version=2 there, I am~the move reminder.~I can teach your Pokémon*any move it forgot.*I am searching for the~rare Heart Scales. I would~charge one of them to~teach a new move.~Do you want me to~let a Pokémon remember~a move?),No) :when:Yes :if:=0 :then am sorry but it looks~like you don't have~a Heart Scale...) :endscript :endif a Pokémon I~shall teach a new move.) :if:>-1 :then @screen.teachmoves() :if:=true :then @item.remove(190,1,0) over the Heart Scale.) :endif hope to see you~later again.) :endscript :else then, I will wait here.) :endscript :endif :when:No then, I will wait here.) :endwhen :end