieldEffects.OppFutureSightTurns > 0 Then .FieldEffects.OppFutureSightTurns -= 1 If .FieldEffects.OppFutureSightTurns = 0 Then If .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then ReduceHP(.FieldEffects.OppFutureSightDamage, True, False, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " took the " & futureSight & " attack!", futureSight.Replace(" ", "").ToLower()) Else .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("The " & futureSight & " failed!")) End If End If End If If .FieldEffects.OppPerishSongCount > 0 Then 'Perish Song .FieldEffects.OppPerishSongCount -= 1 If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s Perish Count is at " & .FieldEffects.OppPerishSongCount.ToString() & "!")) If .FieldEffects.OppPerishSongCount = 0 Then ReduceHP(.OppPokemon.HP, False, True, BattleScreen, "", "move:perishsong") Me.FaintPokemon(False, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " fainted due to Perish Song!") End If End If End If 'ABILITY SHIT/ITEM SHIT GOES HERE: If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 And .OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Burn Then If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "flame orb" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then InflictBurn(False, False, BattleScreen, "Flame Orb inflicts a burn!", "flameorb") End If End If End If If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 And .OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Poison And .OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.BadPoison Then If Not .OppPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OppPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "toxic orb" And .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then InflictPoison(False, False, BattleScreen, True, "Toxic Orb inflicts a poisoning!", "toxicorb") End If End If End If If .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then If .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "moody" Then Dim cannotRaise As New List(Of Integer) Dim cannotLower As New List(Of Integer) If .OppPokemon.StatAttack = 6 Then cannotRaise.Add(0) ElseIf .OppPokemon.StatAttack = -6 Then cannotLower.Add(0) End If If .OppPokemon.StatDefense = 6 Then cannotRaise.Add(1) ElseIf .OppPokemon.StatDefense = -6 Then cannotLower.Add(1) End If If .OppPokemon.StatSpAttack = 6 Then cannotRaise.Add(2) ElseIf .OppPokemon.StatSpAttack = -6 Then cannotLower.Add(2) End If If .OppPokemon.StatSpDefense = 6 Then cannotRaise.Add(3) ElseIf .OppPokemon.StatSpDefense = -6 Then cannotLower.Add(3) End If If .OppPokemon.StatSpeed = 6 Then cannotRaise.Add(4) ElseIf .OppPokemon.StatSpeed = -6 Then cannotLower.Add(4) End If 'If .OppPokemon.Accuracy = 6 Then ' cannotRaise.Add(5) 'ElseIf .OppPokemon.Accuracy = -6 Then ' cannotLower.Add(5) 'End If 'If .OppPokemon.Evasion = 6 Then ' cannotRaise.Add(6) 'ElseIf .OppPokemon.Evasion = -6 Then ' cannotLower.Add(6) 'End If If cannotRaise.Count < 5 Then Dim statToRaise As Integer = Core.Random.Next(0, 5) While cannotRaise.Contains(statToRaise) = True statToRaise = Core.Random.Next(0, 5) End While Select Case statToRaise Case 0 RaiseStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Attack", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") Case 1 RaiseStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Defense", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") Case 2 RaiseStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Special Attack", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") Case 3 RaiseStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Special Defense", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") Case 4 RaiseStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Speed", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") 'Case 5 ' RaiseStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Accuracy", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") 'Case 6 ' RaiseStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Evasion", 2, "Moody raised a stat.", "moody") End Select If cannotLower.Contains(statToRaise) = False Then cannotLower.Add(statToRaise) End If End If If cannotLower.Count < 5 Then Dim statToLower As Integer = Core.Random.Next(0, 5) While cannotLower.Contains(statToLower) = True statToLower = Core.Random.Next(0, 5) End While Select Case statToLower Case 0 LowerStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Attack", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") Case 1 LowerStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Defense", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") Case 2 LowerStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Special Attack", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") Case 3 LowerStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Special Defense", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") Case 4 LowerStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Speed", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") 'Case 5 ' LowerStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Accuracy", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") 'Case 6 ' LowerStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Evasion", 1, "Moody lowered a stat.", "moody") End Select End If End If End If End With End Sub #End Region #Region "Switching" Dim HasSwitchedInOwn As Boolean = False Dim HasSwitchedInOpp As Boolean = False Public Sub SwitchOutOwn(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal SwitchInIndex As Integer, ByVal InsertIndex As Integer, Optional ByVal message As String = "") With BattleScreen If .FieldEffects.OwnConfusionTurns > 0 Then .FieldEffects.TempOwnConfusionTurns = .FieldEffects.OwnConfusionTurns End If 'Natural cure cures status problems If .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "natural cure" Then ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) If .OwnPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted And .OwnPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None .AddToQuery(InsertIndex, New TextQueryObject(.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s status problem got healed by Natural Cure")) End If End If 'Regenerator ability heals 1/3 of it's max HP If .OwnPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "regenerator" Then ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) If Not (.OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Or .OwnPokemon.HP = 0) Then Dim restoreHP = CInt(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP / 3) If restoreHP > 0 And .OwnPokemon.HP < .OwnPokemon.MaxHP And .OwnPokemon.HP > 0 Then BattleScreen.Battle.GainHP(restoreHP, True, True, BattleScreen, .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s HP was restored!", "ability:regenerator") End If End If End If 'save baton pass stuff: If .FieldEffects.OwnUsedBatonPass = True Then ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) .FieldEffects.OwnBatonPassStats = New List(Of Integer) With .OwnPokemon BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBatonPassStats.AddRange({ .StatAttack, .StatDefense, .StatSpAttack, .StatSpDefense, .StatSpeed, .Evasion, .Accuracy}) End With .FieldEffects.OwnBatonPassConfusion = .OwnPokemon.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) = True End If 'Set the original objects of Pokemon .OwnPokemon.ResetTemp() 'Remove volatiles .OwnPokemon.ClearAllVolatiles() 'Resetting FieldEffects With .FieldEffects .OwnSleepTurns = 0 .OwnTruantRound = 0 .OwnTaunt = 0 .OwnSmacked = 0 .OwnRageCounter = 0 .OwnUproar = 0 If .OwnUsedBatonPass = False Then .OwnFocusEnergy = 0 .OwnEndure = 0 .OwnProtectCounter = 0 .OwnDetectCounter = 0 .OwnKingsShieldCounter = 0 .OwnProtectMovesCount = 0 If .OwnUsedBatonPass = False Then .OwnIngrain = 0 If .OwnUsedBatonPass = False Then .OwnSubstitute = 0 If .OwnUsedBatonPass = False Then .OwnMagnetRise = 0 If .OwnUsedBatonPass = False Then .OwnAquaRing = 0 .OwnPoisonCounter = 0 .OwnNightmare = 0 If .OwnUsedBatonPass = False Then .OwnCurse = 0 .OwnOutrage = 0 .OwnThrash = 0 .OwnPetalDance = 0 .OwnEncore = 0 .OwnEncoreMove = Nothing If .OwnUsedBatonPass = False Then .OwnEmbargo = 0 .OwnYawn = 0 If .OwnUsedBatonPass = False Then .OwnPerishSongCount = 0 If .OwnUsedBatonPass = False Then .OwnConfusionTurns = 0 .OwnTorment = 0 .OwnTormentMove = Nothing .OwnChoiceMove = Nothing .OwnRecharge = 0 .OwnRolloutCounter = 0 .OwnIceBallCounter = 0 .OwnDefenseCurl = 0 .OwnCharge = 0 .OwnSolarBeam = 0 .OwnSolarBlade = 0 If .OwnUsedBatonPass = False Then .OwnLeechSeed = 0 If .OwnUsedBatonPass = False Then .OwnLockOn = 0 .OwnLansatBerry = 0 .OwnCustapBerry = 0 .OwnTrappedCounter = 0 .OwnFuryCutter = 0 .OwnEchoedVoice = 0 .OwnPokemonTurns = 0 .OwnStockpileCount = 0 .OwnDestinyBond = False .OwnGastroAcid = False .OwnTarShot = False .OwnForesight = 0 .OwnOdorSleuth = 0 .OwnMiracleEye = 0 .OwnFlyCounter = 0 .OwnDigCounter = 0 .OwnBounceCounter = 0 .OwnDiveCounter = 0 .OwnShadowForceCounter = 0 .OwnPhantomForceCounter = 0 .OwnSkyDropCounter = 0 .OwnGeomancyCounter = 0 .OwnSkyAttackCounter = 0 .OwnRazorWindCounter = 0 .OwnSkullBashCounter = 0 .OwnWrap = 0 .OwnWhirlpool = 0 .OwnBind = 0 .OwnClamp = 0 .OwnFireSpin = 0 .OwnMagmaStorm = 0 .OwnSandTomb = 0 .OwnInfestation = 0 .OwnBideCounter = 0 .OwnBideDamage = 0 .OwnRoostUsed = False 'Opp stuff that depends on own pokemon presence .OppTrappedCounter = 0 .OppWrap = 0 .OppWhirlpool = 0 .OppBind = 0 .OppClamp = 0 .OppFireSpin = 0 .OppMagmaStorm = 0 .OppSandTomb = 0 .OppInfestation = 0 If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Infatuation) Then BattleScreen.OppPokemon.RemoveVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Infatuation) End If End With .OwnPokemon.Ability.SwitchOut(.OwnPokemon) If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations = 0 OrElse BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = True Then BattleScreen.AddToQuery(InsertIndex, New ToggleEntityQueryObject(True, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OwnPokemon, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1)) End If If Core.Player.CountFightablePokemon > 0 Then If BattleScreen.OwnFaint Then 'Next pokemon sent by the player is decided via menu. Else SwitchInOwn(BattleScreen, SwitchInIndex, False, InsertIndex, message) End If Else If BattleScreen.IsTrainerBattle = True Then EndBattle(EndBattleReasons.LoseTrainer, BattleScreen, False) If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle = True Then EndBattle(EndBattleReasons.LoseTrainer, BattleScreen, True) End If Else EndBattle(EndBattleReasons.LoseWild, BattleScreen, False) End If End If End With End Sub Public Sub ApplyOwnBatonPass(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnUsedBatonPass = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnUsedBatonPass = False BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.StatAttack = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBatonPassStats(0) BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.StatDefense = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBatonPassStats(1) BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.StatSpAttack = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBatonPassStats(2) BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.StatSpDefense = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBatonPassStats(3) BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.StatSpeed = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBatonPassStats(4) BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Evasion = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBatonPassStats(5) BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Accuracy = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBatonPassStats(6) If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBatonPassConfusion = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnBatonPassConfusion = False BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.AddVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) End If End If End Sub Public Sub SwitchInOwn(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal NewPokemonIndex As Integer, ByVal FirstTime As Boolean, ByVal InsertIndex As Integer, Optional ByVal message As String = "") HasSwitchedInOwn = True If FirstTime = False Then ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) Dim insertMessage As String = message If insertMessage = "" Then insertMessage = "Come back, " & BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!" End If BattleScreen.AddToQuery(InsertIndex, New TextQueryObject(insertMessage)) Dim PositionOffsetY As Single = 0.0F If BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC.Model IsNot Nothing Then PositionOffsetY = 0.5F End If Dim BallReturn As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC, False) If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then ' Ball Closes BallReturn.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Open", 0, 0) Dim SmokeReturned As Integer = 0 Do Dim SmokePosition = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10) + PositionOffsetY, CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10)) Dim SmokeDestination As Vector3 = New Vector3(0, PositionOffsetY, 0) Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke") Dim SmokeScale = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(2, 6) / 10)) Dim SmokeSpeed = CSng(Random.Next(1, 3) / 20.0F) Dim SmokeEntity As Entity = BallReturn.SpawnEntity(SmokePosition, SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1.0F) BallReturn.AnimationMove(SmokeEntity, True, SmokeDestination.X, SmokeDestination.Y, SmokeDestination.Z, SmokeSpeed, False, False, 0.0F, 0.0F) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(SmokeReturned) Loop While SmokeReturned <= 38 End If If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then ' Pokemon disappears BallReturn.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, False, 0, 1, 0) ' Ball returns BallReturn.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Throw", 1, 0) Dim BallReturnEntity As Entity = BallReturn.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0 + PositionOffsetY, 0), BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.CatchBall.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F) BallReturn.AnimationMove(BallReturnEntity, True, -2, 0 + PositionOffsetY, 0, 0.1, False, True, 1, 0,, 0.3) BattleScreen.AddToQuery(InsertIndex, BallReturn) End If Dim index As Integer = NewPokemonIndex If index <= -1 Then For i = 0 To Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 If Core.Player.Pokemons(i).Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted And Core.Player.Pokemons(i).IsEgg() = False Then index = i Exit For End If Next End If BattleScreen.OwnPokemonIndex = index If BattleScreen.ParticipatedPokemon.Contains(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonIndex) = False Then BattleScreen.ParticipatedPokemon.Add(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonIndex) End If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(index) Me.ApplyOwnBatonPass(BattleScreen) Dim ownShiny As String = "N" If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.IsShiny = True Then ownShiny = "S" End If Dim FallOffset = 0.0F Dim ownModel As String = BattleScreen.GetModelName(True) If ownModel = "" Then BattleScreen.AddToQuery(InsertIndex, New ToggleEntityQueryObject(True, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OwnPokemon, PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon), 0, 1, -1, -1)) Else BattleScreen.AddToQuery(InsertIndex, New ToggleEntityQueryObject(True, ownModel, 1, 0, -1, -1)) End If If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations = 0 OrElse BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = True Then ' Pokemon appears BattleScreen.AddToQuery(InsertIndex, New ToggleEntityQueryObject(True, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OwnPokemon, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Number.ToString(), True)) End If BattleScreen.AddToQuery(InsertIndex, New TextQueryObject("Go, " & BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!")) ' Ball is thrown Dim BallThrow As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonNPC, False) If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then BallThrow.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Throw", 0, 0) Dim BallThrowEntity As Entity = BallThrow.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(-2, CSng(-0.15 + PositionOffsetY), 0), BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.CatchBall.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F) BallThrow.AnimationMove(BallThrowEntity, True, 0, CSng(0.35 + PositionOffsetY), 0, 0.1, False, True, 0F, 0.5F,, -0.3, 0.025F) ' Ball Opens BallThrow.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Open", 3, 0) Dim SmokeSpawned As Integer = 0 Do Dim SmokeDestination = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10) + PositionOffsetY, CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10)) Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke") Dim SmokeScale = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(2, 6) / 10)) Dim SmokeSpeed = CSng(Random.Next(1, 3) / 20.0F) Dim SmokeEntity As Entity = BallThrow.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, PositionOffsetY, 0), SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1.0F, 3) BallThrow.AnimationMove(SmokeEntity, True, SmokeDestination.X, SmokeDestination.Y, SmokeDestination.Z, SmokeSpeed, False, False, 3.0F, 0.0F) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(SmokeSpawned) Loop While SmokeSpawned <= 38 End If Dim crySuffixOwn As String = PokemonForms.GetCrySuffix(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon) If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then ' Pokemon appears BallThrow.AnimationSetPosition(Nothing, False, 12, CSng(0.5), 13, 0, 0) BallThrow.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, True, 1, 3, 0) BallThrow.AnimationPlaySound(CStr(BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.Number), 4, 0,, True, crySuffixOwn) ' Pokémon falls down BallThrow.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, -0.5F + PositionOffsetY, 0, 0.05F, False, False, 5, 0,,,, 3) BattleScreen.AddToQuery(InsertIndex, BallThrow) End If End If With BattleScreen If .FieldEffects.UsedPokemon.Contains(NewPokemonIndex) = False Then .FieldEffects.UsedPokemon.Add(NewPokemonIndex) End If If Not .OwnPokemon.Item Is Nothing Then If .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "amulet coin" Or .OwnPokemon.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "luck incense" Then If .FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And .FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.AmuletCoin += 1 End If End If End If Dim p As Pokemon = .OwnPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = .OppPokemon Dim spikeAffected As Boolean = True Dim rockAffected As Boolean = True spikeAffected = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.IsGrounded(True, BattleScreen) 'Spikes If spikeAffected = True Then If .FieldEffects.OppSpikes > 0 And (p.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "magic guard" Or BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(True, BattleScreen, 1) = False) Then Dim spikeDamage As Double = 1D Select Case .FieldEffects.OppSpikes Case 1 spikeDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 12.5D Case 2 spikeDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 16.7D Case 3 spikeDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 25D End Select ReduceHP(CInt(spikeDamage), True, False, BattleScreen, "The Spikes hurt " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "spikes") End If End If 'Sticky Web If spikeAffected = True Then If .FieldEffects.OppStickyWeb > 0 Then LowerStat(True, True, BattleScreen, "Speed", 1, "Your pokemon was caught in a Sticky Web!", "stickyweb") End If End If 'Toxic Spikes If spikeAffected = True Then If .FieldEffects.OppToxicSpikes > 0 And p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None And p.Type1.Type <> Element.Types.Poison And p.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Poison Then Select Case .FieldEffects.OppToxicSpikes Case 1 InflictPoison(True, False, BattleScreen, False, "The Toxic Spikes hurt " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "toxicspikes") Case 2 InflictPoison(True, False, BattleScreen, True, "The Toxic Spikes hurt " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "toxicspikes") End Select End If If .FieldEffects.OppToxicSpikes > 0 Then If p.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Poison Or p.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Poison Then .AddToQuery(InsertIndex, New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " removed the Toxic Spikes!")) .FieldEffects.OppToxicSpikes = 0 End If End If End If 'Stealth Rock If rockAffected = True Then If .FieldEffects.OppStealthRock > 0 And (p.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "magic guard" Or BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(True, BattleScreen, 1) = False) Then Dim rocksDamage As Double = 1D Dim effectiveness As Single = BattleCalculation.ReverseTypeEffectiveness(Element.GetElementMultiplier(New Element(Element.Types.Rock), p.Type1)) * BattleCalculation.ReverseTypeEffectiveness(Element.GetElementMultiplier(New Element(Element.Types.Rock), p.Type2)) Select Case effectiveness Case 0.25F rocksDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 3.125D Case 0.5F rocksDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 6.25D Case 1.0F rocksDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 12.5D Case 2.0F rocksDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 25D Case 4.0F rocksDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 50D End Select ReduceHP(CInt(rocksDamage), True, False, BattleScreen, "The Stealth Rocks hurt " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "stealthrocks") End If End If TriggerAbilityEffect(BattleScreen, True) TriggerItemEffect(BattleScreen, True) If .OwnPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then .FieldEffects.OwnSleepTurns = Core.Random.Next(1, 4) End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnHealingWish = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnHealingWish = False If .OwnPokemon.HP < .OwnPokemon.MaxHP Or .OwnPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then GainHP(.OwnPokemon.MaxHP - .OwnPokemon.HP, True, True, BattleScreen, "The Healing Wish came true for " & .OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!", "move:healingwish") CureStatusProblem(True, True, BattleScreen, "", "move:healingwish") End If End If End With End Sub Public Sub SwitchOutOpp(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal index As Integer, Optional ByVal message As String = "") With BattleScreen 'Natural cure cures status problems If .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "natural cure" Then If .OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted And .OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s status problem got healed by Natural Cure")) End If End If 'Regenerator ability heals 1/3 of it's max HP If .OppPokemon.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "regenerator" Then If Not (.OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Or .OppPokemon.HP = 0) Then Dim restoreHP = CInt(.OppPokemon.MaxHP / 3) If restoreHP > 0 And .OppPokemon.HP < .OppPokemon.MaxHP And .OppPokemon.HP > 0 Then BattleScreen.Battle.GainHP(restoreHP, False, True, BattleScreen, .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "'s HP was restored!", "ability:regenerator") End If End If End If 'save baton pass stuff: If .FieldEffects.OppUsedBatonPass = True Then .FieldEffects.OppBatonPassStats = New List(Of Integer) With .OppPokemon BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBatonPassStats.AddRange({ .StatAttack, .StatDefense, .StatSpAttack, .StatSpDefense, .StatSpeed, .Evasion, .Accuracy}) End With .FieldEffects.OppBatonPassConfusion = .OppPokemon.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) = True End If 'Set the original objects of Pokemon .OppPokemon.ResetTemp() 'Remove volatiles .OppPokemon.ClearAllVolatiles() 'Resetting FieldEffects With .FieldEffects .OppSleepTurns = 0 .OppTruantRound = 0 .OppTaunt = 0 .OppSmacked = 0 .OppRageCounter = 0 .OppUproar = 0 If .OppUsedBatonPass = False Then .OppFocusEnergy = 0 .OppEndure = 0 .OppProtectCounter = 0 .OppDetectCounter = 0 .OppKingsShieldCounter = 0 .OppProtectMovesCount = 0 If .OppUsedBatonPass = False Then .OppIngrain = 0 If .OppUsedBatonPass = False Then .OppSubstitute = 0 If .OppUsedBatonPass = False Then .OppMagnetRise = 0 If .OppUsedBatonPass = False Then .OppAquaRing = 0 .OppPoisonCounter = 0 .OppNightmare = 0 If .OppUsedBatonPass = False Then .OppCurse = 0 .OppOutrage = 0 .OppThrash = 0 .OppPetalDance = 0 .OppEncore = 0 .OppEncoreMove = Nothing If .OppUsedBatonPass = False Then .OppEmbargo = 0 .OppYawn = 0 If .OppUsedBatonPass = False Then .OppPerishSongCount = 0 If .OppUsedBatonPass = False Then .OppConfusionTurns = 0 .OppTorment = 0 .OppTormentMove = Nothing .OppChoiceMove = Nothing .OppRecharge = 0 .OppRolloutCounter = 0 .OppIceBallCounter = 0 .OppDefenseCurl = 0 .OppCharge = 0 .OppSolarBeam = 0 .OppSolarBlade = 0 If .OppUsedBatonPass = False Then .OppLeechSeed = 0 If .OppUsedBatonPass = False Then .OppLockOn = 0 .OppLansatBerry = 0 .OppCustapBerry = 0 .OppTrappedCounter = 0 .OppFuryCutter = 0 .OppEchoedVoice = 0 .OppPokemonTurns = 0 .OppStockpileCount = 0 .OppDestinyBond = False .OppGastroAcid = False .OppTarShot = False .OppFlyCounter = 0 .OppDigCounter = 0 .OppBounceCounter = 0 .OppDiveCounter = 0 .OppShadowForceCounter = 0 .OppPhantomForceCounter = 0 .OppSkyDropCounter = 0 .OppGeomancyCounter = 0 .OppSkyAttackCounter = 0 .OppRazorWindCounter = 0 .OppSkullBashCounter = 0 .OppForesight = 0 .OppOdorSleuth = 0 .OppMiracleEye = 0 .OppWrap = 0 .OppWhirlpool = 0 .OppBind = 0 .OppClamp = 0 .OppFireSpin = 0 .OppMagmaStorm = 0 .OppSandTomb = 0 .OppInfestation = 0 .OppBideCounter = 0 .OppBideDamage = 0 .OppRoostUsed = False 'Own stuff that depends on opp pokemon presence .OwnTrappedCounter = 0 .OwnWrap = 0 .OwnWhirlpool = 0 .OwnBind = 0 .OwnClamp = 0 .OwnFireSpin = 0 .OwnMagmaStorm = 0 .OwnSandTomb = 0 .OwnInfestation = 0 If BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.HasVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Infatuation) Then BattleScreen.OwnPokemon.RemoveVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Infatuation) End If End With End With BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Ability.SwitchOut(BattleScreen.OppPokemon) If BattleScreen.IsTrainerBattle = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(True, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OppPokemon, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1)) EndBattle(EndBattleReasons.WinWild, BattleScreen, False) Else If BattleScreen.TrainerHasFightablePokemon() = True Then If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.HP <= 0 Or BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then GainEXP(BattleScreen) End If If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle And BattleScreen.OppFaint Then 'Next pokemon is selected by the opponent. Else SwitchInOpp(BattleScreen, False, index) End If Else GainEXP(BattleScreen) ChangeCameraAngle(1, False, BattleScreen) If message = "" Then message = BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & ": ""Come back, " & BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!""" End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(message)) If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim BallReturn As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, True) ' Ball Closes BallReturn.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Open", 0, 0) Dim SmokeReturned As Integer = 0 Do Dim SmokePosition = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10)) Dim SmokeDestination = New Vector3(0, 0, 0) Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke") Dim SmokeScale = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(2, 6) / 10)) Dim SmokeSpeed = CSng(Random.Next(1, 3) / 20.0F) Dim SmokeEntity = BallReturn.SpawnEntity(SmokePosition, SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1) BallReturn.AnimationMove(SmokeEntity, True, SmokeDestination.X, SmokeDestination.Y, SmokeDestination.Z, SmokeSpeed, False, False, 0.0F, 0.0F) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(SmokeReturned) Loop While SmokeReturned <= 38 ' Pokemon disappears BallReturn.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, False, 0, 1, 0) BallReturn.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, False, False, 2, 0,,,, 3) ' Ball returns BallReturn.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Throw", 1, 0) Dim BallReturnEntity = BallReturn.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0, 0), BattleScreen.OppPokemon.CatchBall.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F) BallReturn.AnimationMove(BallReturnEntity, True, -2, 0, 0, 0.1, False, True, 0F, 0F,, 0.3) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(BallReturn) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(True, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OppPokemon, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1)) End If EndBattle(EndBattleReasons.WinTrainer, BattleScreen, False) If BattleScreen.IsRemoteBattle = True Then EndBattle(EndBattleReasons.WinTrainer, BattleScreen, True) End If End If End If End Sub Public Sub ApplyOppBatonPass(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppUsedBatonPass = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppUsedBatonPass = False BattleScreen.OppPokemon.StatAttack = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBatonPassStats(0) BattleScreen.OppPokemon.StatDefense = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBatonPassStats(1) BattleScreen.OppPokemon.StatSpAttack = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBatonPassStats(2) BattleScreen.OppPokemon.StatSpDefense = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBatonPassStats(3) BattleScreen.OppPokemon.StatSpeed = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBatonPassStats(4) BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Evasion = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBatonPassStats(5) BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Accuracy = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBatonPassStats(6) If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBatonPassConfusion = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppBatonPassConfusion = False BattleScreen.OppPokemon.AddVolatileStatus(Pokemon.VolatileStatus.Confusion) End If End If End Sub Public Sub SwitchInOpp(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal FirstTime As Boolean, ByVal index As Integer) Dim AddSwitch As Boolean = False If FirstTime = False Then ChangeCameraAngle(1, False, BattleScreen) HasSwitchedInOpp = True BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & ": ""Come back, " & BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!""")) Dim PositionOffsetY As Single = 0.0F If BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Model IsNot Nothing Then PositionOffsetY = 0.5F End If If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then Dim BallReturn As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, True) ' Ball Closes BallReturn.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Open", 0, 0) Dim SmokeReturned As Integer = 0 Do Dim SmokePosition = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10) + PositionOffsetY, CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10)) Dim SmokeDestination = New Vector3(0, 0, 0) Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke") Dim SmokeScale = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(2, 6) / 10)) Dim SmokeSpeed = CSng(Random.Next(1, 3) / 20.0F) Dim SmokeEntity = BallReturn.SpawnEntity(SmokePosition, SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1) BallReturn.AnimationMove(SmokeEntity, True, SmokeDestination.X, SmokeDestination.Y, SmokeDestination.Z, SmokeSpeed, False, False, 0.0F, 0.0F) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(SmokeReturned) Loop While SmokeReturned <= 38 ' Pokemon disappears BallReturn.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, False, 0, 1, 0) BallReturn.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, False, False, 2, 0,,,, 3) ' Ball returns BallReturn.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Throw", 1, 0) Dim BallReturnEntity = BallReturn.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0, 0 + PositionOffsetY, 0), BattleScreen.OppPokemon.CatchBall.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F) BallReturn.AnimationMove(BallReturnEntity, True, -2, 0, 0 + PositionOffsetY, 0.1, False, True, 0F, 0F,, 0.3) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(BallReturn) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(True, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OppPokemon, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1)) End If BattleScreen.SendInNewTrainerPokemon(index) Me.ApplyOppBatonPass(BattleScreen) If BattleScreen.ParticipatedPokemon.Contains(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonIndex) = False Then BattleScreen.ParticipatedPokemon.Add(BattleScreen.OwnPokemonIndex) End If Dim oppShiny As String = "N" If BattleScreen.OppPokemon.IsShiny = True Then oppShiny = "S" End If Dim oppModel As String = BattleScreen.GetModelName(False) 'Switch BattleStyle If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnDigCounter = 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnFlyCounter = 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnDiveCounter = 0 Then If Core.Player.BattleStyle <> 1 AndAlso OppStep.StepType <> RoundConst.StepTypes.Switch AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then AddSwitch = True BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New SwitchPokemonQueryObject(BattleScreen, BattleScreen.OppPokemon)) BattleScreen.Battle.ChangeCameraAngle(1, False, BattleScreen) End If End If If oppModel = "" Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(True, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OppPokemon, PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(BattleScreen.OppPokemon), -1, -1, 0, 1)) Else BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(False, oppModel, -1, -1, 1, 0)) End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New ToggleEntityQueryObject(True, ToggleEntityQueryObject.BattleEntities.OppPokemon, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1)) If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations = 0 OrElse BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = True Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Number.ToString(), True)) End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & ": ""Go, " & BattleScreen.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!""")) Dim BallThrow As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC, False) BattleScreen.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Y = 0 + BattleScreen.BattleMapOffset.Y If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then ' Ball is thrown BallThrow.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Throw", 0, 0) Dim BallThrowEntity = BallThrow.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(2, -0.15, 0), BattleScreen.OppPokemon.CatchBall.Texture, New Vector3(0.3F), 1.0F) BallThrow.AnimationMove(BallThrowEntity, True, 0, 0.35, 0, 0.1, False, True, 0F, 0.5F,, 0.3, 0.025F) ' Ball opens BallThrow.AnimationPlaySound("Battle\Pokeball\Open", 3, 0) Dim SmokeSpawned As Integer = 0 Do Dim SmokePosition = New Vector3(0, 0.35, 0) Dim SmokeDestination = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10), CSng(Random.Next(-10, 10) / 10)) Dim SmokeTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Smoke") Dim SmokeScale = New Vector3(CSng(Random.Next(2, 6) / 10)) Dim SmokeSpeed = CSng(Random.Next(1, 3) / 20.0F) Dim SmokeEntity = BallThrow.SpawnEntity(SmokePosition, SmokeTexture, SmokeScale, 1, 3) BallThrow.AnimationMove(SmokeEntity, True, SmokeDestination.X, SmokeDestination.Y, SmokeDestination.Z, SmokeSpeed, False, False, 3.0F, 0.0F) Threading.Interlocked.Increment(SmokeSpawned) Loop While SmokeSpawned <= 38 Else BattleScreen.Battle.ChangeCameraAngle(1, False, BattleScreen) End If Dim crySuffixOpp As String = PokemonForms.GetCrySuffix(BattleScreen.OppPokemon) If Core.Player.ShowBattleAnimations <> 0 AndAlso BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False Then ' Pokemon appears BallThrow.AnimationFade(Nothing, False, 1, True, 1, 3, 0) BallThrow.AnimationPlaySound(CStr(BattleScreen.OppPokemon.Number), 4, 0,, True, crySuffixOpp) ' Pokémon falls down BallThrow.AnimationMove(Nothing, False, 0, -0.5F, 0, 0.05F, False, False, 5, 0) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(BallThrow) End If End If If AddSwitch = False Then With BattleScreen Dim p As Pokemon = .OppPokemon Dim op As Pokemon = .OwnPokemon Dim spikeAffected As Boolean = True Dim rockAffected As Boolean = True spikeAffected = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.IsGrounded(False, BattleScreen) If spikeAffected = True Then If .FieldEffects.OwnSpikes > 0 And p.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "magic guard" Then Dim spikeDamage As Double = 1D Select Case .FieldEffects.OwnSpikes Case 1 spikeDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 12.5D Case 2 spikeDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 16.7D Case 3 spikeDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 25D End Select ReduceHP(CInt(spikeDamage), False, True, BattleScreen, "The Spikes hurt " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "spikes") End If End If 'Sticky Web If spikeAffected = True Then If .FieldEffects.OwnStickyWeb > 0 Then LowerStat(False, False, BattleScreen, "Speed", 1, "The opposing pokemon was caught in a Sticky Web!", "stickyweb") End If End If If spikeAffected = True Then If .FieldEffects.OwnToxicSpikes > 0 And p.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.None And p.Type1.Type <> Element.Types.Poison And p.Type2.Type <> Element.Types.Poison Then Select Case .FieldEffects.OwnToxicSpikes Case 1 InflictPoison(False, True, BattleScreen, False, "The Toxic Spikes hurt " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "toxicspikes") Case 2 InflictPoison(False, True, BattleScreen, True, "The Toxic Spikes hurt " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "toxicspikes") End Select End If If .FieldEffects.OwnToxicSpikes > 0 Then If p.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Poison Or p.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Poison Then .BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(p.GetDisplayName() & " removed the Toxic Spikes!")) .FieldEffects.OwnToxicSpikes = 0 End If End If End If If rockAffected = True Then If .FieldEffects.OwnStealthRock > 0 And p.Ability.Name.ToLower() <> "magic guard" Then Dim rocksDamage As Double = 1D Dim effectiveness As Single = BattleCalculation.ReverseTypeEffectiveness(Element.GetElementMultiplier(New Element(Element.Types.Rock), p.Type1)) * BattleCalculation.ReverseTypeEffectiveness(Element.GetElementMultiplier(New Element(Element.Types.Rock), p.Type2)) Select Case effectiveness Case 0.25F rocksDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 3.125D Case 0.5F rocksDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 6.25D Case 1.0F rocksDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 12.5D Case 2.0F rocksDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 25D Case 4.0F rocksDamage = (p.MaxHP / 100) * 50D End Select ReduceHP(CInt(rocksDamage), False, True, BattleScreen, "The Stealth Rocks hurt " & p.GetDisplayName() & "!", "stealthrocks") End If End If TriggerAbilityEffect(BattleScreen, False) TriggerItemEffect(BattleScreen, False) If .OppPokemon.Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Sleep Then .FieldEffects.OppSleepTurns = Core.Random.Next(1, 4) End If If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppHealingWish = True Then BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppHealingWish = False If .OppPokemon.HP < .OppPokemon.MaxHP Or .OppPokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then GainHP(.OppPokemon.MaxHP - .OppPokemon.HP, False, False, BattleScreen, "The Healing Wish came true for " & .OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!", "move:healingwish") CureStatusProblem(False, False, BattleScreen, "", "move:healingwish") End If End If If Core.Player.BattleStyle = 1 OrElse BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = True Then BattleScreen.HasSwitchedOwn = False End If End With End If End Sub #End Region #Region "EndBattle" Enum EndBattleReasons WinWild LoseWild WinTrainer LoseTrainer WinPvP LosePvP End Enum Public Sub EndBattle(ByVal reason As EndBattleReasons, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal AddPVP As Boolean) BattleScreen.OwnFaint = False BattleScreen.OppFaint = False IsAfterFaint = False If AddPVP = True Then Select Case reason Case EndBattleReasons.WinTrainer 'Lost Dim q As New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(12, 0, 13), Screen.Camera.Position, 0.03F, 0.03F, (MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F), Screen.Camera.Yaw, 0.0F, Screen.Camera.Pitch, 0.02F, 0.02F) q.ApplyCurrentCamera = True BattleScreen.TempPVPBattleQuery.Add(BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Count - 5, q) BattleScreen.TempPVPBattleQuery.Add(BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Count - 4, New TextQueryObject("You lost the battle!")) BattleScreen.TempPVPBattleQuery.Add(BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Count - 3, New TextQueryObject("")) BattleScreen.TempPVPBattleQuery.Add(BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Count - 2, New TextQueryObject("")) BattleScreen.TempPVPBattleQuery.Add(BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Count - 1, New EndBattleQueryObject(True)) Case EndBattleReasons.LoseTrainer 'Won Dim q As New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(15, 0, 13), Screen.Camera.Position, 0.03F, 0.03F, -(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F), Screen.Camera.Yaw, 0.0F, Screen.Camera.Pitch, 0.02F, 0.02F) q.ApplyCurrentCamera = True BattleScreen.TempPVPBattleQuery.Add(BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Count - 3, q) BattleScreen.TempPVPBattleQuery.Add(BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Count - 2, New TextQueryObject("Pokémon Trainer " & Core.Player.Name & " was defeated!")) BattleScreen.TempPVPBattleQuery.Add(BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Count - 1, New EndBattleQueryObject(True)) End Select Else Select Case reason Case EndBattleReasons.WinWild Won = True Core.Player.AddPoints(1, "Won against wild Pokémon.") BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlayMusicQueryObject("wild_defeat")) ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) GainEXP(BattleScreen) If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnPayDayCounter > 0 Then Core.Player.Money += BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnPayDayCounter BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(Core.Player.Name & " picked up $" & BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnPayDayCounter & "!")) End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New EndBattleQueryObject(False)) Case EndBattleReasons.WinTrainer Won = True Core.Player.AddPoints(3, "Won against trainer.") Core.Player.Money += BattleScreen.GetTrainerMoney() BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlayMusicQueryObject(BattleScreen.Trainer.GetDefeatMusic())) Dim q As New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(15, 0, 13), Screen.Camera.Position, 0.03F, 0.03F, -(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F), Screen.Camera.Yaw, 0.0F, Screen.Camera.Pitch, 0.04F, 0.02F) q.ApplyCurrentCamera = True BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(q) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.Trainer.TrainerType & " " & BattleScreen.Trainer.Name & " was defeated!")) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(BattleScreen.Trainer.OutroMessage)) If BattleScreen.GetTrainerMoney() > 0 Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(Core.Player.Name & " got $" & BattleScreen.GetTrainerMoney() & "!")) End If BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New EndBattleQueryObject(False)) Case EndBattleReasons.LoseTrainer, EndBattleReasons.LoseWild Won = False Dim q As New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(12, 0, 13), Screen.Camera.Position, 0.03F, 0.03F, (MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F), Screen.Camera.Yaw, 0.0F, Screen.Camera.Pitch, 0.02F, 0.02F) q.ApplyCurrentCamera = True BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(q) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("You lost the battle!")) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New EndBattleQueryObject(True)) End Select End If End Sub Private Sub GainEXP(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) If BattleScreen.IsPVPBattle = False And BattleScreen.CanReceiveEXP = True Then Dim expPokemon As New List(Of Integer) For Each i As Integer In BattleScreen.ParticipatedPokemon If Core.Player.Pokemons(i).Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted And Core.Player.Pokemons(i).IsEgg() = False Then expPokemon.Add(i) End If Next For i = 0 To Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 If expPokemon.Contains(i) = False And Not Core.Player.Pokemons(i).Item Is Nothing AndAlso Core.Player.Pokemons(i).Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "exp. share" AndAlso Core.Player.Pokemons(i).Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted AndAlso Core.Player.Pokemons(i).IsEgg() = False Then expPokemon.Add(i) End If Next If expPokemon.Count > 0 Then Me.ChangeCameraAngle(1, True, BattleScreen) End If For i = 0 To expPokemon.Count - 1 Dim PokeIndex As Integer = expPokemon(i) If Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).Level < CInt(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("MaxLevel", "100")) Then Dim EXP As Integer = BattleCalculation.GainExp(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex), BattleScreen, expPokemon) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).GetDisplayName() & " gained " & EXP & " experience points.")) Dim originalLevel As Integer = Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).Level Dim moveLevel As Integer = originalLevel For e = 1 To EXP Dim oldStats() As Integer With Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex) oldStats = { .MaxHP, .Attack, .Defense, .SpAttack, .SpDefense, .Speed} End With Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).GetExperience(1, False) If moveLevel < Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).Level Then moveLevel = Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).Level Core.Player.AddPoints(CInt(Math.Sqrt(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).Level)).Clamp(1, 10), "Leveled up a Pokémon to level " & moveLevel.ToString() & ".") Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).ChangeFriendShip(Pokemon.FriendShipCauses.LevelUp) Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).hasLeveledUp = True BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\exp_max", False)) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).GetDisplayName() & " reached level " & moveLevel & "!")) BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New DisplayLevelUpQueryObject(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex), oldStats)) If Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).AttackLearns.ContainsKey(moveLevel) = True AndAlso Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).KnowsMove(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).AttackLearns(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).Level)) = False Then BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New LearnMovesQueryObject(Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex), Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).AttackLearns(moveLevel), BattleScreen)) End If End If Next End If Core.Player.Pokemons(PokeIndex).GainEffort(BattleScreen.OppPokemon) Next End If BattleScreen.ParticipatedPokemon.Clear() End Sub #End Region End Class End Namespace