Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports GameDevCommon ''' ''' Controls the game's main workflow. ''' Public Class GameController Inherits Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game Implements IGame ''' ''' The current version of the game. ''' Public Const GAMEVERSION As String = "0.56" ''' ''' The number of released iterations of the game. ''' Public Const RELEASEVERSION As String = "96" ''' ''' The development stage the game is in. ''' Public Const GAMEDEVELOPMENTSTAGE As String = "Indev" ''' ''' The name of the game. ''' Public Const GAMENAME As String = "Pokémon 3D" ''' ''' The name of the developer that appears on the title screen. ''' Public Const DEVELOPER_NAME As String = "P3D Team" ''' ''' If the Debug Mode is active. ''' #If DEBUG Or DEBUGNOCONTENT Then Public Const IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE As Boolean = True #Else Public Const IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE As Boolean = False #End If ''' ''' If the game should set the GameJolt online version to the current online version. ''' Public Const UPDATEONLINEVERSION As Boolean = False Public Graphics As GraphicsDeviceManager Public FPSMonitor As FPSMonitor Private window_change As Boolean = False Public Shared UpdateChecked As Boolean = False Private _componentManager As ComponentManager Public Sub New() Me.window_change = False Graphics = New GraphicsDeviceManager(Me) Content.RootDirectory = "Content" Window.AllowUserResizing = True AddHandler Window.ClientSizeChanged, AddressOf Window_ClientSizeChanged 'Dim gameForm As Form = CType(Form.FromHandle(Window.Handle), Form) 'gameForm.MinimumSize = New System.Drawing.Size(600, 360) FPSMonitor = New FPSMonitor() GameHacked = System.IO.File.Exists(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.CurrentUserApplicationData & "\temp") If GameHacked = True Then Security.HackerAlerts.Activate() End If _componentManager = New ComponentManager() GameInstanceProvider.SetInstance(Me) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub Initialize() _componentManager.LoadComponents() Core.Initialize(Me) MyBase.Initialize() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub LoadContent() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub UnloadContent() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub Update(ByVal gameTime As GameTime) If Me.window_change Then SetWindowSize(New Vector2(Window.ClientBounds.Width, Window.ClientBounds.Height)) Me.window_change = Not Me.window_change End If Core.Update(gameTime) MyBase.Update(gameTime) GameJolt.SessionManager.Update() FPSMonitor.Update(gameTime) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal gameTime As GameTime) Core.Draw() MyBase.Draw(gameTime) FPSMonitor.DrawnFrame() End Sub Public Shared ReadOnly Property DecSeparator As String Get Return My.Application.Culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator End Get End Property Protected Overrides Sub OnExiting(sender As Object, args As System.EventArgs) GameJolt.SessionManager.Close() If Core.ServersManager.ServerConnection.Connected = True Then Core.ServersManager.ServerConnection.Abort() End If Logger.Debug("---Exit Game---") End Sub Protected Sub Window_ClientSizeChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Me.window_change = True Core.windowSize = New Rectangle(0, 0, Window.ClientBounds.Width, Window.ClientBounds.Height) If Not Core.CurrentScreen Is Nothing Then Core.CurrentScreen.SizeChanged() Screen.TextBox.PositionY = Core.windowSize.Height - 160.0F End If NetworkPlayer.ScreenRegionChanged() End Sub Private Sub DGame_Activated(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Activated NetworkPlayer.ScreenRegionChanged() End Sub Private Sub DGame_Deactivated(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Deactivated NetworkPlayer.ScreenRegionChanged() End Sub Public Function GetGame() As Game Implements IGame.GetGame Return Me End Function Public Function GetComponentManager() As ComponentManager Implements IGame.GetComponentManager Return _componentManager End Function Private Shared GameHacked As Boolean = False 'Temp value that stores if a hacking file was detected at game start. ''' ''' If the player hacked any instance of Pokémon3D at some point. ''' Public Shared ReadOnly Property Hacker() As Boolean Get Return GameHacked End Get End Property ''' ''' The path to the game folder. ''' Public Shared ReadOnly Property GamePath() As String Get Return My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath End Get End Property End Class