version=2 :if:=true =false there!~So good to see you again!*I've been so bored lately,~we should totally have a~rematch!*Um, have you heard about~this new Battle Bar?*It's supposed to be like the~coolest place in town!*If you want I could be~there in the evenings.*Don't be late!) @register.register(WhitneyRematchTalk) @register.change(clubregisters,+1) :end :endif :if:=False =True @item.give(235,1) @register.register(whitneyTM) :endif :if:=True @player.AchieveEmblem(plain), that was a~good cry!*Come for a visit~again! Bye-bye!) :end :endif :if:=True*What? What do you~want? A badge?*Oh, right. I forgot.~Here's the Plain Badge.) @player.GetBadge(11) @player.AchieveEmblem(plain) Plain Badge lets~your Pokémon use~Strength and Ride~outside of battle.*It also boosts~your Pokémon's~Speed.) @register.register(plainbadge_obtain), you can have this, too!) @item.give(235,1) @item.messagegive(235,1)'s Attract!*It makes full use~of a Pokémon's charm.*Isn't it just perfect~for a cutie like me?) @register.register(whitneyTM) :end :endif @battle.starttrainer(goldenrod_gym\leader) :if:=False @register.register(defeat_whitney_1) @register.register(trainer_goldenrod_gym\001) @register.register(trainer_goldenrod_gym\002) @register.register(trainer_goldenrod_gym\003) @register.register(trainer_goldenrod_gym\004)!*Waaaaah!*...Snivel, hic...~...You meanie!) :endif :end