version=2 :if:=Tuesday =Thursday =Saturday :if:=true #Contest done this week's Contest is~over. We hope you*will participate~in the future.) :end :endif #Bug catching contest is today:'s .~That means the*Bug-Catching Contest~is on today.*The rules are simple.*Using one of your~Pokémon, catch a*bug Pokémon to be~judged.*Would you like to~give it a try?),No) :when:Yes #Check for Pokemon in party: :if:>1 #Has more than 1 Pokemon in party, thus the script stops.*You have more than~one Pokémon.*You'll have to deposit~all but one Pokémon to~boxes on the PC.) :end :endif #Enter the contest (Remove all Sport Balls from bag, then add 20): @register.registertime(bugcontest_done,1,day) are the Sport~Balls for the~Contest.) @item.clearitem(177) @item.give(177,20) @item.messagegive(177,20) person who~gets the strongest bug~Pokémon is the winner.*If you run out of~Sport Balls, you're~done.*You may keep the~last Pokémon you~catch as your own.*Go out and catch~the strongest bug*Pokémon you can~find!) #make the player walk into the park + the wardens have to close the gate afterwards. @player.turnto(1) @player.move(2) @player.turnto(2) @player.move(1) @player.turnto(1) @player.move(2) @screen.fadeout @player.warp(nationalpark\contest.dat,35,0.1,16,0) @level.update @npc.warp(2,35,0,15) @npc.warp(3,35,0,18) @screen.fadein @player.move(1) @player.turnto(3) @npc.turn(2,2) @npc.turn(3,0) @npc.move(2,1) @npc.move(3,1) @npc.turn(2,1) @npc.turn(3,1) @script.start(nationalpark\unregister_NPCs) :when:No We hope you'll~take part in the~future.) :end :endwhen :else #Not the correct day. Pokémon can~only be seen in the Park.) :endif :end