version=2 :if:=calling :then @Text.Show(Pokégear:~Calling..............) :else @Text.Show(Pokégear: PokéManiac Brent~Receiving call.......) :endif :if:=true :then @Text.Show(Hello, .*Have you found~anymore rare pokemon?*I want to see them.*Lets battle again*I will be waiting~on Route 43.) :else :if:=monday,morning =false :then @Text.Show(Hello, .*Have you found~anymore rare pokemon?*I want to see them.*Lets battle again*I will be waiting~on Route 43.) @Register.register(phone_reg_028) :else @Text.Show(Hey, .*I am kinda sad~right now.*I haven't seen~any rare~Pokémon recently.*Maybe you have?*If you do come~show me please.*Hope to see~you soon.*Bye.) :endif :endif :end