Public Class ApricornPlant Inherits Entity Public Enum ApricornColors White = 0 Black = 1 Yellow = 6 Green = 5 Red = 4 Blue = 3 Pink = 2 End Enum Dim ApricornColor As ApricornColors = ApricornColors.White Dim hasApricorn As Boolean = True Public Overrides Sub Initialize() MyBase.Initialize() CreateWorldEveryFrame = True ApricornColor = GetApricornColor(CInt(AdditionalValue)) CheckHasApricorn() ChangeTexture() End Sub Private Sub ChangeTexture() Dim r As New Rectangle(16, 32, 16, 16) If hasApricorn = True Then Dim x As Integer = GetColorCode(ApricornColor) Dim y As Integer = 0 While x > 2 x -= 3 y += 1 End While r = New Rectangle(x * 16, y * 16, 16, 16) If ModelManager.ModelExist(Me.ModelPath & "_" & (y + x)) = True Then Me.Model = ModelManager.GetModel(Me.ModelPath & "_" & (y + x)) Me.NeedsUpdate = True ApplyEffect() End If End If Textures(0) = TextureManager.GetTexture("Apricorn", r) End Sub Private Sub CheckHasApricorn() If Core.Player.ApricornData = "" Then hasApricorn = True Else Dim ApricornsData As List(Of String) = Core.Player.ApricornData.SplitAtNewline().ToList() Dim hasRemoved As Boolean = False For i = 0 To ApricornsData.Count - 1 If i < ApricornsData.Count Then Dim Apricorn As String = ApricornsData(i) Apricorn = Apricorn.Remove(0, 1) Apricorn = Apricorn.Remove(Apricorn.Length - 1, 1) Dim ApricornData() As String = Apricorn.Split(CChar("|")) If ApricornData(0) = Screen.Level.LevelFile Then Dim PositionData() As String = ApricornData(1).Split(CChar(",")) If Position.X = CInt(PositionData(0)) And Position.Y = CInt(PositionData(1)) And Position.Z = CInt(PositionData(2)) Then Dim d() As String = ApricornData(2).Split(CChar(",")) Dim PickDate As Date = New Date(CInt(d(0)), CInt(d(1)), CInt(d(2)), CInt(d(3)), CInt(d(4)), CInt(d(5))) Dim diff As Integer = CInt((Date.Now - PickDate).TotalHours) Dim hasToDiff As Integer = 24 If P3D.World.CurrentSeason = P3D.World.Seasons.Winter Or P3D.World.CurrentSeason = P3D.World.Seasons.Fall Then hasToDiff = 12 End If If diff >= hasToDiff Then ApricornsData.RemoveAt(i) i -= 1 hasApricorn = True hasRemoved = True Else hasApricorn = False End If End If End If End If Next If hasRemoved = True Then Core.Player.ApricornData = "" For Each Apricorn As String In ApricornsData If Core.Player.ApricornData <> "" Then Core.Player.ApricornData &= Environment.NewLine End If Core.Player.ApricornData &= Apricorn Next End If End If End Sub Public Function GetApricornColor(ByVal ColorCode As Integer) As ApricornColors Return CType(ColorCode, ApricornColors) End Function Public Function GetColorCode(ByVal ApricornColor As ApricornColors) As Integer Return CType(ApricornColor, Integer) End Function Public Overrides Sub UpdateEntity() If Rotation.Y <> Screen.Camera.Yaw Then Rotation.Y = Screen.Camera.Yaw End If MyBase.UpdateEntity() End Sub Public Overrides Sub Render() If Me.Model Is Nothing Then Draw(BaseModel, Textures, False) Else UpdateModel() Draw(Me.BaseModel, Me.Textures, True, Me.Model) End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub ClickFunction() Dim text As String = "There are no apricorns~on this tree.*Better come back later..." If hasApricorn = True Then Dim Item As Item = GetItem() text = "There is a " & Item.OneLineName() & "~on this tree.*Do you want to pick it?%Yes|No%" End If Screen.TextBox.Show(text, {Me}) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End Sub Public Overrides Sub ResultFunction(Result As Integer) If Result = 0 Then Dim Item As Item = GetItem() Dim ItemID As String If Item.IsGameModeItem Then ItemID = Item.gmID Else ItemID = Item.ID.ToString End If Core.Player.Inventory.AddItem(ItemID, 1) PlayerStatistics.Track("[85]Apricorns picked", 1) SoundManager.PlaySound("Receive_Item", True) Screen.TextBox.TextColor = TextBox.PlayerColor Screen.TextBox.Show(Core.Player.Name & " picked the~" & Item.OneLineName() & ".*" & Core.Player.Inventory.GetMessageReceive(Item, 1), {Me}) AddApriconSave() hasApricorn = False ChangeTexture() End If End Sub Private Sub AddApriconSave() Dim s As String = "{" Dim d As Date = Date.Now s &= Screen.Level.LevelFile & "|" & CInt(Position.X) & "," & CInt(Position.Y) & "," & CInt(Position.Z) & "|" & d.Year & "," & d.Month & "," & d.Day & "," & d.Hour & "," & d.Minute & "," & d.Second & "}" If Core.Player.ApricornData <> "" Then Core.Player.ApricornData &= Environment.NewLine End If Core.Player.ApricornData &= s End Sub Private Function GetItem() As Item Dim ItemID As Integer = 0 Select Case ApricornColor Case ApricornColors.Red ItemID = 85 Case ApricornColors.Blue ItemID = 89 Case ApricornColors.Yellow ItemID = 92 Case ApricornColors.Green ItemID = 93 Case ApricornColors.White ItemID = 97 Case ApricornColors.Black ItemID = 99 Case ApricornColors.Pink ItemID = 101 End Select Return Item.GetItemByID(ItemID.ToString) End Function End Class