Namespace ScriptVersion2
Partial Class ScriptComparer
#Region "DefaultReturn"
''' Represents the default void return, if the contruct could not return anything else.
Public Class DefaultNullObj
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return "return:void" ' Just return "void" when this gets used as string to indicate that this type got returned.
End Function
End Class
Private Shared ReadOnly _defaultNull As DefaultNullObj = New DefaultNullObj()
Public Shared ReadOnly Property DefaultNull() As DefaultNullObj
Return _defaultNull
End Get
End Property
#End Region
Structure PairValue
Dim Command As String
Dim Argument As String
End Structure
''' Evaluates a script comparison between two expressions.
''' The string containing the expression to compare.
Public Shared Function EvaluateScriptComparison(ByVal inputString As String) As Boolean
Return EvaluateScriptComparison(inputString, False)
End Function
''' Evaluates a script comparison between two expressions.
''' The string containing the expression to compare.
''' If the case of the strings should be evaluated.
Public Shared Function EvaluateScriptComparison(ByVal inputString As String, ByVal caseSensitive As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim comparer As String = "="
Dim level As Integer = 0
Dim setComparer As String = ""
Dim lastComparer As String = ""
Dim comparerIndex As Integer = inputString.IndexOf("=")
Dim lastComparerIndex As Integer = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim countStarts As Integer = 0
For Each c As Char In inputString
Select Case c
Case CChar("<")
countStarts += 1
Case CChar(">")
countStarts -= 1
End Select
If countStarts < 0 Then
setComparer = ">"
ElseIf countStarts > 0 Then
setComparer = "<"
setComparer = "="
End If
If setComparer = ">" Then
For Each c As Char In inputString
Select Case c
Case CChar("<")
level += 1
Case CChar(">")
level -= 1
If level = -1 Then
comparerIndex = i
Exit For
End If
End Select
i += 1
ElseIf setComparer = "<" Then
Dim started As New List(Of Integer)
For Each c As Char In inputString
Select Case c
Case CChar("<")
Case CChar(">")
started.RemoveAt(started.Count - 1)
End Select
i += 1
comparerIndex = started(0)
End If
If setComparer <> "" Then
comparer = setComparer
comparerIndex = inputString.IndexOf("=")
End If
Dim compareValue As Object = inputString.Substring(comparerIndex + 1)
Dim classValue As String = inputString.Substring(0, comparerIndex)
Dim resultValue As Object = EvaluateConstruct(classValue)
compareValue = EvaluateConstruct(compareValue)
Dim comparisonResult As Boolean = False
Select Case comparer
Case "="
If caseSensitive = True Or TryCast(resultValue, String) = Nothing Or TryCast(compareValue, String) = Nothing Then
If resultValue.Equals(compareValue) Then
comparisonResult = True
End If
If ScriptConversion.IsBoolean(CStr(resultValue)) = True And ScriptConversion.IsBoolean(CStr(compareValue)) = True Then
If ScriptConversion.ToBoolean(resultValue) = ScriptConversion.ToBoolean(compareValue) Then
comparisonResult = True
End If
If CStr(resultValue).ToLower() = CStr(compareValue).ToLower() Then
comparisonResult = True
End If
End If
End If
Case ">"
If StringHelper.IsNumeric(resultValue) And StringHelper.IsNumeric(compareValue) Then
If dbl(resultValue) > dbl(compareValue) Then
comparisonResult = True
End If
End If
Case "<"
If StringHelper.IsNumeric(resultValue) And StringHelper.IsNumeric(compareValue) Then
If dbl(resultValue) < dbl(compareValue) Then
comparisonResult = True
End If
End If
End Select
Return comparisonResult
End Function
''' Evaluates a complete construct.
''' The complete construct. Example: <mainclass.subclass(argument)>.
''' If a <not> is put directly in front of the construct, the result will be negated.
Public Shared Function EvaluateConstruct(ByVal construct As Object) As Object
If TryCast(construct, String) <> Nothing Then
If CStr(construct) = "" Then
Return ""
End If
Dim output As String = ""
Dim input As String = construct.ToString()
Dim foundNOT As Boolean = False
While input.Length > 0
Dim c As Char = input(0)
Dim endIndex As Integer = 0
If c = "<" Then
Dim level As Integer = 0
input = input.Remove(0, 1)
For i = 0 To input.Length - 1
If input(i) = "<" Then
level += 1
End If
If input(i) = ">" Then
If level > 0 Then
level -= 1
endIndex = i
Exit For
End If
End If
Dim arg As String = input.Substring(0, endIndex)
input = input.Remove(0, endIndex + 1)
Dim classValue As String = CStr(arg)
If classValue.StartsWith("not ") = True Then
classValue = classValue.Remove(0, 4)
foundNOT = True
End If
Dim mainClass As String = classValue.Remove(classValue.IndexOf("."))
Dim subClass As String = classValue.Remove(0, classValue.IndexOf(".") + 1)
Dim resultValue As Object = GetConstructReturnValue(mainClass, subClass)
If resultValue.Equals(DefaultNull) Then
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, String.Format("No value was returned from a construct. mainclass: {0}; subclass: {1}", mainClass, subClass))
resultValue = arg
End If
If foundNOT = True Then
Dim bools() As String = {"false", "true"}
If bools.Contains(resultValue.ToString().ToLower()) = True Then
Select Case resultValue.ToString().ToLower()
Case "false"
resultValue = "true"
Case "true"
resultValue = "false"
End Select
End If
End If
foundNOT = False
input = resultValue.ToString() & input
output &= input(0)
input = input.Remove(0, 1)
End If
End While
Return output
End If
Return construct
End Function
''' Returns a SubClass and Argument as Pair.
''' The string to deconstruct. Example: command(argument)
Public Shared Function GetSubClassArgumentPair(ByVal inputString As String) As PairValue
Dim p As New PairValue
Dim command As String = inputString
Dim argument As String = ""
If command.Contains("(") = True And command.EndsWith(")") = True Then
argument = command.Remove(0, command.IndexOf("(") + 1)
argument = argument.Remove(argument.Length - 1, 1)
command = command.Remove(command.IndexOf("("))
End If
argument = CStr(EvaluateConstruct(argument))
p.Command = command
p.Argument = argument
Return p
End Function
''' Returns a result for a construct.
''' The main class of the contruct.
''' The sub class of the construct.
Private Shared Function GetConstructReturnValue(ByVal mainClass As String, ByVal subClass As String) As Object
Select Case mainClass.ToLower()
Case "pokemon"
Return DoPokemon(subClass)
Case "overworldpokemon"
Return DoOverworldPokemon(subClass)
Case "player"
Return DoPlayer(subClass)
Case "environment"
Return DoEnvironment(subClass)
Case "register"
Return DoRegister(subClass)
Case "system"
Return DoSystem(subClass)
Case "npc"
Return DoNPC(subClass)
Case "inventory"
Return DoInventory(subClass)
Case "storage"
Return DoStorage(subClass)
Case "phone"
Return DoPhone(subClass)
Case "entity"
Return DoEntity(subClass)
Case "level"
Return DoLevel(subClass)
Case "battle"
Return DoBattle(subClass)
Case "daycare"
Return DoDaycare(subClass)
Case "rival"
Return DoRival(subClass)
Case "math"
Return DoMath(subClass)
Case "pokedex"
Return DoPokedex(subClass)
Case "radio"
Return DoRadio(subClass)
Case "camera"
Return DoCamera(subClass)
Case "filesystem"
Return DoFileSystem(subClass)
Case "screen"
Return DoScreen(subClass)
End Select
Return DefaultNull
End Function
''' Returns a string for a boolean.
''' The boolean to convert.
Public Shared Function ReturnBoolean(ByVal bool As Boolean) As String
If bool = True Then
Return "true"
Return "false"
End If
End Function
' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' //
' // Shortens the ScriptConversion methods to shorter names.
' //
' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Private Shared Function int(ByVal expression As Object) As Integer
Return ScriptConversion.ToInteger(expression)
End Function
Private Shared Function sng(ByVal expression As Object) As Double
Return ScriptConversion.ToSingle(expression)
End Function
Private Shared Function dbl(ByVal expression As Object) As Double
Return ScriptConversion.ToDouble(expression)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace