Imports GameDevCommon.Rendering Imports GameDevCommon.Rendering.Composers Imports GameDevCommon.Rendering.Texture Namespace Screens.MainMenu.Scene Public Class HoOh Inherits MainMenuEntity Private Shared _random As Random = New Random() Private _entities As List(Of MainMenuEntity) Private _textures As Texture2D() Private _textureIndex As Integer = 0 Private _animationDelay As Integer = 10 Public Sub New(entities As List(Of MainMenuEntity)) MyBase.New(New Vector3(0, -13, 1)) Rotation.Y = -0.2F _entities = entities End Sub Public Overrides Sub LoadContent() Dim t = TextureManager.LoadDirect("GUI\MainMenu\hooh.png") Dim colors = New Color(80 * 48 - 1) {} Dim textures = New List(Of Texture2D) For x = 0 To 4 t.GetData(0, New Rectangle(x * 80, 0, 80, 48), colors, 0, colors.Length) Dim tex = New Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 80, 48) tex.SetData(colors) textures.Add(tex) Next _textures = textures.ToArray() Texture = _textures(_textureIndex) MyBase.LoadContent() End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() _animationDelay -= 1 If _animationDelay = 0 Then _animationDelay = 8 _textureIndex += 1 If _textureIndex = _textures.Length Then _textureIndex = 0 End If Texture = _textures(_textureIndex) For i = 0 To _random.Next(1, 4) Dim particle = New HoOhParticle(Position + New Vector3(6, GetParticleY() * 10, 0) + New Vector3(_random.Next(-3, 4), _random.Next(-3, 4), 0), _random.Next(0, 4)) particle.LoadContent() _entities.Add(particle) Next End If CreateWorld() MyBase.Update() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub CreateGeometry() Dim vertices = RectangleComposer.Create(37, 22) VertexTransformer.Rotate(vertices, New Vector3(MathHelper.PiOver2, 0, 0)) Geometry.AddVertices(vertices) End Sub Private Function GetParticleY() As Integer Select Case _textureIndex Case 0 Return 1 Case 1 Return 0 Case 2 Return -1 Case 3 Return 1 Case 4 Return 1 End Select Return 0 End Function End Class End Namespace