version=2, it's you!*We were raising your~Pokémon, and my goodness,~we were surprised!*Your Pokémon was holding~an Egg!*We don't know how it~got there, but your~Pokémon had it.*You do want it,~don't you?),No) :when:Yes :if:<6 :then received~the Egg from the~Day-Care Girl.) @daycare.takeegg(1) take good~care of it!) :else have no room~right now.*Come back when you've~made room.) :endif :when:No will take it and~never, ever give it back.~You do want this Egg,~don't you?),No) :when:Yes :if:<6 :then received~the Egg from the~Day-Care Girl.) @daycare.takeegg(1) take good~care of it!) :else have no room~right now.*Come back when you've~made room.) :endif :when:No boy! Thank you!) @daycare.removeegg(1) :endwhen :endwhen :end